Chapter 19 That's it?

"No wonder you want to become his teacher!" Xie Nanxiang immediately taunted him in a strange way.

“This arrogance is really the same.

But you are stunned!

Your so-called talent is worthless in his eyes, because he doesn’t have the talent~"

"Shut up!" Bai Xiaojing glared at him.

"I'm talking to Teacher Sun, what's the matter?"

That's right!

Being treated like this by Sun Jing, Bai Xiaojing was still unconvinced by Sun Jing's positioning of her and Liu Zhiguang, but she became more determined to study medicine under Sun Jing.


No matter if you have talent or not, I don’t have talent!

What a domineering sideshow!

He is indeed the teacher that I, Bai Xiaojing, like!

After scolding the weird Xie Nanxiang, Bai Xiaojing looked at Sun Jing with burning eyes.

"Teacher Sun, I admit that your talent is higher than everyone else, which is why I insist on becoming your teacher.

But I still disagree with your statement that I am less talented than Liu Zhiguang and Ye Chunmeng.

Because you are a counterexample yourself!
You have only been studying medicine for three years in total, but you have reached a level that most doctors cannot reach in a lifetime.

In such a short period of time, you can't say this is because you have more perseverance, right?
The real reason is that your talent is higher than everyone else, and it is a normal talent in our eyes! "

"What kind of doctor do you plan to be in the future?" Sun Jing suddenly asked.

"Neurosurgeon!" Bai Xiaojing raised her chin: "In surgery, only cardiothoracic surgery can compare with neurosurgery.

However, the technology of cardiothoracic surgery has been relatively mature, but neurosurgery is still full of mysteries and unknowns, making it more difficult and challenging!
Teacher Sun, you also created new surgical techniques in neurosurgery.

So I will follow in your footsteps, Mr. Sun, conquer the mysterious and unknown new fields of neurosurgery, and create a legend that belongs to me, Bai Xiaojing! "

"That's it?" Sun Jing smiled.

"..." Bai Xiaojing paused.

What is this?

The pursuit of her dream sounds like a wild delusion to most people's ears. But to Sun Jing's words, how could it be 'that's all'?

"It seems you still don't understand." Sun Jing shook his head: "Your idea is good. If you are willing to work hard, it is not impossible to succeed.

But your pattern is not big.

Neurosurgery is indeed the most challenging department in surgery.

But it is just a department of surgery.

Compared with the entire Department of Surgery, it is not even considered big.

This does not include internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, ENT, emergency department, anesthesiology and other departments.

These major departments can be subdivided into many smaller specialties such as neurosurgery.

Why didn't you mention it?
It’s not that you are the best at neurosurgery, you only want to learn from the most qualified ones.

It’s that you subconsciously recognize your own limitations.

With your talent, if you want to become famous in neurosurgery, you already need to work very hard. It is basically a lifelong career pursuit.

Once you choose this direction, you have no ability to study other majors.

Not to mention other major departments, even in the field of surgery, you are not able to do the rest of the surgery.

If you are not proficient in all specialties, you don't want to think that once you encounter a patient who is not a neurosurgery patient, no matter how talented you are, you will still be able to do about the same as Liu Zhiguang, who is average in talent.Even if that patient happens to be the specialty chosen by Liu Zhiguang, what you can do is not as good as Liu Zhiguang! "

"Teacher Sun, you are sophistry!" Bai Xiaojing was still a little unconvinced.

"This is different! I can choose any major, but Liu Zhiguang can't. Doesn't this mean that I am more talented than him?"

"You may be able to choose any one, and Liu Zhiguang may not be able to do it, but neurosurgery is about treating diseases and saving people, but other departments are not?" Sun Jing asked.

"You chose neurosurgery. Apart from feeling better about yourself than Liu Zhiguang, who may choose other simpler specialties in the future, what is the difference in terms of the nature of treating diseases and saving lives?
Even based on the volume of neurosurgery operations, the number of patients and lives you can handle will most likely be far less than that of Liu Zhiguang.

In terms of absolute height, you can't reach my height, and you don't even dare to imagine it.

From an ordinary person's perspective, why do you look down on Liu Zhiguang, who is more idealistic and perseverant?

Do you think he is inferior to you? "

"I..." Bai Xiaojing was speechless.

She thought she was great.

But now that Sun Jing said this, she realized with shame that her pride and confidence were worthless in front of Sun Jing.


She only dared to imagine Sun Jing's exposed height, but she didn't even dare to imagine Sun Jing's true height and breadth.

no way!
Even if it was revealed now, she, who had always been confident and proud, still had no intention of challenging the almost impossible achievement of being proficient in all subjects.

"What about Ye Chunmeng?" Bai Xiaojing shouted at Sun Jing's back when Sun Jing changed his clothes and walked out.

"Do you still need to ask?" Sun Jing stretched out his hands without looking back.

She gestured with a '1' with one hand and a '2' with the other hand, leaving Bai Xiaojing speechless again.

In the Renhua intern exam, even though she looks more awesome, she has admission notices from many top medical schools abroad, and Renhua, who only regards others as their most awesome achievements, is the guarantee.

But in fact, she came second in the Renhua Internship Qualification Examination.

And the first one is Ye Chunmeng!
"This ranking is only temporary!" Bai Xiaojing looked at Ye Chunmeng unhappily.

"Real ability is definitely not just about exams. Teacher Sun will see it soon and revise this ranking!"

Ye Chunmeng pursed her lips and said nothing.

Normally, she would have humbled herself to make Bai Xiaojing happy to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

But just now, Sun Jing's words about talent, perseverance, and structure, although he was mainly talking about Liu Zhiguang, still made her blood boil.

In terms of structure, Liu Zhiguang is dedicated to being a good doctor who treats illnesses and saves lives.

And she embarked on the path of studying medicine because she witnessed her father's death when she was a child and was helpless. She also wanted to be a good doctor who can treat diseases and save people in the future.

However, she considers herself not as pure as Liu Zhiguang.

Another important purpose of her studying medicine is to provide better conditions for her mother. In the future, she can rely on her own abilities to bring her mother to live with her in Shanghai.

She considers her talent to be slightly better than Liu Zhiguang's.

And perseverance is slightly weaker than Liu Zhiguang.

According to Sun Jing's evaluation, she was placed below Liu Zhiguang. She did not feel aggrieved, but felt that Dr. Sun's ranking was more reasonable.

They come from a small place, so maybe they are not as good as Bai Xiaojing and others in terms of resources.

But as long as they are willing to work hard, their future achievements as doctors will definitely not be worse than Bai Xiaojing's!
Of course, the premise is to have a good teacher to guide them!
Dr. Sun Jingsun is such a teacher, and she will never give in to Bai Xiaojing in terms of her evaluation status in his eyes.

When Sun Jing walked to the hospital gate, he looked at the night, raised his hand to look at the time, and found that it was already 11:11. As he was about to wave for a taxi, a touching and familiar voice came from behind him.

"Sun Jing, are you going back?"

(End of this chapter)

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