Lost Princess Royal Love

The first issue of 2 words]

"No, I don't agree." Leng Ze refused without even thinking about it, "We can change to another hospital, tell His Majesty the King and Yajie's grandfather, let them find a doctor, there will always be hope, it doesn't have to be Let them take Yajie away." There are so many ways, why choose only one way?

"No! Do you want to watch the royal family make a fool of yourself? This is not just a matter of one country. Have you never thought about what the public opinion outside will say! There was a lot of trouble because the princess was replaced when she was young, It finally calmed down, and now there is news about the princess losing her memory and mental decline, don't you know how to think about Lan Guo!" Lan Ziye lost his temper for the first time regardless of his image, "I'm Yajie's real brother, it's not easy I found my biological sister, am I willing to watch her become like this? Do I want her to be taken away! I am the heir of Lan Guo, not just Yajie's elder brother, I have to think about Lan Guo, as for my father I will talk to my grandfather, I think my father will agree."

Yu Lie stood aside and watched Leng Zeming calm down because of Lan Ziye's words, and stepped forward, "I think you also know the pros and cons of the matter, I'm going to take Zhizun away now." Yu Lie didn't call Ya Jie The name clearly stated his position. If he didn't let him take Yajie away, it wouldn't just be a matter of violating the royal family's wishes, it would be against 'Yan'.

As a result, Leng Zeming seemed to have not recovered and was still thinking about the problem just now. Yu Lie approached the hospital bed and wanted to take Yajie away, but as soon as he stretched out his arm, Leng Zeming blocked it with his body.

"No! I don't agree! No one is allowed to take her away!" Leng Zeming's eyes were a little red, of course he knew, of course he knew that all of this was for the good of Yajie, and it was also for the sake of the blue country's royal family that once again fell into public opinion. It's just that he really can't let Yajie be taken away.Even if he was punished by the royal family, he didn't care anymore, as long as he could keep Yajie, he would do anything.

"Leng Zeming! Think clearly that this matter has nothing to do with you! Do you want to disobey my order! Do you want to fight against the royal family?!" Lan Ziye called Leng Zeming's full name for the first time, and the two of them grew up together. The relationship between them is the best, not only the relationship of growing up together but because the two of them are so similar, and their personalities and ways of doing things are very similar.Normally, he would never use his identity to order them to do anything, but they still abide by the way of getting along between monarchs and ministers, especially when there are other people around.But now, he had to use his identity to suppress him.

Seeing the two people talking back and forth, Yu Ling was too lazy to listen, and went to Yu Lie's side and said to Leng Zeming, "Give way, we're going to take away the Supreme." She really didn't want to hang around listening to Leng Zeming Go on, Yajie will be taken away by them anyway.

"Impossible, as long as I'm here, you don't want to take Yajie away!" Leng Zeming protected Yajie behind her, preventing Yu Ling from taking a step closer.

"Get out of the way!" Yu Ling pushed Leng Zeming aside, leaving time and space for Yu Lie to take Yajie away.Leng Zeming still dodged at first, not wanting to fight Yu Ling, but when he saw Yu Lie approaching Ya Jie, he couldn't help but fight back!

At this time, Nangong Shang and others ran in from the door. They heard the sound of fighting just as they walked to the door, and they felt something was wrong and rushed in.

"What's going on!" Always ask what happened before you start!

Seeing a helper coming, Leng Zeming felt more relieved, "Stop Yu Lie quickly! He's going to take Yajie away!" While Leng Zeming resisted Yu Ling's attack, he let Nangong Shang and the others stop Yu Lie everywhere.

Seeing someone coming to stop them from taking Yajie away, Yu Ling tried his best to hit Leng Zeming so that he could help Yu Lie take Yajie away quickly.

Hearing Leng Zeming say that Yu Ling and Yu Lie were going to take Yajie away, they wondered why. Just now they received a text message from Leng Zeming asking them to rush over. They came here without even having time to ask for leave, but why? ? !Looking at Lan Ziye who was standing silently at the side, they figured out the reason.

