The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 480 Anxious You Shengmei: Sun’s angry retort finally came, I feel relieved!

After Sun Jingxian and Hu Yifei had a belated conversation and teased Zeng Xiaoxian for being a bootlicker, he went to work feeling refreshed.

In Qu Jinming and You Shengmei's villa.

As soon as Qu Jinming woke up, he felt something was wrong. He turned his head and saw his wife sitting there in a daze. He didn't know what she was thinking about. Her face looked solemn and worried.

"what happened to you?"

"What else can I do?" You Shengmei said angrily, "My investment is ruined. I have to ask Zheng to fire a young intern. What else can I do?"

"What happened is over." Qu Jinming stood up and comforted her, "Don't think too much about it. It's useless to think too much."

"Do you still disagree with me asking Lao Zheng to fire He Jing?" You Shengmei stared into his eyes.

Qu Jinming paused as he was putting on his clothes.

When the couple talked about this last night, he expressed his disapproval, which made You Shengmei very angry and she questioned him what he was thinking.

He brushed it off with some moral principles.

But he didn't expect that he still couldn't deceive the person next to him, and she still doubted his intentions.

But this time she didn't think too much.

but true.

He really has selfish motives.

But he couldn't explain it to her.

I can't tell her: "I now know that He Jing is the daughter of my first love, the one you used your power to snatch me away from, the one who made me regret my whole life. Now her daughter is here, and I don't want her daughter to suffer any injustice.

So even though her daughter had a conflict with you, her daughter is young and ignorant, and we, as elders, should be generous and protective.

Why don't you just take it lightly and withdraw your decision to fire He Jing?"

Not to mention that, just letting You Shengmei know who He Jing is would make her explode, and she would start to suspect whether he wanted to reconcile with his first love, or even suspect that He Jing came to Sanjiang Hospital to restart the war that happened decades ago.

In short, everything will be turned upside down, and she will target He Jing even more at that time. If he says a few fair words, it will be regarded as betrayal, which will definitely cause unrest.

So he couldn't have said that.

"What you should be more concerned about now is whether President Sun will pick a fight with you." After all, Qu Jinming is the executive vice president, and he is still a bit shrewd. He directly changed the subject and reminded him.

"This time the matter has become so serious, and the source is because of you, do you think he will pretend that it never happened for my sake?

I guess this is why you toss and turn at night, right?"

“……”You Shengmei’s face turned dark.

This is indeed what she is most worried about now.

This is why I tossed and turned all night.

She knew Dean Sun's temper very well. He would never let this matter go just because she was Dean Qu's wife.

So she was always nervous and simulated in her mind the troubles and questions that would come next.

Her husband also talked to her and comforted her.

She said she didn't care and was not afraid of it.

But after saying this, her husband fell asleep peacefully, while she tossed and turned all night and couldn't fall asleep at all.

This heartless person clearly knew the situation, but didn't take the initiative to comfort her and offer protection. How bad!
She has always maintained a strong attitude at work and in life, including towards her husband.

In her eyes, her husband has been able to get to where he is today not because of how great he is, but because she chose him and brought him up to where he is today.

Therefore, in the relationship between husband and wife, she has always been strong, and it is always what I think, not what you think. In many cases, she is more like the executive vice president.

She did indeed do a lot of things.

Now let her say to her husband: "I am completely scared this time because of Sun Jing. Can you help me?"

How can it be!

If this is really done, the family status will definitely change drastically in the future.

As her parents' connections had long since been transferred to her husband's hands and her current position was entirely supported by years of inertia and the banner of morality, she absolutely could not show weakness.

She had been waiting for her husband to take the initiative to help her.

But her husband didn't obviously wait for her to speak first.

He Jing's problem is just her throwing stones to lead the way.

At least without knowing He Jing's true identity, she mentioned He Jing to talk about the trouble that Sun Jing was targeting her.

But she didn't know that her husband also had his own plans.

It can be said that the couple each has their own plans and are sleeping in the same bed but dreaming different dreams.

Qu Jinming saw that his wife shut up when he mentioned Sun Jing. He looked at her and saw that she was still stubborn and unwilling to speak. He didn't say anything else and continued to put on his clothes.

He had long since had enough of his wife controlling his life.

Especially since he is about to ascend to the throne of dean, if he still allows his wife to control him, what is the point of being the dean?
In work and life, the priorities and strengths must be adjusted.

