The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 248 Teacher Bai: Can’t touch? No! I can prove that I can!

Chapter 248 Teacher Bai: Can’t touch? No! I can prove that I can!

Faced with Sun Jing saying such explicit words so abruptly.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid that even if he wasn't annoyed, he would be embarrassed.

But although Andy has never been in love and even resisted anyone's touch, he has been living abroad these years.

In fact, they are not shy about things between men and women.

For example, in 2202 next door, Qiu Yingying and Manager Bai were making rapid progress, and within a few days they were filled with the feeling of a man and a woman blending together.

Qu Xiaoxiao from 2203 noticed it and complained in front of Andy.

She didn't react at first.

After Qu Xiaoxiao reminded her for the second time, she understood immediately, but expressed her understanding very calmly.

Have you never eaten pork and seen a pig running?

She works on Wall Street!

How could she not know what the Wolf of Wall Street was doing?

So she really didn't feel any shame in talking about this.

But if it were another man talking to her so abruptly and with a hint of teasing, then she would definitely give him a righteous warning not to harass her!

Foreign countries are very particular about this, because psychological harassment is so common in foreign workplaces and happens at every turn.

The more something is lacking, the more we must promote it.

Not to mention that a young Asian woman with her good looks and figure, in a New York City full of The Wolf of Wall Street, would have to step forward a little and immediately strike hard and fight back severely.

Otherwise, those foreign men, due to the superposition of various factors for more than a hundred years, are full of violent tendencies toward Asian women, and she would have been eaten alive long ago.

Just look at those American TV shows!

Even Howard, the socially awkward man in The Big Bang Theory, loves to watch Asian movies online.

The online name I chose is even more explicit, just to attract Asian women who want green cards and immigration.

Even though Andy is an investment genius, he is favored by Wall Street.

But in those years before America grew up, we must have encountered, had the most profound experiences, and the strongest stress reactions.

However, it was Sun Jing who said this.

She noticed the sudden switch to English and received the teasing explanation. She glanced at Sun Jing's face...then she shrugged: "ok."

He expressed his understanding and acceptance very calmly.

Being ugly is called obscene harassment.

He looks handsome and is humorous.

Standards are the only way to be famous for double standards if they are flexible and flexible.

Andy, who is not normal and extremely resistant to outsiders, is countless times better than normal people in this regard.

"You seem to have a bad impression of Xiaoqu and Fan Xiaomei, then I..."

After Andy easily accepted Sun Jing's abrupt explanation, what she was most concerned about was her own performance.

After all, she and several female neighbors got close so quickly. In addition to their initiative, she needed to use this to blend in and show Sun Jing.

Now Sun Jing seems to be disgusted with both Qu Xiaoxiao and Fan Shengmei.

Then she didn't know what to do next.

"Don't think too much." Sun Jing said with a smile: "When I criticize them, I really discuss the matter and will not interfere with your interactions with them.

And dealing with people like them is the norm.

There is no Qu Xiaoxiao, but there is also Wang Xiaoxiao!

There is no Fan Shengmei, but Nian Shengmei!

It’s inevitable!

So that's how you interact with them. "

Having said this, he joked: "Of course, the premise is that they can really discuss things as they are like me.

Instead of asking you to stay away from this crazy person like me~

After all, it is normal for brothers to make peace and for best friends to leave~"

"Will not!"

Andy immediately shook his head.

I feel that they should not be that kind of person.

It also means that even if they ask, she will not agree.

"And can you stop saying that word all the time..."

"Are you crazy?" Sun Jing looked at her uncomfortable expression and began to increase his intensity.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are also crazy, aren't you?"

"You!" Andy was shocked and panicked.

"Don't get excited!" Sun Jingping said calmly: "Did everything I said before be in vain?

In the eyes of ordinary people, geniuses are different from ordinary people, and super geniuses must be crazy!

Tan Zongming also said, you are a genius!

You are Xiao Ming’s half-sister and share many of the same genes.

It is inevitable to be a genius and suffer from mental illness.

What is there to deny? "

"Xiao Ming is also a genius?"

Andy was originally short of breath due to shock and panic. When he heard Sun Jing mention Xiao Ming, he suppressed his discomfort and asked.

If Sun Jing had directly raised this issue a few days ago, she would have been 'crazy' at that time.

But at that time, he was already stunned by Sun Jing's straightforward words, and then he was driven back to investigate and learn the shocking facts Sun Jing said.

With these few days of buffering, her endurance was obviously stronger than at the beginning.

Tonight, Sun Jing's "god-level disease" Zhuyu performance is on the front, and Sheldon's very easy-to-understand example serves as a silky foreshadowing.

When Sun Jing revealed her biggest secret again, although she still felt discomfort, she did not go crazy and fall into the biggest panic in her heart.

Instead, he grasped the situation of Sun Jingti's younger brother Xiao Ming and temporarily suppressed his strong feelings.

