The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 491 Sun Jing: 1 Fei, your surname is not Sun, you are not a great sage, you are just a man o

"Oh my god! If these two go to the Olympics, there will be no place for Li Na and the others!"

"Fei Fei is so modest. She used to say that Li Na was her idol, but it's clear that she is Li Na's idol."

"How come they are so powerful?"

Everyone was dazzled and amazed at the spectacular fight between Hu Yifei and Nuolan, which was full of power, speed and grace.

Then a while passed.

Everyone became a little numb.

Because the game hasn't ended yet, we're still playing back and forth without any mistakes.

No matter whether it was Hu Yifei or Nuolan, no matter how tricky and strange the ball was, or how powerful it was, the opponent could catch it and counterattack immediately.

Very subtle indeed.

But people are like this. No matter how exquisite or beautiful something is, after a long time, they no longer feel anything and always feel like it will never end.

"I thought it was going to be an exciting competition, but who would have thought it would be a test of endurance, and a test of our endurance."

"They won't keep fighting like this until the end of time, right?"

"Look, the birds over there are starting to sing. Urge them to fight it out quickly and stop wasting time like this."

"What kind of bird is that? It makes such a beautiful sound..."

Just as everyone started to complain, shifting their attention from the monotonous tennis match to the bird calls next to them, and preferring to discuss what kind of bird it was, a scene that made them feel cold in their backs happened.

The tennis ball flew out of the court and, like a mortar, accurately hit the bird they were discussing that was chirping on the treetop. In full view of everyone, the bird was directly blown up, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

A chill rushed to everyone's head.


Sun Jing reluctantly announced that Nuolan got 1 point.

Everyone looked at Hu Yifei, who was standing there with a sullen face and looking at them dangerously, and they all smiled at the same time, fearing that Hu Yifei was unhappy with them and would give them the same treatment.

That's right!

They all saw that it was obvious that Hu Yifei was annoyed by their nagging and voluntarily gave up a goal. Otherwise, how could he have shot the bird perched on the treetop so accurately?
This accuracy is just luck or coincidence for others.

But in Hu Yifei's case, it was clearly intentional.

With such accuracy, let alone tennis, even shooting, if Hu Yifei had participated, she would have won a few more gold medals.

It's just a little too brutal.

Qin Yumo, who was more familiar with Hu Yifei and had a better understanding of her thoughts, was even more frightened.

Because she guessed that the reason why Hu Yifei did this was not only because they didn't look good, but also because they praised the bird's singing as beautiful, which probably reminded Hu Yifei of the seductive tone of his opponent Nuolan. In addition, no matter how he fought, there was no progress, and in his anxiety, he created such a brutal scene.

And the fact was just as Qin Yumo guessed, Hu Yifei did mean this.

"So what if I let you play one round!"

When Hu Yifei came back with the new tennis ball, the look she gave Nuolan clearly conveyed this meaning.

She wanted to kill him as soon as possible.

And by bombing the birds with beautiful calls from a distance, he intimidated Nuolan and disrupted Nuolan's mentality and rhythm.

Chaos comes from being busy.

Otherwise, if neither of them has any flaws, and she has to restrain her strength, she may not be able to win against Nuolan.

Therefore, instead of doing this, it is better to give Nuolan a game first to make Nuolan happy, and then use such brutal means to scare Nuolan.

In short, she just wants to mess with Nuolan’s mentality!
She just couldn't stand the tea flavor in Nuolan's tea, but it seemed that it could compete with her in a suppressed state.

The game starts again.

Seeing Hu Yifei starting the attack again and working even harder, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after a while, and whispered to each other that his brutality was off the charts.

No one questions it.

Because it really exploded and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

"Record it, record it!" Zeng Xiaoxian muttered, and took out his mobile phone to film them, but just as he raised the phone to point it at them, he saw Nuolan glance over here, and then the tennis ball flew straight towards him at a high speed. Just as Zeng Xiaoxian's pupils shook violently, but he didn't have time to react, his palm hurt and he cried out in pain.

"Sorry, I'll give you a new phone later, but don't record it." Nuolan's soft and seductive voice sounded, and everyone realized that it was Nuolan who made the move this time. She hit the tennis ball and accurately hit the phone that Zeng Xiaoxian raised.

Everyone looked at the phone that was knocked away and gasped.

Although not as brutal as Hu Yifei just now, who shot the bird on the treetop to pieces, causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere, but he was able to hit the mobile phone from a distance, knocking the phone that Zeng Xiaoxian was holding tightly away, and it flew so far, the force was incredible.