It's just... this is what Lan Ziye meant, so they violated it, okay?

Fortunately, Leng Zeming's skills are good and he can parry Yu Ling's attack. It can be seen that Nangong Shang and the others are a little worried. Seeing that Yu Lie is going to take Yajie away, he has no choice but to shout out, "Don't you want to Did they take Yajie away! If they take away, they may not see her!"

After hearing this, they also had to help.In fact, they don't want Yajie to be taken away. Although they have been tortured very painfully these days, they are also very happy, especially the few of them have changed a lot, especially Leng Zeming... They also want to see Leng Ze Ming looks happy every day, but they still struggle with whether they should help.

Seeing someone coming, Yu Lie didn't pick up Yajie for the time being, and turned around to look at them. He, who has always been a keen observer, naturally saw their concerns.

"Are you going to go against Lan Ziye's intention? Your Highness?"

Everyone looked at Leng Zeming with an anxious face, and then at Lan Ziye with a dark face, conflicted.

"Do you really want to see Dao Yajie taken away? Even if you don't help me, even if I'm the only one, I won't let them take Yajie away." Leng Zeming's tone was full of disappointment, even despair .

He really didn't expect... these good brothers of his would not help him.

Everyone looked at Leng Zeming with an anxious and disappointed look on his face, looked at each other, gritted their teeth and walked over. Two people helped Leng Zeming, and a few others came to stop Yu Lie.Of course they knew the strength of these two people, they must be similar to those two people who fought with them in school before.

Yu Lie looked at the few people standing around him, and secretly smiled in his heart, as expected.Fortunately, he had thought of such a scene before coming and was prepared.

Because Yu Lie didn't make a move, it's not good for them to take the initiative to fight. Several people are so stalemate, Yu Lie doesn't seem to worry about Yu Ling at all, the three of them fight with Yu Ling alone, no matter what, they are at a disadvantage.

Seeing Yu Lie standing there calmly, Yu Ling became angry, "Hey! You just watch me fight with three people?!" But it's okay to come to help and still watch there, although she can handle it now.

Others saw that Yu Ling was fighting with three people and still had time to talk to Yu Lie, so it can be seen that they are indeed very powerful. Didn't the man and woman fight against the four of them before without any injuries?

After all, they were still thinking that Yu Ling was a girl who didn't use all her strength. If she used her full strength, Yu Ling would definitely not have the time to talk to Yu Lie.But Leng Zeming was different, he had put all his energy into trying to stop them from taking Yajie away, so he struck harder, and Yu Ling was hit on the shoulder without paying attention.

Such a mistake caused Yu Ling to suffer so much that he was hit a few more times.Yu Ling's eyes became serious. Although the ward was not small, it was definitely not as spacious as the outside, and there were so many people in the room. She stood there like a wooden figure to block the attacks of three people!Are you making trouble? ? "Hurry up and take the Supreme away!" Don't watch the excitement!Yu Ling said loudly to Yu Lie.

Upon hearing that the two were going to take Yajie away, Nangong Shang looked at Yu Lie, "I don't believe that eight people can't stop the two of you." No matter how powerful they are, they can't stop a group of people like them.What's more, they still have to bring Yajie with them.Not only to deal with them but also to prevent Yajie from getting hurt.

"Who said there were only two people?" The sound of kicking at the door stunned the unknowing people in the room. Yu Xun Yuhan, who had previously fought with Cai Mingyan and others, stood there and looked at them.

Looking at Yu Xun Yuhan who suddenly appeared, Nangong Shang looked angrily, "Did you plan it?" Now that there are four of them, although there are eight of them, they can't beat a few of them. Last time Cai Mingyan He was beaten badly.

"Otherwise, do you think there are only two of us here to take away Supreme?" Yu Xun looked at Nangong Shang with an idiot look on his face.

"What's the matter, it's okay for the eight of us to entangle the four of you, don't try to take Yajie away!" Leng Zeming was in a hurry, he didn't expect these two people to come too.I thought about the relationship between them before, but I haven't seen them in the past few days, and I thought they had no contact.It seems that he guessed wrong, but now he can only try to stop them and prevent them from taking Yajie away.

