The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 388 Sun Jing’s victims unite!

Chapter 388 Sun Jing’s victims unite!
While the three of them were chatting.

Sun Jing suddenly patted Zhou Ming.

Zhou Ming was stunned for a moment, then followed Sun Jing's gaze and immediately twitched the corner of his mouth.

Ran Huaizhou looked over belatedly.

Then he couldn't help but pat Zhou Ming on the shoulder, which made Zhou Ming's face darken.

It turned out that when Zhuang Shu came out of Yang Fan's office in a low mood, a woman in a white coat took the initiative to stop him and start a conversation with him.

This woman in a white coat is Lin Nianchu, deputy director of pediatrics, who is also Zhou Ming's ex-wife.

Originally, the conversation between the two doctors was nothing.

But Lin Nianchu's overly sympathetic and loving eyes were so obvious.

Even though they were so far apart, everyone was watching.

There is no need to mention Sun Jing’s sharp eyes.

Zhou Ming's eyes weren't that good, but Lin Nianchu was his ex-wife and the two had been passionately in love. He could understand the meaning of Lin Nianchu's movements and expressions with just a glance.

Ran Huaizhou, the only one among the three who had the weakest eyes and the most ignorant about men and women, understood Sun Jing's movements and expressions and naturally expressed sympathy and comfort to Zhou Ming.

"She and I have divorced, and whoever she finds has nothing to do with me." Zhou Ming could only emphasize that he was fine.

As long as his ex-wife doesn't get together with his former good buddy Cheng Xuewen, or with his former student Xie Nanxiang, it doesn't really matter to him...


Of course it can't be that indifferent.

I felt somewhat uncomfortable and concerned.

But on the surface, you must pretend not to care.

Who cares who loses after a breakup!

We were in the same hospital, and we looked up and down. They were both young and well-established, and it was impossible to look for them again.

As the director of the Department of Surgery, he is very busy and has no time and little thought.

But Lin Nianchu was different.

She says she is a career-oriented woman, but just by hearing her name, you can tell what she values ​​more.

If Sun Jing hadn't been yelling at him again and again, he would have been with Cheng Xuewen or Xie Nanxiang.

The emptier she felt, the lonelier she felt, and the more panic she felt in her heart. Her resentment toward Sun Jing had already surpassed that of her ex-husband Zhou Ming.

But this also puts her high in the sky.

It’s impossible to just find someone to relive the feeling of first love.

If you want to find someone, you must find someone very good, preferably better than Sun Jing, and at least not worse than her ex-husband Zhou Ming.

Those 56-year-old girls who are 28 meters tall and whose salary is only a little over can marry a -year-old rich and handsome man with a luxury car and a villa with tens of millions of savings. The key is that he is very kind and gentle to her.

She is only in her thirties, has money, looks and status. She doesn't care about money at all, and of course she can't settle. As long as she is excellent in five things, it's not too demanding, right?
She doesn't want to surpass Sun Jing and Zhou Ming in all five events so that she can talk about it. As long as she can surpass them in one of the five events, she will be satisfied.

Cheng Xuewen is only a little attentive.

Another point is that her status as her ex-husband's best friend gave her a sense of revenge.

Generally speaking, Xie Nanxiang is good-looking, young and in good health. She also has a sibling relationship, which is bold and exciting. Although she was a doctor before, she was very idle and did not do any serious work. Her family was rich. It can be said that she was really attracted by it at that time.

It's a pity that Taizuo had his own father killed. Then he resigned from the doctor's profession and went back to take over the family business. His depression was visible to the naked eye.

She doesn't care about money or not.

But once he ran out of money, it seemed that he no longer had the youthful vitality and wanton publicity he used to have.

Suddenly it loses its charm.

Originally there were such successful cases on the Internet, so she was not in a hurry.

But months passed.

Still not a shadow at all.

On the contrary, due to the heavy workload and lack of nourishment, her hair fell more than before. This clearly felt that her body was aging, which made her a little anxious.

Now that Zhuang Shu came to heaven, she felt energetic all of a sudden.

It's a pity that as soon as Zhuang Shu arrived, he was busy with all kinds of things, getting involved in the struggle to get into the hospital, and even getting close to Lu Chenxi. She was a completely unrelated deputy director of pediatrics, so she was really embarrassed to go there right away. .

It's different now.

Dean Fu made such an incident, and Zhuang Shu was implicated, so he must be in a bad mood. As a medical expert who also worked abroad, of course she had to say some fair words to comfort Zhuang Shu.

So there was this scene.

"Director Zhou is still very charming." Sun Jing smiled and comforted: "Director Lin likes this one."