Without Sun Jing's silky little combos, she would have collapsed if the fact that her brother Xiao Ming was mentally ill was exposed to her eyes.

He only cares about panicking and escaping, so how can he care about his younger brother Xiao Ming?

"Of course Xiao Ming is a genius. He is very sensitive and talented in mathematics, but because of his autism, he is unwilling to interact with ordinary people." Sun Jing nodded.

"Yes." Andy recalled the past, trembling with excitement: "Xiao Ming is indeed very sensitive to numbers, just like me."

"Take Xie Erduo as an example." Sun Jing said with a smile: "When he was a child, he didn't like to have contact with outsiders, including his twin sisters and family members.

When he was nine years old and in high school, he was sitting alone at lunch with no friends. His mother felt that he was lonely and pitiful, so she insisted that he find friends, and she even cried and stayed up all night because of this.

For his mother's feelings, he reluctantly started looking for friends.

In the last twenty years, he still had few friends.

There are only a few colleagues who are similar to him.

However, the reality is that when he was sitting alone in the restaurant and no one paid attention to him, he did not feel lonely or pitiful.

His mind was filled with the mysteries of the universe, filled with infinite colors.

Xiao Ming may not be as good as him.

But it's not as pitiful as you think.

So don't get too excited. "

"Really?" Andy looked at Sun Jing in disbelief.

The reason why she was so excited and even trembled when she thought of Xiao Ming was that she had not dared to think too much about this brother all these years because she was afraid of seeing a brother like her crazy mother in her memory.

This also leads her to think about her future.

That's right!

In the final analysis, the key is herself!

Now listening to Sun Jing's meaning, Xiao Ming was not as crazy and miserable as she imagined.

It can't even be called lonely and pitiful.

This completely subverted her imagination.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Xie Erduo." Sun Jing joked.

"..." Andy suddenly stopped talking.

Of course she wouldn't be so stupid as to provoke that kind of troublemaker and nuisance.

But compared to his crazy and miserable brother, having such a troublesome and annoying brother is simply a gift from God.

Whether Sheldon's roommate Leonard agrees or not, that's what she feels.

"That's good, that's good." After Andy accepted this statement, he became excited again: "I want to see Xiao Ming, Sun Jing, will you let me see Xiao Ming?"

"No!" Sun Jing looked at Andy who was so prone to trembling, and sighed in his heart that he was also trembling too easily... but he refused again without hesitation.

"Why?" Andy couldn't help but reached out and grabbed Sun Jing's clothes.

"As I said before, I still don't see the need for you to return home and get to know Xiao Ming." Sun Jing looked at her bluntly.

"Since you and Xiao Ming share genes, they are both geniuses, even if they don't have strong symptoms of mental illness.

But there is certainly the possibility of sudden mental illness.

In fact, if you resist the touch of others and are so easily agitated that you tremble, this is already a sign of mental illness.

For you like this, not only taking care of Xiao Ming, but also taking care of yourself is a major challenge.

You know, many geniuses are giants in their careers and idiots in life.

You can't tell me that you are still thinking about taking Xiao Ming to those so-called high-end nursing homes abroad, right?

Nursing homes abroad are full of hellish jokes.

Although the domestic ones are not that scary.

But the reason why raising children to provide for old age is still the wisdom of the ages.

It is because for thousands of years, people have known that even blood relatives often have no filial son at their bedside.

Not to mention just spending a few dollars to get the nursing home staff to treat people as gods.

You like Da Liu too!

You should also have read his "Feeding God".

What about God?

Should I despise it, I will still despise it.

So are you ready to get married?

Are you prepared to raise a child to not only support you in old age, but also provide for Xiao Ming, the child’s uncle?

It's almost impossible for you to even touch people. "

"I can!"

Andy was so shocked by Sun Jing's words that he held on to Sun Jing's clothes and resisted the idea of ​​escaping.

When she heard Sun Jing mention again that she couldn't touch others, she looked at her hand uncontrollably.

Then, not only for refutation but also for experiment, she tremblingly extended her other hand to Sun Jing.

This time, it’s not the sleeves!

"see it?"

As if stuck in bullet time, Andy slowly stretched out his hand and grabbed Sun Jing's hand.

When she really caught it, she raised Sun Jing's hand, looked at Sun Jing excitedly, and signaled Sun Jing to look quickly.

She did it!

"So, you are still planning to get married?" Sun Jing repeated the question again.

"No..." The smile on Andy's face faltered. She wanted to continue following Sun Jing's words, but she couldn't lie to herself.

She didn't want to let her child go either. She worried all day long that one day she would turn into the fearful life of her crazy mother.

Such bloodline genes should be limited to her.

"Don't worry." Sun Jing patted her hand and smiled brightly.

"I have no other meaning when I say this, and I do not discriminate against non-marriage advocates.

I have always told everyone that I am the most determined non-marriage advocate! "

Andy: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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