The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 46 What?Want my son to apologize to him? !

Chapter 46 What?Want my son to apologize to him? !
Mrs. Xie walked into Dean Fu's door angrily.

It didn't take long.

He walked out with a forced smile.

Dean Fu had already said this. No matter how angry she was, she didn't dare to say anything more.

After she came out, the forced smile on her face completely disappeared, her expression was gloomy, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

She never expected that Dean Fu would support Sun Jing so much.

When the police mediate, they each give fifty bucks and mud.

To be the president of a hospital as big as Renhua, she didn't believe that President Fu didn't even know a little bit of Tai Chi.

She didn't expect Dean Fu to do anything to Sun Jing.

But he called Sun Jing over and criticized her in front of her to vent her anger.

At the very least, she can mediate between the two parties for a few words, and then act as a peacemaker to give her son Xie Nanxiang a chance to step down.

Is this difficult?

But Dean Fu’s attitude is so tough!

Either way, it was Sun Jing who did the right thing and it was all for her son Xie Nanxiang's benefit.

Especially when it was later said that if her son quit being a doctor and went back to inherit the family business, he would also have to maintain a good relationship with the hospital and medical staff, which was even more shocking.

She couldn't believe that Dean Fu threatened her in such a straightforward way.

Just for Sun Jing, as for that?
She was so shocked that even Chen Xi, the future daughter-in-law, was criticized by Sun Jing. She didn't dare to say anything because she didn't care about Dean Fu's face.

She was worried that if she told Chen Xi, the parents of the leader of the Health Bureau, it would not only have no effect, but would have the opposite effect, arousing a greater reaction from Dean Fu.

She was unwilling to just leave Renhua as if nothing had happened.

Her precious son was so angry that he still hadn't turned on his phone to answer her call.

So she went to see Chen Guangyuan, the deputy director of Renhua Pharmacy.

The person in her family who has the most dealings with medical equipment is Vice President Chen, and she has the closest relationship with him.

"Dean Chen, have you heard?"

"Mrs. Xie, I heard about it." Vice President Chen smiled and said, "What did President Fu say?"

"...What do you mean this is!" Mrs. Xie angrily told what happened when she met Dean Fu just now.

"Haha." Vice President Chen chuckled and said, "Mrs. Xie, don't be angry.

Dean Fu has been in office for more than two years and is now preparing to work hard.

Dr. Sun is a medical wizard who was personally invited by him.

Facts have also proved that Dean Fu is indeed very visionary and courageous.

Dr. Sun's skills are indeed world-leading.

Such high-level top doctors are valuable resources for any hospital and can bring the hospital to a higher level.

Not to mention Dean Fu, we are also very happy that Dr. Sun can come to Renhua. "

Seeing that Mrs. Xie looked unhappy, he paused and reminded her.

“For you medical device suppliers, Dr. Sun Jingsun is also a noble person.

He will later perform a number of latest surgeries in Renhua that have not yet been carried out in China.

We are all waiting to study hard. "

Mrs. Xie understood immediately.

To carry out new surgeries that are not available in the country, it costs a lot of money to train personnel and new medical equipment.

If we can give priority to the provision of new medical equipment, we will have a first-mover advantage when this new surgery is promoted from Renhua to the whole country. The money will be unlimited.

"Is he really that powerful?" When it comes to the family business, Mrs. Xie doesn't have much anger anymore.

I was just surprised that Sun Jing was rated so highly by Vice President Chen.

You must know that Vice President Chen and President Fu are both on the same page, but their relationship is not as harmonious as it seems.

"Mrs. Xie, you are also an insider in our medical field. You can go abroad to inquire about the value of Dr. Sun's name." Vice President Chen said with a smile.

"Listen to my advice and try to persuade Nanxiang when you go back later. Don't get angry with Dr. Sun.

I have heard that the cause of these things was actually Nanxiang provoking Dr. Sun first.

He is a senior doctor, and it is actually normal for him to fight back when provoked.I don’t need to tell you that Dr. Sun has such amazing achievements at such a young age, and you understand how proud he is in his bones.

The reaction was somewhat violent, which is understandable.

In this way, let Nanxiang come over tomorrow to apologize to Dr. Sun.

He didn't take the group exam today, so I'll make some arrangements for him.

Let him follow other instructors and let this matter be over. "

"Let Nanxiang apologize to him?" Mrs. Xie had completely listened, but she still smiled bitterly when she heard this.

How could her precious son be asked to apologize after suffering such a big loss this time?

"It's better to apologize." Vice President Chen advised: "After all, the matter is such a big deal, and everyone in the hospital is watching.

There has to be a solution.

We can't let Dr. Sun apologize to Xie Nanxiang, right?

This is even more impossible. "

"..." Mrs. Xie opened her mouth.

Seeing that Vice President Chen had reached this point in advance, she was reluctant to ask Vice President Chen to come forward to talk to Sun Jing and let Sun Jing take the initiative to help her son.

"I'll try my best to persuade him."

"That's right." Vice President Chen nodded in praise.

Mrs. Xie walked out of Vice President Chen's office with a sad look on her face.

Thinking about how to persuade his precious son to bow his head, I felt completely unsure.

Although my son is no longer a high school student and has graduated from college, he is still in his rebellious stage.

Otherwise, I would not have ignored their advice and insisted on becoming this doctor.

When you are a doctor, you should be a doctor, study hard, and build a good relationship with the best doctors, which will come in handy when you take over the family business in the future.

Now it's like this again... She's afraid that her son will lose his temper before she opens her mouth.

Let alone asking him to apologize to Sun Jing.

It's a mess!
She really didn't expect that her dignified Xie Group would be in such an embarrassing situation when faced with an attending doctor who was not even the director.

She took out her mobile phone and dialed her son's number again, but still couldn't get through. After thinking about it, she called Chen Xi, her default daughter-in-law-to-be, and then went to the restaurant.


As soon as he entered the restaurant, Chen Xi came over quickly and greeted him affectionately.

Mrs. Xie followed her reminder and saw Sun Jing eating in the restaurant.

"Now you are in trouble, your parents are looking for you!"

After the group exam was over, he and Sun Jing scored together. Zhou Ming, who came to the restaurant for lunch after finishing his work, immediately started joking with gossipy eyes.

Sun Jing smiled and said nothing.

As early as the first time he attacked Xie Nanxiang, he had already expected this.

But he didn't care.

If even a mere Xie Nanxiang worries about this and doesn't dare to antagonize him, then what's the point of living?
And no matter how trashy Xie Nanxiang is, he is still the number one supporting actor in the TV series Growing Up.

He was so strong that he broke his defense, which was enough to provide Sun Jing with a lot of red dust energy.

The red dust energy can be exchanged for good luck cards, and it can cure illnesses and save lives at critical moments.

Sun Jing was also trying to save lives!
This positive and negative result (preventing Xie Nanxiang from harming others) saved more people.

Are there any great value ones?
Plus, sitting opposite him, he is the real leading man in the TV series Growing Up.

Looking at the lively excitement, it also provides a lot of worldly atmosphere.

Just looking at Zhou Ming's melon-eating smile and thinking that in the original TV series, Xie Nanxiang's filial piety deteriorated and the mistress he directly pursued was the beloved wife in front of him, Sun Jing's smile became a little more playful.

Zhou Ming, who was just watching the fun, felt a little uncomfortable.

 ps. I heard that I would update the follow-up recommendations for reading the relationship on Tuesday, so I updated it in advance. After that, it will still be updated on time at 12:00 noon every day.


(End of this chapter)

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