The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 507: OK! Another one fainted from anger!

He Jing was also ready to go back with deep confusion.

Fortunately, she was resting today, so she didn't have to concentrate too much and could let her thoughts run wild.

If she still has no idea when she gets home later, she plans to discuss it with someone.

Zhu Aiping can't do it.

It's too gossipy. Once I tell the other party, I'm afraid the whole Sanjiang Hospital will know about it, which will have a bad impact.

There is only one best choice!
Her elder sister Qiaojie.

As someone who knows Dean Sun inside and out, her sister must understand the clues and reminders left by Dean Sun better than she does and can help her piece together the real truth.

Thinking of this, she felt a little sour and secretly decided to give herself more time.

It’s better not to look for my sister unless it’s absolutely necessary!
It’s best to figure it out yourself.

As she was walking out, she ran into Vice Dean Zheng who was rushing in from outside. She shyly greeted him and was about to let him pass, but he stopped and looked at her: "I heard that you personally sent Director You to the hospital?"

"Yeah." He Jing briefly explained why it was her.

"You did a great job!" Vice Dean Zheng nodded and praised: "You are worthy of being your mother's daughter! No matter who it is, it is always others who owe you, and you never owe others anything."

He Jing looked at Vice President Zheng in surprise, not understanding why Vice President Zheng suddenly said such profound words.

However, Vice President Zheng did not intend to explain further. He nodded at her again and left in a hurry.

Although He Jing was confused, she didn't dare to stop him.

It was obvious that he went to see Director You. As the vice president in charge of general surgery, You Shengmei now needed a surgeon, so of course he had to show up.

He and Qu Jinming are indeed competitors, and precisely because of this, he has to show his positive attitude.

Surgery observation room.

Qu Jinming had already consulted with Director Liu of the Department of Neurosurgery and asked Director Liu to perform the surgery himself. He sat there slumped with a headache on his face.

He was the only one in the huge observation room.

There was not a single doctor who liked to come over to observe, no matter if he had anything to do. No one dared to come over at this time and bring bad luck.

So this place temporarily became a safe haven for Qu Jinming, who was suffering from a splitting headache.

When the door was pushed open by Vice President Zheng, Qu Jinming looked over with a gloomy and cold expression.

He doesn't want to see anyone now!

My daughter Qu Lan doesn't want to see me!
Apprentice Xiao Cheng doesn’t want to see him!
I don’t want to see this old rival or competitor anymore!

"President Qu, Director You will be fine. You know Director Liu's level. He is a professional master who is expected to become an academician. He will perform the surgery himself. What do you have to worry about?" Vice President Zheng ignored Qu Jinming's expression of unwillingness to socialize, came in on his own, and took the initiative to speak to comfort him.

"I hope so!" Qu Jinming said woodenly.

He wasn't particularly worried about whether his wife could be rescued.

It’s not that I want to get promoted, get rich, or kill my wife.

But he really believed that Director Liu could rescue his wife.

Otherwise, he would definitely not have asked Sun Jing to perform the surgery himself just for the sake of face.

Director Liu of the Department of Neurosurgery is indeed very powerful and has various titles, but he is nothing compared to Sun Jinglai, who has repeatedly created miracles.

What he is most worried about now is his daughter!

His daughter actually did such a thing. Not to mention his wife, even his brain is twitching now. The thought of it makes him feel like he is following in his wife's footsteps and has a stroke.

He knew that his daughter was willful, but he still couldn't imagine that she could do such a thing!
What on earth is this for?!

And that Xiao Cheng!

Wasn't he good enough to this student?
Xiao Cheng was not his only student, nor even the most talented one among his students, but he received the best treatment. Why?
It’s because Xiao Cheng looks honest and reliable!

He even entrusted his daughter with this.

Otherwise, with Xiao Cheng's conditions, he would have no chance to be sent abroad for further studies, let alone be called back by his wife as soon as the opportunity came to take up the position of director of the best obstetrics department in Shanghai.

You know, this is a position that many people dream of, but no matter how talented they are, they will never have the chance!

Because of the couple's love, Xiao Cheng was easily available.

According to what he usually said when he held his wife down to prevent her from getting angry, "Xiao Cheng, what are you so proud of! What's with all the talk of being honest and fair? If it weren't for us, would you be where you are today? Now that you've gone abroad, do you really think you're so great? Do you think we don't know? Aren't you just an assistant abroad who doesn't even have the chance to be the main surgeon? Why are you pretending to be such an expert!"