Of course, it is best if the wife takes the initiative to give in.

Otherwise, if she makes a scene, he will be the one who gets embarrassed in the end.

The couple washed up, each with their own thoughts, and went to work together.

On the way, when the two were relatively silent, You Shengmei's cell phone rang. It was Manager Wang who had contacted her before. She answered the call happily.

Ever since she had a falling out with Mr. Qian, she knew that Manager Wang would not contact her again.

Now that they are in contact, things must have changed again.

And most of the changes are for the better.

Because no contact is the worst thing.

"Manager Wang..."

After some greetings, You Shengmei hung up the phone with a changed expression.

"Ask you for mercy?" Qu Jinming, who was driving, guessed what happened after hearing a few words.

"Yeah." You Shengmei looked at him and said, "President Qian asked Manager Wang to tell me to persuade the hospital not to sue Mrs. Qian. This matter is over. They will continue to invest in the project."

"Difficult." Qu Jinming knew what his wife meant and shook his head: "Now that Dean Sun has taken over, it seems that he wants to set an example.

There are indeed problems with Mrs. Qian and Mr. Qian.

We helped them with good intentions, but they had conflicts among themselves and then turned around and falsely accused us, which put our Sanjiang Hospital in a passive position and damaged its reputation.

Everyone looked at them unkindly.

Don't say that we can't convince President Sun. Even if we could, to be honest, I can't stand the way they do things.

We are doctors too!

We must not indulge such patients and their families! So forget about project investment, it’s not just Mr. Qian!”

“You sound nice!” You Shengmei also knew this truth, but she was still angry and said, “How much effort did I put into getting this investment?
Am I doing this for myself?

I am doing this for the hospital, for everyone, and for all the patients!
As a result, now I am the only one who is injured and embarrassed.

This kind of thing can be reconciled if possible, why do you have to make it so extreme and turn it into this?

What will other VIP patients and their families think?
Sanjiang Hospital turned against us just because of a disagreement. They are unreasonable, right?
This isn’t a good influence!
So I think you should come forward and have a good talk with Dean Sun, persuade him to let the matter go peacefully, and let Mrs. Qian apologize, and the matter will be over.

Everyone is happy, what do you think? "

"It's not about what we want now, but what Dean Sun wants." Qu Jinming still shook his head: "It's fine if he can't find you, but do you really plan to come to your house?"

"Just come to my door!" You Shengmei was furious and angry: "At most I will lose face, Lanlan is also abroad anyway, she doesn't know my situation and experience in China.

As long as she doesn't feel embarrassed, doesn't want to come back, and doesn't feel bad for me as her mother, I can endure it!"

"What are you talking about..." Qu Jinming couldn't hold back when he heard his wife mention their daughter.

He was already fifty years old and had only one daughter. Of course he loved her very much and sent her to study abroad at an early age.

This is also the most important reason why the couple can tolerate each other despite their intrigues.

His daughter Qu Lan is his weak spot.

"What did I say?" You Shengmei had been watching her husband's expression, and when she saw that he was getting weak, she immediately became angry.

"I'm telling the truth! In this situation, what else can I do except endure the humiliation?
You always say it's difficult or impossible to do.

Can I still make things difficult for you just because of my own affairs?

That’s President Sun!

Not to mention that you are only the vice president now, even if you become the president in the future, I don't expect you to say a word to help me in front of him.

rest assured!

Throughout my life, I, You Shengmei, have never forced others to do anything, and I will never make things difficult for others!"

"..." Qu Jinming was speechless.

His wife was playing the family card and provoking him, and although he saw it clearly, things had come to this point, and unless he couldn't live like this anymore, he would still have to compromise with his wife even if he saw it clearly.

"When we get to the hospital, I'll talk to Dean Wang and ask him to call Dean Sun over. We can have a good chat and see if we can handle this in a low-key manner."

"Yes, let Dean Wang come forward." Seeing that her husband had compromised as usual, You Shengmei immediately smiled and nodded in praise.

After getting off the car, she took the initiative to help her husband carry the briefcase. The couple looked at each other and smiled, as if the previous conflict had disappeared in an instant.

Dean Wang got a headache when he saw Qu Jinming and his wife coming.

Because he knew what happened and why Qu Jinming and his wife came to see him.

It’s just that Qu Jinming was the successor he had chosen before.

