This game is too cruel

Chapter 125 The Supreme Authority of the Patriarch

It just so happened that there was nothing to eat.

The Xiongyuan tribe's eyes lit up when they heard this, and the eyes of the Nuwa tribe also lit up when they got the answer. He pulled the leader of the Xiongyuan tribe and turned around, "Everyone, follow me and dig the lake!"

With the precedent of Xiongyuan tribe,

Labor from other tribes was taken away as soon as they arrived.

Digging the lake,

Those who build embankments,

trench digger...

Everyone even started to compete, and robbing people was prevalent in various places.

At night, when they couldn't sleep, the tribesmen would still discuss.

"I feel like the people in Nuwa City have become more enthusiastic after not seeing you for a whole winter."

"Me too! They make me feel so welcome."

"The Nuwa tribe is so anxious to get these things because they are worried that heavy rains will cause the river to flood Nuwa City. By the way, our tribe is also close to the river. Our tribe will not be flooded, right?"

"Oh no, it's not possible. They built dykes and flood control lakes, so we can't be flooded."

Is that so?

The young tribesman felt that it made sense, but also felt that something was wrong. But as the snoring gradually began to sound, his less used brain began to feel drowsy.

Better sleep.

The young tribesmen wrapped themselves tightly in the animal skins and squeezed towards the companions next to them in the spring, which was not yet completely warm. I heard that the houses in Nuwa City are very well repaired, and even the beds in winter are kept warm by themselves.

I really envy the people in Nuwa City...


In addition to flood control, people are still plowing, expanding, breeding, and hunting according to last year's habits.

Even Lu Qiqi turned his attention to other things after the crazy flood control infrastructure construction in winter.

Until one day, it was so hot and dry that it made people feel depressed. There were no prey in the forest, birds were flying low, and fish were floating in the water. The always blue sky took on a weird yellow-green color, and black clouds pressed down one after another, making it seem like you couldn't breathe.

A heavy rain kicked off the continuous heavy rain.

Thunder, wind, and lightning alternated between day and night, heavy rain washed over the earth, and some roads that were not paved with cement had turned into mud.

Houses outside the city have begun to leak.

The humid air never made the clothes on my body dry.

Not only that, although a large number of drainage outlets were built in the city, all the greenhouses half-covered underground were soaked by water. All the tribesmen were moved out and lived in barracks, schools and city towers.

However, although the problems within the tribe have been solved by this approach, a large number of people outside the tribe are still suffering.

Those tribesmen outside Nuwa City live worse than the houses inside Nuwa City, and now their roofs are leaking. The chiefs and priests of these tribes have approached her several times, begging for help.

"No, if you want to help them, you have to let them in. What if these people come in, and what if they have evil intentions? Whether they are stealing, robbing, or killing, this is a disaster."

"But if you don't help them, they won't be able to get through, and they will also force their way through."

"Then kill those who are disobedient and make the rest slaves..."

A group of people were making a lot of noise because this matter had been at a stalemate for a long time.

Lu Qiqi stretched out his hand to signal them to be quiet, "Stop arguing, it's giving me a headache. Gui, how many people are asking for help outside?"

"We counted about 897 people the day before yesterday."

"If these 897 people are to be resettled, where will they be placed?"

Fei immediately understood what Lu Qiqi meant. The city lord was so kind. Even if those people outside were not good people, she would help them.

He knew that the city lord's decision would not change because of their disagreement: "If we want to let them in, they must be separated from our warehouses, important factories and salt wells. In addition, they cannot be allowed to be too close to children and pregnant women. To prevent these people from massacring our descendants in the event of a conflict. And we cannot let all 200 people in. I suggest that one or two rooms in the textile factory and warehouse can be vacated, and it is announced that people can be admitted for refuge.

Try to choose children and pregnant women who are easy to control and important to the tribe.

One is to help these weak people, and the other is to prevent people from other tribes from rioting and uniting to attack us at this special time.

As for other people, if they are not weak, it doesn’t matter if they get caught in the rain.

The roof was repaired despite the rain, but it is still usable. "

"Well said sir."

Lu Qiqi knew that Fei really had two skills, especially when he knew what the superior wanted, he could relatively perfectly highlight a plan that was satisfactory to the city lord.

As the plan was implemented, children and pregnant women from other tribes were soon sent here.

These people were soaked to the skin, and some of the children and women were even sick.

"They actually let people in who were sick."

"We shouldn't help these bad pig bugs. They put all the sick people in, aren't they harming us?"

In primitive tribes, what everyone is afraid of is not wild beasts or even the cold winter, but disease. They have no other option but to survive a disease on their own. What's even more terrifying is that some diseases are enough to kill all the people in a tribe.

So everyone is afraid when they see sick people.

Their fears are not without reason.

Lu Qiqi certainly knew how terrifying the word plague was.

She immediately asked people to commandeer the only rain-proof place outside Nuwa City, and put in all the people with cold symptoms. Then ask Ms. Butterfly to prescribe medicine and make soup to treat the disease.

The bitter taste of herbs is mixed with the smell of earth when it rains. Many players are here to help take care of these sick people.

What about Lu Qiqi?

Lu Qiqi went to find someone to settle the score.

The clan leaders who had begged her to take in their clansmen were all arrested. The clansmen of these tribes were so frightened by this situation that they almost rushed forward. However, below, the armored army led by Li and Fu stood in front of these people like a wall, and the archers on the city wall had already drawn their bows to full capacity.

Big raindrops hit the metal armor.

Even the sound is terrifying.

The priests below are appeasing the warriors of their tribe. Once a war breaks out, the clan leader will die and they will not be Nuwa City's opponent.

And Lu Qiqi also knew that they did not dare to take action.

"Do you know why I arrested your clan leader?"

She stood on a high place with cold eyes, "Because they are guilty! Our city, Nuwa, is kind enough to help the weak in your tribe, but your clan leader sends the sick together!"

After she finished speaking, the priest did not dare to raise his head and look directly——

They did do it on purpose.

"Our city, Nuwa, has said that anyone who does anything that endangers our city, Nuwa, will be punished in the most severe manner."

After Lu Qiqi said this, he signaled the executioner below to wave his whip.

There was no room for bargaining. The moment the whip fell, the supreme authority represented by these patriarchs was broken...

good night~

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