Zeng Xiaoxian was shaking with fear.

But he thought that it was fortunate that it was not Hu Yifei, otherwise the phone in his hand would have exploded directly and shattered... The consequences would have been unimaginable.

"Sun Jing..."

Zeng Xiaoxian became more and more frightened the more he thought about it, and looked at Sun Jing with a trembling voice and grievance.

The referee Sun Jing should have protected the onlookers.

"Just watch quietly, don't make any noise and don't record with your phone," Sun Jing reminded.

In fact, he saw Nuolan's shot clearly and could have stopped it in advance, but after estimating the trajectory of the ball, he did not stop it and let Nuolan knock Zeng Xiaoxian's phone away.

The reason why he specially booked the venue was not only for the safety of others, but also because he didn't want the scene to be exposed today.

Otherwise, Hu Yifei and Nuolan would definitely attract unnecessary attention, and might even lead the investigation back to him.

After all, their performance was too exaggerated.

If only the people in Love Apartment saw it, it wouldn't matter.

Anyway, they have seen more exaggerated things and are no longer surprised. As long as they don't record it and spread it online, they will only be regarded as bragging even if they tell others.

Moreover, he did not stop Hu Yifei when she shot a bird on the treetop with a ball. This time, Nuolan was both stopping Zeng Xiaoxian from recording the video and responding to Hu Yifei's actions, so it was impossible for him to stop her.

He is the referee and must be fair.

Especially in such a tense situation, he cannot be seen as biased.

Sure enough, after Nuolan spoke to Zeng Xiaoxian, she looked at Sun Jing and said with a sweet smile: "Referee, you can announce it's 1:1."

As he said that, he looked at Hu Yifei and gave her a look that said 'Let's compete fairly. I don't need you to give in', which made Hu Yifei very angry.

The game continues.

Everybody is in trouble.

Because it entered 'garbage time' again, the level of the game was very entertaining, but there was no hope at all. It was almost a robotic attack, with no mistakes at all, and no increase in the score.

But after a bird was killed and a cell phone was knocked away and shattered, the onlookers dared not complain and could only sit there and do nothing.

After a long time, it will become nothing but torture.

They sat like this for most of the day, and everyone felt like they were going to get hemorrhoids and couldn't sit still. Hu Yifei and Nuolan focused on attacking each other, and their exchanges were still so exquisite and beautiful. "Sun Jing is not easy either."

The old driver Chen Meijia suddenly said something in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded.

There are two girlfriends with such strong physique and stubborn personality at the same time, and they are Sun Jing. Otherwise, if it were someone else, he really couldn't handle it.

Not just physically.

Even more spiritually.

You have to know that any one of them can really blow up the bird's combat power and mobility if they disagree with each other...


Sun Jing also heard this and felt helpless. When he heard that they were going to duel, he had already foreseen that this would be a torturous match.

Just can't help it.

He was the one who made the appointment for sex, so I have to stick to it no matter how hard or tiring it is.

There is no problem with physical strength. After all, even they can hold on, so he certainly won't have any problem.

He is just worried about how to end things peacefully when the time comes.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the crowd watching, and seeing that they were all listless, twisting and turning and unable to sit still, he suggested that they go back first.

"How can we do this? We still have to cheer for Yifei." Qin Yumo was not happy and looked at Sun Jing suspiciously, wondering if Sun Jing wanted to wait until they left and then do something bold.

For example, imitating Li Xunhuan in "You Come at the Right Time".

She didn't want to see this kind of scene, or it couldn't happen without her.

After hearing what Qin Yumo said, the others became more excited and said they would persevere to the end.

Seeing this, Sun Jing didn't say anything, letting time speak.

After half a day, the score was still 1:1. It seemed like it would never end. It was a test of physical strength and perseverance. Everyone finally couldn't take it anymore. At Lin Wanyu's weak suggestion, everyone agreed to leave to eat something and wait a while before coming back.

Anyway, judging from the situation, once they finish eating, or even go back to sleep before coming back, I’m afraid it won’t have any impact at all.

These two have really abnormal physical strength.

Based on this reasoning, Sun Jingzhen is even more perverted.

The looks Qin Yumo and the others gave Sun Jing were extremely complicated.

Women have innate advantages over men. Otherwise, why is there a saying that there are only cows that die of exhaustion but no land that is plowed to death?

