The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 336 Doctor Tang: Sun Jing, why are you wearing Pinru’s clothes?

Chapter 336 Doctor Tang: Sun Jing, why are you wearing Pinru’s clothes?
"Isn't this why I'm so excited to see you?"

Tang Jiayu looked at Sun Jing with a smile: "You often say that your excited heart and trembling hands are quite normal for me..."

Seeing that Sun Jing had no reaction and his expression was still cold, she glanced at her ex-boyfriend who looked knowledgeable outside the operating room, immediately put away her subconscious smile and said angrily.

"Excited heart, trembling hands, yes! But not happy, but angry!

Sun Jing, you can do it, you actually want to arrange your lover under me and let me take her!
what do you mean?

Who do you think I am? "

"Don't change the subject!" Sun Jing interrupted her and became more and more angry, watching her pretending to be angry to being really angry.

"Are your trembling hands due to fatigue caused by the surgery, or are they nerve damage caused by drinking too much?"

"It's really not because of the heavy drinking!" Tang Jiayu was interrupted. Thinking of Sun Jing's distaste for her drinking, she quickly chose the lesser of two evils and firmly denied that it was because of the heavy drinking.

"It's because I've had frequent surgeries in the past few days and I haven't had a good rest. I'm a little tired... It doesn't matter. I'll go to the pain department for an injection and sealant later and I'll be fine."

Unless you can control your hands from shaking now, you will not be able to freely control the hand holding the scalpel, regardless of whether you have a closed injection or not!

Or a few weeks?

The extracardiac department is the jewel in the crown of surgery, and it is already unique in other departments of the same level.

Follow the blood into the systemic circulation and travel to any part of the body, causing blockage.

"Why are you not in a hurry?" Tang Jiayu felt ashamed after being scolded by Sun Jingyi, but seeing that her ex-boyfriend Liu Feng dared to join in the conversation at this time, she still helped Sun Jing to speak, and immediately retorted.

Even the nurses are betting on how long I, the first female director of Anhe Hospital, can last!
How many months?

The profession is difficult and the professional training takes a long time!
Many boys are put off!
For girls, this difficulty level would be doubled or even tripled!
This is not the first time I have been excluded like this!
Now it’s just repeated countless times!

But when it comes to my heart, I am still doing odd jobs and can’t even get stitches!

"Don't talk about things that are there or not!" Sun Jing naturally knew what she meant, but he still wouldn't let her go.

When it reaches the brain, it’s cerebral infarction!

"Those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard govern others! You are now the leader, the director of the heart center of Anhe Hospital that will be established soon! Use more words and less hands, that is the way to go!"

You want to express yourself, that’s normal!
But is this how you carry yourself?

What is the difference between a dangerous operation due to fatigue and a dangerous operation under anesthesia, and dangerous driving due to fatigue and dangerous driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs?
Is this how you plan to show your face and prove yourself? "

"We just had a special patient! Director Cui from Shenwai said that he had a cerebral infarction and then a car accident.

"That's very exciting!" Sun Jing said lightly: "But you still missed the point! Why do you need to force a closed injection when you can obviously rest and recover?"

"Why are you like this!" Tang Jiayu's momentum was stagnant again, and she said in a bad mood: "I have had so many surgeries, and these few days are even more critical. I can't rest. As long as I get a sealing injection, my hands will not be affected. …”

If you don't care about your body, no one can say anything to you!
But you can't ignore the patient's life safety!
Don't say you know what you are doing!

You haven't seen each other for a long time, right?

Or someone connected with a world-famous doctor!
I am fully qualified for this position on my own! "

But myxomas are very friable in texture.

Let’s talk about any work tomorrow!
Not urgent! "

But according to my patient, the wife of the patient with mental illness, her husband had already developed symptoms a few days ago.

"Director Sun also cares about you, Jiayu, you have proven yourself with your skills and hard work!
Xu Qingfeng, the knife in the heart of Anhe Hospital, hasn't he already expressed his respect for you?
And those thorns under your command were all cured and submissive by your combination of kindness and power.

"Ahem!" Vice President Liu Feng, who was standing guard outside the operation, saw the emotions inside. He was afraid that Tang Jiayu couldn't stand Sun Jing's reprimand, so he hurried in to smooth things over.

So according to my guess, the husband got sick first and then got into a car accident!
It's most likely myxoma!

You should remember that I told you why I chose Xinwai in the first place!

"A occlusive injection?" Sun Jing sneered: "It's enough to take a rest, so why do you need a occlusive injection? If you don't rest and relax, what else do you want to do?"

