Chapter 7

It is indeed Qin Jian's room. The room is just like the person in it, plain and plain, with straight boards and nothing superfluous.He Si followed Lao Chaofeng's footsteps and walked in. An inconspicuous mirror stood beside the wall with a black frame. Qin Jian took the lead and walked to the mirror.

"This is?"

"Hold my hand." Qin Jian stretched out his left hand. Of course, Qin Jian didn't want to involve He Si, but the current situation was unclear, and he couldn't figure out the other party's purpose and intention. He left He Si alone in a hotel full of dangers. He couldn't do anything in peace.

He Si didn't ask much. She knew that Qin Jian had his own way, so she immediately put her hand on him.For a moment, ripples appeared on the mirror surface, as if a breeze was blowing across the water. Qin Jian held the small stone in his right hand and held He Si in his left hand, and slowly stepped into the mirror.

He Si did not expect that the hard and cold mirror would become so soft, like a sponge, gently wrapping her around.She felt suffocated for a moment, like falling into an ice cave, but immediately, fresh and warm air poured into her nasal cavity.

Qin Jian held her hand without letting go, and a long corridor with no end appeared in front of her.There was boundless silence in the mirror, no one spoke, only the sound of staggered footsteps echoed in the corridor.Qin Jian and Xiao Shitou were obviously used to it, while He Si was shocked. She saw large and small picture frames on both sides of the corridor, but she didn't know what paintings were inside until she found the dressing cabinet where her tablet was placed. Flashing through a picture frame.

"That was... my room just now?"

Qin Jian nodded in reply, and without stopping, he came to another picture frame.Only then did He Si confirm that those on the wall were not paintings, but mirror images of the real world.

"Can that mirror be connected to other mirrors? What is its range of action? Are all the mirrors in the world in this long corridor? Is this...mirror corridor?"

"Brother Jing can go to any place in the world that can be reflected by a mirror." Xiao Shitou obediently hugged Qin Jian's neck, showing off proudly and childishly.He Si finally understood the origin of Brother Jing.The plain-looking old man in front of him seems to have the ability to use mirrors to travel through space, and this little boy who has collapsed in front of him but has a slightly discolored expression is naturally not a bratty kid from an ordinary family.

"Let's go." Qin Jian was not in the mood to pay attention to He Si's mixed feelings and walked into the room where the crime occurred first.

The layout of this room was exactly the same as that of He Si's room, but now, the whole house was enveloped in an eerie and ominous silence.The double bed was placed with one end against the wall and placed in the center of the room. A navy blue quilt was slightly raised, as if someone was sleeping soundly under it.

The little stone twisted on Qin Jian's body again, indicating that he wanted to get down. As soon as he landed on the ground, he ran towards the double bed with a chubby little hand pointing forward.


He Si instinctively took a step back. The person lying on the bed was facing away from them. She could only see the flowing long hair messily scattered on the pillow, losing its luster.The figure under the quilt is very slender, and there is some red color peeking out from the quilt. It should be the long skirt Gao Lan wore yesterday.He Si didn't dare to move forward. She always felt that the figure would lift the quilt and sit up at any time, lift up his once bright and dazzling face, but now there were only two black holes left, and look at her with hatred.

Of course, the figure did not sit up. The person who lifted the quilt was Qin Jian. The navy blue sheets were covered with red, and under the red that seemed to be filled with blood, there was a solitary white skeleton that was stiff and lifeless.He Si seemed to see the pale roses greedily sucking the blood everywhere, and she seemed to see the red flowers of the other side blooming among the endless skeletons in hell.Despite her mental preparation, she retched.

"Could it be a prank? Is it possible that this is not Gao Lan at all, but... but a mannequin?" He Si turned away and calmed down and asked.

Qin Jian knelt down and took a closer look at the skeleton on the bed, covered it with the quilt again, and shook his head sullenly.

" it really her?" He Si still couldn't believe it, and asked again, "Did someone use the cultural relics to do it? What cultural relics have such great power?"

Qin Jian looked around with his hands behind his back and shook his head: "I've never encountered this before. What about you, can you see any illusions?"

He Si mustered up the courage to take a few steps closer. There were not many furnitures in the room, and the furnishings were very simple. She could see the whole thing at a glance. She forced herself to look for something out of the ordinary in the empty room. As soon as her eyes glanced at the body that had been The bones covered by the quilt felt as if densely packed insects and ants were squirming. The black eyes, the white bones, and the sad red dress made He Si couldn't help but retched again.

"No," she stumbled, "no more illusions."

"The things may have been taken away, but I will wait until midnight to check again." Qin Jian didn't have much hope for He Si. He had his own work rhythm that he had always formed.

"Wait a minute," He Si called out to him, "What should we do next? Should we wait here until midnight?"

"Of course we have to call the police first." Qin Jian answered matter-of-factly.

"Call the police?" He Si looked confused, "Is it the kind of police I know?"

"I'll let Xiao Shitou accompany you back first." Qin Jian said as he took out his cell phone from his pocket, as if he was contacting someone.

"No, I, I think it's safer to stay here." He Si's true intention still stemmed from her curiosity about calling the police, but she knew that the topic of safety at this moment could convince Qin Jian to let her stay.

Sure enough, Qin Jian did not reject her proposal, but just confirmed again: "Can you adapt here?"

"Move closer to the door. It will be better if you can't see it." He Si was still very scared and quickly took two steps back. Every time her eyes glanced at the corpse, she felt as if she was crawling with insects. Han, I don’t know how the old and the young in front of me can be so calm.

"What have these two people experienced?" He Si complained silently in her heart as she retreated.

