Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 73 He cares more about your chapter

Chapter 73 He cares more about your words

It gets dark very early in Luobei. Before five o'clock, the snowy world outside is dyed with a faint layer of dark blue, which is a warning of the coming night.

There was only one lamp lit in Chi Yu's room, and the script was spread out on the table nearby, but she couldn't read a word of it.

There was a knock on the door, and Chi Yu quickly rushed to open the door.

Xiaoya took off her thick scarf, exhaled a breath of white mist, looked at Chi Yu's eager eyes, and nodded slightly.

"There are four people in total. One of the two who was seriously injured is a local driver and is now out of danger. The two who were slightly injured are fine now."

While taking off the heavy coat, Xiaoya reported the situation.

After Chi Yu gave the order, Xiaoya and Xiaofei quietly went to the hospital in Luobei, and sure enough they found several people who had been involved in the car accident.

"I asked Brother Fei to pretend to be frostbitten, and then I sneaked in, and happened to bump into two of them who were slightly injured."

"They were very wary at first, so I had the idea to make up a story about an illegitimate car chase and pretend it was my own experience. They immediately started chatting."

The matter was very close to Chi Yu's guess. With her hands on her knees, Chi Yu leaned a little closer and motioned for Xiaoya to continue talking.

"I used to chase celebrities. I knew they had contact stations in private and would sometimes exchange information with each other. So I lied and claimed that I bought the information from an exchange group and followed the car here."

"It turned out that they were far crazier than I thought! Someone on the website secretly obtained Chen Linyuan's personal information and found out his latest flight and train schedule. They followed Chen Linyuan from the moment he got on the plane!"

A chilling feeling crawled across Chi Yu's back, and she couldn't help but think of the same experience she had had before.

"On the way to the crew from the train station, their car skidded on a winding road and rushed into a ravine. It was snowing hard again. They were trapped in the car for more than 40 hours before they were discovered. What a fate!"

Xiaoya's tone was vicious, and after a moment she hurriedly took out the voice recorder from her coat pocket and handed it to Chi Yu.

"Is everything recorded?" Chi Yu lovingly touched the top of Xiaoya's hair, which was slightly wet from the snow.

"Yes! On the way back, I already formatted it and sent it to Sister Fang and Lawyer Chen."

"Well done." Chi Yu forced out a gratified smile and held Xiaoya's cold hand, "Thank you for your hard work, Xiaoya."

After wiping her damp hair, Xiaoya stared at Chi Yu's face that was still astonishing even without makeup, and her mind was thinking about funny things.

"Don't worry, Sister Chi, Sister Fang will handle it well!"

"After we get it done, how about we go to Luobei Snow Village for a day?"

Xiaoya's face turned red from the cold, and her fingertips were cold. Xuxu grabbed Chi Yu's fingers like a child acting coquettishly.

There was no gold in these words, but Chi Yu felt that she was really comforted. She nodded and raised the corners of her lips, "Okay."

The key evidence has been obtained, and the rest is left to Lawyer Chen and Fang Zishu.


"The company and the media have already said hello, so Lawyer Chen doesn't need to worry too much."

Fang Zishu pushed the tea cup forward and folded his hands in confusion.

It's a lie to say he's not worried. Chen Linyuan ran so far without saying a word. If something happens, his brother should come and hold him accountable.

Glancing at Chen Jiangyuan's face, Fang Zishu was nervous, but he didn't know what to say to ease it.Chen Jiangyuan was as calm as ever. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. It was the sweet jasmine snow that soothed the heart and spleen. Just smelling this aroma at this moment made people feel much calmer.

"I know about Lin Yuan going to Luobei."

After saying a few words, it was Fang Zishu's turn to be stunned for a while.

"What do you mean..." After swallowing, his dry throat finally managed to utter a few syllables. Fang Zishu tried hard to digest this sentence.

"There was some dispute some time ago. I stopped his credit card. This guy secretly sold his precious motorcycle in order to go to Luobei."

Chen Jiangyuan's eyes darkened, recalling that when Chen Linyuan got his first performance fee, he excitedly picked up the motorcycle that he had tried several times.

This hobby was niche and dangerous. He was busy with performances. Chen Lin had only ridden it a few times before quitting the group and preparing to study abroad. He carefully hid the brand-new motorcycle in the garage and arranged for regular visits to oil and maintain it. .

Fang Zishu vaguely knew that he was a money-burning treasure, but he didn't expect him to risk such a huge amount of money just to go to Luobei.

"My friend happened to see his car and reminded me. I checked his credit card and found out that he had bought a ticket to fly to Luobei."

Everything happened after that.

Fang Zishu lowered his head, and after a while he looked into Chen Jiangyuan's eyes and asked, "Do you know what he wants to do in Luobei?"

Luobei is a niche seasonal tourist city with bad weather and backward economy. Chi Yu recently went there with the crew to film a movie, but Chen Linyuan and Chi Yu are not that close, right?

Chen Jiangyuan was startled, then chuckled mockingly, took out his phone, flipped through it, and handed it to Fang Zishu, who was confused.

"I think he doesn't care what I ask him to do, but he cares more about what you say."

Fang Zishu looked at the photo on the phone screen. Chen Jiangyuan's words passed through his ears, so naturally he didn't hear the deep meaning in those words.

In the photo, Chen Linyuan is wearing a hat and looking at a stack of documents in a freezing world of ice and snow, with a very focused and serious look on his face.

The camera zoomed out, and it seemed that it was taken from a car window in the distance. Fang Zishu couldn't recognize the people who happened to pass by in the photo, but there was a RV exposed in the corner behind Chen Linyuan, and the large poster on the RV was vaguely visible. You can make out the word "Snowfield" on it.

Recall that Chi Yu complained a little on the phone before, saying that some actors now have no spirit of contract and do not plan to come before the filming starts.

"He went to audition alone?" Fang Zishu said with difficulty, his eyebrows filled with disbelief, "This guy, why didn't you tell me about such a thing..."

"I guess I'll tell you after I've accomplished what I want to do."

Chen Jiangyuan took the phone and came to a conclusion.

"Although this kid Linyuan is impulsive, he has a good heart. I think he might not have thought of something like this happening, so we shouldn't blame him too much."

Fang Zishu on the side was silently staring at somewhere on the table, as if there was a projector in her mind, helping her recall the magical experience of this day.

She remembered most of the details vividly, but the inexplicable phone call with Chen Linyuan was forgotten deep in her memory. No matter how she searched, she could not find a complete sentence to explain what she said to him at that time.

After a long while, his eyes were a little sore and painful in his trance. Fang Zishu withdrew his gaze and tucked the messy hair hanging on his cheeks behind his ears with both hands. He tried to stabilize his mind before speaking.

"The top priority is to handle this matter well. There are all kinds of comments on the Internet. We have to turn the wind to our side and minimize the negative impact."

(End of this chapter)

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