Chapter 96 Ashtray

As the lights come on, Max's business on the second floor is still booming.

Tang Mofan has been busy dealing with fire inspections and expanding the bar these days. A few days ago, he was asked by Gu Yuan to investigate the Windsor matter, and some not so clean methods were used. All parties took care of it, and it can be said that he was very busy.

After finally getting some free time, he called Lin Hetao over.

These days, he no longer thinks about Chongliang doing so-called serious business. Ever since he was scolded by Gu Yuan and Lin Hetao because he wanted to profit from the Xiushui land, he has understood a truth, that is, the messy push-pull game in the business world. It's not like him, a free-spirited person like him, who can play with things.

Even if Max's business is so prosperous, if it weren't for Gu Yuan's investment and support, and the businessmen in Beijing are also thinking about their old man's face, I am afraid that it would not be able to continue operating long ago.

Even though Tang Mofan was so confused, he was still good at one thing and listened to his advice.

Although there was one less person in the private room at the corner of the top floor than usual, the activity inside was a bit more lively than usual.

Without the boss like Gu Yuan sitting in charge, Tang Mofan was of course much more relaxed. Normally, Gu Yuan frowned and just crossed his legs casually, but he could only shut up and pretend to be good, although he was already jealous of this bitch in his heart. I did it eight hundred times, but the next time I couldn't help but look at the big brother's face, as if it had formed a muscle memory.

At this moment, Gu Yuan was not around, so Tang Mofan made a show of putting out high-end red wine sent by a boss who often visited him, and even stacked a few boxes of cigars, showing off his corrupt attitude.

As soon as Lin Hetao came in, what he saw was Tang Mofan lazily and proudly with his legs on the table. He paused, adjusted his coat, and then sat down on the sofa opposite Tang Mofan in a reserved and indifferent manner. .

"You tell me, you have learned bad things from Gu Yuan!" Tang Mofan spat hard when he looked at Lin Hetao, a business elite who looked exactly like Gu Yuan, and couldn't help but think of his time in school.

Rather than saying they are "bad students", it is better to say that the two of them have the same chemistry. Gu Yuan and Lin Hetao were the two people who were least likely to deal with each other when they were in college. Perhaps it was due to the natural magnetic field between the top students and the top students that they were tit-for-tat. He has an indifferent face that has nothing to do with him, the kind who can say three words but never use an idiom.

It was just a simulated business war after the first semester that seemed to make the two of them see the sparkle in each other. From that time on, Gu Yuan and Lin Hetao, together with Tang Mofan, a peacemaker who was forced to send a fake diploma,... , the three became best friends.

Fortunately, he had a big heart. Gu Yuan and Lin Hetao had become close friends since then, and they seemed to be somewhat of soul mates. However, Tang Mofan didn't pay much attention to the two people's frequent aggression against him, and he became the wonderful person of this friendship. of flavoring.

However, the friendship between the three people was ultimately more than that of a man who couldn't compete in business and speak foreign languages. Tang Mofan curled his lips and silently picked up a cigar.

"Gu Yuan, this old boy, we have promised for two days that we will stay in Luobei and never come back!" He was obviously happy that Gu Yuan was not here, but when they started chatting, Tang Mofan still never left Gu Yuan, and treated him like this The behavior of running after his wife is very disgraceful.

Lin Hetao still agreed with Tang Mofan on this point, just like a single brother would always express his feelings to the only one who has a lovely wife. He was indeed a little jealous of Gu Yuan now. He took the red wine glass and touched it lightly. "He will always come back. The company can't do without him at the end of the year."

Not only company affairs, but also business cocktail parties at the end of the year are held one after another. Although Gu Yuan doesn't like this kind of occasion, he will participate in it symbolically every year so as not to follow the truth.

And I don’t know if he thinks too much. Lin Hetao always feels that Langyue Entertainment is not peaceful recently. It will be listed next year. The company’s audits are coming one after another. He always feels that he is prepared and must find out something. Only then was he willing to give up.

When the streets and lanes are full of joy and peace, for the business community, it is also a moment of rough and dangerous waves.

Tang Mofan high-fived Lin Hetao from the air and smiled a little as if he was indifferent to Gu Yuan's madness. However, after a moment he thought of something and became more serious. He glanced at Lin Hetao who was swaying red wine and tentatively spoke. "Old Lin, aren't you going to go back to City C for the Chinese New Year this year?"

Tang Mofan, who was leisurely shaking the wine glass with his body free, suddenly paused, and Tang Mofan quickly shut up.

The originally pleasant atmosphere suddenly became strangely stiff. Lin Hetao relaxed at first and asked lightly, "What's going on in City C?"

Tang Mofan leaned forward and recounted what he had heard these days.

"Two months ago, an official in City C was sacked, and many people were involved, including you...the Lin family."

"It is said that he received a lot of benefits when he was in office. The new one and the one who was dismissed were a little bit frivolous. They killed the chicken to scare the monkeys. They withdrew several municipal-related projects of the Lin family. The money invested is now frozen. It is a dilemma."

Tang Mofan rubbed his nose a little coquettishly, "Actually... The Lin family and I have asked about you. After all, your father and my brother-in-law have some friendship, but I was cautious and didn't tell them everything. I still want to ask first. did you mean."

"Old Lin, how do you plan to deal with your family affairs?"

After saying this, Lin Hetao did not answer.

The burning cigar was leaning against the clear amethyst ashtray, and the wisps of smoke exuded a certain alluring fragrance, but Lin Hetao was not used to this smell, so he took out a box of black Davidoff from his pocket.

Pull it out, light it, and the spicy taste fills your mouth. After it dissipates, a faint bitterness remains. It is the only cigarette he has loved since college.

He held the slow-burning cigarette between his long fingers, and the scarlet fire was extinguished with the action of smoking. Lin Hetao's eye circles were not sure if they were smoked by the misty smoke, and the ends of his eyes were slightly red. After a long time, he said, " Thanks, Old Tang."

Tang Mofan kept saying "Hey, why are you talking about this!", scolding himself for being quick-tongued, but also worried about Lin Hetao's uncharacteristic behavior.

After all, when the Lin family was mentioned in the past, he would directly avoid or reject the topic. What does this mean today?
After the cigarette burned out, and the slight warmth brought by the flames was felt in the joints, Lin Hetao simply snuffed it out.

In the expensive and exquisite amethyst, only the butts and black and white ashes of the inexpensive cigarette are burned, which is a bit out of place.

"Then you plan to..."

"I don't have any plans. Now that I've found you, I might as well make it clear."

Lin Hetao's tone was a little indifferent, and the voice of the dragonfly dripping water brought some indescribable sadness, which disappeared with the last wisp of smoke in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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