The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 487 Shura Field! Nuolan VS Hu Yifei!

That night.

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Zhanbo came back, they started posing in all kinds of ways, touching their hair and showing off their muscles, as if they had become muscular men after just one workout.

This attracted everyone to come and ask about their feelings.

"Great! You'd be missing out if you don't go! No wonder almost everyone in foreign countries works out, it turns out it's really fun, that's why they say they're a developed country..."

Zeng Xiaoxian kept promoting his first experience of fitness, which confused Chen Meijia and Tang Youyou, and made them quite envious for a while.

But Lin Wanyu couldn't help but said with a half-smile: "Is it true, Teacher Zeng?"

“Of course it’s true!” Zeng Xiaoxian shuddered and glanced at Lin Wanyu. He avoided her eyes guiltily but said even louder: “You guys go take a look at that gym. The decoration, the equipment, the sparring partners… It’s really worth it!”

He said this, but in his heart he was shouting: "Family, who understands! I met a low-class female sparring partner! It's almost life-threatening!"

That's right!

This gym is really not as good as he described.

At least for him.

He already had some ideas in mind, so he found a female sparring partner who looked gentle and amiable, and her name was Xiaoqian. Her enthusiasm for training was really stimulated to the extreme.

Then he discovered the other side of Xiaoqian. She was truly a terrifying female ghost. She didn't treat him as a human being at all. She yelled at him, mocked him, and forced him to do physical training that he was completely unable to do.

And it's endless.

He finally made it to the end, but was glanced at by his female sparring partner Xiaoqian. He didn't dare to give a bad review, or even mention changing coaches, and fled out of the gym for his life.

If he had known earlier, he would have done the same as Lu Zhanbo and chosen the fitness coach who lives upstairs. That muscular body is what he really wants.

Instead of having any ambiguous thoughts, he was trained like a dog... Although Sun Jing mocked him for being a dog licker, he definitely didn't want to be a dog!

But seeing that his little brother Lu Zhanbo, who was called by him, had such a good experience, he couldn't complain in such an embarrassing way.

So he had made the appointment himself, and no matter how hard, tiring or painful it was, he had to persevere.

"So you really weren't cheated again, but you're just too embarrassed to return the money you paid?" Lin Wanyu smiled playfully.

This immediately made Chen Meijia and Tang Youyou react.


Teacher Zeng has a criminal record!

Those boring magazines were so expensive back then, but because they claimed to be at the forefront of fashion, Zeng Xiaoxian was forced to spend so much money and refused to cancel his subscription. In the end, he had to rely on Lin Wanyu to avoid being treated as a blood-sucking idiot.

Now don’t go to the gym again, pay the money and get a membership, and then get caught again. You can only say that the gym is good.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me!" Zeng Xiaoxian seemed insulted and almost jumped up, but seeing that it was useless, he could only point at Lu Zhanbo: "If you don't believe me, ask Zhanbo, he went there too!"

"Not bad!" Facing the inquiring eyes of the crowd, Lu Zhanbo thought for a moment and said, "Many people have applied for cards at Love Apartment. My sister seems to have one, but I have never seen her go there. I plan to use her card.

By the way, the fitness coach I met today lives upstairs from us!"

"Yifei also got a card?" Lin Wanyu and the other two girls shouted in unison, "Why have we never seen her go there?"

Their expressions were very complicated.

Hu Yifei's strength has always been what they envy and hate the most, but since they have never seen her exercise, they naturally think it is a talent.

But I didn’t expect that Hu Yifei, who is more talented than them, is actually secretly exercising. This is not enough to make people survive.

"By the way, where's Yifei?" Tang Youyou asked when she remembered.

"She went to see Sun Jing and I'm afraid she won't be back tonight." Lin Wanyu explained.

"Sun Jing has other houses?" Tang Youyou asked enviously.

"The point is that Yifei is obviously on guard against Yumo, okay!" Chen Meijia said unhappily, "Sun Jing rarely comes back to begin with, and now with this, our chances of seeing him are even less, alas."

Tang Youyou and Lin Wanyu also nodded and sighed.

Although they knew that they had no hope, Lin Wanyu might still have some hope because of her status as a super rich daughter.

But this doesn't stop them from wanting to see Sun Jing more.

If you can't get it, it's good to feast your eyes on it.

Originally, Hu Yifei didn't mind them pleasing the eye, but Qin Yumo's behavior forced Hu Yifei to be so defensive that she had fewer opportunities to please the eye.

It's really a fight between gods, and innocent people are affected.

Zeng Xiaoxian's expression changed.

Although I had known about it for a long time and had even eavesdropped on it myself, I should have accepted it a long time ago.

But he still felt uncomfortable when he heard that Hu Yifei ran to Sun Jing's other room to have a tryst overnight.

