The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 403 Awakening Zhao Zilong: You have a toxic bestie, but I have a grandson who is a miracle d

"Director Sun, if it were you, it would be me..."

Huang Zili murmured in pain, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Sun Jing: "Everyone is different and will not make the same choice."

"..." Huang Zili was speechless.

He has reacted.

How could Director Sun be like him?

Or how could most men be like him.

Even if it were a hypothetical substitute, no one would be willing to do it, right?

It's not like he actually did it.

Did he have water in his head, or was he just out of his mind? Why did he agree so unconsciously in the first place?

It's a pity that no one believes it.

Because on the night of the wedding, if you get hot-headed and can't help yourself, and you have no choice but to agree to this, then it's understandable.

After all, men are all about loyalty. They would rather wrong themselves than their brothers.

For the sake of brothers, no one can say anything without thinking about so many details and warnings.

But this has been more than half a year.

In such a long time, he has never been awake.

This is very wrong.

But from the wedding night to the past six months, he had no loyalty at all. He let his brother wait for the opportunity to become a monk, and his life was miserable.

What is he planning?

Or it can only be explained by what those people call 'true love'.

But he doesn't want this kind of true love.

"Think about it, but don't drink!" Sun Jing patted him on the shoulder: "Drinking won't solve any problems, it will only create new ones."

Huang Zili agreed and watched Sun Jing leave. He wandered around the street in a daze when his wife Zhong Qing called again. He looked at the ringing phone for a while, but still didn't get through. He strolled to Walk to the hospital.

VIP ward.

When Huang Zili came in, Zhong Qing was lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed, and the child was placed on the crib beside her.

He came closer, and before he could see the baby's face, he couldn't help but turn his head away, showing a painful and tangled expression similar to that of later generations who took out their wallets and found that there was no money in it.

I remembered what Sun Jing said about his vision going dark and his eyes rolling, which was even more heartbreaking!

What a special meow image!
Just then, the baby cried.

Zhong Qing, who had her eyes closed on the hospital bed, immediately opened her eyes and turned over to look. She saw Huang Zili standing there, glanced at him, and while coaxing the child, asked: "Where have you been? Why didn't you answer the call I just called you?"

"Director Sun was busy just now." Huang Zili said perfunctorily, and looked at his cheap son who didn't make his eyes darken: "Is he hungry?"

"Probably not. I just fed him five milliliters of milk." Zhong Qing said uncertainly.

"Would you like some water?" Huang Zili asked casually.

"It seems like you can't give water for the first three days, right?" Zhong Qing said again in an uncertain tone.

"..." Huang Zili was silent.

Originally he wouldn't have thought much about it.

But since being reminded by Sun Jing, his thinking perspective has changed. He was a little annoyed when he saw Zhong Qing answering in such an uncertain tone several times.

This is your own son!

You are still a doctor!
You don't care at all?
Not sure about this bit of common sense?

So how true is what you said before about children being innocent and loving life?

It’s probably all fake!
His silence made Zhong Qing a little uneasy. After all, his reaction today was so abnormal, not at all like the good husband and stepfather he had been for the past half year.

"Zi Li, don't be angry. What happened today was really an accident." Zhong Qing, who was a little uneasy, took the initiative to reach out and took Huang Zili's hand and apologized.

"I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

As he spoke, he was about to cry.

"It doesn't matter whether it was intentional or not." Huang Zili laughed at himself: "I was too naive before, thinking that as long as I didn't give birth in our hospital, it would be fine.

But think about it for a moment, don’t say you just gave birth in a private hospital, you gave birth in other cities, or even abroad.

Who can I hide it from?

Those who should know will still know. "

"Zi Li..." Zhong Qing looked at him in surprise.

She never expected that Huang Zili could think of this level.

That's right!

She actually knew this.

So although she agreed to go to a private hospital to give birth, she never cared about it.

Because it is impossible to hide this kind of thing.

The only thing to do is to make Huang Zili, who has shouldered most of the shame, feel a little better.

Just calm his emotions.

If he, the client, smiles and helps her to support her, then her life will be much better.

After all, the person involved doesn't mind anymore. If anyone else wants to say anything else, it would be too much.

That is to forcefully knock on the door of other people's happy homes and destroy other people's happy and happy families.

