Chapter 42 Sun Jing’s Principles

All night.

Sun Jing put back the medical records in his hands, stretched and moved a bit, then left the file room and went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

Along the way, there were always people looking at him, and some even nodding.

Sun Jing also smiled and nodded in response.

After making breakfast and finding a seat, I heard someone coming.

"Dr. Sun, do you mind if I sit here?" Zhou Ming, the acting director of the Department of Surgery, stood there with a dinner plate, looking at him and smiling.

"Of course I don't mind." Sun Jing shook his head and motioned for him to sit down.

Putting aside the matter of falling in love with his female student, Zhou Ming can be regarded as a doctor with good medical skills and ethics.

"Dr. Sun, he performed a major operation last night, which shocked Renhua." Zhou Ming praised after sitting down.

"Director Zhou has shocked Renhua far more times than I have." Sun Jing said with a smile.

"Okay, let's stop complimenting each other. I have something serious to do with you." Zhou Ming shook his head and laughed.

"The intern group examination will be held soon. You can accompany me to preside over it."

Before Sun Jing could refuse, he interrupted directly: "Don't refuse! Your surgery last night caused huge waves.

Nowadays, many intern doctors are holding back their energy to take the exam for the correct group.

I heard that you have already appointed three students, and you only plan to accept these three. The lawsuit is about to go to Dean Fu.

The hospital is required to disclose the grouping basis for group examinations to ensure fairness and justice!

In previous years, there were also many people who wanted to take the exam for my group.

But it has never been so big.

You caused this, you have to take responsibility.

Come host it with me for a while and let them know when the time comes.

Just say whatever you think, whatever you have to say. "

"Okay." Although Sun Jing understood that the explosive impact of his surgery last night was still greater than that of Qian Lele's surgery before.

But I was still a little surprised by the reaction of these intern doctors.

After all, in foreign countries, on the first day when surgical interns enter a hospital for internship, they will be clearly informed that interns are at the bottom of the hospital's food chain.

This is not a metaphor!
But the bloody reality!
Just imagine, a rookie who doesn't know anything yet is on the front line of a hospital, where he is fighting death. His first shift lasts for 48 hours. He is either exhausted or sleepy, or is so frightened that he becomes confused and vomits.

It just so happens that such a rookie, who is still burdened with high student loans, must persevere and endure for many years before he can get ahead.

They had no way out and were always on guard. Apart from obeying orders without compromise and doing whatever they were told, how could they dare to question anything?
Of course, those who use romantic means to "successfully fall in love" with their superior doctors at the first opportunity, except for the rookies who get special protection from their superior's "lover".

After all, these people are definitely not rookies, but seasoned people from the society.

Among Renhua's batch of intern doctors, there are some old-time socialites with backgrounds and status.

But after he clearly expressed his views on them, they should not be so arrogant that they would bow their heads and join his group.

For the rest, he really didn't expect to be able to do something like this.


Surgical conference room.

A group of intern doctors were whispering here, all talking about Sun Jing's surgery last night.

No one talks about the profound professional knowledge, and the main focus is on the amazing significance of this surgery.

Bai Xiaojing and three people stood together.

Bai Xiaojing raised her chin with a look of pride on her face.

Ye Chunmeng was restless and worried, looking at Chen Xi and Zhang Huanyu from time to time.

Liu Zhiguang was simply happy.

Chen Xi and Xie Nanxiang stood together, and unconsciously there was a clear sense of distance between them and Bai Xiaojing.

"Are you causing this trouble? What do you mean?" Xie Nanxiang looked at Chen Xi with an ugly expression.

"Don't tell me, you also want to join his group?"

"I really want to." Chen Xi did not put his childhood sweetheart's feelings first as usual.

"Nanxiang, Dr. Sun's level is too high. We are also studying medicine. If we want to study medicine, we should learn from the best.

He looks down on us!

But we are admitted to his group and use our strength to reverse his view of us. This is the best counterattack, isn't it? "

"You're not attracted to him, are you?" Xie Nanxiang's expression changed slightly.

But he was still unhappy watching his childhood sweetheart licking the dog and testing her with words.

"I just have a crush on him, so what?" Chen Xi said angrily.

"Anyway, I'm going to give it a try. It's up to you whether you want to follow or not!" Ever since she was a child, she would follow him wherever he went.

This time, she wanted to try the other way around.

Zhang Huanyu and her boyfriend Li Qi stood together and interacted intimately.

Out of the corner of his eye, he was still paying attention to the two friend circles of Chen Xi and Ye Chunmeng, two roommates, and he felt very proud.

She didn't need to step forward, and this chessboard, which was originally a dead game, was taken away by her.

Her grades are not bad, and she is among the top five interns in this class.

As long as one spot is squeezed out, or Sun Jing is allowed to open up a few more spots, the advantage lies with her.

When Sun Jing and Zhou Ming came in, they attracted everyone's attention.

"Chen Xi, pass out these envelopes. They contain the first question of the oral exam."

Zhou Ming gave instructions as soon as he came in. After Chen Xi stepped forward to catch the envelopes and began to distribute them, he looked around at everyone.

"But I know that you are more concerned about what Dr. Sun thinks than the exam, so I asked Dr. Sun to give you a few words."

"This development is something I never expected." At Zhou Ming's signal, Sun Jing answered with a smile.

"After all, this is just a group examination for intern doctors, not an examination with the tutor after being admitted to the department.

There is a rotation of one subject every month, so grouping interns with teachers actually doesn't make much sense.

And even the regular subject examinations that will end after eight months are a two-way choice.

In other words, students can choose their mentors, and mentors can choose their students.

This is basic mutual respect and for better teaching.

This is how you all came to choose a school for college entrance examination.

It shouldn't be unfamiliar.

And we are a teaching hospital here.

Being a teacher is definitely not an easy job.

You are just intern doctors. You do not have a medical license and cannot give medical orders.

Your contact with patients, diagnosis and treatment of patients require the signature of the superior teacher.

Once something goes wrong, the teacher has an unshirkable responsibility.

In this case, any teacher has the right to select students he recognizes to teach.

For me personally.

Since everyone is so interested in knowing my selection criteria, let me tell you.

I only have two principles for now.

First, my students must have perseverance, ideals and talent.

Most people think they have no problem with this, so I won’t say it. "

Having said this, he glanced at Chen Xi and Xie Nanxiang, making their faces froze.

Most people have made it clear that they have been excluded.

“Second, it’s best for my students not to fall in love for the time being.

Especially talking to classmates, colleagues in the hospital, or even superior doctors is absolutely not allowed. "Sun Jing continued.

"I know that you are already past the legal age for marriage. There is no problem at all in getting married, let alone falling in love.

I respect your legal rights.

But in my opinion, medical students are different from other professions. This is a profession that requires a longer period of lifelong learning.

You are actually no different from the senior high school students preparing for the college entrance examination now.

Even more stressful.

All you have to do is put the most energy into your studies.

It is best to consider these things after you have passed your internship and residency training and become an attending physician.

The distraction of high school love only affects your own life.

But when medical students focus most of their energy on love, even during working hours, they are joking with the lives of their patients.

If you think about love all day long and have no energy to concentrate, one oversight may cost you your life!
So I will never allow such a thing to happen in front of my eyes! "

In the audience, Chen Xi and Xie Nanxiang, who had been paused for a few seconds by Sun Jing again, turned blue and red.

Of course they are not the only ones.

Zhang Huanyu and her boyfriend Li Qi were also extremely uncomfortable.

Huang Rong in the crowd also lowered her head.

(End of this chapter)

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