The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 495 Sun Jing My surname is Sun, the grandson of Sun Wukong, and I am the real leader of the

"Director Xiao, this is inappropriate, isn't it? If anything unexpected happens, we will be held responsible."

He Jing reminded anxiously.

"..." Xiao Cheng, who was so domineering just now, immediately became timid. After thinking for a while, he said, "Doctor He, you should take the patient's medical records and follow them immediately. No matter which hospital they go to, give the medical records to the doctor. If other hospitals do not accept them, mobilize them to come back immediately."

He Jing still felt that this was a problem, but there was no other solution at the moment and she could only follow Xiao Cheng's instructions.

Other doctors also felt that this was inappropriate.

However, Xiao Cheng was so tough in telling the patient's family to do as they pleased, and was determined to defend his friend's personal rights to the death regardless of the severity of the patient's condition, so they didn't dare to say anything more.

I could only quietly inform Director Wei, who had just undergone surgery and was still in the hospital.

When Director Wei received the news, he immediately got up from the hospital bed, pulled out the infusion tube, covered his wound, got out of bed, and rushed to the obstetrics department.

She really didn't expect that she would suddenly develop appendicitis just because of eating. She had to undergo surgery and lie in bed all night, and the obstetrics department was immediately in chaos.

And all this is because of Xiao Cheng.

Now she believes more and more what Dean Sun said, that some people are just trouble.

If these people have special backgrounds, the harm will be greater.

Otherwise, how could something like this happen if you weren't paying attention?
After all, it's because he lacks respect for her as the acting director!
So hateful!

When Xiao Cheng suppressed his worries and tried to remain calm for his AIDS friend while continuing to discuss other cases, the door of the conference room was pushed open. Everyone was surprised to see Director Wei come in wearing a hospital gown.

"Director Wei, what are you doing?"

"That's a good question!" Director Wei looked at Xiao Cheng with a gloomy face. "I just lay down for a whole night, but the obstetrics department has been turned upside down. I can't even take a break. I want to ask what's going on!"

"Director Wei, you heard about it too." Xiao Cheng knew that Director Wei was mad at him, so he once again uttered his righteous empty words.

"Why didn't you report to me and make such a decision without authorization?" Director Wei stared into Xiao Cheng's eyes.

"You just had surgery, I wanted you to rest more..." Xiao Cheng felt guilty for a moment, but soon said confidently: "Besides, I think I still have the right to treat patients, right?"

"You!" Director Wei was furious, pulling at her wound, causing her to cover it in pain. Everyone was so scared that they rushed over to support and persuade her.

"Director Wei, don't be angry." Xiao Cheng was afraid that Director Wei's wound would burst due to anger, so he lowered his head slightly and said, "I didn't think about this matter well, but I sincerely think it is the right thing to do!"

"I'm not dead yet! I'm the director!" Director Wei pointed at Xiao Cheng and shouted, "If this seriously ill pregnant woman who was transferred to another hospital is fine, it's fine. But if something happens, I will never forgive you!"

Xiao Cheng was pointed at and scolded, and his face turned gloomy.

Only then did he realize that what his teacher and his wife said was right.

If he were the director now, would Director Wei dare to talk to him like that?

He was simply defending the rights of his friend, was it necessary to go through so much trouble?

It turns out that rights are not essential, but necessary!
He is too young!
I should have strived for the position of director from the beginning.

But it's not too late...

The conference room suddenly became quiet and everyone was silent.

One is the acting director and the other is the deputy director with real power.

The situation is so confrontational now, and the key is that there are people behind the scenes. Once things get out of hand, it will be very difficult for these people to do anything.

It is very likely that they will be the first to suffer unlucky results!
"Doctor Lin, go take down the HIV slogan!" Director Wei paused and gave the order immediately.

"Director Wei, this is not appropriate!" Xiao Cheng stopped him, saying, "Other patients and their families have the right to know..."

"Do you care about the rights of other patients and their families now?" Director Wei said coldly, "What were you doing earlier? There were no HIV patients in the First Obstetrics Department of Sanjiang Hospital where they originally came! Since you care so much about their right to know, why didn't you inform them in advance?

How dare you admit pregnant women with HIV without asking me for permission!"

At this point, she shouted at Lin Na, who was standing still: "Not only do you have to take down all the slogans, but you also have to find a new ward, away from other patients!"

