The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 51 I feel sorry for your moon!

Chapter 51 I feel sorry for your moon! (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)
"Because of love?" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"Because of the excitement!" Xin Ling pointed out directly: "Their master and apprentice, a handsome man and a beautiful woman, see each other day and night, and practice martial arts together.

Do you know about martial arts training?
Hand-holding, cheek-to-cheek, mouth-to-mouth!
Can they not be together? "

"You mean..." Zeng Xiaoxian thought that Sun Jing wanted to see Hu Yifei's real family secrets and drove them away, which made him feel bad.

"No! We have to go back!"

"Don't go back!" Xinling stopped him: "You can stop it once, how can you stop it the second or third time?

As long as the two of them are willing, sooner or later this will happen.

Besides, why are you trying to stop it?

Just because you are sister Yifei’s roommate? "

"Yes, is there a problem?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked anxiously: "Weren't Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu roommates in the beginning? The tomb is the real chamber!"

"Don't curse!" Xinling frowned.

"Who did I scold?" Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't understand.

"If you are Yang Guo, then wouldn't my eldest brother Sun be Zhen Zhibing?" Xinling said unhappily: "My eldest brother Sun is not that kind of person!

Even if he puts a gauze covering Sister Yifei's eyes, it must be a matter of interest with Sister Yifei's consent, not an act of lewdness! "

"..." Zeng Xiaoxian seemed to hear a loud 'dong' sound again in his ears, and he looked at Xin Ling in disbelief.

"Xinling, if I'm not mistaken, you should like Sun Jing, right? Aren't you angry that they are like this?"

"Angry." Xinling couldn't help pouting again, showing an angry expression.

"That's it!" Zeng Xiaoxian clapped his hands and shouted: "You said I have no right to go back and stop them, but you have the right!"

"Me neither, and I won't do that." Xinling shook his head.

"Why?" Zeng Xiaoxian's classic puzzled expression appeared.

"Because I am a traditional girl." Xinling said with a smile: "No matter who Brother Sun chooses in the end, I will support him.

I would just join that family.

And definitely not ruining it! "

Boom! ! !
This time, the heavy 'dong' sound in Zeng Xiaoxian's ear almost caused his three souls to wander and his seven souls to leave his body.

What a traditional girl!
It turns out that traditional girls can still be so understanding!
What man doesn't love such a traditional girl?

"Xin Ling..." Zeng Xiaoxian was extremely shocked, and after a long time, he said in a solemn voice: "The fact that Sun Jing can have a sister like you is simply because he has accumulated great virtues in his previous life.

Hu Yifei is right, if he treats you like this, you deserve to be struck with thunder!

Don't worry, I will definitely help you in the future! "

"Teacher Zeng, thank you." Xinling's smile contained seven parts blessing, two parts bitterness and one part relief.

"But you have misunderstood Brother Sun, he is not the kind of person you imagined.

We are all orphans.

The family has been incomplete since childhood.

Because of this experience, everyone has different ideas about starting a family in the future.

Very easy to go to extremes.

For example, Zhang Wei, the eldest brother in our orphanage, wants to have a family of his own.

Therefore, when faced with the opportunity to start a family immediately, he would even ignore some principled issues.

This is an extreme.

Brother Sun is on the other extreme.

He always said that it was impossible to get married, that he would never get married in this life, and that he would have to be single all his life.Later, I fell in love with medicine and said that I would dedicate my life to medicine and strive to reach the highest peak of medicine.

If there is a girl who can make him change his mind, then Brother Sun must love her very much.

So even if this girl is not me, I sincerely bless them. "

"It's so touching!" Zeng Xiaoxian was so upset again. Why didn't he have such a half-sister?
"So what will you do then? Give your blessing and let go completely?"

"No, I can take care of their children." Xin Ling smiled matter-of-factly.


The heavy sound came to mind again.

Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help rolling her eyes, and was stunned by this turn of events. She still wants to be a traditional girl...

"If there is such a woman that Brother Sun loves so much, then this girl must love Brother Sun even more." Xinling explained.

"After all, Brother Sun is the most perfect man in the world!
They were so in love, and the child was just an accident. Of course, someone had to take care of it so that they could live a life of two. "

What else could Zeng Xiaoxian say? Nothing could be said.

Except for a thumbs up, no, one thumbs up was not enough, another thumbs up.

It took two thumbs to express how he felt about Xin Ling at the moment.

He was so inspired by Xin Ling's shocking story.

For a moment, he also forgot that the cabbage Hu Yifei, who he had been thinking about but dared not speak, was probably being pickled by his pickle Sun Jinggaoneng. He hurriedly sent Xinling home and rushed to the TV station.

"Viewers, a good man is me, I am a good man, I am Zeng Xiaoxian, welcome to continue listening to Your Moon, My Heart.

Today Xiaoxian heard a very touching story and wanted to share it with everyone.

There is such a traditional girl..."

Zeng Xiaoxian performed the story of Xin Ling and Sun Jing by deleting their names and adding more fuel and jealousy.

The focus is on how good Xin Ling is. If Sun Jing has any conscience, he should immediately stay with Xin Ling, his childhood sweetheart, for the rest of his life.

As I talked, I felt excited.


Mainly because later on, he finally came back to his senses from this very exciting and inspiring story.

Thinking that Sun Jing was probably practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra with Hu Yifei in the apartment, the last level, he had such complicated emotions.

He could only hope to use more intense emotions to awaken Sun Jing's conscience and make him let go of Hu Yifei.

When it finally arrived at four o'clock in the morning, just when he wanted to take the time to sneak back and see what his cabbage Hu Yifei was like now, he found that he couldn't leave.

Tonight, his story about a traditional girl's love for her younger sister made many people feel deeply involved in listening to it, and the listening rate exploded.

Even at four o'clock in the morning, there was no hotline like usual, but someone called the hotline every now and then.

He could only fight hard to deal with it, but every question asked by the listeners who called the hotline seemed to remind him of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra. At this moment, jade may have become lust.

This kind of torture is his.

Anyone else would never be able to bear it.

After others were about to go to work, he finally escaped early and rushed back to the love apartment. He immediately opened the door of 3601, went up to the second floor, and knocked on Hu Yifei's door.


no one!
At this moment, he couldn't help but cover his heart.

When he walked out of 3601 with an extremely troubled mood and walked to the door of 3603, raising his hand and not knowing whether to knock, the door opened.

(End of this chapter)

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