The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 276 The true level of Atractylodes! What a heart but a knife! That's it?

Chapter 276 The true level of Atractylodes! What a heart but a knife! That's it?

When Sun Jing heard Ran Huaizhou mention Gu Chaohua, he knew that he understood.

Du Fengsheng, the surgical resident who repeatedly caused problems, was Gu Chaohua's student.

Before Sun Jing came, mistakes had been made several times that shouldn't have been made.

Because he has the reputation of being a relative of the leader and being protected by his teacher Gu Chaohua, he still has no long memory after making several mistakes that he shouldn't have made.

This time, the patient almost died due to carelessness and missed diagnosis.

He did not reflect on himself afterwards, but skillfully made up the medical records, which shows that there is already a fundamental problem.

Being transferred out of clinical practice and going to the laboratory to perform operations on monkeys was already a big deal for the leader's relative.

This time, he was met by Fan Xun.

After getting angry, he handed it over to Director Shenwai Wang to handle it.

If Sun Jing ran into him directly, he would never pass by so lightly.

Gu Chaohua and Huo Simiao are from the same origin.

The students who come out of the education are all the same.

Facts have proved that when Gu Chaohua, Huo Simiao and others were dismissed by Sun Jingtun and refused to work, and those who could not continue to work, it was definitely not Sun Jing's making a fuss and being unreasonable.

But clean up the cancer!

"It's not just Fan Xun!" Ran Huaizhou actually thought of this too, but he was kind and gentle and didn't want to say more about it, so he just sighed again.

"And your three direct disciples are becoming more and more incredible each and every one.

What are the arrangements for these four disciples in the future?

Leave one for our emergency room? "

"Then it depends on what they choose." Sun Jing said with a smile: "Fan Xun must have escaped from Shenwai!

The other three are yet to be determined.

For example, Bai Xiaojing was determined to follow Xue Shenwai and became the best neurosurgeon.

But now I have expanded my scope of extracardiac surgery at Tongshan Hospital and performed several extracardiac surgeries.

She was interested in things outside her heart again.

And the pediatric department she rotated to in Renhua is also very friendly to children. I believe Dr. Ai has also told you about this? "

"I told you." Ran Huaizhou smiled and nodded: "Wei Wei also asked me to tell you that in the future, we should let Bai Xiaojing learn pediatrics.

She is both interested and talented.

I will definitely be a very good pediatrician in the future.

As for Shingai, that’s too tiring, even more tiring than pediatrics.

After all, pediatricians can often see female doctors, but not even a large hospital has a female doctor.

That's enough to prove everything.

This is not sexist.

But objective laws.

There is no need to exploit weaknesses and avoid strengths. "

"It depends on herself." Sun Jing nodded: "No matter which course you choose in the end, as long as you study hard, you will become a master in the field."

"That's because they are lucky to have such an incredible teacher who is a master of general education!" Ran Huaizhou marveled.

Sun Jing smiled and said nothing.

He said that you only need to study hard, but what he omitted was to follow him and study hard.

No matter which subject Bai Xiaojing chooses in the end, he is the best teacher.

In fact, although Bai Xiaojing's ambition had wavered, it had already been expected by Sun Jing.

This is also the reason why he originally placed Bai Xiaojing, who was obviously the best in talent, perseverance, and achievements, under Liu Zhiguang.


The weakness of the rich!

Bai Xiaojing is a wealthy young lady who has everything at her fingertips. She has hardly encountered any difficulties since she was a child. She is surrounded by 'good people'.

In this way, no matter how determined she is, her will will easily be shaken when she is hit by something she has never encountered before.

It was enough to comfort Sun Jing that he was just wavering about choosing a subject, not studying medicine.

Of course, if after learning so much from Sun Jing, one day he suddenly says he doesn't want to be a doctor and quits, then Sun Jing won't be indifferent.

The doctors he carefully trained would never tolerate having the best educational resources but giving up on stupid things.

That's what he despises most, only the protagonists of domestic idol dramas would do!

At that time, even if Bai Xiaojing's family goes bankrupt and her real support is cut off, she will still be brought back on track.


She can give up halfway.

But Sun Jing has a beginning and an end like this!

As long as he is still willing to be a doctor and does not choose to be a pediatrician, Sun Jing will still train him carefully.

After all, pediatricians are also very tired and their salaries are not high.

Doctors like Bai Xiaojing who like children and don't care about money are needed to invest in it.

Moreover, Sanxiao and Fan Xun each chose one subject, which was the most suitable for Sun Jing to pass on his skills.

The four of them don't have such a cheating life as him.

Only by studying one subject can one become a professional master.

Biting off more than one can chew will lead to mediocrity.

As for Ye Chunmeng.

I basically decided on cardiothoracic surgery.

As a heroine who grew up in a TV series, it was her destiny to eventually grow up to be Lu Chenxi, a cardiothoracic surgeon in Surgery.

As for Liu Zhiguang, Sun Jing wanted him to choose general education.

Of course you can go to the emergency room.

We’ll see then.

"Teacher Sun?"

Fan Xun had already finished handling the emergency patients and came over to look at Sun Jing inquiringly.

Sun Jing looked at Ran Huaizhou with a smile.

Ran Huaizhou highly praised Fan Xun's handling and also reminded some details.

Sun Jing finally added something they couldn't think of.

All three of them are technically proficient.

