Chapter 28 Monologue
I am Zhou Qian, an ordinary woman who has never been seen by anyone.

My family is ordinary, my appearance is ordinary, my body is ordinary, my mind is ordinary, my study is ordinary, everything is ordinary written all over it from head to toe.

I don’t hate myself for being ordinary, but I hate myself for being a woman.Because I have seen many ordinary men, but they all live happier lives than me.

And my unhappiness is precisely due to the people of the same sex around me.

The person I hate the most is my mother.A full-time housewife who does not work, study, improve herself, or create any social value. She only knows how to be a worm at home and is completely dependent on her father for survival.

But she said that she gave up the golden period of her career, her hobbies, social entertainment, and all the possibilities in her life, all for the sake of this family and to take care of me.

The clearest image in my memory is that she asked her father for living expenses with a straight face, never working, and refused to give in even a cent. Then she spent her father's hard-earned money arrogantly to keep the family running. .She takes credit for all the achievements in her family, but blames all the misfortunes in her life on others.

She always values ​​trivial household chores like washing dishes, mopping the floor, buying groceries and cooking, but how difficult can it be to copy and paste mechanically?But when it came to her mouth, it became the most difficult thing in the world, causing her to be resentful every day, dislike everyone, and even picky about my studies.

But what's the use of studying well? When you grow up, you won't be a housewife like her, and become a yellow-faced woman in the same pots and pans day after day.

Of course, I didn't dare to say this, because if I showed any impatience, she would ask me if I had any conscience.

But people's patience has an end. I don't remember the hundreds of times when she asked her father to hand over his salary card, but when he refused, I stood up and asked her why she didn't go out and find a job.

Do you have any conscience?
She asked again, and then she wanted to involve my grandparents, her relatives and friends, and vented countless emotions, but there was not even a rational answer as to why she didn't go out to work.

It's not because life at home is more leisurely, you don't have to deal with the odds and ends of the workplace, and you can control other people's lives. Who is willing to let go of this wonderful job.

After several years of being a housewife, due to lack of exercise and a leisurely life, her figure was out of shape, her complexion was dull, and she always had a bitter face. How could she still have the slightest bit of grace in her wedding photos?

So when her father filed for divorce from her, I wasn't surprised at all.

She said she didn't want anything but me.It's so hypocritical. Without my father's selfless contribution from dawn to dusk, what would she do to raise me, or gnaw at my old age?So I immediately chose my father and lived with my grandparents.

I don't want to be with my mother for even a minute.Because she looked at me as if I was the one who committed the most heinous crimes.

Of course, she is just the person I hate the most, and I have many, many others I hate.

Always talking about "other people", the weak Liu Fufeng, the little princess who asked for leave from the teacher in physical education class,

A tomboy who likes to be friends with boys. He looks carefree on the surface, but in fact he is a 180-year-old tomboy in his heart;

A good girl who is always at the forefront of fashion, dyes her hair, perms and wears heavy makeup, smokes, drinks and talks dirty;
A Chinese bestie who forms cliques, lives in a clique, and limits her life to her own small circle. She flatters and flatters others in front of others, but is vicious and vicious in others;


I hate them, which seems to be different from my mother who hates me.

For my mother, I feel more sorry for her misfortune and anger for her indifference. She has brought her life to a desperate situation. I don't want to be like her.

But for those people, I hate them from the bottom of my heart, but I vaguely look forward to that kind of life.

When did it start?
I once had a specialty that I was proud of - writing, but I still remember the smiling and guilty face of my Chinese teacher.He told me, Zhou Qian, your manuscript is very good and you have been accepted, but there is one thing that I need to discuss with you. After comprehensive consideration, the school decided to let Lin Qingzhi participate in the speech contest because her image and temperament are more suitable. what do you think?He said he would discuss it with me, but what he said was the school's decision and I couldn't refuse. After that, I could no longer write anything that satisfied me.

I thought again of a certain military training in the scorching summer. The sun was shining in the sky. I was sweating profusely and stood shaky, but I still persisted with only my passion.But the girl with snow-white skin and wavy hair was sitting in the shade of a tree nearby, going back and forth with the instructor, laughing and cursing, and chatting happily.I couldn't help it, so I raised my hand to brush away the beads of sweat dripping down my hair from my forehead. The girl's slender fingers immediately pointed over and said jokingly, telling the instructor that she had moved just now.The instructor's face, which was so proud just a second ago, immediately turned ferocious. He pointed at me and roared out. The whole class practiced for half an hour because of my actions. Even Snow White had a look of disgust on her face.After that, it was difficult for me to integrate into the group.