This kind of behavior will result in being beaten to death!

The most important thing is her father.

If Huang Zili is willing, then even if her father finds out, he won't be too angry or worried.

Because in addition to being embarrassed, what would make her father's blood pressure uncontrollable was also endless worry about the future of her only daughter.

Even Huang Zili, who is a direct disciple and a goddess licker, is unwilling to take on this role. If such a shameful thing comes out, what should his daughter do in the future?
Do you live alone?

As an old father, who can accept this kind of future imagination?

As long as Huang Zili is willing to bear all of this, then nothing will be a problem.

Originally, she was very confident that she could handle Huang Zili.

This is also the reason why she chose Huang Zili instead of Wang Junyi, his opponent who was very difficult to deal with.

That Wang Junyi also licked, but not thoroughly. He was very scheming, and he would retaliate if he retaliated, and he used endless methods.

According to her words: "Love is not thorough enough and unconditional enough!"

But now Huang Zili's reaction made her wary.

This is a sign that it's too much to bear.

She can understand it too.

After all, the child was in her belly before, so she couldn't see or have a clear concept. She could still rely on her love for her to suppress her biological instincts.

But now that the child is born, it is normal to feel disgust engraved in human DNA when looking at this child who has absolutely no chance of being of his own blood and who cannot be replaced at all. So she needed to appease him.

"As long as you know it, you will be discharged from the hospital and go home tomorrow..."

"You have been discharged from the hospital and gone home, but I am still in the hospital." Huang Zili said in a low voice.

"You can also go home, you have half a month's maternity leave!" Zhong Qing said quickly.

"Then what?" Huang Zili retorted: "You won't have to go to work in half a month?"

"You know what's going on." Zhong Qing frowned: "They have no reason to say weird things."

"Should we explain it one by one?" Huang Zili looked at her with complicated eyes: "Can they believe it?"

"Why don't you believe it?" Zhong Qing's heart skipped a beat. She could hear it. It didn't mean whether his colleagues believed it or not. It was clearly because he, the client, had doubts about the past events and words.

This is not a good sign!
Don’t they all say that one pregnancy makes you stupid for three years?
Although she is the one who is pregnant, Huang Zili is equivalent to a son-in-law, and it is he who is 'pregnant' to a certain extent.

He should be stupid.

Why don't you look like you're stupid now?

From the bridal chamber to now, she didn't give him a chance to change his life!
She guessed he didn't even know the concept of transshipment.

"I know this is very irritating to you, but it's the same for me. Even if I don't care what my colleagues think of me now, I haven't figured out how to tell my dad yet. You also know that he had a cerebral hemorrhage last time."

As he said this, he secretly glanced at Huang Zili's reaction.

Sure enough, when Huang Zili heard about his mentor's illness, he immediately showed a worried look, and his tone was not as harsh as before: "After all, he is your father, the child's grandfather. What can he say except accept it?"

"Originally I thought it was okay, but now I'm not sure." Zhong Qing said with tears: "Just like you, you said well before, but now that the child is born, your attitude is different... I'm really worried My dad’s body.”

"We are all ordinary people. Many things don't come true until they come to an end. You don't know how much you can bear." Huang Zili said in a very complicated tone.

He overestimated his endurance.

But is it also underestimating the endurance of teachers?

Do you want to continue to endure it for the teacher's health?
That's right!

He could see Zhong Qing's attempt to use the teacher to make him 'normal'.

Again, the world is wide with one thought. Once he gets rid of the filter of Zhong Qing and looks at these things from a more grand perspective, with his IQ, it is impossible not to see this little calculation.

"Let's do this. Tomorrow I will send an announcement to the hospital group and explain it to everyone. I will say that this child was born to my ex-husband and I have nothing to do with you at all. After you found out, not only did you not dislike me, but you also said that Raise this child with me and be the father of the child, so that everyone will have no opinion of you, is this the way to go?" Zhong Qing was worried and angry, and made a suggestion with a sarcastic tone.

"Are you still sarcastic? Isn't this true?" Huang Zili looked at her: "As for this, everyone will not have opinions about me?
is it possible?

Don't tell anyone else!