"Don't say it yet, don't say it yet." Ran Huaizhou was reminded by Sun Jing and observed Zhou Ming and Zhuang Shu carefully, and couldn't help but feel happy.

The faces of these two people are very similar, and their facial features are very three-dimensional.

Same height, similar body shape.

They are both top surgeons, so their auras are somewhat similar.

Putting on a white coat, it really looks a bit like it.

"..." Zhou Ming was speechless.

What kind of bullshit charm is this!
But it was hard for him to refute this topic.

Because Zhuang Shu's style is indeed somewhat similar to his, and more importantly, Lin Nianchu likes his style, which can be said to be very certain.

A sister and brother-in-law whom Lin Nianchu met are a very magical example.

If he hadn't seen too many identical people appearing frequently, he still wouldn't be able to accept that the sister and brother-in-law whom Lin Nianchu recognized were actually clones of Lin Nianchu and him.

If you don't know, you will definitely think that they are two families formed by twin brothers and twin sisters.

Fortunately, my sister and brother-in-law are in the capital, and they are in the magical city.

Otherwise, if they live together, there is really a possibility of confusion...

"I still have surgery to do."

Zhou Ming didn't want to stay any longer, so he found an excuse and walked away.

Sun Jing and the others joked a few words, didn't bother to watch Lin Nianchu chatting with Zhuang Shu, and left.


Zhuang Shu frowned and looked at Lin Nianchu: "How do you know that Dr. Sun told me this? Did Lu Chenxi tell you?"

"Of course not!" Lin Nianchu frowned slightly when he heard Zhuang Shu mention Lu Chenxi: "No one told me anything.

But I know how mean Sun Jing is!
This matter of Dean Fu is none of his business, but he can come from Tongshan Hospital, point fingers, and criticize others arbitrarily from the moral high ground.

Even Dr. Zhang and Dr. Liu, who were on the same stage as Dean Fu, were asked to criticize and punish you, let alone you.

When you are abroad, you call him the same.

Colleagues are enemies!
Now that you have such an opportunity, how could he not criticize you harshly?

I have experienced these personally.

Did I say something wrong? "

"What Dr. Sun said makes sense..." Zhuang Shu saw that Lin Nianchu had only relied on his understanding of Sun Jing to deduce that he was defeated by Sun Jing. He was speechless and did not want to say more about the pain in his heart. Neng said with some embarrassment.

At the same time, he couldn't help but have opinions about Sun Jing.

Wang Dong also said similar things when he was abroad, but because of Wang Dong's character and his feud with Sun Jing, he did not believe Wang Dong's words.

But now Lin Nianchu said the same thing. Could it be that it was all other people's fault and Sun Jing had no problem at all?

Not necessarily.

Because of what Yang Fan said, Zhuang Shu's thoughts of "just revenge" for his mother were somewhat renewed.

He is unwilling to always accept that Sun Jing is right and Sun Jing's evaluation of him is also correct.

Therefore, although he still said that Sun Jing was justified, he also felt that Sun Jing might have something in terms of medical skills and medical ethics, but he did not have any selfish intention to suppress his colleagues.

Thinking about it this way, he felt much better.

No longer do I feel heart-wrenching pain and my face burning when I think about those words that broke my defense.

"I didn't say he had no sense at all, I just said he was too aggressive." Lin Nianchu kept looking at Zhuang Shu. Seeing his appearance, he guessed that he might also recognize him, and he felt happy.

"He can't just catch others making a mistake and attack him to death, right? You know, he is in a high position now.

His every move, every word and every deed can have a great impact on other people.

To borrow a quote from my sister.

With a little power and a little willfulness, the ideals and ambitions of a young man will be blown away by the wind.

Baizhu from Tongshan Hospital has a knife in his heart. The real young hero offended him and now he can only do a finger examination.

He's going too far, isn't he? "

Zhuang Shu's face became serious and he couldn't agree with Lin Nianchu's evaluation of Sun Jing, but he still couldn't help but said: "With a little power and willfulness, a good young man's ideals and ambitions will be blown away by the wind. What your sister said, So profound.”

There is indeed something wrong with Sun Jing.

He only sees others, not himself.

In Sun Jing's words, he became the most annoying person in his life, which hurt him physically and mentally and broke his defense.

But isn't it the same for Sun Jing?
He always criticizes others, only focusing on the shortcomings of others, and then amplifies his attacks infinitely, and even directly decides the future of a good young man with one word.

Isn't this just a little willfulness of power in disguise?

This is what he hates the most.

Back then, those people just used their power to destroy his family with a little willfulness.

Sun Jing is no different!
No one is more noble than anyone else!

"Of course my sister speaks profoundly, but she is..." Lin Nian was very happy when he saw that Zhuang Shu had been convinced by him for the first time. He was also very proud that he recognized this sister.

