The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 385: Murder and heart-breaking! Breaking the defense of Zhuang Shu and scolding the dean!

Sun Jing on the east coast, Zhuang Shu on the west coast.

This is the most widely circulated name among Chinese Americans.

But now seeing Sun Jing's words make Zhuang Shu unable to hold back, Lu Chenxi felt extremely happy.

Finally, she was not the only one to bear Sun Jing's vicious tongue.

Zhuang Shu, who had previously targeted her inexplicably, finally felt the discomfort of being targeted inexplicably.

But these are not the deepest feelings.

The deepest feeling was actually that after Murong Bei Qiao Feng in The Eight Parts of Tian Long came face-to-face, everyone suddenly realized that Murong Fu was a scumbag compared to Qiao Feng.

Although the combat capabilities between doctors cannot be completely compared like this.

But this is what it feels like.

In fact, she didn't just feel good about herself, she felt that Zhuang Shu must do something to her.

This is all based on facts.

After the first Lego toy incident, she was criticized by Yang Fan at a meeting and was fired from her position as ward supervisor. In anger, she threw down her identity card and quit her job. It was Zhuang Shu who took the initiative to find her and followed her out of the hospital, chasing her and asking her to invite him. have supper.

Then he took her to sit down at a street food stall. He picked up disposable chopsticks and ordered a very down-to-earth fried noodles, which was completely inconsistent with his image of suits and ties.

She also praised him for being an American who not only spoke authentic Chinese but was also good at eating.

He also retorted: "Don't sound like an American. I am an authentic Chinese. I have been living in China before I was ten years old."

She didn't make any of this up.

It can be said that before Zhuang Shu went crazy for no apparent reason, he was always the one taking the initiative.

Then suddenly he fell out with her.

What are you doing?
Do you consider yourself a domineering president?
Hot for a while and cold for a while?

You can also pretend to be in front of them. If you have the ability to pretend in front of Sun Jing, who is the same as you.

I can’t even complete a sentence that is authentically Chinese!
Sun Jing ignored Zhuang Shu's changing expression and delayed words, and continued to look at him stiffly: "So let me ask again, Professor Zhuang, did the operation go well and there were no accidents?"

Zhuang Shu's face turned pale.

He actually took a step back, looking miserable as if his defense was completely broken.

This made Lu Chenxi's heart skip a beat: "Did something go wrong with the operation?"

Sun Jing was also a little surprised.

He just wanted Zhuang Shu to tell the truth personally. Even if Zhuang Shu didn't want to tell him, he wouldn't be so defensive, right?
They ridiculed Zhuang Shu for his good knowledge of the world, and denied Zhuang Shu's so-called position as an out-and-out Chinese, but they didn't make Zhuang Shu like this.

Could it be that there was a story that he didn't know that made him accidentally hit the pain point in Zhuang Shu's heart, making Zhuang Shu completely unable to hold on?
His guess was correct.

There is a reason why Zhuang Shu completely broke his defense after Sun Jing simply repeated his questioning.

The story goes back to when he was changing clothes in the dressing room after the operation. Dean Fu came to him to explain or defend what he had done.

He said in a worldly manner that he was not Lu Chenxi and would not sue for the crime. However, when Dean Fu said that this was the first time and that such a thing had never happened before, he finally couldn't help but blame him for what happened back then. .

"Before this, you have never used your success or the misfortune of death in exchange for future benefits?"

His mother was a nurse back then and insisted that she did not give the wrong medicine and that she was not the cause of the patient's death. One of the doctors who handled the case was Dean Fu, the then Doctor Fu.

He always remembered that Dean Fu looked guilty when faced with his mother's pestering questions.

So he didn't believe Dean Fu's statement that this was the first time he had affected an operation, that he still refused to admit that he was risking the patient, and that he wanted to maintain his reputation and honor.

So he asked Dean Fu again.

Just as Sun Jing now asked him again whether the operation went well and whether there were any accidents.

That's right!

Just now in the dressing room, he was standing high, looking down at Dean Fu who was obviously not telling the truth. He could stand on the moral high ground and despise and hate Dean Fu.

But now Sun Jing's words made him feel as if he and Dean Fu had switched identities, being looked down upon, despised and hated.

Dean Fu was an insider back then, but because of his future and interests, even though he felt guilty, he still chose to remain silent and did not stand up to tell the truth, which led to so many tragedies happening to his family.

This is the biggest pain in his life!
Although he didn't feel much in the past thirty years...but he suppressed it in his heart and didn't think about it.