Soon, Snow White's face gradually overlapped with that of the class beauty like a black swan. She stood proudly in front of me and asked me, Zhou Qian, I heard that you often go to watch Ke Shaofei play basketball during recess. Wouldn't you like it? People.Behind her, several vague figures had exaggerated expressions and bursts of ridicule.The battle was so big that even the faces of the people around showed ridicule and contempt.I expected someone to save me from this predicament, but I immediately thought that even in novels, the only ones who would be saved were fresh and beautiful girls.I am not the class beauty, and I am not even qualified to be a follower of the class beauty, so what qualifications do I have to be saved?After that, I never wanted to see that boy flying wildly on the basketball court again.

In this way, they ate away at my life bit by bit, stepped on me, and became the person I wanted to be.

Fortunately, after my mother left, I thought about it for a long time and gradually came out.

Their childish methods are not worth mentioning in front of the target group. They think they are using their gender in exchange for an advantage, but in fact they are using their personal dignity in exchange for a little mercy and charity from a powerful group. It really embarrasses me as a woman. .

Why should I be afraid of them? Is it because in the eyes of some people, hard work is not worth mentioning in front of beauty?

I started to move towards higher goals, thinking that everything would get better when I got to college and had a broader sky.But I didn't expect that as the world became bigger, there would be more women that disgusted me, and almost all of them exuded an aura of kitsch.

But this time, I didn't put my disgust on the surface and be isolated and excluded like before. Instead, I took advantage of their butterfly-like psychology to start running my own business.Because my mother’s experience always reminds me that women must have a career that they can rely on. Money, like beauty, is the capital of speaking.

Yes, I am in the cosmetics business that every girl can’t live without.

But only He Si, I can't always see through her.

At the beginning of the military training, I thought she was just like Snow White, because she only trained for a while and then hid in the shade of a tree to rest.But not only did she not say a single unnecessary word to the instructor, she even ignored everyone in the class and simply missed all subsequent trainings. In the end, she did not attend the most lively farewell party of the instructor.

She said she suffered from an eye disease and would hallucinate when she was tired, sleepy, hot, or thirsty, so she could not participate in military training.She added that the official reason was just to reduce trouble, but the real reason was that she didn't want to suffer meaninglessly.

There was a teasing smile in her eyes when she said this, not at all like the character of Sister Lin that was widely circulated among the boys in the class.I realized that she was rebelling against the established rules in her own way, just like I was.But when it comes to learning, she is frighteningly persistent, often working on a design without sleep.I asked her if she was not afraid of hallucinations, but she said that the hallucinations were just right and saved her the trouble of looking for inspiration.

After saying this, she asked me why I worked part-time day and night to make money.

Because of my mother, I told her all my resentments.Since she was like me, I thought she would understand.

But there was no understanding or shared hatred on He Si's face, and there was doubt.After a long time, she told me that your mother had been let down.

She looked directly into my eyes calmly, and she actually said to me - I didn't believe it at first, how could someone not see the complexity and boredom of those household tasks, until I read a book, Have you ever thought about it? But is it because we don’t see the unpaid work of full-time housewives that they are undervalued?Or does it go unseen because we subconsciously underestimate pro bono work?
Of course I objected, if working at home is so tiring, why doesn't she go to work and use the money she earns to hire a nanny and a cleaner?

Because the cost of companionship is getting higher and higher, the incomes of her and your father may not be able to cover the additional expenses incurred because she chooses to go to work, and your lives may become worse as a result.

But maybe it will get better, like I am now.

I said, no longer thinking, holding my cosmetics and heading towards my vanity-loving consumer group.Of course, I didn’t forget to bring my trial version of the new product, because I found that the market for slimming and slimming products was starting to get bigger and bigger.

In the field of business, my sense of smell has always been very sensitive, or I can always see through the trends in which women blindly cater to men's aesthetics - slimming and thinning, and the popularity of slimming products.