In addition, Hu Yifei and Nuolan both have such abnormal physical talents. How abnormal and strong must Sun Jing be to be able to defeat these two.

It’s scary to think about it.

The departure of the crowd did not affect the duel on the field. After a long battle, even those who were physically strong like Hu Yifei and Nuolan were no longer as calm as they were at the beginning. They had already devoted themselves to the game and could not be distracted by other things for fear that a mistake would ruin their victory.

After everyone had left for a while, Hu Yifei finally took advantage of Nuolan's declining strength and lack of energy, launched a powerful surprise attack, and won the game.

Nuolan just didn't react at first. When the tennis ball hit her, she responded in time. However, her posture was not right and she sprained her foot and fell to the ground.

Seeing Sun Jing coming over to help her, Hu Yifei, who was shouting and celebrating her birthday, immediately became angry.

This green tea girl put on a seductive gesture even after losing. It's obvious that she can't afford to lose and still wants to take crooked ways!
How can this work!

"Sun Jing, come here!"

Hu Yifei didn't indulge her and directly summoned Sun Jing, asking him to come and celebrate with her.

Sun Jing is such a strong man, and he also likes to gamble so much. No matter how you look at it, he values ​​the strong more and is not fooled by the weak pretending to be pitiful.

"Wait a minute, let me treat her first." Sun Jingwan refused to check Nuolan's injuries.

"You!" Hu Yifei's eyes turned red with anger. Seeing Sun Jing squatting there, touching the pitiful feet of Nuolan with that pitiful look, she angrily threw the racket in her hand to the ground and turned and left.

"I'm fine, you go check on her." Nuolan frowned as Sun Jing moved. Her seductive voice also reached Hu Yifei's ears, making her pause and clench her fists.

"Okay then." Sun Jing's voice of agreement made Hu Yifei happy. She wanted to turn around immediately, but she was worried that Sun Jing would get more proud and become more arrogant in the future. She hesitated for a few seconds, and when she heard footsteps approaching, she pretended to turn her head casually. This sight almost made her nose crooked with anger.

But Sun Jing did come over, but he was still holding the teasing Nuolan in his arms, and Nuolan put her arms around Sun Jing's neck.


"She injured her ankle and has difficulty walking. Let's send her back together." Sun Jing knew that this situation was very troublesome, but he could only pretend to speak naturally.

You can't follow Zeng Xiaoxian's example and just care about Nuolan when he sees Nuolan getting hurt, and even glare at Hu Yifei for it.

"You are so considerate!"

Hu Yifei gritted her teeth.

"How about you do it?" Sun Jing looked at her frankly and pushed Nuolan in his arms forward, indicating that either he or she would do it, someone had to hold Nuolan.

"..."Nuolan and Hu Yifei were both shocked by Sun Jing's bold move.

The air suddenly became quiet for a while.

Even the birds dared not sing, for fear of attracting the devil's killing.

"I'll do it!" Hu Yifei hesitated for a long time, and finally decided that it would be better for her to hold the baby instead of letting Sun Jing hold it.

At least it's not that glaring.

After all, Sun Jing's intention was not to leave Nuolan alone, and if she insisted that Sun Jing ignore it, in the end Sun Jing might ignore her instead of Nuolan.

This was not the result she wanted.

As the old saying goes: keep your friends close and your enemies closer!

Now Nuolan is her biggest enemy, so it is not completely unacceptable for her to take this opportunity to get closer to him and learn more about his weaknesses.


Hu Yifei thought of something and sneered in his heart.

However, Sun Jing saw through her at a glance. When he put Nuolan in Hu Yifei's arms, he reminded her: "You are not surnamed Sun yet, you are not the Monkey King Sun Wukong, at most you are just a man of destiny, so don't do the things that the Monkey King did."

"..." The curve on Hu Yifei's face suddenly froze as she thought of something.

That's right!

She was thinking of exactly what Sun Wukong did in Journey to the West, carrying his enemy on his back and then looking for an opportunity to throw him to death.

Although she wouldn't actually do that, she felt excited just thinking about it.

Besides, when we get to the room, it might be a good idea to just throw her onto the bed to satisfy our desire. Anyway, we won't be able to kill this green tea girl.

But she didn't expect that Sun Jing saw through her little thoughts at a glance and pointed it out directly.

This made her feel annoyed, but also a little happy. She glanced at Nuolan and conveyed her meaning: "Do you know Sun Jing as well as I do?" (End of this chapter)

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