It's fun to talk about technology.

After one day of classes at Renhua, Sun Jing did not strike while the iron was hot and went to the Ode to Joy community to continue studying finance with Teacher Bai.

no way. The furnace isn't hot enough.

But the iron is still the same iron!

Moreover, he even asked for leave from her boss for Teacher Bai, and mocked her for being a real novice. Lao Tan couldn't be Huang Shiren, and he himself couldn't say one thing and do another.

So I also gave Teacher Bai a few days off.

Besides, this time buffer also allows Teacher Bai to think more about each other's positioning.

Just because you know the root and bottom, you cannot misjudge the distance between the heart and the heart.

Not even if the physical distance is closer than the distance between hearts.

Besides, Taobao logistics these days is far less developed than it will be in the future. Same-day delivery is not possible, and those gifts also take time.

The next day.

Tongshan Hospital.

An ambulance roared in.

"How is the patient?"

The head nurse of the emergency department came to greet her.

"The patient is a 21-year-old college student. He suddenly fell into coma during a basketball game. Monitoring in the ambulance showed that his heart rate was 168 and his blood pressure was 72 and 41!"

The ambulance staff helped push him into the emergency room while answering quickly.

"Hold on! Turn left!" The head nurse calmly arranged: "Bed 1 in the emergency room! Get ready to move the bed! 2, 3, !"

Under the arrangements of the head nurse, the patient was transferred to the bed, his clothes were cut, and the monitoring equipment was put on.

Only then did Baizhu and the others rush over.

"Blood pressure, heart rate!"

As soon as Baizhu arrived, he took a small flashlight to check the eyes of the comatose patient and asked questions.

The rookie doctor who was assigned to follow him answered in a panic.

"Establish an intravenous channel and give me medicine to control my blood pressure!" Baizhu ordered.

The rookie doctor who followed him was confused and even more panicked.

Shouldn’t we report the name and dosage of the drug directly at this time?

Why is it so easy to use the word "medicine" and omit it?

This is a test for him, right?

But no matter how rich the theory was, it was difficult for him to confirm what medicine to use now that he was so flustered. In addition, his personality was not decisive, so he became even more panicked.

Fortunately, the head nurse of the emergency department agreed again: "Okay!"

Then before he could take action, the head nurse had already arranged the administration of medication.

The entire process is performed by nurses.

He glanced at his teacher Baizhu and saw that he was standing there with his hands in his pockets, but did not react to his lack of movement.

I couldn't help but feel relieved.

But I was slightly disappointed.

Although he couldn't tell.

But something always feels wrong.

"How much is your blood sugar?" Baizhu asked again.

"5.2!" The head nurse of the emergency department pushed away the overwhelmed rookie doctor and answered the question.

"Hypoglycemia can be ruled out, and it doesn't look like a neurological problem!" Baizhu's friend also came over. He is also the attending doctor in the emergency department.

"Give me the electrocardiogram!" Baizhu ordered.

As a former Tongshan Hospital, his most important concern is naturally his old profession.

"Supraventricular speed. Push adenosine triphosphate!" The friend also came over to take a look and ordered.

"Yes, Teacher Xu!" The rookie doctor who followed immediately agreed.

He just said it.

This is the right taste!

"Wait a minute!" Bai Zhu stopped looking at the electrocardiogram: "How long has it been since the recovery at 120?"

"More than an hour!" the head nurse of the emergency department replied.

"That's not right!" The friend said in surprise: "I have been in a coma caused by supraventricular speed for so long, I should have woken up long ago!"

"What's the blood oxygen level?" Baizhu continued to ask.

"While inhaling oxygen, the blood oxygen saturation is 85%!" the emergency nurse responded immediately.

"Supraventricular tachycardia doesn't have such a big impact on breathing!" Bai Zhu looked strange and at a loss.

"It's not right that the blood oxygen is so low." The friend reminded: "I'm going to check if you have a history of asthma or if you have a cold in the past two days!"

"Wait a minute!" Baizhu liked this classic line very much. He stopped his friend and gave him an order in the tone of a superior doctor: "You give him a physical examination first, and I will contact the patient's family to see if there are any other medical conditions!"

The fox friend glanced at him and wanted to complain.

I am the senior attending physician in the emergency department!

Although you Baizhu used to be a knife in the heart, but when you come to the emergency department, you are not as senior as me. You should listen to me!

Besides, what you said was just repeating what I just said.

It's really weird.

Those who don’t know may think that you are panicking and don’t dare to stay on the front line of emergency treatment. You subconsciously want to escape and go to your family members to discuss the medical history.

If I had known earlier, I would not have left you this opportunity to show off your skills.

That's right!

The reason why he suggested this was because he had been scolded by Director Sun as Xie Nanxiang's Xiang when Bai Shu first arrived.

So whenever he got the chance, he wanted to give his good friends a chance to show off their skills.

Otherwise, simple tasks such as talking to family members and asking about medical history have always been done by junior residents.

But who would have thought that Baizhu would react like this.

But after all, he was just a friend. No matter how many flaws he had in his heart, he couldn't bear to spit them out. He glanced at Bai Shu who gave the order and agreed.

Bai Shu also left quickly and went to his office to contact the family members and ask about the medical history.

The rookie doctor who followed him looked confused.

He also wanted to take over the task of contacting family members to inquire about medical history.

And this should have been his job...

(End of this chapter)

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