Later, I went to purchase goods again, and He Si happened to be on a field trip to a newly developed antique building complex nearby, so I accompanied her.

When she entered the lobby of the main building, it took a lot of effort for her to open the heavy glass door.

You need to go to the gym, I joked with a smile.

It was a problem with the door. She told me seriously that if I were to design it, I would definitely not design the door to have such a heavy bite. The floor tiles in the hall would have a frosted texture to prevent the bottom of a woman’s skirt from being reflected. Of course, the frosted surface The graininess should not be too exaggerated, so that the high heels can walk smoothly, and for the row of display cabinets, I will remove the top layer, which is too high and is more suitable for placing preserved flowers.

She was weak and couldn't push the door open, but when it came to her mouth, it seemed that the world was wrong. She was really a spoiled little girl. I had no choice but to smile.

But she changed her taciturn attitude in the past and continued to preach. Modern society always encourages us to become more like men, to study problems from a male perspective, to solve problems in a male way, and even to avoid problems with a male mindset.If a design directly ignores 50% of the user experience at the beginning, can it still be a good design?

I didn't know how to answer, and just when I was racking my brains, I saw my mother again.

I simply didn’t dare to recognize her. She was wearing light makeup, her always messy long hair was neatly tied behind her head, her figure had returned to what she looked like in her wedding photos, she was wearing a decent suit, and she was holding a cup of coffee. Full of energy.

And she didn't dare to recognize me, because there was a cup of coffee in front of her. The owner of the coffee, in a suit and leather shoes, was standing at the bar, ordering food, and looking back at her with a smile.

You see, in order to please a man, she returned to her youthful appearance, with bright and radiant appearance, and even her own daughter did not dare to recognize him.

I wasn't sad, I just turned around and left this suffocating space alone.

The antique buildings were winding and winding, and a cluster of sorrel flowers climbed over the wall. Carrying the breath of midsummer, as if by mistake, I walked into a small alley that I had never walked through before.

There was a fragrance brewing in the heat, and I couldn't help but take another look at the violet flowers climbing all over the courtyard wall, and then I realized that the fragrance lingering in my nose was not the fragrance of flowers.The fragrance came from the courtyard. It was almost non-existent and fascinating. When I came back to my senses, people were already standing in the courtyard.Among the green bricks and white tiles, the Lingxiao flowers bloomed enthusiastically, and the wind swirled in the yard, making the fragrance stronger.

Looking at the figure standing with his back to me in the courtyard, I finally remembered that it was Sandalwood.

Sorry, I was abrupt.

No problem.

The gentleman in the courtyard had a deep voice and was not afraid of the heat. He was wearing a navy blue gown, leaving me with only his tall figure.I turned around to leave, but the figure from behind called me.

Miss, do you want to do a business with me?

Business?The situation was getting weirder and weirder, but the gentle voice was so heart-warming for no reason that I couldn't afford to be wary.

The figure from behind continued to say, I heard that the lady likes to do business. I have a magical garment. As long as you wear it, you can lose weight day after day without any other effort. The lady is willing to give it a try.

It was nonsense, but I was moved by it.

However, you have to control the frequency of dressing. No one can bear to lose weight every day. If you don't know how to control it and lose weight too much, you will turn into withered bones in a few days.It can be regarded as the price of beauty.

The gentle and jade-like figure let out a sinister sneer, completely settling a yet-to-be-formed plan in my mind.So, I tentatively asked, how much does one cost and can I try it out?

No money is needed. Since you are willing, I will give you three pieces first.

My heart was full of uneasiness, mixed with secret joy, so I walked out of the yard in a daze.When I returned to the familiar street again, I already held three gauze clothes in my hands, and that person was like a midsummer night's dream to me, without a trace.

By the way, that person gave me three gauze clothes, but I didn't tell He Si about this.

There was another thing I didn't tell her. The person who gave me my gauze was the same person who took my gauze away from her that night.

 The first story has come to an end. This story is designed to be relatively simple in order to throw out the main settings, characters and structure. Basically, the case is solved as soon as the true identity of the cultural relics is discovered.New characters will be added in the future, mainly gods, ghosts and fairies in traditional Chinese culture. The pull between the characters will increase, and the story's reversals and suspense will also increase. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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