Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 183 Everyone's Concern

Chapter 183 Everyone's Concern

[Sister Chi Yu finally replied, so I’m relieved. Fortunately, she’s fine. 】

[Sister Chi Yu must be frightened. Maybe the director will consider giving her two days off. 】

[Yes, if I encounter what happened today, I will definitely have to wait for a few days. 】

Seeing that everyone was scrolling, Chi Yu didn't reply. Instead, she stared at Gu Yuan who came in and asked, "You're done, do you want to take a shower? Can I help you?"

Gu Yuan was not only injured on his head, but also had a scratch on his right arm.

Chi Yu was afraid that his wound would be exposed to water, so she offered to help him.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Yuan stopped walking in. He looked at Chi Yu, his brown eyes shining brightly.

"Will you wash it together and help me wash it by the way?"

Seeing the malicious smile on her face, Chi Yu knew what the fox was thinking.

She reminded: "If you are injured, you should calm down for a while. The doctor told you to be careful not to let the wound collapse, otherwise you will need stitches."

Stitches would leave scars, and Chi Yu didn't want to leave any marks on his handsome face.

Gu Yuan didn't give her a chance to struggle, and stepped forward to carry her into the bathroom.

Chi Yu was really afraid of him, so she could only obey him.

In the bathroom, under the dim light, two black shadows were reflected on the finely patterned gauze glass.

The water flowing down from her head was muddied. Chi Yu supported the wall with one hand and looked back at Gu Yuan. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, his face was reddish, and the mist shrouded her. Chi Yu's voice was a little breathy: "Be careful, I'm tired. Come back." Room."

Gu Yuan grabbed her back, hugged her waist and the moment their skin touched each other, he roared, and then kissed Chi Yu delicately on her back.

Afraid of disturbing her wound, Chi Yu could only hold on.

When she went to sleep, she realized that it was already 02:30 in the morning.

She looked at the person who was sleeping on her side and smiled helplessly, wondering whether it was she or she who was injured.

She said she was helping him take a bath, but in the end, he was the one washing herself.

After a dreamless night, Chi Yu woke up drowsily. When she walked to the bathroom, she realized that the corners of her eyes in the mirror were red and bloodshot.

She was upset that she shouldn't have worked so late yesterday and she had to film today.

She sighed and reached for the water glass. She felt her feet slipping. When she lowered her head, she saw messy clothes on the ground.

Clothes were thrown everywhere, hanging on the sink, on the floor, and there was even white turbidity on the frosted glass.

The scene from last night flashed through her mind unconsciously, and she closed her eyes, feeling a little embarrassed.

Gu Yuan came in at this time and stood behind him, blocking Chi Yu with his whole body, his eyes narrowed and his head pressed against her neck.

Noticing blood oozing from the gauze at the corner of his eyes, Chi Yu became nervous: "Your wounds have collapsed. Didn't you notice last night?"

Gu Yuan closed his eyes and didn't care: "It's okay, just go to the health center and change it later."

Seeing his wound, Chi Yu didn't waste any time. After hurriedly washing up, she took him to the health center for bandage.

The nurse who bandaged him today was the same as the one yesterday. When he saw his wound collapsed, the nurse reminded him: "Your wound is not serious, but it is not serious, but you can't mess with it. Until then, it’s better to keep your married life to a minimum.”

Chi Yu immediately blushed.

Fortunately, this nurse is not a girl in her 20s, otherwise she would be even more embarrassed.

Gu Yuan unexpectedly replied to the nurse: "Does this have anything to do with it? My wound is on my head."

The nurse is in her 30s, has a family, and has a seven or eight-year-old child.

She is also someone who has been through this age, so she naturally knows that young people are passionate and strong.

She reminded tactfully: "It's not relevant. It's just that if the action is too intense, the wound will still open."

"Then I'll be careful." Gu Yuan replied seriously.

The nurse secretly laughed, and Chi Yu didn't dare to look at her anymore.

After taking care of the wound, Chi Yu took Gu Yuan back to the hotel to let him rest before heading to the crew.

In order to facilitate someone to take care of Gu Yuan, Chi Yu left Lin Hetao, his enemy, in the hotel.As soon as she arrived on the set, she was surrounded by people from the set.

Even though I had explained my injury in the group yesterday, many people still came to ask.

Of course, it is unknown how much Chi Yu is sincere among them.

Extremely annoyed, Chi Yu went to find the director.

In addition to the shooting studio, the place where Li Muyang is located is the director's lounge.

These two places are the quietest places on the set.

The air pressure is low where the director is, so the actors naturally don't want to be around.

Li Muyang was organizing the staff to set up the work. When he saw her coming in, he asked about yesterday's situation.

"As you can see, he suffered some minor injuries, but Gu Yuan's injuries were relatively serious. He is still recovering in the hotel."

Li Muyang responded calmly, and then took Chi Yu to rest.

Although Chi Yu's injury was not serious, it was still covered with gauze, and the injuries inside could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, which made people think.

Therefore, everyone thought that Chi Yu was seriously injured.

Li Muyang thought so too, so he deliberately pulled him to sit down.

"Didn't I say I would give you half a day off today? Why are you here now?"

"Gu Yuan needs to rest, and I don't want to delay the crew's filming."

As the heroine, she has more roles and scenes than other actors.

If she stops here for half a day, she may be delayed here for an extra day.

The original expectation of March may not be completed in four months.

Other actors also have limited schedules and may have other activities after three months.

Understanding what she meant, Li Muyang patted her shoulder: "Okay, then the plan will remain unchanged and the filming will be carried out according to the previous plan."

When the news of Chi Yu's return to the crew spread, most people said it didn't matter, but Lin Nana felt it was a pity.

She viciously wondered why Chi Yu didn't just die in the wolf's mouth yesterday.

She thought resentfully, and couldn't help but look at Chi Yu with a sinister look.

Li Muyang looked at Lin Nana in the camera and reminded: "Lin Nana, where are you looking? Hurry up and get on the horse."

This reminder brought Lin Nana back to her senses.

Looking at the horse in front of her that was two heads taller than her, she nervously climbed on the saddle.

After practicing for a day, she finally learned to mount the horse under the coach's complaints.

But she doesn't know how to ride a horse yet.

Li Muyang didn't give her a chance, and he couldn't just rush the film and shoot it directly because she delayed it any longer.

The movements of others mounting their horses were smooth and smooth.

When the camera caught Lin Nana, she moved clumsily and had a ferocious expression when she went up. The word fear was barely written on her face.

"Ka! Ka! Lin Nana, what are you playing? Your character is a warrior of the fox tribe. If you even ride a horse like this, is it a joke for the audience to see you, or a joke for me as the director?"

This reshoot.

The other actors can only cooperate.

One shot got stuck seven or eight times.

The actors around were anxious.

"What's going on with Lin Nana? So many times in one shot?"

"It's just that I saw the marketing online before. His acting skills are good, but I don't know where his face comes from for his work."

(End of this chapter)

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