What is an occlusive needle?
It’s lidocaine and bupivacaine!

It’s nerve blocking, anesthesia and analgesia!
Even after being blocked and anesthetized, do you dare to say that your hands can still be as sensitive and reliable as normal?

How inappropriate!
Have you forgotten that the doctor died suddenly from overwork just a few days ago?
So I better listen to Director Sun and go back to rest now!

While driving, I felt very uncomfortable first, and then there was a car accident!

"You know~" Tang Jiayu's heart skipped a beat. Knowing that it was not good, she quickly turned her back to her ex-boyfriend Liu Feng outside the operation and gave Sun Jing a wink.

But I am not the person I used to be!

It is already very difficult for a boy to go from medical school to becoming a cardiac doctor!

Myxomas are usually benign!

I will only regard these difficulties and challenges as a stage for me to show my opportunities!
I want everyone to realize from the bottom of their hearts that I, Tang Jiayu, came to Anhe Hospital to be the director of the heart center because of my strength!
Not because I am Vice President Liu’s ex-girlfriend!

You just collapsed in the operating room from exhaustion!

"Shut up!" Sun Jing yelled: "Wouldn't it affect your continued fatigue and surgery if you take the sealing injection? Listen to yourself, do you know what you are talking about?

It is also rare for Director Sun to come to the capital this time. If you don’t seize the opportunity, many people will come looking for you soon, and you will have no chance to chat with Director Sun.

"..." Tang Jiayu twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the emphasis of 'talk more, use less hands', glared at Sun Jing, and laughed at himself: "What kind of leader is this director?
These doctors are not convinced by me and are waiting to see my joke!

Every time the patient's heart beats, fragments of myxoma may fall off, and what falls off are tumor thrombi.

Although Director Cui of Shenwai has performed an operation on the patient, the myxoma may throw out a tumor thrombus at any time, causing a secondary cerebral infarction!
We all know that once a second cerebral infarction occurs, the patient's chance of survival will be very low!

But when I went to see Director Cui of Shenwai, they ridiculed me for being notorious for not following the rules and grabbing patients. They asked me to hand over the consultation slip, otherwise they would ignore me!

Our President Liu Da, if he knew about it, he would only say that I was messing around, sell me an artificial heart, and let me do it when I have time!
Instead of starting from the identity of doctor and vice president, to help solve this matter!

For the safety of this patient's life, I must persist now! "

Sun Jing scolded her, but she could accept it.

The strong have this qualification!

As a famous doctor who only believes in technology, she only recognizes this!
But as the vice president and ex-boyfriend, Liu Feng's technical level was far inferior to hers. Before, he only cared about selling artificial hearts. What qualifications did he have to interrupt at this moment?

"But these are all your guesses, and they are all low-probability events..." Liu Feng only felt aggrieved.

Different doctors have different diagnoses for the same patient.

Tang Jiayu is the director of the heart, and Director Cui is the director of the god!
Even though Tang Jiayu's diagnosis was very high, Tang Jiayu's diagnosis was a low-probability event. The patient was a supernatural patient. What could he do?
Of course I believe in Director Cui!
"I want to verify, but the three French fries brothers are guarding me like thieves and not letting me get close. Do I have a chance to verify?" Tang Jiayu asked. "Look, you're talking nonsense again. Director Cui and the others are the Three Musketeers!" Liu Feng looked outside and reminded Tang Jiayu not to talk nonsense and give people random nicknames.

Director Cui of Shenwai is always accompanied by two other colleagues of Shenwai, and is jokingly called the Three French Fries Brothers by Tang Jiayu.

"Have you told Director Cui your guess?" Sun Jing asked the key question.

"...Not yet." Tang Jiayu's momentum stagnated again: "I'm also very busy here. I originally wanted to sneak over to check the patient after the operation!
Let’s wait until it’s confirmed! "

"So you didn't say it!" Sun Jing shook his head: "I have met Director Cui. If you explain your guess clearly to him, he will not let this risk go unchecked!

Therefore, the best way to deal with the patient is not to fall asleep in the operating room due to fatigue, but to insist on continuing to perform the operation due to fatigue while having to apply sealant.

While dragging it on, he didn't communicate well with Director Cui of Shenwai, and wasted time on some drama of sneaking into Shenwai's ward for examination.

Instead, state your doubts clearly and thoroughly!
In that case, Director Cui of Shenwai must have arranged an examination long ago to verify whether it is myxoma as soon as possible!
This is the most responsible approach to the patient!
Let's go! "

Having said this, he walked directly outside.