And it's not just his.

But it represents the academic faction.

This is how we have been preparing over the years, and it is impossible to make any sudden changes.

So no matter how much of a headache it was, he could only receive them with tears in his eyes and promise to help resolve the situation. However, he also made it clear that he could only play a supporting role. If they couldn't convince Dean Sun themselves, then he couldn't do anything else.

Although Qu Jinming and his wife were not satisfied with this attitude, they had nothing to say.

After all, they were the ones who caused this incident.

Dean Wang is just here to help.

After seeing their opinions, Dean Wang picked up the office phone and asked Sun Jing to come over.

When Sun Jing came over and took a look, he knew what they meant. Without waiting for them to speak, he looked at You Shengmei expressionlessly and said, "Director You is here too. That's great! I was just about to talk to you!"

"What are you talking about?" You Shengmei asked, glancing at her husband.

"You asked Dr. Zhu Aiping to perform a cesarean section on Mrs. Qian in violation of regulations!" Sun Jing said bluntly.

"I didn't ask anyone to do anything illegal!" You Shengmei immediately retorted.

She had been prepared for this move. When she approached Zhu Aiping before, she had only hinted at it without giving any clear instructions. Moreover, there were only two of them in the office at the time. As long as she denied it, there would be no evidence to prove it.

"You didn't do anything illegal?" Sun Jing sneered, "You pointed at Dr. He who came to the hospital for further studies and asked her to leave the hospital immediately, saying that she was fired because she contradicted you. Isn't this illegal?

The intern said that you were not her direct supervisor, nor the hospital leader, and had no right to fire her, but you went directly to the director in charge, Zheng, and forced him to order Director Wei to fire Dr. He. Was this against the rules? "

"She talked back to her superior doctor, shouldn't she be fired?" When You Shengmei heard this great shame mentioned, and when Sun Jing mentioned it in such a mocking tone, she immediately retorted angrily.

"Who do you think you are?!" Sun Jing retorted, "Whether to fire her or not is your turn to decide? What qualifications do you have to bypass the hospital leaders and the hospital affairs committee to directly fire a doctor?
And you're still talking back to your superior doctor?
Dr. He has already told you very clearly that you are not her superior doctor!

She is an obstetrician and you are a gynecologist!
You are not from the same department at all!

Who gave you the courage to cross departments and become a senior doctor?

Are you going to the obstetrics department so often that you've completely forgotten that you're not an obstetrician?

If there is anything wrong with obstetrics, you are there no matter where you are!
Watching surgeries, attending celebration banquets, and connecting with VIP clients, you can be found everywhere!

Do you really think you are the vice president in charge of obstetrics and gynecology?
Why don't you just go work in the executive vice president's office?

I was wrong!

You really do work in the executive vice president’s office!

Because you go to the executive vice president’s office as soon as you get to work!

I am just confused!

Do you really have nothing to do?

What about your main job?
How come you are so free that you can clock in at the executive vice president's office every day?

What do you talk about in the office every day?
What's there to talk about?

Haven’t you talked enough when you get home tonight?
With your work attitude like this, what project investment and sponsorship can you get?
Will it be useful even if we pull it here?

What do you study?
How about studying the harem interfering in government affairs and two emperors ruling the country?
Don't say you didn't!
If you don't mean that, why do you think that an obstetrician intern cannot refute your unreasonable request from a different department?
If you didn't take it for granted that you were the executive vice president, would you be so angry that you even stuttered and had to fire her?
Do you know who you remind me of?


You might as well not even know the difference!
Although Zuoye relied on his father and acted unscrupulously, he at least knew that he could not control his father. Even if he thought that he, as a mere attending physician, could compete for the director position under his father, he at least knew that he had to compete.

He doesn't take it for granted that he is the department director like you do. He is 100% the department director and will even exercise his father's rights without waiting for his father to retire!
He has a father, so he is not that stupid! "

These words made You Shengmei feel dizzy. Even though she had been tossing and turning last night thinking about the possibility of facing a fierce attack from Sun Jing, she still found it difficult to bear the overwhelming scolding as soon as they met.

Of course, apart from the extreme shame and anger, she also felt relieved and even a hint of comfort flashed across her heart.

This was not because she had awakened some special hobby, but because she felt a sense of security after the shoe had landed, and it was no longer in suspense. It was completely out of her control. (End of this chapter)

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