Chapter 10 Tell Yan’s father about the space
Yan Jin nodded, "I sent her to my room to rest."

The two of them have been collecting supplies for the past few days and haven't had a good rest. They were busy until midnight yesterday. Even a grown man like him couldn't bear it, let alone Yangyang.

"You have to have a good rest. Son, you should also go upstairs and have a rest. I will call you down before dinner." Yan's mother felt sorry for her son. It had only been a few days since we last saw him, and he had already lost weight.

"I haven't contacted you in the past few days. I wonder how the company's affairs are being handled?" He couldn't sleep without asking.

"Don't worry, all the shares have been sold. Your dad has been out running supplies for the past two days."

Sigh. They didn’t dare to tell the outside world about the natural disaster, for fear of being arrested and accused of promoting superstition (is prophecy superstitious?) and causing social chaos, so they had no choice but to sneak in from their own families, which made the old man miserable. .

"By the way, I have also purchased daily supplies from two warehouses in the past few days. What should I do with those supplies? I can't take them away even if a natural disaster comes."

She hurriedly prepared supplies for two warehouses. After seeing those supplies, she worried about where to put them safely.

Her son only asked them to prepare supplies, but did not tell them where they would be safe, which made it difficult for her to collect or not collect in the past two days.

"Don't worry about that, just leave it to me and Yangyang to handle." There is no rush to tell mom about the space matter for the time being.

There are a lot of relatives at his uncle's house, and his mother is in constant contact with them. He is worried that her mother will accidentally spill the beans one day.

"Hey Mysterious, you've already told me about the natural disaster, is there anything else that your dad and I can't know about now?" The more her son didn't tell her, the more curious she became.

Yan Jin just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing her son like this, Yan's mother knew that she couldn't get anything out of the question, so she simply shut up.

In the evening, Yan's father came back. After dinner, the four of them sat down together.

The four of them discussed the wedding first, and then Yan's mother went to make arrangements for the wedding. She had to ask some of her sisters-in-law who already had daughters-in-law to learn from them.

Father Yan looked at the young couple across from him. The boy was talented and the girl was good-looking. The daughter-in-law also seemed to be a girl with a calm personality. His initial impression was quite satisfactory.

Of course, he also knew that no matter whether he was satisfied or not, he, the father, could not change what his son had decided.

What's more, the son and daughter-in-law have been together in the last life, and it goes without saying that they have a deep relationship. Otherwise, how could they be together again in this life?
This is fate.

"I have found the agricultural machinery you need from an acquaintance, and it will arrive tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." The earth's crust is shaking. Where should this agricultural machinery and equipment be hidden before a natural disaster so that it will not be persecuted?
"There are also several ponds worth of seafood. We need to find a place to refrigerate this quickly, otherwise it will die and become stale."

"I purchased a batch of chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep. They have been slaughtered and delivered to the warehouse this afternoon. I also collected some of the various seeds, as well as daily necessities. Your mother also collected these in two warehouses. Where should it be stored so that it will not be affected by the eruption of the earth's crust?"

To be honest, although he knew in advance that the apocalypse was coming and had made preparations, he really didn't have much hope that he would be able to live well during the apocalypse. With so much worry and fear now, it would be better not to know. .

He sometimes thought that actually dying in the first place might not be a bad thing.

Yan Jin looked at his wife beside him, saw her nodding, and rubbed the top of her hair with a smile.Zhou Jiaoyang glared at him, your father is still here, please restrain yourself.

After receiving the warning, Yan Jin put away his smile and turned to look at Father Yan opposite.

The interaction between the two caught all the eyes of Yan's father, and one look in their eyes showed that they had a deep relationship.

"Dad, I didn't tell you before because there are some things that haven't been determined yet."

Father Yan didn't interrupt him and listened quietly.

"Yangyang and I have brought over our superpowers from our previous lives. Mine has mental superpowers, which are mainly used for mental attacks and detection. Yangyang's has space superpowers and ice superpowers, but I don't know what they are. The reason is that our abilities have been downgraded, but the space of Yangyang has mutated. There are grasslands and rivers in it, and it can be planted. It has not become smaller. Don’t worry about not being able to fit in the supplies. Just collect more supplies.”

The more Father Yan listened, the more frightened he became. It was incredible that his son could be reborn, but now he was told about the existence of superpowers, and that they were mutated and could be planted. This shocked him without fear. Isn't this? Is there another piece of time and space in my daughter-in-law?
"Dad, don't tell my mother about this yet? I'm worried."

Father Yan glanced at his son with disgust, "Have you been my CEO of the Yan family for decades for nothing?"

His daughter-in-law is warm and kind, has many friends, pays more attention to family ties, and is not a big talker, but he is also worried that one day her daughter-in-law will accidentally let something slip out of her mouth.

Yan Jin stopped talking. He believed in Comrade Lao Yan and told him about the space in advance. Otherwise, he would rather watch his parents worrying anxiously than tell him about the space now.

Father Yan calmed down, handed over a bunch of keys and said, "Since you have a place to store supplies, you can go and collect the supplies in those warehouses tomorrow, lest I rent another warehouse."

"Except for the pool, the warehouses are all next to each other. I will send you the address later."

"Okay, Dad Yan has worked hard these days." Zhou Jiaoyang put the key into the space with a smile.

Witnessing things disappearing in front of him, Comrade Lao Yan was shocked again. He didn't know if he would have a chance to awaken his powers?
On what principle are supernatural powers awakened?He wanted to ask the two of them, but he couldn't save his face.

My heart itch.

Zhou Jiaoyang and Yan Jin didn't know that Comrade Lao Yan was struggling with the awakening of his powers. They were holding a tablet computer and making a list of supplies.

Which ones do not need to be collected, which ones have been collected but the quantity is not enough, which ones have not been collected, how much quantity needs to be collected, etc.

In the future, animals and plants will gradually mutate. After humans take the mutated new species, they will have an enhanced effect on their superpowers and improve their physical fitness. Therefore, the amount of food materials can be appropriately controlled within a certain range. Inside.

However, many mutated ingredients cannot be consumed by ordinary people for a long time. Eating them occasionally can improve their physical fitness. If they eat too much, they will explode and die.

In the future, the types of food materials that can be provided to ordinary people will be limited. Fortunately, they now have seeds and space to plant. Even if Yan's parents cannot awaken their powers, there are enough food materials in the space to support them.

(End of this chapter)

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