The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 29 Is my family a United Nations?Teacher Zeng, you still know best when it comes to metaphor

Chapter 29 Is my family a United Nations?Teacher Zeng, you still know best when it comes to metaphors!

It can be regarded as a relatively high-end hotel downstairs in the love apartment.

Treating guests here is more sincere.

The three of them went in and found a smaller box.

"Just order, you're welcome!" Sun Jing handed them the menu.

"That's what you said."

"I won't be polite when you attack local tycoons."

Hu Yifei and Zeng Xiaoxian looked like they were sharpening their knives, but when they really clicked, Sun Jing laughed.

Still very measured.

Sun Jing doesn't care about money, but this sense of proportion always makes people happy.

When I got the menu back, I asked the waiter to add some more dishes.

"So much seafood? Sun Jing, are you also a seafood lover?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked in surprise.

"Don't order so much, it will be a waste if you can't finish it." Hu Yifei reminded.

“And eating too much seafood can lead to gout!”

"It's okay to eat it occasionally." Sun Jing said with a smile: "Besides, if we don't seize the time to eat seafood now, in a few years, we won't be able to eat it even if we want to."

"Why?" Zeng Xiaoxian said in a familiar tone of confusion.

"Environmental pollution is getting more and more serious now. If one day we live a good life and no longer want to live it, ocean pollution will wipe out seafood from the dining table." Sun Jing joked.

"Have you ever seen Ultraman or Godzilla? The monsters in them all have seafood prototypes.

I'll serve you monster seafood from now on. Do you dare to eat it? "

"Hey~ Did you do this on purpose?" Zeng Xiaoxian had an expression that he couldn't bear to look at.

"You serve us seafood and you say things like this. It's clear that you only want us to watch you eat."

"After all, he is a doctor, but his perspective is different from that of ordinary people." Hu Yifei complained.

"Monster seafood is on the table, you can imagine it!"

Sun Jing smiled and said nothing.

Reality is always more magical than imagination.

"I'll take a call." Hu Yifei's phone rang at this time. After saying this, the call was answered.

"Hey, Zhanbo, have you booked your flight tickets? The Olympics are coming next month. Come back quickly and I'll take you to watch the Olympics live!

Have you bought it?

That's good!
What day is it?

Next Wednesday?
Next Wednesday is Erniu’s wedding. I’m the chief director and I don’t have time to pick you up.

You change the time.

Can't change it?
How about I ask Erniu to change the wedding date so that I can pick you up?

it is good?
Good for your size!

Let's see if we can change the time.

Hurry up!
that's it! "

Seeing Hu Yifei hang up the phone, Zeng Xiaoxian complained: "Is your brother going back to China?
He's such an adult, just let him take the airport bus and come here directly. Do you still need you as my sister to pick him up? "

"What do you know!" Hu Yifei rolled her eyes: "No matter how old he is, he is still my brother!

Moreover, he is prone to confusion. He has been abroad for so many years and I don’t feel at ease if I don’t pick him up when he comes back. "

Speaking of this, she suddenly looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a strange look.

"What do you want to do?" Zeng Xiaoxian immediately became alert.

"How about you pick it up for me?" Hu Yifei blinked and smiled like never before.

"Don't come!" Zeng Xiaoxian was confused for a few seconds and immediately refused decisively, saying angrily.

"I was the host that day! How could I leave?

Tie Zhu is my best buddy! "

"I don't have time anymore." Sun Jing saw Hu Yifei looking at him and immediately declined.

"Starting from the day after tomorrow, I will take care of intern doctors.

In order for them to grow better, they must be repaired and laid a good foundation during the sapling stage.

Yifei, you are also a teacher, you should understand. "

"I understand!" Hu Yifei nodded, then gritted his teeth. "Small trees cannot grow straight unless they are pruned. The ones I call my teacher are no longer saplings that can be pruned straight. What a pity!"

"By the way, the Olympics are next month. Will you go there?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously.

"I'm definitely going!" Hu Yifei raised her chin.

“It’s a conference that brings honor to the country, and of course high-quality women from this country like me have to go and watch it.

It also allows those foreign tourists to improve their evaluation of us.


Sun Jing, you come too!
It saves foreigners from slandering our country’s men as having small eyes~”

"You!" Zeng Xiaoxian, who always calls himself a handsome boy with small eyes, is so angry.

"Let's talk about it later." Sun Jing was a little hesitant.

"What's wrong?" Hu Yifei said in surprise: "This is not like you! Don't tell me that you are not confident in yourself?"

"On the contrary, I hesitated just because I was too confident." Sun Jing shook his head.

"How do you say this?" Hu Yifei was confused.

"You wouldn't say you were afraid that you would be too handsome and attract countless beauties from the friendly countries to watch and surprise the friendly countries, would you?" Zeng Xiaoxian complained.

"It's not like countless. After all, beautiful women are a scarce resource, let alone high-quality human women." Sun Jing was very reserved and modest.

“Mainly because I met some high-quality foreign women when I was abroad in the past three years.

Although it's nice to say that, we are all good friends.

But before I returned to China, they were not happy and didn't want me to come back.

I'm worried that they will come here in the name of watching the Olympics..."

"Are you worried about Shura Field!" Zeng Xiaoxian was dumbfounded: "If they come to our love apartment, the love apartment will become the Olympic stadium!

It is also a United Nations-level Olympic Shura arena! "

"Then we have to go!" Hu Yifei said angrily: "This can be regarded as bringing glory to the country!
I just don’t know how many have you participated in?Won another Jimei gold medal? "

Even though she had expected it, she still underestimated how romantic Sun Jing was.

It would be very uncomfortable to control myself and only treat Sun Jing as a friend.

"It's not like the Shura Field." Sun Jing glanced at Zeng Xiaoxian.

"I never hide or deceive others about their feelings.

Originally, we were all study partners at the beginning, learning from each other.

Later, I loved studying too much, and this relationship became complicated.

Everyone knows this.

Although they quarreled, they still got along well in terms of face.

After all, it's all your will.

The metaphor of the United Nations is indeed more appropriate than that of Shura Field.

Teacher Zeng is still good! "

"..." Zeng Xiaoxian's mouth twitched.

Although Sun Jing gave him a thumbs up, he always felt that Sun Jing's eyes were strange.

Furthermore, Sun Jing’s girlfriends can form the United Nations, which makes every man envious, jealous, and hateful.

"Since you're not afraid of Shura Field, let's go together!" Hu Yifei waved her hand to increase her momentum, as if she was directly helping Sun Jing make the decision.

"I want to see what kind of fairy concubines you have in the United Nations!"

"We'll see." Sun Jing evaded, "The surgery may not be possible by then."

"Don't talk about surgery." Hu Yifei said unhappily: "The official competition of the Olympic Games only lasts for 16 days.

Plus the opening and closing ceremonies, it’s a total of 19 days. You can’t spare even one day? "

After saying this, she looked suspiciously: "You don't always use surgery to manage the time of the United Nations, do you?"

"Do you know why the divorce rate of surgeons on the island is so high?" Sun Jing said with a smile: "I heard it from my doctor friends there.

Just because you can use excuses like being on duty or having an emergency surgery to have an affair.

Confusion with nurses and female subordinate doctors is a daily routine at work. "

Hu Yifei's eyes were as sharp as a knife, filled with the threat of 'you'd better just say the island country's surgeon and doctor'.

(End of this chapter)

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