Yu Ling, who was standing next to Yu Xun, raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, and in an instant, 6 people stood up behind them, "This time, you can't help it." Do they really think there are only four of them?How can it be.

Looking at this group of people, Leng Zeming lost his mind and bit his lips, "You don't want to take Yajie away!" He could only do his best.

"Yu Lie, stop talking nonsense with him, and take the Supreme!" As soon as the voice fell, Yu Xun and Yu Han had already rushed in, and blocked the few people in front of Yu Lie with a sway, the other people did not come in, the room was too small , it would be troublesome to go out after entering, not to mention that Yu Lie had to take Yajie away.

"Don't try to take her away!" Leng Zeming got out from Yu Ling and stood in front of Yu Lie, grabbing Ya Jie's arm with one hand.

Yajie was held in the arms of Yu Lie in the form of a princess, and now Leng Zeming grabbed Yajie's arm, which is really difficult.Yu Xun came from the side and stretched out his hand to open Leng Zeming's arm. Just as Yu Xun started to come over, the two people who came in from the door blocked Cai Mingyan, Gu Yinyi and Cheng Lixuan.Although their kung fu is not as powerful as the four of Yuhan, they still have information when two people fight three people.

Yu Han and two of his subordinates forced Cai Mingyan, Cheng Lixuan, Gu Yinyi and Nan Gongshang from the house to the door, and the four people outside immediately surrounded Cai Mingyan with Yu Han.

Yuhan looked at Cai Mingyan, "What a coincidence, it's you again. It looks like you haven't had a long memory yet."

Hearing what Yu Han said, Cai Mingyan's face darkened and she didn't say a word.He knew that he couldn't beat her, not to mention there were six other people here. They must be quite skilled.

"You guys just don't let the four of them go in to make trouble." The implication is to hit whatever you want, as long as you don't let them delay things.

"Yes!" The 6 people said in unison, and the moment Yu Han turned back to the ward, several of them raised their hands.It happened that only Yajie lived here on the 15th floor, there was no one else they could call with confidence.

At this time, Xuan Xiye, Xiao Xunchen, and Ren Yifeng were standing in front of Yu Ling in the room. This time they were serious. Only Leng Zeming and the others were not using their full strength just now.

After all, Yu Ling and Yu Lie didn't want to take Yajie away just now, and the place is very small, if they can't use it, it will inevitably hurt others. Now that they have gone out four times, they don't care about most of the places in the room.Moreover, among the few of them, Xiao Xunchen hadn't recovered well and was somewhat powerless.It can only rely on the two of them.

Yu Ling let out a sigh of relief, that Leng Zeming is no longer on her side, that person is a lunatic, and now the three people in front of her are not that powerful compared to Leng Zeming, so she is much easier to deal with, um... ...It's just that she doesn't want to fight three by herself, let Yuhan come over and help.

So when Xiao Xunchen punched him, Yu Ling deliberately didn't dodge and was hit.Coincidentally, this scene was seen by Yu Han who had just entered the door. Yu Han looked at Yu Lie who was hugging the supreme being, and then at Yu Xun who was blocking Leng Zeming.I still chose to help Yu Ling, Yu Xun can still handle it now.

Leng Zeming's style of play has no rules, all he wants to quickly knock down Yu Xun to stop Yu Lie, it's not like she didn't see that Yu Ling's move just now was intentional, but rather than helping Yu Xun, it's better to kill the three of them first. Let's put it down personally.Those people outside don't have to worry about her at all.

"I thought you couldn't come and help me!" Yu Ling complained to her when she saw that Yu Han had thought for a while before coming.

"Be serious." Yu Han dodged Xuan Xiye's attack, turned around and kicked Yu Ling and said, "Don't think I didn't see that you did it on purpose just now. This means that Yu Lie didn't see it, otherwise he must be angry again Don't do this next time." Yu Lie doesn't look at him coldly, but he actually cares about her very much. Before seeing Yu Ling fighting four people alone, he didn't come to help, because he knew that Yu Ling could deal with it. And after being punched, I will definitely be more careful.