The biggest pain is the biggest pain!
This is irrefutable!
This was also his confidence when he looked down at Dean Fu's efforts to defend but felt like he was watching a clown, questioning Dean Fu's heart with sharp words.

However, when Sun Jing treated him with the same tone, he realized with horror that the clown was actually himself!

He has already unknowingly turned into the person he hates the most!
He clearly knew the truth and knew that Dean Fu was risking the patient's life for the sake of his own reputation and future, and perhaps the future interests of his students.

But there were so many times during the operation that he should have stopped Dean Fu from performing the operation shakily, but he didn't.

Even if it is stopped later, it cannot cover up the fact that it should have been stopped before.

He didn't say anything afterward, and even helped cover it up, saying that everything went well and there were no accidents!

He explained his behavior by saying that he was not Lu Chenxi. He had seen such terrible things too many times over the years and would not take the case lightly with a full sense of justice.

But Sun Jing's words made him understand that all these were excuses, and he had already become the kind of person he hated most.

Perhaps because the patient did not die, the patient's family did not suffer the pain he experienced.

To a lesser degree.

But there is no difference in essence!

No wonder Sun Jing said that he was an American and had learned a lot about the world, and stopped his excuse of saying that he was an out-and-out Chinese with a look.

Life is 40 years old, and the world view, outlook on life, and values ​​formed after the age of 10 are all formed in the American environment, and I have been accustomed to it for 30 years.

This is not the first time that he has 'become Dean Fu' to them.

As he told Dean Fu, after practicing medicine for more than ten years, he has seen too many horrific incidents in which doctors risked the lives of patients for their own future interests.

He is not Lu Chenxi, and he will not rise up with a sense of justice.

But he is obviously the one who deserves to be sued!
Even if it’s not for justice!
Even if it’s just because he was wronged, he kept insisting on appealing and defending, pursuing the truth, and finally couldn’t stand the pressure of the environment and went insane. Finally, because of his mistakes, he became frustrated and chose to commit suicide!
Even if it was just because he was in a trance and didn't care enough about his sister who was abducted by human traffickers!
Even for himself!
When he encounters similar incidents like this, he should immediately take action and denounce this kind of behavior.

However, he didn't do it the first time, and he didn't do it the second time. Over the past ten years, he didn't do it countless times.

So much so that when he returned to his original place and saw that one of the parties who wronged his mother and caused all these tragedies risked the patient's life again for reputation, future, and profit, he actually chose to question her privately in a very calm manner. After that, there is no more.

When others asked, he helped cover it up and said everything went smoothly without any accidents.

Who has he become?
I have long heard about the little fairies in China. There are all kinds of arrogant and weird things in the country, and they yearn endlessly for the free America. After the truth passed, each of them immediately became a "virtuous and virtuous" person. They no longer complained, and they also took the initiative to work. Even the very hard work was "glad with it." They were quickly and completely transformed into Americans from the inside out. Good shape.

He had always treated it as a joke and didn't take it seriously.

Everyone has the right to pursue a better life.

There is no need to be weird about other people's little fairies' choices.

But now he finally has the clearest understanding that America is particularly good at transforming people.

He is the most typical representative!

"I'm an American..." The more Zhuang Shu thought about it, the more he broke his guard. He backed away with a pale face and muttered to himself, looking like he had suffered a major blow.

Lu Chenxi was dumbfounded.

Sun Jing didn't know that his words had an unintentional critical hit effect. Seeing him like this, he couldn't help but shake his head, feeling a little boring.

How could he exert any force, why would the other party fall down?
So he was too lazy to stay in a daze anymore and walked directly past Zhuang Shu into the surgery center to read the video of tonight's surgery.

He wants to know the truth first.

Then talk about other things.

When he took a quick look at the operation, he immediately knew what was going on.

He left the surgery center and went directly to knock on the door of the dean's office.

"Dr. Sun, why are you here?" Dean Fu was a little panicked and tried hard to smile.

"Dean Fu, when I came back to China to report in Renhua, you asked me to help Director Zhou Mingzhou correct Renhua's unhealthy tendencies, saying that you would do your best to help us." Sun Jing looked at him calmly.

"I wonder if these words are still effective?"

"..." Dean Fu's face was startled. He didn't dare to look directly at Sun Jing. He opened his mouth and wanted to repeat what he said to Zhuang Shu before, such as, "Did you hear something?" Listen to my explanation. This is the first time' bala bala.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them at all. He was silent for a long time before he said bitterly: "Dr. Sun said that he was very busy at the time and had no time to take care of this. He was also worried that my support would not be enough..."

