Chapter 53 Teaching the first lesson

"Dr. Sun, what are you so happy about?"

After walking through the emergency room, I met Ran Huaizhou. It was rare that both of them admired each other. Naturally, he did not forget to tease Sun Jing.

"The familiar feeling is back, naturally I'm happy." Sun Jing smiled slightly, without explaining the details that really made him happy.

These are not enough for outsiders to understand.

"In the future, we will ask the neurosurgery department for consultation in the emergency department. You have to be more active." Ran Huaizhou did not continue to gossip, but talked about the things he cared about.

"Okay." Sun Jing agreed.

Now that Liu Zhiguang and the three of them have officially been taught, of course, they can no longer just wait to deal with difficult and severe cases.

Instead, we need to take them through various surgeries as comprehensively as possible.

From easy to difficult!

All have to be handled!

Many surgeries are transferred from the emergency department to various departments.

Once the emergency department calls for consultation, he takes Liu Zhiguang and the others down to take over.

It can be regarded as a one-stop service from admission to discharge, which can give Liu Zhiguang and others a more comprehensive understanding of being a surgeon.

After chatting with Ran Huaizhou for a few words, he continued walking upstairs.


his office.

"Teacher Sun!" Liu Zhiguang, Ye Chunmeng, and Bai Xiaojing were already waiting there. They greeted Sun Jing in unison when they saw him coming.

"Yes." Sun Jing nodded and smiled at them, gesturing for them to follow him in.

Seeing that the cup on the table was empty, Ye Chunmeng immediately picked up the water cup and went to the water dispenser to pour water for Sun Jing.

"Teacher Sun, drink water!"

She moved quickly, and when her foot slipped, she managed to stabilize herself in time. The water glass in her hand immediately became unstable and was about to fall to the ground.

Sun Jing immediately went up to catch him, shook his head and warned: "When you are a doctor, you must be steady and don't be irritable!"

"I'm sorry, Teacher Sun!" Ye Chunmeng looked apologetic and regretful, with surprise in his eyes.

Liu Zhiguang and Bai Xiaojing on the side were even more exaggerated than her, with stunned expressions.

Because they were bystanders, unlike Ye Chunmeng who focused on himself and was only surprised by Sun Jing's speed.

Liu Zhiguang and Bai Xiaojing watched clearly.

They witnessed the scene just now with their own eyes.

"Old Bai!" Bai Xiaojing blurted out after reacting.

"What Lao Bai?" Ye Chunmeng was very surprised.

"The Thief Saint Bai Zhantang in Wulin Gaiden!" Bai Xiaojing looked at Sun Jing in disbelief: "Teacher Sun just caught the water glass you dropped.

The scene was just like Lao Bai catching the hot water bottle dropped by Guo Furong in Wulin Gaiden.

I feel like I'm seeing an afterimage. "

At this point, she looked at Sun Jing with burning eyes: "Teacher Sun, do you know martial arts? Like the Thief Saint Lao Bai, you don't show your real face?"

"It's not that exaggerated." Sun Jing said with a smile: "It's just a stress reaction. It's no joke if such hot water spills on you.

My physical abilities are much better than ordinary people in all aspects. In this case, it is quite reasonable to catch the water glass, right? "

Saying this, he secretly praised Hu Yifei's unique skill Dan Yidian to be well-deserved.

Using a unique power-generating technique, Hu Yifei, an ordinary person, can have super speed and defeat the enemy with one move before others can react in time.

The so-called martial arts in the world cannot defeat anything strong or fast.

Later, Hu Yifei cosplayed Dongfang Bubai, which was actually quite reasonable.

Bullet Flash and Sunflower Book both pursue absolute speed.This skill was used in their bet and fight last night. At 121 minutes and 38 seconds, Hu Yifei finally failed to resist his hard and soft tactics and told the truth.

For Sun Jing, who is extremely talented and has a physical constitution point of 4, and whose knowledge of the body is at the level of a top-notch doctor, he immediately understood the true meaning of the bullet as soon as he said one sentence.

The system also recognized the skills he had mastered. After the American Iai surgery, he gained an extra flick and gained an attribute point again.

Sun Jing increased his physical fitness from 4 points to 5 points.

The reason why he didn't add it to his spirit was because when his spirit suddenly increased to 10, but his physique was only 1, he felt obvious physical and mental disharmony, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

At that time, he was keenly aware that there should not be too much separation between mind and body, otherwise problems would likely occur.

Therefore, when new skills come out with attribute points, they should be added to the physical constitution first.

After the disharmony between the mind and body completely disappears, the newly added attribute points will continue to bless the spirit.

His physique went from 4 to 5. This time, all physical attributes such as strength, speed, agility, endurance, reaction, etc. were improved. After working hard all night, he immediately became more energetic.

It is impossible for Hu Yifei, who is extremely competitive, to defeat Sun Jing by relying on both serious and informal means.

The gap between them will only grow wider.

After learning how to flick and dodge, his speed increase effect is not as scary as Hu Yifei's, after all, his basic attributes are so high.

But the speed of increase still surprised him enough.

Before, it would have been impossible for him to do what Lao Bai did.

That's right!

Bai Xiaojing and the others were not dazzled.

At that moment, he really looked like Lao Bai.

The increased speed with a flick can not only be used to pick up hot water bottles, treat illnesses and save people, but also has miraculous effects.


The effect was so good that he was full of expectations for learning Hu Yifei's Thunder Fist in the future.

Of course, there are also Qian Kun Yi Toss, Gale Shuriken, Taekwondo, Karate, etc., and even Hu Yifei's dance.

These should all be abilities that can be recognized as skills by the system.

For someone like Sun Jing who loves to learn and gets positive feedback from his studies, Hu Yifei is definitely a treasure girl, waiting for him to develop and explore.

"That's quite reasonable." Liu Zhiguang was the first to nod: "There is a classic story among medical short stories.

In order to save her child, a mother is so strong that she can lift a car directly. "

Bai Xiaojing rolled her eyes at Liu Zhiguang, but seeing that Sun Jing didn't want to talk about this, she stopped asking and just kept this suspicion in her heart.

Now besides Sun Jing's medical skills, she had another thought in her mind.

It would be a coincidence if Sun Jing is the secretive Lao Bai. She also happens to have the surname Bai and has learned special skills. Isn't it reasonable?

"Okay, let's get down to business." Sun Jing put the water glass on the table, walked up to the three of them, glanced at them one by one, and asked them to stand up straight.

"Today is the first day of official teaching. The first lesson I want to teach you is not surgical skills, but survival!

Ye Chunmeng, tell me about your understanding of survival! "

"..." Ye Chunmeng smiled bitterly: "Teacher Sun, you mean you are talking about me rescuing people on the plane, right?"

When Sun Jing nodded, she explained in detail what happened on the plane to Bai Xiaojing and Liu Zhiguang, who were looking over.

"After Teacher Sun intervened to remind me, I reacted belatedly. If I had not rescued her at that time,

The consequences would be unimaginable.

Even if she comes here, if her husband is not a human being and insists on insisting that I don’t have a medical license, I will be in trouble.

After all, there are really bad people in this society! "

At this point, she looked at Sun Jing: "But Teacher Sun, if you hadn't been there at that time, if the consequences were really as bad as the worst, I still wouldn't regret my saving people!"

(End of this chapter)

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