Chapter 26 No woman in my heart

"It's okay to take it step by step." Dean Fu laughed again.

"The day after tomorrow is the group exam, and I'll let you pick someone first then."

"Okay." Sun Jing did not refuse.

Although he already has a candidate in mind.

After communicating with Dean Fu for a while and finalizing his salary and requirements, Sun Jing left the Dean's office and went to his own office.

When he opened the door and glanced at the area and furnishings of the space, he knew that Dean Fu had given him a high salary according to the treatment of the chief doctor.

He visited for a long time.

It wasn't that he was flattered by the treatment, but that he carefully checked the office to make sure there was nothing wrong.

It is necessary to be cautious and steady.

This is also a habit developed abroad.

After all, many of those foreign language teachers are very unrestrained and enthusiastic.

As soon as he saw Sun Jing in a white coat treating patients and rescuing people, he was so excited that he went to the medical center to do it, not just once or twice.

After checking and finding that there were no problems, Sun Jing locked the door and left the office, and went into the archives room again.

This looks like a whole morning.


When Sun Jing felt hungry, he left the archives room and went to the hospital cafeteria. When he arrived, he saw the intern doctors sitting there eating.

The medical gangster duo sat together with Ye Chunmeng and Liu Zhiguang.

Bai Xiaojing, on the other hand, sat alone.

After Sun Jing finished his meal, he did not go there.

They are all young people, handsome men and beautiful women. Outside of work, we should keep a distance as much as possible and maintain the proper relationship between superiors and subordinates to avoid unnecessary daydreams.

Of course Sun Jing wouldn't do it.

He had never seen any beauties, and he was worried about people like Ye Chunmeng, Bai Xiaojing, and Chen Xi.

When he occasionally watched domestic TV series, what disgusted him the most was that these people were often obsessed with love and did not concentrate on their careers.

No matter how ideal and pursuing they were at the beginning, in the end everyone focused entirely on love.

Although American TV series are bombarded, how many minutes can it take?
On the contrary, I won’t waste too much time on romance, and my career line will be very professional.

So Sun Jing was determined not to give them a chance.

Just as he was about to find a place to sit, he heard someone calling: "Dr. Sun, this way!"

When he looked up, he saw the female doctor Ai Weiwei who was in the emergency room before. Sitting next to him was a male doctor, looking at him carefully.

"Dr. Sun, let me introduce to you. This is my fiancé Ran Huaizhou." Female doctor Ai Weiwei introduced with a smile.

"Huai Zhou, this is Dr. Sun Jingsun I told you about."

Without waiting for her fiancé to speak, she whispered gratefully: "Thank you very much for what happened before, Dr. Sun. I checked and confirmed the diagnosis later.

It is indeed DVT, you are amazing.

Not surprising though.

After all, Dr. Huo from the Department of Neurosurgery couldn't tell the epilepsy patient you consulted yesterday.

You can tell at a glance that the aneurysm ruptured due to a one-in-a-million fall..."

"Ran Huaizhou!" Seeing that his fiancée admired Sun Jing so much, the male doctor kept talking non-stop. Finally he couldn't help but shook hands with Sun Jing and interrupted his fiancée.

"Sun Jing!" Sun Jing shook hands with him: "I heard from Dr. Ai that you, an emergency doctor, often come out of hospital for emergency treatment.

When carrying a comatose patient downstairs while biting the stretcher cloth, he got a mouth full of blood not once or twice.

Dr. Ran, you are such an admirable and good doctor! "This is what we doctors should do." " Ran Huaizhou stared into Sun Jing's eyes, making sure that Sun Jing was not just talking. His expression relaxed a little and he said casually.

"Indeed!" Sun Jing sighed: "But how many people can really do it? At least I can't do it like Dr. Ran.

I have been working in the emergency room for many years, and I also like to be on the front line in emergency rooms outside the hospital. "

This is the truth!
As far as he knew, the fiancé of female doctor Ai Weiwei, an emergency room doctor, was a truly good doctor.

"You don't agree with out-of-hospital emergencies?" Ran Huaizhou's temperament is a bit strange in the eyes of ordinary people. After hearing Sun Jing's heartfelt praise, his first reaction was to care about this.

"Of course not." Sun Jing shook his head: "Out-of-hospital emergency care is very necessary and can greatly reduce the mortality rate of emergency care."

"Yes." When Ran Huaizhou heard that Sun Jing agreed with him, he smiled with two dimples on his cheeks, showing an innocent smile like a child.

“Outside the hospital and inside the hospital are actually the same thing, but out-of-hospital emergency care can actually reduce handover time.

Besides, in many emergency cases, it is too late to send the patient to the hospital, and the patient is already dead.

And if there is an experienced emergency doctor who can provide accurate rescue as soon as he arrives at the scene, it can often be the difference between life and death!
But I heard that the hospital is canceling out-of-hospital emergency care. You think this is the reason!
I told our Director Zhong several times, and he mocked me because I am not the Minister of Health, not even the Dean, and I should not be involved in this matter.

But I still like the feeling of rescuing a life from outside the hospital to inside the hospital! "

"There is nothing the hospital can do." Sun Jing explained: "Medical resources are inherently limited, and the emergency department has a high turnover rate and cannot retain talents.

An excellent emergency doctor like you is nothing but a carrot and a pit.

If you go out of hospital for emergency treatment, the emergency room will lose a reliable doctor.

It takes that long to go back and forth.

For such a long time, you are mostly empty.

Comparing the two, you can certainly save more patients in the emergency room per unit of time.

There is still no final conclusion in the world on the pros and cons of this. "

"Is there no solution to this?" Ran Huaizhou looked distressed.

"No." Sun Jing said with a smile: "The main problem is the optimal operation of medical resources.

What patients require an emergency doctor to go to the scene for first aid.

What kind of patients can be sent to the emergency room for first aid?

If we can grasp the balance here, we can improve the treatment of emergency doctors and retain better talents.

Rather than all going to departments with more money and less trouble.

The emergency room you imagined can still be realized.

As long as the mind does not slip, there are more solutions than difficulties.

Of course it is difficult. "

"I really hope what you said can come true." Ran Huaizhou said happily.

"..." Female doctor Ai Weiwei watched silently as her fiancé and Sun Jing hit it off, chatting about emergency care as if no one else was around.

This incompetence also includes her fiancée.

But she also knew that her childhood sweetheart fiancé had this temperament, and others had said more than once that he had a weird personality.

She introduced the new Sun Jing to her fiancé.

As a result, it's as if she doesn't exist now, talking about medical skills.

Perhaps it was this persistence that made her fiancé become the backbone of the emergency department at such a young age, and also made Sun Jing so amazing at such a young age.

She couldn't help being a little dazed.

If I could sum it up in one sentence, it would be that she vaguely understood it.

"Could it be that there is no woman in the heart and the god of nature draws his sword?"

(End of this chapter)

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