The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 312 Wang Dong breaks the defense: Bad guy! Sun Jing is a bad guy!

Chapter 312 Wang Dong breaks the defense: Bad guy! Sun Jing is a bad guy!

Tongshan Hospital.

Office of the Chief Supervisor.

When Gu Lei led the numb Su Yue over, he found that Dean Jiang was also there.

Su Yue also saw it, and his eyes glanced back and forth between Sun Jing and Dean Jiang.

"Director Sun, Director Jiang, I just want to ask, is Wang Dong qualified to perform this surgery?"

Dean Jiang looked at Sun Jing.

He has completely handed over this decision-making power to Sun Jing.

Even if he was indeed persuaded by Wang Dong.

Because Wang Dong is indeed talking about 'business rules'.

But now Sun Jing, whom he values ​​the most, does not recognize this rule.

Although Wang Dong often went to their hospital for surgery, it was not to improve the level of their hospital, but to pay for the knife.

Therefore, when the dean of the outer courtyard invited Wang Dong to come over, it was natural that he did not follow the formal business-to-business process.

These people are not just the medical workers in the hospital!

Also included are some patients hospitalized at Kiriyama Hospital.

Maybe at first.

The external hospital sent Wang Dong a consultation application form, which required the signature of Sun Jing, the cardiac director.

As long as Sun Jing agrees with this statement, the matter can be covered up.

Sun Jing said seriously: "My answer is that Wang Dong is not qualified to perform this operation!

But the meaning of public to public is really just a casual exchange.

But after that it was all private to private.

There are no secrets in hospitals.

However, Sun Jing retorted at that time: "The operation was performed in your hospital, and you invited the person. It has nothing to do with the Cardiac Surgery Department of Tongshan Hospital!

Because I, the director of the heart, did not agree!

I didn’t even see the consultation application form!

"Su Yue, we will hold a faculty meeting later to discuss the decision to expel Wang Dong." Dean Jiang continued: "How do you want to be held accountable in the future? We will help you as much as possible."

If there really was such a formal process, Sun Jing would have nipped it in the bud.

The reason why Su Yue knew was that the patient's family members who heard the news were informed of the key information.

Although he was also very angry about Wang Dong's actions, he still put the overall situation first.

In the past, both Wang Dong himself and the head nurse Liu Aunt Liu and Dr. Gu Lei who accompanied him either kept silent or perfunctory and lied to him.

There are still good people in this society!

"This is what happened..." Sun Jing patiently told Su Yue the whole story.

"Thank you." After knowing the truth, Su Yue felt even sadder, but he was still very grateful to Sun Jing and Dean Jiang.

Otherwise I will tell you clearly that he does not!

He wasn't in the training program at all.

So this is the full responsibility of Wang Dong personally and your hospital! "

After getting approval from Renhua Hospital, Sun Jing made the trip.

You didn't call me beforehand to ask me whether Wang Dong was qualified to do this kind of surgery!

The surgery was done in their hospital, he admitted!

But this person is from the Cardiac Surgery Department of Tongshan Hospital. Sun Jing must recognize this!

The dean of the outer courtyard also had a beautiful idea.

Compared with the cost of throwing knives in real money, it is not attractive to Wang Dong, who is mainly engaged in throwing knives.

He is not even qualified to participate in the surgical training organized by me! "

The dean of the outer courtyard consulted with Sun Jing and the others immediately after the incident happened.

Even if Dean Jiang issued a hush-hush order on these matters, they would still be known to everyone.

It's not that I'm totally throwing the blame away.

He can't get rid of it either.

Then this business rule is no longer a business rule!

"The director of the outer hospital where your father had the surgery also asked me the same question."

But once this happens, there is no way to pay for the flying knife. It is a public-to-public exchange and cooperation.

Looking at Sun Jing's statement again, it almost made him burst into tears.

What he wants is to take the blame together.

Therefore, the process was not like when Sun Jing went to the major hospitals in the capital, the major hospitals in the capital issued consultation application forms to Renhua Hospital.

There is no such thing as now!

"Director Sun..." When Su Yue heard Sun Jing give a clear answer directly, he was in a daze of disbelief.

That's right!

Now that things have come to this, he can only temporarily get rid of the 'business rules' and become a truly good person for once.

Then he looked at Sun Jing excitedly.

Maybe it will make sense.

But until now, Su Yue, as the son of the person involved, didn't even know what happened. It was a big joke!

The dean of the outer courtyard was speechless at that time.

He is even sadder!

Because the fact made him even more sad and blamed himself very much!

Originally, he thought that Wang Dong was operating in violation of regulations and forcibly performed an operation on his father without qualifications, which resulted in an accident and his father's death.