But when the words came to her lips, she didn't say them out.

It is inconvenient to say this.

She also didn't want Zhuang Shu to think she was showing off.

To be honest, with her sister's status and the fact that she was scolded so harshly by Sun Jing, she didn't even go to her sister to complain and ask her to stand up for her.

In this regard, she can be proud to say that she is not the kind of person who uses her power to be willful!
So at this point, she is very confident to criticize Sun Jing!
She also didn't want Zhuang Shu to know her sister's identity now.

And if Zhuang Shu finds out, with a little research, he can find out the situation of her sister and brother-in-law.

Based on the information that her sister and brother-in-law were mirror images of her and her ex-husband Zhou Ming, she really didn't want Zhuang Shu to know about it at this time.

Then I thought of the two couples who were almost mirror images. The sister and brother-in-law were also traveling together. They were older than them and had been married for longer, but now they were the ones getting divorced first.

But the sister, brother-in-law and the others are loving husband and wife, and the wife follows her husband.

Although my brother-in-law may be aloof outside, at home he is very emotionally intelligent and dotes on his sister. Listening to his sister's words, he looks like a domineering boss.

It's not like she didn't tell Zhou Ming that she wanted him to learn from her brother-in-law.

If Zhou Ming had the emotional intelligence of his brother-in-law, they would not have reached this point.

When she thought of this, she felt very unhappy.

"Sister You is very knowledgeable and amazing. She deserves to be Director Lin's sister!" Zhuang Shu also looked at her and did not ask further questions, but just praised her.

The Taoist heart that was broken by Sun Jing gradually began to condense. The previous loss and decadence were swept away, and his eyes began to become firm again.

Yang Fan is very concerned about Zhuang Shu's developments.

He immediately knew that Lin Nianchu came to Zhuang Shu to comfort Zhuang Shu, and even knew the content of the conversation.

In the office, he thought about it, changed out of his white coat, put on regular clothes, left the hospital, and went straight to Tongshan Hospital.

In the bathroom, Baizhu rinsed his fingers with water, his face gloomy.

Even if you are already somewhat used to your current job.

Even if he told himself to be patient, the dean would not be so heartless and give up on him completely.

All he had to do was give up and lie dormant for a while, and the dean would speak for him.

When the time comes, he will try his best to learn skills from Sun Jing, and then he may have the opportunity to replace him as a real man.

But no matter how good the idea is, life like this is really difficult.

Especially the eyes of others.

Not to mention it in the hospital, he was almost completely embarrassed.

After all, everyone is a doctor, so they may secretly laugh at his kind of work, but they won't go too far, and they can still understand that it's all work.

But those friends outside the hospital have no sense of public morality.

Knowing that he does not hold a scalpel now, but instead does finger examinations full-time, everyone smiles so wantonly.

And we don’t even call him when we have dinner together...

Some people even came here to register and see his working environment and working status.

He hated him so much that he really wanted to give her a try!
However, they are not fools, and they don't have any hobbies. They only register and don't actually do any examinations, leaving him with skills but nothing to do.

"Doctor Bai, this is Renhua Yang Fan. Are you off work?"

His phone rang, and when he answered the call, it was Yang Fan from Renhua who was on the other side. This made him surprised and moved his heart.

"Director Yang, is something wrong?"

As a former Tongshan Hospital, he certainly knew Yang Fan.

"I happened to pass by Tongshan Hospital after get off work. I heard that the coffee shop here has good coffee. Would you like to come and sit together?" Yang Fan also knew the nickname of the Atractylodes Coffee Immortal.

Although he likes to play kung fu tea, he despises coffee drinkers and feels that they are not of high quality.

But now he plans to poach Bai Shu, and of course he wants Corporal Li Xian.

"Okay." Baizhu wanted to refuse, but when his words came to his lips, he agreed instead.

He didn't want to betray the dean and teacher, he just went to have a cup of coffee, it was no big deal.

Besides, nowadays it is very rare to find someone who is willing to eat and drink at the same table with him.

Soon, the two sat down opposite each other in the cafe.

Baizhu ordered coffee very carefully, then leaned back and looked at Yang Fan with his arms crossed: "Director Yang, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Can't I just chat with you?" Yang Fan smiled calmly and said: "After all, you are also a well-known number one in the city. Our communication is normal, right?"

Although he deliberately poached Bai Shu and used it to replace Lu Chenxi, so that he could make Renhua's heart a solid foundation.

But Atractylodes must have had its own shortcomings when Sun Jing suppressed him like this.

Before he recruits people, he needs to know whether Baizhu has changed after all this trouble.

Otherwise, please bring back a Baizhu who remains intact and has all the stinking problems. He won't think that he will be too troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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