Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 193: When did you confess your love?

Chapter 193: When did you confess your love?

Gu Yuan asked: "Everyone is here, where are you going to interview?"

Chi Yu raised her head and asked him in a low voice: "Do you know what they want to interview?"

"You know, isn't it about donations?"

Because there was no suitable interview location nearby, we had to arrange the interview in the crew's lounge.

Gu Yuan and Chi Yu sat on the leather sofa, while the reporter sat on the side chair next to them.

The reporter held a microphone in his hand and asked: "We received a call from the local principal Wang, saying that you and your wife donated 3 million yuan in supplies. Yesterday, they were shipped to the primary school and middle school in Shakeng Village. Some of the supplies were also sent to We arrived at the home of a local villager.”

"To thank you, he specially invited us to come over and report on it for you. I wonder if you have anything to say to the local villagers and children?"

Chi Yu glanced at Gu Yuan and asked him who would speak.

Gu Yuan took the conversation with ease and answered questions so fluently that the reporter was almost confused by the question.

After a brief interview, the reporter switched the scene to Principal Wang and several children sitting on one side, "May I ask what our Principal Wang and these lovely children would like to say to the donor uncles and aunties?"

At this time, Gu Yuan also noticed Wu Jun sitting next to Principal Wang. He was sitting quietly next to him, but his constantly wandering eyes and twitching corners of his mouth exposed his intellectual problems.

Principal Wang spoke as a representative of the village, and his voice was full of excitement and enthusiasm.

The content should have been drafted in advance, but perhaps because of facing the camera, Principal Wang was a little too excited and nervous, and got stuck at the end.

There are more than 3000 words of gratitude. The principal can draft it in one night. It is not easy to memorize it.

Feeling his sincerity, the host asked him to calm down.

Chi Yu also smiled: "We, as a couple, have already felt your sincerity. We are not nervous. You are making us both a little nervous."

"Then I'm not nervous." Principal Wang smiled innocently, and his tense nerves relaxed.

After chatting about more than ten questions about donations, Chi Yu thought the interview was almost over.

Unexpectedly, the reporter followed the previous topic and asked a new topic.

"Since you have asked this, I would like to ask you how you have maintained the passion and affection between you and your wife after you have been married for three years."

The topic asked by the host is something that many fans want to ask.

Obviously this topic is a bit off topic at this point.

Chi Yu was at a loss for a moment. He and Gu Yuan had agreed to a fake marriage before, so there was no need to maintain passion and affection.

They clearly developed a relationship slowly after agreeing to have a fake marriage.

Just when she didn't know how to answer, Gu Yuan said: "There is no need to maintain, because I like and love her enough, and I am disgusted with the word maintain. Since I love her, why do I need to maintain? I just I really want to treat her and be with her."

Gu Yuan's eyes were firm and he did not dodge in front of the camera.

The reporters, the photographers on the side, and the crew watching the interview recording couldn't help but scream in their hearts.

This was their usually cold and arrogant Mr. Gu, and he actually said such loving words.

These words directly overturned the image of Gu Yuan in their hearts at the moment, and their overlord turned into an innocent boy.

Chi Yu was also surprised by what he said, but thinking about it, Gu Yuan had indeed been infinitely kind to him since the marriage agreement, without asking for anything in return.The reporter smiled knowingly and asked Chi Yu: "So Chi Yu, what do you think of this issue?"

Chi Yu said: "Our relationship is deep and we really don't need to maintain it. I am filming 365 days a year, probably nearly half of the year."

The host asked again: "Then what do you think of the fake marriages rumored by the outside world?"

After all, Gu Yuan and Chi Yu had an agreement to get married. Many of their interactions at that time were revealed by attentive fans that the two were barely doing business. For this reason, there were still many rumors on the Internet claiming that the two were fake.

Even this has been a long time ago.

Chi Yu didn't expect that this reporter would ask this question.

She was hesitating about how to explain, but Gu Yuan answered before him: "There is no such thing as fake marriage circulated on the Internet. I have liked my wife since I was a child."

"I remember seeing her in a garden. She was playing and laughing happily. I fell in love with her at just one glance."

Hearing this, Chi Yu turned around sharply. There was no need for Gu Yuan to lie about this issue, right?
Why didn't she hear that Gu Yuan liked her when he was a child?
The reporter asked at this time: "Does Chi Yu still remember what happened when she was a child?"

She didn't even know about this, so how could she remember it? She could only say: "Ah Yuan never told me, and I don't know either."

Gu Yuan laughed softly: "You were wearing a blue dress with flying sleeves and playing with watering spouts in the garden. It must have been the first time you met me."

He said that Chi Yu still had some vague memories.

I just remember that it was the first time I saw Hu Mei talking to Gu Yuan, and she called him brother in a babyish voice.

However, Chi Yu still didn't believe that Gu Yuan liked her when he was a child, and she only regarded what he said in the interview as mixed truth and falsehood.

But the people around him didn't know it, and they all took it seriously.

Several young actors in the crew looked at the two of them enviously.

"Then the relationship between Mr. Gu and Chi Yu is great. They have known each other since childhood and got married when they grew up. That is indeed reasonable."

"The relationship between childhood sweethearts, isn't that too romantic?"

"When I think of this, I think of a few people from the same village when I was a child. Now that I have grown up, I have no contact with them."

"My employer would come all the way from Beijing to our remote place in the mountains. It turns out that he has liked Sister Chi Yu since he was a child. Ah! Ah! Wasn't Mr. Gu just having a secret love before confessing his love?"

People around him couldn't believe that the dignified billionaire CEO actually had a crush on someone else.

After all, according to his conditions, successive women can go directly from this row to the capital city.

The reporter seemed to be struck by the sweetness of the relationship between the two, showing a smug smile.

"No wonder you two have such a good relationship. It turns out you have liked each other since you were young. Then when did you, Mr. Gu, confess that you were together?"

Cold sweat broke out on Chi Yu's forehead again. Really, why did this reporter ask so many questions, and they were still asking about irrelevant topics.

Just when she racked her brains and couldn't come up with any reason, Gu Yuan added: "I confessed my love a long time ago, but someone didn't see it at the time, so I missed it. If we trace the truth about when we got together, That’s a long time coming.”

Chi Yu was confused again, although the mixed truth and falsehood of these words made her a little confused as to which of what he said was true or false.

(End of this chapter)

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