But the fact is that his father could have been operated by the most skilled Director Sun, and he could have lived a healthy life.

But now he is dead like this.

It just so happened that he also played an important role in it.

If he hadn't been so unkind to his father, his father wouldn't have been so resistant to the hospital contacting him. Just because he didn't want to trouble him, he would rather go to an outside hospital for surgery and have Wang Dong, who was not so skilled, perform this new surgery.

How could he not blame himself for being so kind-hearted?

Sun Jing comforted him a few more times and asked Gu Lei to accompany him.

He left with Dean Jiang and went to the conference room.

Directors of various departments have already arrived, preparing to hold a college meeting to discuss Wang Dong's punishment.

Whether Su Yue sues Wang Dong or not, and whether Wang Dong goes to jail or not, is a matter for the future.

Tongshan Hospital took the lead in expelling Wang Dong. This was the routine procedure.

Just as the two were walking over, Dean Jiang received a call from the director of the hospital office.

"Dean, where are you? Two comrades from the Human Resources Department of the outer hospital came to transfer and asked Wang Dong to be the director of the heart center!"

"What?" Dean Jiang couldn't believe his ears. After the director of the hospital office repeated it, his face turned dark.

"Let these two comrades come to my office!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone. Dean Jiang told Sun Jing the matter and said speechlessly: "This Wang Dong actually has such skills! No wonder he wants to resign on his own.

I'll go meet these two comrades first.

Director Sun, you go to the conference room first. "

"I'll go there with Dean Jiang," Sun Jing said.

"This..." Dean Jiang hesitated.

It's not that he wanted to hide anything from Sun Jing.

Instead, he felt that it would be better for him to do this kind of thing that might completely anger Wang Dong.

Besides, this kind of "bad words" about colleagues in person, even if they are telling the truth, will have some impact on Sun Jing's image.

However, he couldn't refute Sun Jing's words, so they could only go to see him together.

After meeting, they exchanged greetings, and the human resources offices of the two outer hospitals explained: "Director Jiang, Director Sun, it's like this, our hospital wants to set up a heart center, but we are short of a director.

We have been looking for him for a long time, and we have also been talking to Director Wang Dong, who is in your heart, for a long time. I want to invite him over.

We have made a preliminary decision.

I came here this time to go through a procedure, do a survey, and listen to the opinions of my colleagues around him. "

With Sun Jing's frankness, the procedure was quickly completed.

The two of them left directly without delaying Sun Jing's meeting.


Wang Dong also knew that the person from the Human Resources Department of the outer hospital happened to be doing an external transfer at this time, so he was very anxious.

But it’s hard for him to come directly.

Even asking for information, no one wanted to pay attention to him who had become a stinking piece of shit!

After enduring it for a while, two people arrived, met the dean and Director Sun, and left directly after a few minutes.

He suddenly had a strong sense of foreboding.

So he couldn't hold it back and took the initiative to call them: "Hello, I'm Wang Dong. I want to ask, how is my appointment in our hospital going now?"

When the Human Resources Department of the outer courtyard received this call, it was like Zhuge Liang heard Wang Situ speak on the battlefield: "Director Wang, I really can't believe this call is from you."

"What happened?" Wang Dong pretended to be calm.

"Do you think we don't know what you did?" The person from the Human Resources Department of the outer courtyard was too lazy to talk nonsense with such a shameless person.

"You have no ability to perform this operation at all. We know everything about you!"

Wang Dong's head was pounded.

Nothing could be said.

It wasn't until he hung up the phone that he put down the phone dejectedly and stood there for a long time, then filled with anger.

Knowing that Sun Jing had not only cut off his attack path, but also cut off his retreat, he was trying to force him to death.

Then an anger stronger than that of Su Yue appeared on his face, he let go of his steps and rushed straight into the conference room full of anger.

In the conference room.

Because of Sun Jing's persistence and Dean Jiang's agreement to set the tone, the department directors naturally had no objections to Wang Dong's dismissal.

In fact, as a more pure technical expert.

They have long wanted to be a pure good person!

It's just that I had to compromise before because of various "overall interests that matter most".

Now, because of Sun Jing, I finally feel better physically and mentally this time.

If possible, who wouldn’t want to be a good person?

Just when the atmosphere was harmonious, the door of the conference room was pushed open heavily.

Everyone looked around and saw Wang Dong walking in with angry eyes, looking around at everyone, and then looked at Sun Jing.

"Wang Dong, what's the matter with you?" Sun Jing asked.

Wang Dong became even more angry when he saw that Sun Jing was not even willing to call him Director Wang anymore. He took two steps forward and faced Sun Jing directly.