"Director Wei, I'm sorry about this, but firstly, I have the right to admit patients. Secondly, it's inconvenient for you to be hospitalized for a sudden operation. Thirdly, I have also consulted Dean Qu, and he agrees." When Xiao Cheng heard that Director Wei wanted to isolate his woodcutters, he was so angry that he didn't pretend anymore and just came clean.

"So I don't agree to move the pregnant woman Chris out of her current ward!"

"You are using Dean Qu to put pressure on me, right?" Director Wei laughed angrily.

"That's not what I meant!" Xiao Cheng said calmly, "I just want to make sure our basic rights are protected!"

At this moment, Xiao Cheng's phone rang. It was He Jing calling. The news made his face change: "What? Abnormal fetal movement, ambulance is rushing here? Okay, I get it!"

After hanging up the phone, he said in a deep voice: "Director Wei, let's put our differences aside for now. You go and have a rest. I need to arrange a consultation."

Director Wei was extremely angry, but he thought that the most important thing right now was to consult with the patient, so he could only suppress his anger and did not stop Xiao Cheng's actions.

But she was completely worried about Xiao Cheng, so not only did she force herself not to go back, she also called the deputy director Dong Sixian, who was on leave, to come back.

Her concerns were proven to be correct.

When the ambulance arrived, the indications for surgery were already there, and the patient was sent directly to the operating room. However, the patient's family refused to sign the informed consent form for the surgery, saying that his wife was forced to transfer to another hospital, and that this problem occurred after a lot of trouble.

Therefore, he did not accept any of the dangerous situations listed in the informed consent form for the surgery.

If it happens, the hospital will be fully responsible!
There are also those who disagree with Xiao Cheng being the surgeon or participating in the operation because they do not believe in his medical ethics.

This immediately made Xiao Cheng so anxious that he started sweating.

The operation had to be performed immediately, but the family members refused to sign the informed consent form. The original surgeon, Lin Na, refused to perform the operation at all. The other doctors also shook their heads, unwilling to accept this hot potato that would most likely lead to them being held accountable later.

He wanted to step forward, but the patient's family didn't believe him at all and firmly disagreed with letting him perform the surgery.

I called his teacher, and he also advised him to be cautious, meaning that if he didn't sign, it would be best not to have the surgery.

Even Qu Jinming didn't mention that he had taken action.

Because even ordinary attending physicians would avoid such troublesome matters, no matter how confident he was, he would never help his students with such a major matter that concerned their future.

Xiao Cheng then fell into a hysterical rage of incompetence, and regardless of the consequences, he shouted into the phone in public: "Teacher, you have always taught me that saving the dying and healing the wounded is the doctor's duty. Now the patient is already here with us, are we going to watch him die without saving him just because of these ridiculous regulations?!"

"Why are you yelling?" Director Wei couldn't help but say, "What were you doing before? Don't forget that this predicament was caused entirely by you!
Have you now become a real doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded?

And you still say the regulations are ridiculous?

Why didn't you say that this rule was ridiculous when you used the rule that hospitals cannot expel any patient to force the patient's family to transfer to another hospital?
You have to find trouble to show your ability and nobility, right? "

After scolding, without waiting for Xiao Cheng to respond, she asked He Jing to help her go find the family members. The operation must be done immediately and a signature is required. While she arranged the operating room and got it ready, she went to persuade the family members in person.

The patient's family felt bad and refused to sign. Director Wei had no choice but to perform the operation himself, knowing that it was too late. He couldn't just stand by and watch the patient die.

And there were two lives lost for one!
"Let me do it!"

Dong Sixian rushed over and took the scalpel in the operating room, which touched Director Wei a little, but he still reminded him: "The family members didn't sign!"

"I know!" Dong Sixian's eyes were smiling behind the mask.

These three simple words moved everyone, and they suddenly remembered that Dong Sixian was indeed a good doctor who could do such a thing!
Director Wei gave up his position and watched Dong Sixian take over from him and officially perform the operation. Only then did he understand why Dean Sun, after almost catching all of Zuo Shengde's group, not only did not take action against Dong Sixian, but instead was the first to talk to him and encourage him to do a good job.

You have to know that medicine is something that is very regional and hereditary.

After President Sun dealt such a blow to Zuo Shengde, it would be impossible for him to feel at ease about Dong Sixian, who was almost designated by Zuo Shengde as his successor.

After all, what Dean Sun can give him is definitely not as much as what Zuo Shengde intends to give him.

Now it seems that Dean Sun is the one who truly understands human nature and is very good at judging people!

At the critical moment, Dong Sixian did not disappoint Dean Sun's special regard for him, and proved with his actions that his medical ethics were much higher than that of ordinary people.

