This game is too cruel

Chapter 128 Treatment and Prevention of Disease

Chapter 128 Treatment and Prevention of Disease

This is the writing that children have just learned.

Crooked and crooked, like a tadpole. I can vaguely recognize it as "Long live the Lord of the City!"

I also drew a heart on the back with uneven edges.

Honestly, it's ugly.

Just as the Lord City Master was about to teach her a demanding lesson, the child suddenly squatted down, clutching his stomach.

"what happened?"

Lu Qiqi also squatted down and said, "Are you going to poop smelly? Can the teacher teach you where to poop smelly?"

"Taught me, in the toilet."

The child answered honestly, and then said: "I don't want to poop, it's because my stomach hurts..."


Lady Butterfly's Residence

Lu Qiqiu took the child over and asked her to help check it out. Ms. Butterfly asked the child, "Apart from you, does anyone else have a stomachache?"

The child nodded, and then named two or three more people.

Lu Qiqi was watching from the side and saw Ms. Butterfly frowning and relaxing several times, "Professor, what's wrong with her?"

"There's a worm in my stomach."

Ms. Butterfly replied: "The lifestyle of the indigenous people has never been hygienic enough. This child has parasites in her stomach. The sudden white patches on her face and the thin body due to malnutrition are symptoms. She has a stomachache because the parasites are too big." Cause more.”

Hearing this, Lu Qiqi couldn't help but frown, "Can our current conditions be eliminated?"


Ms. Butterfly said: "I have seen Artemisia roundworm before, and it can be used to make medicine to fight roundworms."

Lu Qiqi felt relieved after hearing this, "That's good, I'm still worried that it can't be cured."

"Even if roundworms can't be cured, it's actually not a big problem. But diseases like smallpox, tuberculosis, leprosy, malaria, and polio are the ones you should worry about."

Lu Qiqi accidentally discovered a disease that could be cured, and then Ms. Butterfly popularized a lot of diseases that were not easy to cure. Any one of these illnesses can severely damage the vitality of the Nuwa tribe.

"It's so difficult to build a country."

These tribesmen seem to be unkillable, but in fact, there are many things that can kill them.

After answering where she lived, she finally couldn't help but complain.

After complaining, we have to summon players who understand medicine or are interested in the mission to discuss the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

"Although smallpox was the most infectious disease in the past, it is also the only infectious disease that has been eradicated by humans worldwide. Let's study this epidemic prevention method. It should be easy to vaccinate against cowpox. After all, it is an 18th-century technology."

"Tuberculosis... needs to be discussed. The conditions in Nuwa City are not easy to treat."

"Leprosy is very difficult to treat, but according to the information I found, more than % of people have natural immunity to leprosy."

At the meeting, everyone talked freely about the information they had.

As a city lord, Lu Qiqi sat aside with a small bench and listened to their talk + wrote notes.

In addition to Lu Qiqi, a group of selected smart tribesmen are also learning. It is even more difficult for them to listen, but in this kind of technological crushing game, anyone who can understand a sentence or two is a huge gain.

They discussed smallpox, malaria, and polio as three diseases that were currently necessary and possibly preventable.

Smallpox has been said.

Malaria is caused by mosquitoes, especially in the wilderness. Almost every tribe will die of malaria in the summer, and it is very necessary to develop corresponding drugs. Moreover, artemisinin, a specific malaria drug developed by Ms. Tu Youyou, they have a certain degree of confidence in replicating.

Finally, there is poliomyelitis, commonly known as poliomyelitis.

Compared with roundworms, this is the infectious disease that Lu Qiqi should worry about most. This disease was once a pandemic in her native country. About 4 children were affected by the disease every year. 20% of the sick died and the rest were paralyzed. Later, Mr. Gu Fangzhou and his team used their own children as subjects to develop an oral vaccine that saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. When the player said this, everyone was in awe.

"I actually felt the greatness of our ancestors in a fucking game."

"Yes, we had a lot of vaccines at that time. Living to this day is not only a blessing, but also the blessings of many ancestors."

"Stop talking, I fucking want to cry. I'm going to make it for the babies in Nuwa City. Isn't it okay to make it for them?"

Lu Qiqi was still thinking about how to make these players willing to make vaccines, but they ended up saying that they had developed the vaccine themselves.


I was so moved.

Although the players are often out of tune, they are most reliable when they are needed.

She was very lucky that she chose to let players appear and conquer the world, otherwise it would be difficult to overcome the obstacle of infectious diseases.

The next day, Ms. Butterfly took people to find Artemisia Ascaris.

In the original world, insecticides were made to look like candy cones to suit the taste of children. But in this world of material poverty, being able to make insecticides is already a very powerful thing.

Inside Nuwa City

A large pot is boiling with insect repellent.

The black potion is particularly bitter.

The patrolman knocked on the iron plate and asked the adults to bring the children to get the medicine. When a child drinks it, an adult will curiously open the child's pants to check.

"Miao, what are you doing?"

Someone stopped the adult who was taking off the child's pants. The person who was stopped laughed and said, "Didn't you say this is to fight bugs? Let me see how the bugs escape from the child's stomach after drinking the potion."

"The God Envoy has already said that, but it can't be so fast. If you don't put the pants on the baby quickly, you may be reprimanded by the security team."

Miao Dao didn't mind being told that, and left with a hahaha smile.

Lu Qiqi knew that insecticides would be distributed today, so he came over to take a look. There was already a long queue at the place where the medicine was distributed. Some children were brought in by adults, while others came by themselves.

Every child drinks medicine obediently.

She stood here for a while, and many children rushed over to hug her.

Mouth full of snot and bubbles...

It’s standard equipment for children, and Gou Sheng used to be like this too.

The lord suddenly thought of the two children from home, and turned to ask Zhizi: "Have Gou Sheng and Gui come over for a drink?"

not yet.

When Qiao called the two of them over, they were still a little awkward, "Sir, I am no longer a child."

Kei nodded in rare agreement, "Besides, I'm still a minister. It's not good for my subordinates to see me standing in line with children."

Lu Qiqi couldn't help but want to laugh after hearing this, but he nodded, "Okay, I want to save face when I grow up. Let the mosquitoes get you two two bowls and drink them secretly in the house."

"Sir, can you stop drinking?"

Gou Sheng is still unwilling.

Keiya stood there and looked at her helplessly.


The city lord regretfully told them that there was no door.

(End of this chapter)

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