He didn't let his wife say it, but it was the truth!
Abroad is not a pure land either. You can get promoted as long as you have strong abilities?
What good things are you thinking about?

Even if he is as strong as Sun Jing, he still has to return home early!

Qu Jinming didn't believe that Sun Jing was motivated by simple patriotic sentiment. He just felt that Sun Jing must have reached a limit in his career development and had hit the ceiling. Moreover, he had such a bad temper. Foreign countries would not tolerate a yellow-skinned person like you who lived at the bottom of society being so arrogant.

So Sun Jing must have to come back.

Even Sun Jing is like this, let alone you, Xiao Cheng.

As long as you are not completely stupid, you should know how good your teacher and his wife are to you.

But is this how you repay me? ! ! !
He had just been tested positive for the virus, yet he dared to do such a thing with the daughter of his benefactor teacher!
Qu Jin knew that Xiao Cheng was not the one who took the initiative.

He also knew that Xiao Cheng was just a man, and many times he couldn't resist and control himself when faced with such initiative!

Qu Jinming fully understood the existence of those objective factors, but he still could not forgive Xiao Cheng for doing such a thing that harmed his daughter, angered his teacher's wife and caused her to have a stroke, and brought shame to the teacher's family!

Now, his daughter is not only at risk of being infected, but also at risk of social death.

It is clear to colleagues at Sanjiang Hospital that the daughter is making her mother angry because she had a stroke!
Both the husband and wife are highly educated professors and leaders, but the daughter they have worked so hard to raise for half their lives turns out to be such a person?

How can they live their lives in the future?

What kind of authority is there?

If you say something, your subordinates may agree with it verbally, but it is hard to say what will happen in the future. Maybe they will laugh at you. When he thought about his daughter's willfulness and Xiao Cheng's backstabbing, which ruined his career and reputation, he felt dizzy with anger.

The family is unfortunate!
What a misfortune for the master!
Evil girl!


"Old Qu, we are both old. Although we have a small career, you are better than me in terms of family!" Vice President Zheng's sudden words directly stimulated Qu Jinming to glare at him. He continued calmly.

"Don't be angry, I don't mean to mock you! I'm telling the truth! Look at me, I've been divorced for many years, my children don't even have a crush on me, and I'm all alone.

And you!
Director You and I have been awarded the title of model happy family of Sanjiang Hospital for many years, which makes us better than me.

Not to mention that Hu Yating really loves you..."

At this point, he sighed deeply, and that expression vividly explained that the past was unbearable to look back on and that the dog had nothing.

Qu Jinming, who was originally glaring at him, was reminded of the past. His anger subsided a little, but he still looked coldly at his old classmate and old rival who suddenly expressed his feelings: "Old Zheng, what do you want to say?"

"I want to advise you not to be too sad and to cheer up!" Vice President Zheng looked at his opponent sincerely: "To be honest, you have always been the object of my envy and jealousy! Because you easily got what I couldn't get! Now that something like this happened in your family, you are still better than me!

At least I don’t have a woman who truly loves me, or a well-behaved and beautiful daughter.

And you have two of them!"

"Old Zheng, what do you mean?!" Qu Jinming looked at his old rival in doubt. His first reaction was that the other party was mocking him implicitly.

What a well-behaved and beautiful daughter?

How can a daughter who can make her mother so angry that she has a stroke be well-behaved?

But then he reacted, vaguely guessed something, and looked at Vice President Zheng in disbelief.

"You already have the answer in your mind, don't you? Why do you think I am willing to approve the training application of a doctor from a small county hospital?" Vice President Zheng avoided Qu Jinming's gaze and looked at the operation going on in the operating room.

"We were classmates back then, and you and Hu Yating were recognized as the perfect match, the most enviable couple.

But you are not the only one who admires Hu Yating!
Then that thing happened during your internship. She gave so much for you, but you chose to break up with her and marry the older girl.

At that time, I both looked down on you and thanked you. I felt that you took the initiative to give up the best woman in the world, and my chance had finally come.

So when I heard the news, I immediately went to look for my first love, wanting to confess my love to her, so that she would never be wronged again and give her a lifetime of happiness! "

Having said that, Qu Jinming completely understood why this old rival had been so hostile to him, his old classmate, for so many years, but his violently beating heart made him want to know more about what happened next.

And he actually probably had an answer to this result.

"That's right! She rejected me resolutely." Vice President Zheng smiled bitterly, "She didn't give me any chance at all! She would rather fetch water and wash clothes alone with a big belly than accept me! She wants to raise the only child she has ever loved by a man!"