"=3=What, you saw it." Yu Ling blocked Xuan Xiye's hand and complained in a low voice, and then said, "Yuhan, don't tell him, otherwise he will definitely not take me out on vacation .”

The three people facing the two of them have black lines on their heads. They are so desperate that the two of them still have the time to talk. Are they really inferior to them?Not as good as two women.

"Then you knock them down, I'm going to help Yu Xun!" After he blocked Ren Yifeng's kick and punched him back, Yu Han left to help Yu Xun.

"Hmph, you just dumped me alone, you know you're bullying me." Seeing Yu Han leaving and leaving her alone, Yu Ling pouted and complained, then sighed and said helplessly, "Okay, then I'll be more serious. Let’s make a quick decision.” Sure enough, it’s better to ask for others than to ask for yourself.

- -!What does it mean to be serious? Didn't you take it seriously just now?Hello!Do you want to do this.

Sure enough, the three of Xuan Xiye hadn't responded yet, Yu Ling stepped on the edge of the bed and jumped up, kicking Xuan Xiye's shoulders a few times, the strength was not too strong but it was enough for them to bear it.Yu Ling lightly landed on the ground and looked at the three people who had been kicked back a few steps by him, and said provocatively, "Are the three still coming? I haven't officially started yet."

Hearing these words made the three of them very angry. The three of them fought against a girl, but the point was that they still couldn't beat her. It would be too embarrassing to say it.

In fact, I don't blame the three of them. Although they have been trained since childhood, they are the heirs of the family after all, so it is impossible to train too much.They are not like the formal training Yu Xun and Yu Han received, they survived after many years of training in a group of people.They have seen too much life and death, and they are somewhat numb.Therefore, under normal circumstances, unless there is an order, the goal is to complete the task with the goal of surviving.

So, if Yu Ling really got serious, they would have been injured and fell to the ground long ago. How could it be so easy like now, just kicked a few times instead of broken ribs.

"Okay, since you're serious, we won't be able to release the water, let you know that the sky is high and the earth is thick! Let you know that women shouldn't come out and force themselves." They saw that Yu Ling was a woman just now, although they tried their best, they didn't exhaust it. full strength.Now a girl said that, if they don't give her some color, will they go out to meet people?

"Okay, come on." She really wished for it. In fact, she is the most powerful among the four of them, and Yu Lie is behind her, followed by Yu Xun and Yu Han.It's just that she doesn't like to be serious, not only she doesn't like her cold and murderous look, but Yu Lie doesn't like it either. Yu Lie said that girls are hurting, how can there be a few like her who rush up when they have something to do? , more excited than him.He didn't look like a girl at all, which made him feel a little frustrated.So I generally behave as the weakest one and let others protect me. "I haven't been serious for a long time. Let's start then."

Yu Ling tilted his neck, moved his shoulders and wrists.Not as casual as before, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth and he hooked his fingers at them.

For a moment, the people in the room felt some coolness from their backs, especially Xuan Xiye, who was the closest to Yu Ling, took a step back unconsciously.

Yu Xun Yuhan, who was fighting with Leng Zeming, stretched out his hands and slapped Leng Zeming to make him step back a few steps. During this time, they looked at each other, "Ah~ someone has provoked Yu Ling." Murderous they know too well.When they were doing missions together before, Yu Ling was always at the forefront, and her attack power was the strongest among the few of them, but after Yu Lie said that she didn't look like a girl, she restrained herself A lot, people feel that she is the weakest and needs the protection of others.Even when Yu Han didn't go to help her just now, he was just pretending, he never beat Yu Ling once.

Hearing Yu Xun and Yu Han talking, Leng Zeming rushed over again, "You should take care of yourself first." If you don't quickly knock down Yu Xun, Yu Lie will take Ya Jie away.Lan Ziye didn't care, the others were all entangled, and he was the only one left.

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