Dong Sixian was also very emotional.

You have to know that he has always been a top student. He could have chosen a better major, or even a better department, but he chose obstetrics and gynecology, which is not very decent and has a low salary.

Because his mother died in childbirth when he was born, he has been determined to do something for the mother since he was a child. He hates to see a mother die in front of him the most.

Therefore, he had done things like this before.

When the mother's condition is really critical, he will perform surgery to save the life regardless of whether the family members sign or not.

But ever since his teacher was about to retire and the news came out that he would be the successor, for some reason, he gradually lost focus on his profession and forgot his original intention.

This made everyone quickly forget what he was like back then!
So much so that his action now surprised everyone.

He suddenly felt grateful to Dean Sun. If it weren't for Dean Sun's arrival, he might have been completely lost in promotion and power and completely forgotten his original intention.

He didn't say these words in his heart, otherwise if Sun Jing knew, he would definitely tell him that what he thought was completely normal.

As an orphan, a good doctor with ideals and abilities who grew up through his own talents and hard work will definitely lose himself in the struggle for power and profit in the later period.

Without him!

Just because he is not the second generation!

Therefore, they will inevitably forget their original intentions, turn completely evil and become a stepping stone to highlight the kindness and ability of the second generation.

How can there be good people among ordinary people?

How can they hold on to that power? Once they have it, how can they not turn evil?

Only the second generation, who have watched their parents hold power and enjoy privileges since childhood, will have no desire for power and will turn over a new leaf and become successors!
Because they are kind!
Director Wei had no time to pay attention to these things. She watched Dong Sixian take over the surgery with ease, so she left with peace of mind and found Xiao Cheng in the surgery observation room.

"You think you can be so unscrupulous just because you have Dean Qu backing you up, right?
I tell you!

This is China!
Not abroad!

Not everyone can cover the sky with one hand!"

"Director Wei, you misunderstood me." After this sweaty incident, Xiao Cheng no longer had the domineering and confident attitude he had at the beginning, and his tone suddenly softened.

However, Director Wei did not give him a chance and looked at him expressionlessly: "Didn't you say that Dean Qu agreed?

One, two, three, so you did absolutely nothing wrong?

I know you are wrong!
But I can't argue with you!
In other words, I cannot criticize everything you do incisively and teach you a lesson that you will never forget.

So I hired someone too!"

"Director Wei..." Xiao Cheng had already guessed what Director Wei would do, and an expression of 'please have mercy' appeared on his face uncontrollably.

Although he reacted instantly and forced himself to control it, it twisted away.

But the humiliation in his heart was so strong that he couldn't even express it in words.

In an instant, he regained his courage.

Dean Sun might be scary, but this time he believed he had done nothing wrong, and he was working for the purpose of felling trees, and he was carrying the banner of being absolutely right.

He didn't believe that Dean Sun could still be so cruel in this situation!

Absolutely impossible!
With this belief, he raised his head again, his eyes firm and determined.

His teacher Qu Jinming arrived early, which also gave him courage and confidence.

But when Dean Sun walked in expressionlessly and his eyes fell on him, he still felt so much pressure that he almost couldn't hold it.

What a terrible look!

What a depressing atmosphere!

This wasn't a sudden fantasy, nor was it his illusion. The fact was that Sun Jing was really angry and was just waiting to explode!
He had already been troubled by the Shura scene between Hu Yifei and Nuolan these past few days, and now the whole body is in tatters. Once the news spreads, it's not just the two of them that are causing trouble...

After he repeatedly made an example of someone to scare the monkey and emphasized rules and regulations, this kind of thing happened again if he wasn't careful.

Do you really think of yourself as the one destined by fate?

But you, a monkey, have infinite lives?
and also!

His last name is Sun!

Sun Wukong's grandson!
He is the one who overturned the table and made trouble in Heaven!

At Qu Jinming's reminder, Xiao Cheng quickly explained the cause and effect of the matter again in detail, emphasizing for the Nth time that he was following the rules and regulations.

"The first obstetrics department is responsible for treating seriously ill pregnant women. There were no such pregnant women with HIV before. This is a great breakthrough..."

"Sure!" Sun Jing's answer made Xiao Cheng stunned, and then he was overjoyed: "President Sun, you support me..."

"No!" Sun Jing interrupted: "Other pregnant women with HIV can be used as breakthrough attempts, but she can't!"

Xiao Cheng: “…”

His ominous premonition suddenly hit him like a tsunami.

It's bad! (End of this chapter)

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