The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 304: Fairy Tang: What evil have I done to deserve to be tortured repeatedly by Demon King Su

Chapter 304: Fairy Tang: What evil have I done to deserve to be tortured repeatedly by Demon King Sun Jing? ? ?

"Brother Sun, did I say something wrong?"

Seeing Sun Jing speechless, Xinling glanced at Tang Hua from the corner of his eye and smiled slyly.

"Could it be a mistake? Although the scandal is false, the truth is true~"

"Xinling, get rid of the smell of having a good life." Sun Jing said disgustedly: "Don't disgust me!"

"Sun Jing, what do you mean?"

Tang Hua thought that Sun Jing just disliked her and the scandal with him was disgusting to him, so he finally couldn't stand it any longer and yelled at Sun Jing directly.

After all, she even dares to yell at her family members, push her hands, and confront a big devil who pushes her to the limit. Doesn’t she have the courage even once?

"Working hours are called duties!" Sun Jing smiled inwardly, but he directly imitated all the 'vegetative people' on his face.

At first, Secretary Gao, Dean Jiang, and Director Renhua Shenwai Wang always scolded him for this sentence, but now he finally had the opportunity to experience it.

A girl who had a good life as a child, under the influence of American soldiers, became extremely conservative and respected traditions, but was also so open-minded that she would sacrifice herself just by asking. Is there anything wrong with her?

There's nothing wrong with it at all, okay!

"Without my help, it's impossible for a normal person to grow as crooked as a Tang painting! Being extremely crooked is also a kind of talent." Sun Jing joked.

The extreme left and extreme right in the United States are completely different from the internationally accepted concepts.

And Sun Jing is such a powerful master.

But inserting the variable United States, everything is logically closed.

Seeing this, Sun Jing sighed in his heart.

At least not in person now!

And putting this aside, it is not surprising that Xinling's character of "only feeling sorry for his brother" makes him say such a strong "threat" that he has lived a good life.

This rich question about a good little life once again made Sun Jing's eyes fall on Xin Ling, his eyes a little strange.

It would be strange if she didn't.

But she still didn't forget to ask her the topic she cared about most with a smile: "Brother Sun, you haven't told me the answer yet.

After Xin Ling watched Tang Hua leave, she immediately climbed along the pole and hugged Sun Jing's arm, looking up at her pitifully.

But it's really a bit sad and uncomfortable.


In addition, she is originally the 'most traditional girl', so it would make sense if she was also a girl from Japan in the love apartment.

No matter what the conspiracy theory is, this is because Xinling valued Guangu's magical foreigner status and let him be the scapegoat to pay her medical expenses directly.

This time it was because of Tang paintings.

She didn't want to give Sun Jing another chance to humiliate her.

Tang Hua opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't want to give in, so just like the round eyes that are the peak of his acting skills, he also performed the stereotypical "tears, covering his mouth, turning around, and trotting" and ran away.

Not because of his repeated rejections.

"..." Xin Ling looked at Sun Jing with a pouted mouth and thought to herself: "Brother Sun is so powerful. He can't get through the defense. It's really annoying~"

You don’t want me to look like a Tang painting in the future, right? "

"So you will help me, right?" Xinling put his hands on his chest and looked at Sun Jing expectantly.

"Brother Sun, please speak~" Xinling couldn't wait for Sun Jing's answer, and was a little uneasy by Sun Jing's strange eyes, so she pouted and said coquettishly.

That is, what is the relationship between her and Tang Hua?

This is America, which has chaotic relationships and likes to mess around!

And for our own people who had a good life as a child, our girls are very traditional and conservative.

In the original time and space, what Xin Ling met was Guan Gu Mingqing, who had a good life in his childhood, and even made weird remarks about directly dedicating himself to him.

She cursed Sun Jing as a nuisance in her heart, but she touched her conscience and told herself that she would never give up unless the heart in question stopped beating.

Xinling knew that this was the hospital where Sun Jing worked, and he didn't want Brother Sun, who was the director, to lose his dignity, so he accepted it and stopped doing anything.

Because he could see that at this moment, Xinling was definitely more than just acting.

This is both extremely traditional and extremely open, which seems very contradictory.

You know she is an orphan!

But it is undeniable that Xinling and Xiaoli have a good life and are destined to do so.

It is said to be extreme to the extreme, with the left and right completely integrated into one in a closed loop.

But as a good sister, she is definitely not bad!

Then her expression darkened and she was about to cry, but she tried her best to endure it, her thin body trembling slightly.