"Now I want to give it a try. Are you still willing to give me this chance, Dean Fu?" Sun Jing looked at him calmly.

"Are you willing to tell me as confidently as before that I will see your sincerity in fully supporting us to the end?"

"Doctor Sun..." Dean Fu glanced at Sun Jing pleadingly and called out in a trembling voice.

He really didn't want to continue this topic.

He really wanted Sun Jing to be more humane and sophisticated.

At the same time, resentment also arose in his heart.

Even Yang Fan's people, Zhuang Shu, chose to be humane and worldly, and chose to pretend that it never happened.

Why did Sun Jing, who clearly had nothing to do with Sun Jing and was still one of his own, pushed open his door and forced him to face the situation he least wanted to face?
"Doctor Fu!" Sun Jing changed his name, but his eyes showed no intention of giving in.

Dean Fu was stunned by this familiar yet unfamiliar name, and then slumped down on the chair. Not daring to look directly into Sun Jing's eyes, he hunched over and lowered his head, sighing: "Of course I said it before. Effective...I will also fully support you in correcting Renhua's unhealthy tendencies..."

"Okay." Sun Jing nodded: "As a bystander, since I went to Tongshan Hospital, I have become more and more aware that Renhua's unhealthy tendencies are not in individual doctors, but in the leadership, right here. director's office!
What works first and what works next.

If we are not upright and do not strictly abide by the hospital's rules and regulations, then the other doctors who look at us and learn from us cannot be upright.

Just look at your surgery this time.

The whole journey took so long, your hands were shaking like that, you were sweating so much that you couldn't even wipe it away, you could hardly speak, your eyes were blurry and you couldn't see...

There are so many obvious symptoms, everyone sees them, but no one speaks out to remind you or stop you!

When your trembling hands are holding a scalpel, needles and sutures and delivering them to the patient's internal organs, how dare they ignore the patient's life safety and remain silent throughout the process?

Do you still have some medical ethics as a doctor?
Do you still have some conscience as a human being?
Do you still have some legal awareness?

All these things they should have, they have lost all, just because you are the dean and you can decide their future and destiny with one word.

And you are constantly struggling for your own reputation and future, completely disregarding the life and death of the patient.

When they look at you like this, no matter how good you are in medical ethics, you will lose your knowledge in an instant when you are promoted to the dean. "

"Dr. Sun, I really just can't bear the scalpel..." Dean Fu looked ashamed, with a tear falling from the corner of his eye.

"Now that you have confessed, stop talking nonsense!" Sun Jing interrupted: "I believe you are reluctant to part with the scalpel.

But this is only a secondary factor.

You haven't had any surgery in more than a year.

What is this about being reluctant to part with the scalpel?

If you are really reluctant to part with the scalpel, you will continue to be your director of cardiothoracic surgery instead of becoming the dean of Renhua.

When you choose to be a dean, you should understand that you are giving up the scalpel.

The Dean's chores distract you from the surgery.

If you insist on grabbing it with both hands, you will end up not being able to hold on to either one.

Look at Yang Fan!

He has never concealed his ambitions, and has long since chosen to give up purely technical skills and move to administrative positions.

Since you have chosen to be the hospital director, you should focus more on managing the hospital, rather than being unable to let go of the reputation of a famous doctor and forcing yourself to perform surgeries at the risk of the patient's life even though you know your health is failing.

Do you still want to cover up the past afterwards and pretend that nothing happened?

It's so mind-numbing!
Even when I heard a little bit of news, I guessed Yang Fan's plan and guessed that something might be wrong with you. Do you think Yang Fan would let you go so easily?
What do you want to do with the surgical video that is supposed to be used as a teaching surgery?
Destroy directly?
Would he let you destroy it like this?
What are you going to do with the doctors and nurses who see you doing surgery with your own eyes?

Can you keep them silent?

Especially in the presence of Yang Fan, a person who is willing to challenge you and manipulate you. "

At the end of the sentence, he looked disgusted: "And you have a mouth full of Yida chewing gum that can't cover up the smell of alcohol. Who can you deceive?

It can be seen that you are really working hard to maintain the false appearance!

But obviously you can call me to do the surgery for you, or simply let Zhuang Shu do it for you. As long as you do a good job in logistics management, you have to ignore the patient's life and death, work hard on your own, and cause this series of things. A foolish move will harm others and yourself!

Are you telling me that you simply don’t want to let go of the scalpel?

Just lie to others.

Don't fool yourself too! "(End of chapter)

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