"Wang Dong, what do you want to do?" Sun Jing had no idea about this approach, but it scared Dean Jiang and the others. Dean Jiang was afraid that Wang Dong would dare to hit Sun Jing, so he asked directly.

Wang Dong ignored him at first.

He just stared at Sun Jing with angry and fiery eyes, but when he saw Sun Jingyun looking back calmly, not afraid of him at all, he knew that he could not scare Sun Jing.

So he turned his head and faced Dean Jiang directly: "What do I want to do? It's my turn to ask you this, right?"

What do you want to do? "

The more he spoke, the more miserable and angry he became, and he almost yelled: "How far are you going to push me? Are you going to force me to death to be happy?!"

"It's not you who died, but Professor Su. Are you happy?" Sun Jing asked back.

Wang Dong paused for a moment, but still did not look at Sun Jing, the 'culprit'. Even if Sun Jing transformed into Wulin Gaiden Xing Baotou and told him with his eyes, 'If you have anything to say, come at me, come at me', he still would not look at him. Just looking at Dean Jiang.

"Dean Jiang, this doesn't have to be like this! Didn't we already agree! Everything should be done in accordance with the rules and regulations!

So hello to me, hello to everyone!

You insist on forcing me to fight to the death. What good will this do to this new project, to so many patients who need this new surgery, to Tongshan Hospital, to Director Sun, and to everyone? "

"Leave me alone!" Sun Jing directly interrupted Dean Jiang's gentle explanation and answered directly: "Wang Dong, let me tell you! When you go out to hang out, you must admit your mistakes and stand at attention when you are beaten!

This is a simple truth that all street gangsters know.

Are you, a doctor of medicine and chief physician, no better than a street gangster?

Since you always threaten the hospital with the threat of a dead end and a broken net, let me tell you bluntly, a dead end will never break!

What you did was all the result of your own personal conflict with the outer court for the cost of flying knives.

It has nothing to do with Kiriyama Hospital!

As for your misbehavior, once it is made public, it will affect the progress of the new project no matter what. This is indeed a fact.

It might even affect my reputation.

But I tell you again, I don’t care! "

When Wang Dong heard this, his face turned pale and he stared at Sun Jing, trying to find any trace of Sun Jing's lie.

Because this is his biggest reliance.

He wanted to rely on this to make Dean Jiang compromise, and then ask Dean Jiang to help him get rid of the deceased's son. By then, as long as the family refused to complain and made trouble, Sun Jing would not be able to hold on to him.

After all, even the family members are not allowed to complain. As the director of the hospital, you insist on making such serious negative information, humiliating the hospital and delaying new projects. You are not a human being inside and outside!

The basic premise of this set of silky little combos is a Japanese threat: "Dean Jiang, you don't want Director Sun's reputation to be damaged, right?"

But now Sun Jing took the initiative and gave a firm answer in public, cutting off his room for maneuver.

This made him despair.

"I don't care about reputation, I only care about three sentences!" Sun Jing looked around at everyone: "Fair, fair, what's more, fair!

The patient died because of the doctor's abuse.

The patient's family members were kept in the dark and had no way to seek help!

This is the most absurd and ridiculous rule in the world!

Now, the doctor who has committed a crime still wants to rely on these absurd rules to not only avoid punishment, but also want to escape completely, change places, and take a step closer to become the director of a heart center in another hospital to continue harming others?

Under my nose, this kind of absurdity is absolutely not allowed!

Don’t say that I am not afraid of my reputation being affected. There will definitely be no shortage of patients for new projects if I am there. "

Dean Jiang felt even more relieved when he heard this.

This was what he was worried about before.

Tongshan Hospital had previously booked patients for Sun Jing's heart-beating coronary artery bypass surgery because there were so many people that they couldn't get through.

But once the news spreads, there will definitely be cancellations one after another, and then there will be no room left.

As a result, new projects are likely to be delayed or even scrapped.

Now Sun Jing said no.

His biggest worry was gone.

He believes in Sun Jing!

So he continued to listen to Sun Jing.

"It doesn't matter even if the reputation is damaged or the new project is delayed or corrupted!" Sun Jing said sternly: "Even Tongshan Hospital and the entire medical industry caused huge waves because we broke the 'rules and conventions'.

It’s only a good thing, not a bad thing!

Such business practices should have been broken long ago.

Only by breaking it early can we avoid more shady secrets covering it up.

We need a major storm to reshape long-standing business practices..."

Sun Jing's words can be summed up as follows: "If you have to cause a big incident and need to borrow a person's head to shock the evildoers and make everyone wake up, then please ask your husband to die!"

Wang Dong trembled all over after hearing this, and pointed at Sun Jing with a trembling finger: "Bad guy, you are the big bad guy!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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