"Don't worry, you won't look like a Tang painting!" Sun Jing said with a smile.

"Brother Sun, have I caused trouble for you?"

After all, faced with his rejection since childhood, she, a traditional girl, has long been able to be a double-faced person.

After all, this girl who had a good life as a child was rated as extremely open-minded by many people in America.

"Okay, the audience has left." Sun Jing opened her hand directly and stopped her from pestering him with his eyes.

It wasn't that she suddenly had a deep affection for Tang Hua, who looked just like her, but that she might have thought of a possibility.

Or an orphan with congenital heart disease!

Among abandoned babies, the probability of having congenital diseases is not low.

After all, if there is no special reason, who would be willing to risk breaking the law and abandon his own flesh and blood?

So is there a possibility that she and Tang Hua are really related by blood, and she has a congenital disease and became the abandoned one?

If this possibility is true.

In addition, Tang Hua's arrogant and domineering little fairy style must have been pampered since childhood.

So between the positive and the negative, the experiences of the 'two sisters' are completely different.

But no one can be treated calmly.

Of course, did Xin Ling use this true sadness to pester Sun Jing?

That is inevitable!

If you don't do this, it won't be a traditional girl's heart.

So although Sun Jing could see that Xin Ling was really sad.

But he still didn't want to follow her to reveal it, but continued to joke around pretending not to know.

"What? Are you really worried that you will look like Tang Hua in the future?

It's true. You and Tang Hua look alike. I really didn't notice it before.

If she hadn't had plastic surgery, she might be what she is now in the future.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, when I think of you Xinling looking so crooked, it really should be uncomfortable~"

"Brother Sun, I won't look like her!" Xin Ling was so angry.

He has a character that does not look like a Tang Dynasty painting.

There are also those who don’t look like Tang Hua, even Sun Jing can’t recognize her!

In contrast, the latter made her even more reluctant!

"Of course not!" Sun Jingyi comforted him pointedly: "Because I am the big brother and we have the big family of Qidian Orphanage."

"Brother Sun~" Xinling pouted.

With her intelligence, she could naturally tell that Sun Jing had seen what was on her mind, and used this to comfort her without revealing the explanation. The big family in the starting point of the orphanage was no worse than the possible native family.

She was naturally concerned about this.

But she was troubled by Sun Jing's unwillingness to accept her love.

Now that she is so young and cute, she still cannot let Brother Sun fall in love with her.

Youth is fleeting, and if she keeps waiting, her youth will be gone.

If Tang Hua turns out to be like this and can't even recognize the super genius Brother Sun who is with her day and night, then she really has no hope at all.

It's so annoying!

Xin Ling here is distressed and upset.

Tang Hua was suffering over there. In front of the public notice board inside Tongshan Hospital.

Surrounded by colleagues from the hospital.

More people came to see the fun than the first time it was announced.

Without him!

It was all caused by the weird scandal between Sun Jing and Tang Hua.

Although Xin Ling's appearance directly exposed this rumor.

But everyone was still extremely gossipy and wanted to see whether Sun Jing was affected by the rumors in this Zhou Kao test, and they were a little let go of the rumored heroine Tang Hua.

Even a trace.

Very interesting too~

Then when they saw the first question, they knew that Director Sun was Director Sun and were not affected at all.

This test question is still very characteristic of Director Sun’s murderous character!

"Oh my god! This Tang Hua really yelled and pushed the patient's family members directly? Is it so violent?"

"Of course it's true! There's nothing she can't do!"

"I thought she would grab the oranges from the family members and throw them into the trash can. She has become even more arrogant. I didn't expect that there are masters!

And this master is still herself!

incredible! "

"Have you noticed that another good man was wronged by her beforehand, and then she ignored him and violently attacked him?"

"It really is!"

"Does she have extreme malice towards good men? Otherwise, why would she always be like this?"

Colleagues in the hospital immediately started talking about it.

Although there are no secrets in the hospital.

But a tertiary hospital is so big, has so many staff, and there is so much gossip every day, it is simply too much to handle.

Even if Tang Hua has always been outrageous, he always catches hot spots.

But at most everyone knows that Tang Hua has insulted another patient's family member, and he is still a filial son!

But they don't know much about the specific process of attacking people.

Now I know that Tang Hua yelled and pushed the patient's family members directly from the beginning.

This is so outrageous!

There are masters and masters!

That's right!

Tang Hua yelled and pushed, and afterwards he complained to the head nurse with a very worried look: "Why are there so many unworthy descendants now!"

And this son whom she criticized as an unfilial son is actually a true filial son!