Just say that Wang Junyi who asked me for red eggs directly in front of everyone, will he let me go?
Every time he troubles me, when have you not spoken up for him and asked me not to conflict with him?
If you send such an announcement now, do you believe that he will immediately turn around and say that I am not a thing? Putting aside the facts, it is all because of my bad heart and bad heart?

When the time comes, will you stand on my side or on his side?

What am I thinking!

Now you are talking about these facts in a mocking tone even though he is not around. How could you stand by me if something like that really happened? "

Speaking of this, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, feeling extremely sad and angry.

You know, he is such a jerk as a man. As his wife, Zhong Qing always takes the side of his love rival whenever something happens, especially when he has something to do with his love rival.

Originally, he did not dare to complain about his goddess wife, thinking that everything was the fault of his love rival Wang Junyi.

But now he understood that Zhong Qing's attitude was too much.

What you can’t get from co-authoring is always a commotion, right?
Do not!
To be more precise, those without a certificate are always the best and most valuable!
Everyone understands the truth.

But is this about personnel matters?

"When did I side with Wang Junyi? I just don't want you to conflict with him and affect your progress. And if it weren't for him today, my child and I would be in danger. Stop talking about him. If you have anything to do with me... "

Zhong Qing saw that Huang Zili actually said that her angry words were true. She was so angry, and after she said it, Huang Zili really opened his eyes and meant to come towards her, and did not bother to comfort him. When he became the receiver, he immediately became angry.

"I didn't mock you. In fact, you think you are great, right? I didn't force you to marry me!"

"You didn't force me to marry you?" Huang Zili said angrily: "Can you stop pretending? Did you skip the relationship and get married directly out of the blue?

Did you prepare for the wedding all the way and then enter the bridal chamber so quickly?
Did you say on the wedding night that you seemed to have a baby? It seems so good!
Do you dare to say that you didn't know in advance that you were pregnant, so you were so anxious to get married and forced me to be this cheap father? "

"You've gone too far!!!" Zhong Qing burst into tears in anger.

It's not pretending this time.

But he was really angry.

no way.

The truth hurts the most.

How dare he tell her little thoughts directly?

Don’t you plan to pass this?

"Do you know what I went through today? I almost died, and you only care about your own face. Have you ever thought about how I feel?"

"Did I cause this?" Huang Zili became more and more angry: "I said you don't want this child. You are already married to me, so just live a good life with me. Did you listen?

I asked you to wait for delivery in a private hospital, and you were so busy that you fell asleep every day when you were tired. I also went back to cook for you and do things for you whenever I had time, just to let you have a good rest at home. Did you listen again?

Why do I only care about my own face?

Since I agreed to your marriage proposal, do I still have any dignity?

Long gone!

Over the past six months, I have been bitten by you, and I have completely lost my skin and face!

Have you ever thought about how I feel? "

"Did someone tell you something?" Facing the sudden outburst of her honest husband, Zhongqing was very surprised. She even forgot to cry for a moment. She thought of something and shouted excitedly.

"Is it Sun Jing? Is he slandering me? It must be him! Otherwise you wouldn't have suddenly become like this!
He's gone too far!
He actually destroyed our family!
As my husband, at this moment, not only did you not choose to protect your wife who just gave birth, but you listened to the slanderous words to block me and make me angry. Are you still a man? "

"You should know best whether I am a man!" Huang Zili said with an indifferent expression: "Obviously I am not a man!
If I were a man, I would not be married, it would be the same as not being married.

I won’t talk about it psychologically.

You can't even tell if I'm a man on a physical level, can you? "

"How did you become like this?" Zhong Qing looked like she finally understood: "Are you only thinking about those things?
I do not want this!

But I found out I was pregnant on the night of the wedding, what could I do?
You can't hurt your children, right?

It’s only been more than half a year, and you can’t bear it anymore?

Are you no longer a man?
You are so manly!
He only thinks about these things, just like other men! "

At this point, she sneered: "No wonder Wendi said that if you love me, there shouldn't be conditions, conditional love is not true love!
You said you love me before, you love me very much.

It's true to me.

It turns out they are all lies! "

Huang Zili laughed angrily.

Well, you have a poisonous best friend beside you to encourage you, right?

Fortunately, I also have Director Sun to guide me and broaden my horizons. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be trapped by you again. (End of chapter)

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