Chapter 196 Reluctance

Li Muyang lost his patience when he saw that they were not talking and just standing there.

Li Muyang said sternly: "Do you know the rules of the crew?"

The two of them stopped talking, and the crew's rules were all agreed upon.

Fighting and insults are not allowed within the crew and will be severely punished if discovered.

"Director, she was the one who hit me first, and I didn't scold her just now. If you don't believe it, you can ask the people around you to prove it to me, saying that she already hit me, so I can't fight back? "

Hearing this, Li Muyang looked at Lin Nana: "What she said is true. Did you do it first?"

Everyone looked at Lin Nana and couldn't lie, so she could only lower her head and remain silent.

Li Muyang knew what was going on, and finally decided: "Since you started this matter first, most of the responsibility lies with you. According to the rules of the crew, ten percent of the salary will be deducted."

The crew has a variety of punishment rules. Among them, for new actors and actors who are short of money, deduction of pay is the most severe blow to them.

Sure enough, Lin Nana became anxious when she heard that [-]% of the film's remuneration would be deducted.

"Director, is this punishment a bit too harsh?"

"Heavy? You forgot the crew rules. If you hadn't hurt your face just now, I would have replaced you right now."

The director's words made Lin Nana shut up immediately.

She has officially announced her role as Li in "The Beauty" on her social account. Now that the director has replaced her, firstly, it will affect his future work development, and secondly, netizens can dig out the inside story of this matter through speculation. .

It's not a good thing for her to go back and forth, so compared to the latter, it is acceptable to deduct [-]% of the salary.

Hearing that Lin Nana had been severely punished, Qin Bibi felt proud and openly smiled proudly at him.

Li Muyang has always been clear about rewards and punishments. After punishing Lin Nana, he looked at Qin Bibi: "Although you did not do this, you deliberately provoked it, so you have to be punished, up to [-]% of the film's salary."

Qin Bibi groaned, obviously unwilling.

She only wanted to teach Lin Nana a lesson, but she didn't expect to involve herself in it. She had a lot of hair pulled out, and her arms and back were bruised and bruised. In the end, she had to be punished.

Li Muyang didn't give him any chance to refute, and continued: "Don't think it's unfair. The fine will be invested in the filming. I won't steal any of this money."

Now the two of them were speechless.

However, this matter has not been completely settled. The story of the two fighting on the set was widely reported that day.

Everyone was watching someone else's joke, even Chi Yu knew it.

Fang Zishu laughed at the two for shooting himself in the foot.

When Qin Bibi bent down to follow Lin Nana, she kept talking about Chi Yu behind her back. Fang Zishu naturally didn't like her either and directly classified the two of them as the same person.

After hearing the news, Fang Zishu looked indignant and said a lot of words mocking Lin Nana and the two.

Chi Yu was absent-minded.

In the evening, as soon as he got home, Gu Yuan greeted him: "Why did you come back so late today?"

The filming of the trick part was difficult, and I stayed up until 11pm today.

Chi Yu was so tired that she flopped down on the sofa and weakly explained today's situation.

At the same time, she also discovered the packed suitcase in the living room.

"Are you going back to the capital tomorrow?" Chi Yu felt an inexplicable sense of loss. Although she wanted Gu Yuan to go back, she always felt empty inside when she really thought about him leaving tomorrow.

Gu Yuan had been here with him for 12 days, and he should have returned to Beijing to handle the company's affairs. She rationally told herself that he had to go back, but she felt a little disappointed when she thought that the room would be empty after Gu Yuan left.At noon, Gu Yuan told her: "The flight will be at noon tomorrow. We will have breakfast in the morning and He Tao will leave."

Shakeng Village is remote and the local county is relatively backward. There is no airport built.

Therefore, when you rush to the airport, you have to take a taxi to the city center to get on the plane.

"Okay, then when you get there, call me or send me a message."

Chi Yu never tried to persuade her to stay.

"Well, then you won't be reluctant to leave me?"

Gu Yuan rubbed his slender white neck, and the thin hair rubbed against his skin. Chi Yu pushed him away and smiled: "What's the point of being reluctant to leave? This period is the Qingming Festival, and I will return to the capital then. "

"But that will still take another month."

"We can only wait."

Gu Yuan sighed and said seriously: "From now on, I will ask the company to pick up scripts for you, and try to be as close to Beijing as possible. Otherwise, it will take several months after you join the team, and you won't be able to see each other for more than half a year."

Chi Yu found that as her relationship with Gu Yuan heated up recently, she became more and more clingy, and her domineering aura completely disappeared in front of her, but she still acted decently in front of others.

Seeing Gu Yuan approaching again, she did not refuse this time. Feeling the big hands rubbing her waist, she teased: "Do you miss me? Why don't I feel the same?"

The hot air from Gu Yuan's nose hit his neck. He stood up, half-kneeling on the sofa and stared down at Chi Yu's eyes. The corners of his eyes were red and his breath was a little unsteady.

"I miss you all."

After answering, he grabbed Chi Yu's warm and pointed chin and kissed her.

Chi Yu heard a clanging noise from the kitchen early in the morning.

Before she could regain her consciousness, she opened her eyes suddenly and rushed to the kitchen to see Gu Yuan standing in front of the stove, fussing around.

"What are you doing?"

I, Chi Yu, was startled. When I stepped forward, I saw that there were fried eggs in the pot.

Gu Yuan looked embarrassed: "I'll make breakfast for you."

"I know our Mr. Gu can't cook, but his cooking skills are too bad."

Chi Yu looked at the fried egg and shook her head. The egg white on the outer ring had been fried to black, but the yolk inside was not yet cooked.

Moreover, the oil in the pot kept splashing, and Gu Yuan was so frightened that he was one meter away from the stove. He relied on the length of his hand to turn the eggs.

"My cooking skills are a bit poor, but I should be able to eat it." Gu Yuan looked at her and asked.

Chi Yu saw a rare hint of caution in his eyes, indicating that he was not sure whether the egg could be eaten.

"Why do you think of cooking?" Chi Yu said with a smile and took the tool from his hand.

I saw her picking up the pot neatly, putting it aside and turning over the eggs in the pot.

"I'll be leaving soon, and I thought I'd make you a breakfast."

When he was in City C, he had a nanny at home and went to restaurants outside. Gu Yuan could be said to be completely untouched, and Chi Yu was just as good as a cat.

Only in places like Shakeng Village do you need to support yourself, otherwise you have to go to restaurants in the local village to eat.

It's not that the restaurant isn't delicious, it's just that the dishes here are just the same. After half a month of eating, Gu Yuan can't stand it.

(End of this chapter)

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