How do you describe that feeling?

Just like when Love Apartment was his mother's home, Sun Jing had to be more restrained, but now that he is at his husband's home, he doesn't know how to behave towards Hu Yifei...

The scene was so brutal that he didn't even dare to think about it. It was too painful...

This kind of mentality is very strange, but who can blame him? He is Zeng Xiaoxian, the innocent and nagging dog who almost married the female Aquaman Laura.

There are all kinds of green and weird ideas, nothing he can't come up with, except what you can't think of.

"Teacher Zeng, shall we continue tomorrow night?" After everyone chatted for a while, Lu Zhanbo asked Zeng Xiaoxian out.

"Of course!" Facing the gazes of the crowd, Zeng Xiaoxian naturally raised his chin and patted Lu Zhanbo on the shoulder, acting like a big brother: "Zhanbo, you are in good shape now. You are worthy of being brought here by me. You didn't embarrass me!"

Lu Zhanbo wanted to call Hu Yifei, but was stopped by Lin Wanyu and the others, who disliked his lack of tact.

Are you going to disturb Hu Yifei now just to get a gym membership? Do you want to face the wrath of the mother Tyrannosaurus?

Lu Zhanbo shuddered at this, realizing that he had been careless, and decided to just pay for the card himself.

It’s not like I can’t afford the money!
He is a computer genius who joined a large Internet company. Unlike what Zhang Wei boasts now, he is not a real high-income earner.

It was already very late, so everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

For several days, Hu Yifei didn't come back.

That night, after Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Zhanbo went to the gym again, the girls gathered together and talked about this matter. They began to suspect that something had happened to Hu Yifei, and discussed calling Hu Yifei to ask about the situation.

Hu Yifei answered the phone. Facing everyone's suspicion that she was on guard against Qin Yumo, she quickly explained: "What? I was on a business trip! That's why I didn't go back!"

"Oh~~~~~" Lin Wanyu and the others said in a dragging voice, as if they didn't believe it.

Now that I think about it, I'm afraid there was something fishy going on with my last business trip.

However, Hu Yifei had already given an explanation, and they didn't want to expose it for fear of embarrassing Hu Yifei.

After all, they haven't gotten married yet, so living together already is a bit too hasty. "Fei Fei, when will you come back?"

"Maybe in two days." Hu Yifei lay on the bed, put the pillow on her waist, touched her belly, looked at the ceiling, and said with a firm look in her eyes.

That's right!

She was not on a business trip at all, but came to Sun Jing's place again.

And stay here for several days.

In addition to being on guard against her bestie doing something outrageous that even sisters wouldn't do, she also made a ten-day plan.

That means racing for ten days, reveling every night, being brave and not afraid of difficulties, and as long as the body can bear it, fighting hard until death.

With the good luck bestowed upon her by her unlucky best friend, she vowed to successfully get pregnant within ten days!
In this way, not only can you achieve your own goal, but you can also completely dispel your best friend's improper thoughts, and succeed in one fell swoop!
It has been five days now.

Sun Jing didn't seem to be feeling any discomfort, but she seemed to be unable to bear it anymore.

But she still wanted to hold on for another five days, determined to make it perfect and have no regrets.

So she couldn't go back and could only use the excuse of being on a business trip again.

Everyone chatted for a while, and just when they thought nothing was going on, Hu Yifei suddenly screamed.

Chen Meijia, Tang Youyou, Lin Wanyu and the others immediately widened their eyes and looked at each other with strange expressions.

Because Chen Meijia is an experienced driver, she gave Tang Youyou and Lin Wanyu a lot of extreme descriptions of the communication between Hu Yifei and Sun Jing.

Now when they heard this, Chen Meijia only needed a look to make Tang Youyou and Lin Wanyu understand what she wanted to say, and they were all shocked and excited.

Could it be that the kind of life that Chen Meijia described, living an exciting life as a couple while calling her bestie, actually exists?

Isn't it something that only appears in small movies?

"What did you say?" However, before they could prick up their ears to listen to the details and continue to think about it, Hu Yifei shouted angrily: "Zhanbo was taken to the gym by the bitch Zeng?"

"Yes!" Chen Meijia said strangely: "What's so worthy of your screaming..."

Tang Youyou and Lin Wanyu nodded in agreement.

If you want to find an excuse to cover up the stimulation brought by Sun Jing that you may have just encountered, you should stop using Teacher Zeng as an excuse all the time.

And if you use it, it shows some professionalism. At least don't call him "bitch Zeng".

It’s not easy for Teacher Zeng either.

"Bitch Zeng, I'm going to kill him!!!" Hu Yifei's roar made everyone cover their ears. Only then did they realize that this was not just a cover-up after Hu Yifei was severely provoked by Sun Jing, but real anger.

