Chapter 37 A large number of giant rats attack 2
This sister-in-law is really amazing. She keeps making killing movements with her hands while talking. She is worthy of being a woman who can get along with A Jin. She is decisive in everything she does.

"It's all shut tight."

As Yao Bin said this, he stood side by side with Zhou Jiaoyang to greet the approaching mouse. His younger siblings could face it calmly, so how could he, a grown man, hold back?
After mentally preparing himself, Yao Bin didn't feel so disgusted when dealing with the rat crawling towards him.

Just disgusted, not scared.

Those residents living on the 29th to 31st floors originally did not want to come out to face the dangers outside, but the gnawing sounds from their doors forced them to take up arms to deal with it.

Among them, the 29th floor was led by Qin Huacheng, who quickly dealt with the rats in the corridor, and then stood in the corridor to intercept the rats running over. The people on their floor were the quietest.

The users on the 28th floor were a little miserable. Without the help of Yan Jin and others, they had not even been able to deal with the rats in their own homes. The rats that climbed up the stairs and dispersed into the corridor began to chew on their doors. Now they They have to get rid of the rats outside first. Otherwise, if the door is chewed up, where will they find a door to install it later?

Even if they could find the door, they didn't have the tools to install it.

Xiang Ke and the others rushed to Yan Jin's side, staggering away from the mouse standing at the stairs to deal with it.

Wang Dachun and other male residents on the 27th floor saw that there was not enough space for them to stand at the stairs, so they left two people standing in the corridor to block the way. He and another man went to the 28th floor to help.

Many people upstairs screamed and hid behind Zhou Jiaoyang and others out of fear, especially women. Whenever Zhou Jiaoyang and Yao Bin killed a mouse, they would scream. Back.

Yao Bin was unable to concentrate several times and missed the target. As a result, the mice were even more angry. Each mouse with red eyes rushed towards Zhou Jiaoyang, showing off its sharp claws and teeth.

If Zhou Jiaoyang hadn't used the knife in time, Yao Bin and the three of them would have been bitten or scratched several times.

If this is bitten, there are only a few possibilities in the end.

One possibility is that if the trauma is controlled later and no infection occurs, it will be fine. The second possibility is that it has mutated. There are good and bad mutations. The good ones have special powers, and the bad ones either die or become similar to mice.

"Stop fucking screaming, it's so annoying."

Yan Qi, the youngest, was attacking their mice while yelling at the women who only screamed. He couldn't bear it anymore.

They are both women, so why is my sister-in-law so brave and powerful, but the women behind her just scream?
How could those scared women listen to him? They were still screaming rhythmically.

Zhou Jiaoyang was also very annoyed. Taking advantage of the few mice, she showed her blood-stained sword and came to the door of the woman who screamed the loudest.

The woman's screams stopped suddenly, and several other women were frightened by her sudden actions and lost their voices.

Zhou Jiaoyang said expressionlessly, "Scream again and I will make it impossible for you to scream again."

The woman didn't dare to move, her eyes widened in fear, and cold sweat broke out from her forehead in an instant, and then fell down.

Zhou Jiaoyang didn't need any guarantees from them. Seeing that they finally calmed down, he turned around and continued to kill the rats that came up.

Yao Bin felt relaxed for a few moments.

The woman stood there without moving, looking at Zhou Jiaoyang's back with cold eyes, her hands tightly clenched into a hammer.

Zhou Jiaoyang didn't know that she was being hated. She was worried about her relatives downstairs.

Now that more and more rats are coming up, there will only be more for Ajin and the others below.

I wonder if any of them were injured?Hope no one got hurt.At present, she and Yao Bin can handle it, so why don't they let Yueyue Xinyi and others behind them have a try?

Let it go, she was worried that Xinyi and Yueyue couldn't deal with it and let the mouse run upstairs to them.

If they don't let it go, the sisters will have no chance to try their hand. Then when will they become stronger? The world will only become more and more difficult in the future, and there is really not much time left for them to adapt.

In the end, Zhou Jiaoyang let go of a semi-crippled mouse for the two of them to practice.

Worried that there were many people at the stairs, the two sisters did not see the rat climbing up or were afraid, so Zhou Jiaoyang reminded the two of them from downstairs to make them mentally prepared.

Those who were hiding behind Zhou Jiaoyang and the four others saw that the trapped rat was coming, and hurriedly dispersed to hide.

The two sisters upstairs, one holding back their fear and the other holding back their nausea, walked up to the old men with knives in hand and stood ready.

But the mouse didn't crawl to where they were standing, but crawled to the corridor on the 32nd floor.

Everyone at the iron gate: Great
Wang Xinyi and Chen Yue were speechless. They were all ready to have a big fight, but this is the result?
The two made eye contact with each other.

Wang Xinyi: Are you going down?
Chen Yue: I won’t go.

Their job is to guard the iron gate to prevent rats from getting upstairs.

The two reached a common opinion, and Wang Xinyi shouted to Zhou Jiaoyang below: "Jiaojiao, that mouse ran into the corridor on the 32nd floor. How about you put another one up?"


Zhou Jiaoyang immediately changed the direction and swung the knife, then turned sideways, and a mouse that Yan Qi had swung at jumped out from her side.

The woman who was hiding behind Zhou Jiaoyang rushed over. The woman who had been intimidated before saw her and wanted to scream, but thinking of Zhou Jiaoyang's warning of ruthlessly using the knife just now, she held back her scream. He ran to Wang Xinyi and the others.

Although there are dangers here, it is much safer than down there, at least not so many rats can come up.

It was safe, but what happened next was not the outcome the residents on the 32nd floor wanted.

"Oh Jiaojiao, that mouse went to the 32nd floor again."

On the 32nd floor, Zhou Jiaoyang and others were originally blocking the stairs. They were safe. However, after two were let go, someone's door was bitten.

Zhou Jiaoyang's lips curved up and her tone was brisk, "Then I'll put another one up for you to practice on."

Now that the number of people coming upstairs has increased again, it’s good to let others help reduce the stress.

One or two is nothing, but the problem is that one after another comes.

Indeed, one after another.

The mice that were put upstairs saw so many people standing at the iron gate. They turned around and ran towards the corridor. The scent there was stronger and there was no one blocking the way, so the stupid mice chose to continue climbing the stairs.

More and more rats came up. Zhou Jiaoyang felt that there were too many people standing together with four people. Most of the time, she couldn't use her sword. Sometimes they didn't put the rats up, but they didn't have time to stop them. The rats themselves Jumped past.

(End of this chapter)

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