Tang Jiayu was a little unconvinced and murmured in a low voice: "You said it nicely, Director Cui and the others, did you give me a chance to make it clear and thorough?
I don’t know yet, if they make a mistake, how will they arrange it to laugh at me..."

But mumbling was mumbling, and she also knew that strictly speaking, this was based on her face rather than the most responsible approach to the patient, which was untenable, so she said nothing more and followed Liu Feng quickly. Go up.

Divine ward.

Sun Jing's arrival soon caused a sensation.

After all, Sun Jing's most well-known identity today is still a great god!

Director Cui from Anhe Shenwai also hurried over, and his attitude made Tang Jiayu curl her lips.

Arrogant in front and respectful in back, it makes people laugh when they think about it!

Director Cui also noticed Tang Jiayu's expression and felt very disapproving.

The person I respect is Dr. God’s grandson, not Tang Jiayu who is your heart’s content!

What right do you have to laugh at me!
Are you disrespectful to Dr. Sun?

Maybe it goes further than being respectful.

Kneel down and sing Conquest...

Sun Jing greeted Director Cui with a smile, explained the matter, and asked Director Cui and Tang Jiayu to cooperate and examine the patient.

"It's really myxoma!"

"Logically, the operation must be performed immediately, but he has just undergone cranial surgery and cannot tolerate the extracorporeal circulation that we must apply to his heart!"

"The patient's body needs surgery as soon as possible, but the patient's body cannot do surgery as soon as possible. It's really troublesome!"

"Dr. Sun, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Sun Jing.

"We can consider extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or achieve the effect of extracorporeal circulation. Use less heparin and try to avoid intraoperative and postoperative cerebral hemorrhage!" Sun Jing immediately gave a solution.

"Wonderful!" Tang Jiayu's eyes lit up and she looked at Sun Jing strangely.

In such a short time, you can think what others can’t!
As expected of him!

"But if the heart cannot stop during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, what should we do if there is bleeding?" someone questioned.

"You can add a rapid blood transfusion device to suck out the blood, which is equivalent to a heart-beating operation!" Tang Jiayu answered first before Sun Jing could answer.

"I can do this surgery..."

At this point, noticing Sun Jing's gaze, she paused: "But it's not very safe. If possible, it's best to ask Dr. Sun to do the surgery!

He is training for coronary artery bypass surgery on a beating heart!
He also underwent a more difficult surgery to remove tumors with a beating heart!
With him as the surgeon, this operation is more certain! "

"Director Sun, what do you think?" Liu Feng immediately looked at Sun Jing inquiringly.

"Please send Director Liu a letter to Tongshan Hospital to complete the procedures as soon as possible." Sun Jing agreed: "Dr. Tang, Director Cui, please communicate well with the patient and the patient's family, and strive for immediate surgery!"

"Okay!" Everyone agreed in unison.

With Sun Jing's command, the preparations for the operation were quickly completed, and with Sun Jing as the surgeon, the operation was completed smoothly.

It was already half past two in the morning.

After Sun Jing and Tang Jiayu sent the patient to the intensive care unit for care, they left the hospital without going to the hotel where Sun Jing stayed.

Instead, he went to the nearest hotel where Tang Jiayu was staying.

She had just returned from abroad not long ago. As a workaholic, she had no time to find an apartment to officially settle in. Instead, she stayed in a star-rated hotel directly. Everything was arranged, which saved her time.

The key location is right next to the hospital, just a few steps away.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as she entered the room, Tang Jiayu felt Sun Jing's movements and the corners of her mouth turned up involuntarily.

"Let me see a doctor!" Sun Jing said seriously: "Tell me, what is the best way to deal with the tenosynovitis caused by your fatigue surgery?"

"Of course it's a occlusive injection~" Tang Jiayu is not a novice who doesn't know anything. She is happy to have fun and relax.

"Wrong!" Sun Jing stretched out his hand and gave him a few punishments: "Think again!"

He is not the kind of person who kills without teaching!

Therefore, clear actions were taken and clear reminders were given.

"Use less hands, use hot compress..." Tang Jiayu didn't know what to say anymore. How could the man in front of her be so serious in normal times, but so coquettish in private.

Is this how a serious hot compress works?

what is this?
A direct and magical combination of occlusive injections and hot compresses?

"You are now the director of Anhe Xinwai, the leader!" Sun Jing looked down at Tang Jiayu and taught her seriously.

"You said you want everyone to know that you are qualified for this leadership position on your own, so do it now for me Kangkang!"

"..." Tang Jiayu was completely speechless.

In every sense of the word!

The essence of the kingly way of leadership in Sun Jing's mouth is just those six words!
(End of this chapter)

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