Because Hu Yifei then asked for the address, hung up the phone and rushed over.

"Do you think Yifei is here for real or fake?" It took a while for their hearing to return to normal. They looked at each other and asked the key question.

"It doesn't look fake... Let's give Teacher Zeng a call."

"Why are you calling? This is such an exciting... and dangerous thing, of course I have to go over there myself to... stop it!"

Tang Youyou directly pulled the two of them and ran out.

Lin Wanyu and Chen Meijia had no objections and no longer mentioned calling Zeng Xiaoxian to warn him.


Zeng Xiaoxian was lying there trying to lift a barbell, but he couldn't lift it. Fortunately, his training partner Xiaoqian walked away, so he could still wail out, "Someone come and save me."

Then a pretty face appeared in front of him, looking at him in surprise and joy: "Zeng Xiaoxian, what a coincidence, you are also working out here!"

"Nuo Lan!" Zeng Xiaoxian also recognized this goddess in the station, the boss's best friend, and immediately pretended to be a man. A surge of strength surged in his body, and he directly lifted the barbell that was pressing on him and put it back in place, saying a number: "2000!"

It was as if he had lifted it 2000 times!
So strong!

"I did it! I often warm up here!" Zeng Xiaoxian showed off his muscles and casually asked, "Why are you here alone?"

"I also often work out here, how come I've never seen you here?" Nuolan said with a smile.

Of course she saw through Zeng Xiaoxian's pretense, but she knew that Zeng Xiaoxian was Sun Jing's friend, and she wanted to find out some news about Sun Jing from Zeng Xiaoxian, so she didn't expose him directly.

Just when Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to continue pretending, his sparring partner Xiaoqian came over and said sarcastically, "Hey, little darling, you stood up by yourself. It seems that you are not as weak as I thought. Keep up the good work, and do 20 in the next set!"

"He has already made 2000 of them. Does he still need to keep doing it?" Nuolan said with a smile.

"He didn't do anything after he lay down, but he must have shouted for help 2000 times!" The sparring partner Xiao Qian mocked, "Who are you? His guardian?"

"Friend!" Nuolan saw Zeng Xiaoxian looking at her for help, and smiled back at the provocation of her sparring partner Xiaoqian: "He doesn't need you as a coach anymore, you can go, I will teach him!"

"You?" The sparring partner Xiaoqian took a look at Nuolan's well-proportioned figure, which did not look like that of a trained practitioner, and her contempt was undisguised.

Nuolan was not surprised that the other party could not see that her body was now filled with powerful strength because of Sun Jing. She grabbed the barbell that Zeng Xiaoxian had been unable to lift just now with one hand, and waved it around in her hand for a while, which stunned her sparring partner Xiaoqian.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the heavy barbell in Nuolan's hand, which was as soft as cotton. It was just like the impact of Sun Wukong's Jingu Bang on the people in the Dragon Palace. His jaw dropped and he subconsciously shouted, "Oh my God! Another pervert Hu Yifei!!!"

"Hu Yifei..." Nuolan's heart moved. She stopped what she was doing and looked at Zeng Xiaoxian thoughtfully.

The reason she came to the gym was to hone her rapidly growing strength.

You should know that she is a gifted person praised by Sun Jingdu, and the power she gained from communicating with Sun Jing is explosive.

However, she did not have the control that Hu Yifei had gained from practicing martial arts since childhood, so she could not control her strength freely and almost sent her best friend Lisa Rong to the hospital.

From then on, she listened to Sun Jing and started training, not to increase strength or shape her body, but to perfectly control her strength.

Now hearing Zeng Xiaoxian say this about Hu Yifei, she immediately realized that Hu Yifei should be in a similar situation to her.

So there is a high probability that he is a love rival!

Just as she threw the barbell in her hand to Xiaoqian to scare her away, she heard an angry roar: "Bitch Zeng, I'm going to kill you!!!"

"Hu Yi Fei!"

Nuolan said this name almost at the same time as Zeng Xiaoxian.

There is no need to say anything about Zeng Xiaoxian.

Nuolan heard the power contained in the roar. Besides, she knew Zeng Xiaoxian and he was so young. Who else could it be other than the perverted Hu Yifei mentioned by Zeng Xiaoxian?

When I looked up, I saw a girl who was outstanding in all aspects. She was running towards me like an angry rabbit and reached out to grab Zeng Xiaoxian.

Nuolan's eyes lit up, and when Zeng Xiaoxian was about to be lifted up, she reached out and put her hand on Hu Yifei's arm.

Zeng Xiaoxian's heels immediately stopped leaving the ground. He stood on tiptoe and looked into the eyes of the two perverted women in his eyes.

In his eyes, it was like a dark cloud looming over the sky, with lightning and thunder, and the two women's eyes seemed to be shining.

terrible! (End of chapter)

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