Chapter 23 Internship Ceremony
"Doctors will inevitably stay up late." Sun Jingming nodded and said, "But we must ensure that we are healthy and able to concentrate.

Otherwise, a confused diagnosis may result in a missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis, resulting in unbearable consequences. "

"I know!" Bai Xiaojing raised her chin: "I have scientific exercise methods, running, swimming, and all kinds of fitness.

I have been persevering all this time to become a better doctor! "

Liu Zhiguang and Ye Chunmeng both looked at Bai Xiaojing with admiration.

They have always had the ideal goal of being a good doctor.

But when it comes to scientifically planning life and study for this ideal goal, after all, she is still not as good as the eldest lady Bai Xiaojing.

Of course, due to the pressure of life, they sometimes have to invest time and energy other than studying.

There are not as many resources as Bai Xiaojing.

But you still have to admire it.

They come from a small place, but they don't have low self-esteem to the point of being blindly proud.

"Mengmeng!" At this moment, the duo of medical students came over, and Chen Xi shouted from a distance.

Xie Nanxiang's nose is not a nose, and his eyes are not eyes. He is obviously still angry at Sun Jing's attitude of not only not treating him preferentially but also showing disgust towards him.

"Hey!" Ye Chunmeng agreed quickly.

The two of them live in the same dormitory and are roommates with bunk beds, so their relationship is naturally close.

"The induction ceremony for interns is about to begin, come quickly!" Chen Xi reluctantly smiled at Sun Jing, and then reminded Ye Chunmeng.

Although she was a little unhappy that Sun Jing was so critical of her childhood sweetheart, she had not stopped echoing her childhood sweetheart's complaints since last night.

But when she saw Sun Jing's face, she couldn't do it with a black face.

"You go ahead." Sun Jing waved his hand when he saw that Ye Chunmeng and the other three were looking at him, obviously waiting for him to speak.

"Yes, Teacher Sun!" Bai Xiaojing called the teacher directly.

Liu Zhiguang followed suit naturally.

Ye Chunmeng was a little confused.

But she remembered that Sun Jing corrected her for shouting like this on the plane.

Sun Jing didn't say anything, told the nurse to pay more attention to Qian Lele, and left the neurosurgery ward.

Today is the induction of this group of intern doctors.

It was also the day when he officially joined Renhua.

Unlike the intern doctor who just listened to the arrangements and waited for notifications, he went directly to the dean to discuss the next work arrangements.

When I accepted the invitation from Dean Fu Bowen, the overall framework was agreed upon.

But once we get there, there are always some new ideas and details that need to be communicated again.

He will not wrong himself.

"Doctor Sun, it's so early." When Dean Fu saw Sun Jing, he immediately smiled and nodded.

"Qian Lele's surgery last night was so beautiful!"

"This operation is difficult to diagnose, but the difficulty of the operation is second." Sun Jing shook his head.

"That's for you, Dr. Sun." Dean Fu said with a smile: "Any other doctor would never be able to perform an operation like yours."

Just when Sun Jing was about to say something, the phone in the dean's office rang.

After Dean Fu got through, he hung up the phone after saying "I got it." Then he stood up and smiled.

"Dr. Sun, do we have anything to discuss later? The induction ceremony for intern doctors has been prepared. Shall we go there first?"

"Okay." Sun Jing agreed.

The two walked out of the dean's office and came to the outdoor honor exhibition wall in the courtyard, which was now arranged into a special outdoor venue.

Rows of seats were occupied by cute new intern doctors.

In front is a row of rostrums.

It was obviously for the leaders of the hospital to sit.

Several middle-aged men and women were already sitting there, including emergency room director Zhong Xixi.

Sun Jing glanced over and recognized that these were the directors of the main departments in the hospital.One of them, a middle-aged man with good looks, was already looking here in advance when Sun Jing looked over. When their eyes met, the middle-aged man smiled at Sun Jing.

Sun Jing also nodded to him.

But he didn't imitate his smiling face.

He knows this man.

Yang Fan, director of cardiothoracic surgery.

Renhua used to be a cardiothoracic surgeon, but now after working hard to get promoted, he puts more attention on management.

The relationship with Dean Fu is a bit complicated.


It tastes a bit like the hospital version of Shengtian Banzi.

"Doctor Sun, sit over here!" Just when Sun Jing was about to find a seat in the back row of intern doctors, Dean Fu pulled Sun Jing to the podium.

"Isn't this inappropriate?" Sun Jing said modestly.

"There's nothing wrong! We are a teaching hospital here! Those who are masters are teachers!" Dean Fu saw everyone looking over, stopped and stood there, looking around.

“Today is the induction ceremony for intern doctors. It not only welcomes them to join the big family of Renhua, but also reminds them of the way forward in the future.

Dr. Sun's achievements are their role models!
So it is important to sit in this position so that all the interns can see you! "

As soon as I finished speaking, there should be applause here.

The first person to applaud was Yang Fan, director of cardiothoracic surgery. He clapped vigorously with a smile of approval on his face.

When other people saw this, they naturally had no choice but to clap along.

Emergency director Zhong Xibei also applauded, but he tilted his head and glanced at Yang Fan, shaking his head slightly.

Similar encounters, different choices.

Yang Fan, director of cardiothoracic surgery, also felt the gaze of emergency director Zhong Xixi. The applause continued. The sneer at the corner of his mouth flashed away when he lowered his head slightly. When he raised his head again, he still had the smile of approval and admiration.

At Dean Fu's insistence, Sun Jing went to the podium and sat at the edge.

Faced with the curious, surprised, envious, jealous, and questioning eyes of dozens of newbies opposite me, I felt calm and composed.

After everyone sat down.

It was not Dean Fu Bowen who took to the podium to deliver a speech, but Zhou Ming, acting director of the Department of Surgery.

no way!
Who makes him the most handsome person among the leaders, and his status is also appropriate.

Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that he is the acting director appointed by Dean Fu Bowen.

“I want to say that actually yesterday was your real induction ceremony!

Yesterday was a preview of your internship life and even your career in the next two years.

Just yesterday, for the first time, you experienced the hardship of not being able to drink water and not having time to go to the toilet.

For the first time, I was worried about the patient's safety.

For the first time, I swallowed the grievance of not being able to fight back.

For the first time, I felt the trust and loyalty among my companions.

In the future, you will understand that this is the best induction ceremony that Renhua can give you.

According to procedure, as the supervisor of internship teaching, I should issue you with brand new white coats.

But after yesterday's baptism test, your white coats covered with sweat, blood, and stains are proof and a medal of your efforts.

It is the most beautiful white coat that a doctor can have!
Intern doctors, stand up! "

Having said this, he walked off the podium and looked at Fu Bowen for instructions: "Dean!"

Fu Bowen nodded and stood up, greeted Sun Jing, and walked towards the standing intern doctors with Zhou Ming, followed by the etiquette lady holding a tray.

In the tray are Renhua's identity tags.

Dean Fu and Zhou Ming each picked up their identity tags and put them on the intern's neck.

Sun Jing rummaged around, pulled out an ID tag from the tray, walked up to Liu Zhiguang, put the ID tag around his neck, and then patted him on the shoulder: "Work hard! Strive!"

(End of this chapter)

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