"Okay," Qin Jian nodded, followed He Si a few steps toward the door, and stood by her side, just standing between her and the bed, "I also want to talk to you about what happened after we left. arrange."

"After I leave?"

"Yes, after this happened, the experience will inevitably end early. Do you still want to live here?"

"Yes...yes." He Si lowered her head, her eyes twinkling in the middle of her words.

But Qin Jian was obviously not that easy to fool. He asked again: "When are you going to go back to school."

"It's so sudden. It's not easy to change the ticket."

"Is it a ticket issue or do you want to take your little monkey to find that forest?" Qin Jian stopped talking in circles with her.He Si didn't answer, staring at her toes. The newly bought leather shoes were polished so brightly by her that they could almost reflect her chin. The sudden appearance of the mirror made her thoughts wander - the person in front of her could be in the mirror world. Shuttle, will one day emerge from her vamp.

"He Si!" Seeing that she was silent and just lowered her head in silent resistance, Qin Jian had to raise his voice.

"I will pay attention to safety." After He Si finished speaking, she felt a cold gaze coming from above her head, but strangely, at the same time, a warm breath came from the palm of her right hand, as if there were fireflies beating. Like in a dream.Could it be...

He Si lowered her head lower, fearing that Qin Jian would see something strange about her, so she might as well comply with Qin Jian's request first. He Si planned to end this conversation quickly so that she could find a place to confirm her conjecture. ——Could it be that I took the little monkey out of the dream?
"Uncle Qin, Brother Shitou, long time no see."

As soon as He Si thought about it, the door of the room was opened from the outside. Before anyone arrived, a breath of vitality was brought into the room that was dull and depressing with the shadow of death.

"Who is this?" The visitor saw He Si and obviously noticed Qin Jian's face. His voice changed and he asked, "Should I knock on the door first?"

Seeing the visitor, Qin Jian swallowed the words that were on his lips and withdrew his cold gaze. He was too lazy to say anything and raised his hand to point towards the room.

"This is our first meeting. I'm Fan Yu, who are you?" The man who called himself Fan Yu didn't care about the situation in the house, but seemed to be very interested in He Si.He is tall, has strong eyebrows, and his skin is closer to brown. He wears work clothes, has good kicks, and is slovenly but very heroic. It's just that he has a playful smile on his face, which detracts a bit.

"My name is He Si."

"He Si..." Fan Yu raised his eyebrows and pondered these two words, looked around the three of them, and asked again: "Are you Uncle Qin's friend?"

Seeing Qin Jian's attitude, He Si knew that Fan Yu was a trustworthy person, but she couldn't decide who was coming, so she considered it carefully and just nodded.

"Uncle Qin and I have known each other for many years, but I didn't know he had such a friend. When did you meet?"

"You'd better go and look at the bed first." Xiao Shitou finally lost his composure and urged, shaking his chubby face.

"Okay, okay." Fan Yu reluctantly let He Si go and walked towards the destination of his trip.

"Is he a policeman?" He Si couldn't help but asked in a low voice, but before she could answer, Fan Yu came out of the room again.

"Such a big thing?" He took a breath, his tone was exaggerated, but there was no fear in his expression. Then he patted Xiao Shitou's shoulder and asked: "Brother Shitou, did you discover this?"

"Oh, there are three lights on a mortal's shoulder. How many times have I told you not to pat my shoulder." Little Shitou walked to Qin Jian with his short legs and frowned. He stretched out his hands and gestured for Qin Jian to hug him. he.

"You are not human..." Fan Yu stopped mid-sentence and looked at He Si while hesitating to speak.

"Stop pretending," Qin Jian picked up the little stone. He knew that this person was deliberately testing He Si and was dissatisfied. "I'll leave the rest to you."

"Hey wait," Fan Yu moved his slender legs forward and spread his hands, "There must be a cause and effect. This... I can't explain this to the superiors."

"The things have been taken away."

"Then... based on Uncle Qin's experience, what kind of thing is it that can be so powerful?"

Qin Jian shook his head, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes: "I don't know, I have never seen such an evil object. Maybe it has existed for a longer time."

The playful smile on Fan Yu's face gradually faded with Qin Jian's words. He looked back at the room again, paused for a while and then asked: "Then what is the relationship between her... Miss He and the scene."

"It doesn't matter." Qin Jian held the little stone and walked out the door again, his tone became cold again, and He Si nodded to Fan Yu and quickly followed.

"How do they usually deal with these things?" He Si couldn't help but ask after taking a few steps away.

"They have a dedicated team. It is actually easy to deal with cases like this that have not been discovered by the public. They can seal off the scene, pretend it is an accident, and comfort the family members. In some cases where small-scale transmission occurs, more manpower is needed. .”

"Are there many people like Fan Yu?" After He Si asked, she felt that she had exceeded the rules and added, "I'm just curious as to why he came so fast."

"Not many. They are a secret team under the Department of Special Cultural Relics Protection. Naturally, they have some useful items on hand."

"Are there some cultural relics that can confuse people's memory, such as compasses, musical instruments or clocks, which will make those who have experienced it think they just had a dream or hallucination?" Qin Jian's answer made He Si gradually excited. stand up.

Qin Jian nodded without denying it, but suddenly stopped. He Si, who was following behind, was still immersed in the fantasy about the secret group and bumped into him.

"What's wrong?" She touched her head and looked around again. The empty corridor was silent. Qin Jian didn't know what he found, which made him stop.

"I'll help you get your ticket. You go pack your bags and get ready to go back to school."

It's still the same, He Si sighed, but immediately remembered the warm feeling in her palms before, and nodded obediently.

"Okay, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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