When Vice President Zheng really said the result he had guessed long ago, Qu Jinming's head still buzzed, and his mind was full of: "He Jing is my daughter, He Jing is indeed my daughter!"

He didn't even have time to guess the deep malice behind this old rival's revelation of such explosive information at this time.

He had a splitting headache and was in excruciating pain, but suddenly he felt much better.

That is the impulse of many parents who want to have a smaller one after their larger one has failed. But he was even more impulsive and happier than those parents because a beautiful smaller daughter of such a big age not only emerged, but was also quite outstanding.

Do not!
He Jing is not a small account!

He Jing is his eldest daughter!
It is the fruit of his love with his true love!

He felt much better and felt more at ease.

As his expression kept changing, Vice President Zheng gave him a mocking look, then quietly stood up and left.

What he wants is an opponent who is overwhelmed and exhausted by family troubles, not an opponent who has given up and simply ignores family affairs and devotes himself directly to work.

This was also the biggest motivation for him to directly approve He Jing's application for further studies when he first saw it.

Bringing it out now will add fuel to the fire and give the old rivals a break instead of just being sad.

Extreme joy and extreme sorrow are the biggest taboos in health preservation.

With You Shengmei's domineering temper and her current body suffering from a stroke, and Qu Lan's willful temper and the possibility of being infected with AIDS at any time, could they allow their husbands, father, and another mother and daughter to be well off?

It would be strange if there was no quarrel!
Lao Qu, I hope you can hold on and don’t have a stroke!
But it doesn’t matter if you really have a stroke. I am the vice president in charge of general surgery. For the sake of our old classmate, I will find the best doctor for you, give you the best treatment, and watch you reap what you sow. Evil will be punished!

Qu Jinming sat there blankly for a long time, his mind constantly flashing back to what happened back then, wondering what kind of mother would raise what kind of daughter.

Maybe he did something wrong back then. He shouldn't have given up true love for the sake of advancement and chose to kneel down and live off a gigolo.

What’s the point of working hard for half your life?
Even if it's just to show off in front of others!

But everyone knows that his wife You Shengmei, who always appears in front of him, is the 'real vice president', and he actually gained nothing.

It was not until the operation was successfully completed that he came to his senses and barely suppressed the churning memories and emotions. He frowned and was unwilling to look at his daughter and apprentice. After thanking Director Liu, the surgeon, he refused his daughter's request to take care of her mother personally and ordered the nurse to take good care of her.

In the next few days, he looked for opportunities to confirm the news about Vice President Zheng, and met He Jing intentionally or unintentionally. Seeing that she was sometimes in deep thought, he cared about her very much.

He Jing also had an inexplicable affection for Qu Jinming. Now that she saw that he still cared about her so much even though he had suffered such a misfortune, she was very moved and impulsive. Whenever she thought of the things that she had been unable to figure out in the past few days and had been analyzed by her sister, she looked at Qu Jinming with sympathy and hesitation.

Qu Jinming naturally noticed that He Jing was hesitant to talk. Now that the scandal in his family had spread everywhere, and He Jing was the original witness, he thought she wanted to comfort him but didn't want to bring it up. The thought of having this unrecognized daughter who was so closely related to him by blood made him feel comforted, and he was very moved. He took the initiative to talk to her about Qu Lan, wanting He Jing, the eldest daughter, to help him analyze why Qu Lan did such a thing from the perspective of a peer.

This made He Jing even more troubled.

Because although she didn't know that she was Dean Qu's biological daughter and Qu Lan's half-sister, she really knew what was wrong with Qu Lan!

Now Dean Qu wants her to speak, should she speak or not?
So sad!

"It's okay if you don't want to say it. I'm just being too polite." Qu Jinming had only said it casually, wanting to complain to his daughter, but when he saw how conflicted she was, he quickly tried to dissuade her.

"No." Seeing him like this, He Jing, out of the natural father-daughter relationship, didn't care about the superficial conversation and was ready to say it on impulse.

But she was not stupid and knew that it would not be good to say it directly, so she simply followed the method suggested by Dean Sun and told Dean Qu three stories as a reminder.

She originally thought that Dean Qu would gradually understand, firstly to resolve her doubts, and secondly the stimulation would not be so strong over time, but she found that she had miscalculated.

She clearly didn't understand these three things and needed to ask her sister Qiaojie to interpret them. And because she was a girl, she couldn't be as straightforward as Dean Sun said, so she tried to cover up the overly stimulating words that could be directly uttered. But after hearing them, Qu Jinming's face turned red instantly, and then his eyes rolled up and he fainted. (End of this chapter)

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