Not only did they take the initiative to help the old father change his dirty and smelly clothes, but they also started talking and laughing with the old father after they left.

The head nurse also expressed her opinion: "This old man suffering from Alzheimer's disease is really troublesome to his family. He is more childlike than a child. He refuses to listen to what he says, and he cannot be beaten. Over time, no one can bear it. .”

Tang Hua immediately retorted: "That can't be this attitude!"

Colleagues at the hospital couldn't help but be happy when they saw the description here: "Crows dislike pigs because they only see others and don't know themselves."

"Yes, it is indeed not easy for us doctors, especially when faced with the increasingly complex doctor-patient relationship.

There are times when you can't control your temper.

No one is a saint!

Doctors are human too!

But since you choose to be a doctor, you should already have an understanding of the injustices that doctors will face.

It’s not like I haven’t had internships or internships!

Even if you haven’t experienced it, haven’t you seen it?

How can it be!

So since you still choose to be a doctor, you should abide by the rules and regulations and try not to get angry with patients and their families.

Not to mention Tang Hua's unscrupulous attack! "

"She knows it better than anyone else. Didn't you see that her answer is perfect? ​​She can say it better than any of us~"

"Haha! No matter how 'just' or 'hateful' she is, she can't have this attitude!"

Everyone was really enjoying themselves as they looked at the test paper describing the details of the cases that Tang Hua handled.

Especially this famous double-standard essence that was forcibly extracted by Sun Jing!

It’s so thought-provoking that it makes you laugh!

Everyone became more and more aware of the wonder of Sun Jing's exam!

It's really Director Sun, he knows how to play!

"Stop laughing, keep reading!" someone reminded.

Everyone continued to watch, knowing that the person who reminded him had good intentions, because there were experts behind him.

Faced with the head nurse's continued explanation of the torture that Alzheimer's patients inflict on their family members, Tang Hua continued to express her understanding.

"That's his biological father! He's not a son, he's a white-eyed wolf!

Even called Cheng Weiliang! This should be called Cheng Zuo evil!

What is wrong with our society?

Isn’t it quite positive?

Where did so many unscrupulous descendants come from? "

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help laughing again: "Where did they come from so many unworthy descendants? Aren't they all defined by you, the little fairy in Tang paintings!

Even such a filial son can be easily labeled as a representative of unworthy descendants just by looking at the surface.

How can one not have many unfilial descendants?

Where has the positive energy in society gone?

You are so distorted and distorted, no matter how much positive energy you have, it will not be enough for you to destroy it and it will become all negative energy! "

"This expression is very familiar! I seem to have heard it somewhere!"

"Hey! Isn't this the question that makes me think deeply about how this country has failed its people?"

"Yes, yes! That's what it tastes like!"

"You say that people shouldn't be called good people, but evildoers! Then you shouldn't be called a little fairy, but a devil girl!"

Tang Hua, who was hiding in the corner and secretly observing everyone's reactions, was trembling with anger again.

Although she had already expected this result.

But it was still overwhelming to hear everyone analyzing her words and deeds piece by piece.

The scolding was too harsh!

The scolding was so intense!

Even she, who had slapped her face so hard that it was almost swollen during the exam, still couldn't get used to others seeing through her heart and repeating what she had done and said.

How could this be?

Isn’t society quite positive?

Why would a terrifying demon king like Sun Jing come?

Trampling her so viciously!

Slap on the face!

Murder and kill!

She couldn't help but think of the scene where Xinling, who looked exactly like her, hugged Sun Jing's arm and acted affectionately, but Sun Jing responded with a smile.

My heart that was already hurting couldn’t help but hurt even more!

There is no harm without comparison.

But now Sun Jing is simply hurting her twice with Xin Ling.

You have such a beautiful face, why are you so nice to Xin Ling?

The envy, jealousy and hatred in her heart distorted her expression.

Whenever there is a chance in the future, she will definitely make the Great Demon King Sun Jing pay the price!

Let him know what it means to be a scumbag and enjoy the story of going from trash to plaything to treasure!

"What are you doing here alone?"

Xinling didn't know when she appeared in front of Tang Hua, who was leaning against the wall and dreaming in pain. With pure eyes, he looked at this woman who had the same face as her but was crooked in length.

But after all, she is not a time traveler like Sun Jing, otherwise she would be tempted to add: "Are you here to take a dump?"

Then he was glared at by the little fairy painted in Tang Dynasty.

What does this special meow say?

How could a little fairy poop?

(End of this chapter)

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