Chapter 55 The stunned students
"Teacher Sun, I understand." This time, Bai Xiaojing was silent for a moment, and the pride in her eyes finally dissipated.

Rules and regulations are dead.

But the various types of patient family members are endless.

You never know what kind of person will be waiting for you around the corner.

She, Bai Xiaojing, is the only daughter of a well-known entrepreneur.

This is the magic capital!

Bai's father can be called a well-known entrepreneur. After his daughter chose to come to Renhua, he directly donated more than 1000 million medical equipment to Renhua. You can imagine his extraordinary strength.

With such a family background, it is not an exaggeration to call her a wealthy lady.

From childhood to adulthood, the people around her were naturally 'good people', and everyone was willing to be kind to her, even willing to be a licker.

She has never seen many complex and dark sides of human nature in society.

In an emergency, she would be furious if she suddenly met a family member like the one Sun Jing described.

Who is this!
She must have been much worse then than she is now.

And there may be no room for recovery.

Of course, Bai Xiaojing has the ability to make money after all. Compared to Liu Zhiguang and Ye Chunmeng, she has more opportunities to recover after making mistakes.

But when it comes to such troubles, her pride will make it even harder for her to bear.

This is just a random example given by Sun Jing.

With this reaction, she had nothing to be proud of.

There is still a lot to learn from me in the future.

Liu Zhiguang had already taken a pen and wrote it down in the notebook he carried with him.

Compared to the two top female students, his learning ability is a bit worse, and his good memory is not as good as his poor writing skills.

"There are hundreds of people, all kinds of people." Seeing that Bai Xiaojing really listened, Sun Jing smiled and turned to Liu Zhiguang and Ye Chunmeng.

“China has such a large population, and Shanghai is a metropolis with patients coming from all over the country to see doctors, so the situation is even more complicated.

The matter of stuffing red envelopes and receiving red envelopes is therefore very complicated.

Some people really want to give.

Some people are forced by the so-called worldliness in their minds.

If an accident occurs during surgery, it goes without saying that the person who received the red envelope will definitely report the incident or even sue the doctor.

Even if they forced it.

The surgery was done, and some people were truly grateful.

Some people will immediately regret the red envelopes they gave after passing the emergency. Backhanding is also a report.

And even if the operation is completed, any complications after the operation will be blamed on the doctor who received the red envelope.

At that time, those who were sincerely grateful may change their attitude and ask the doctor whether there is something wrong with him or whether he feels that the red envelope given is too small, so he did not try his best.

In short, I hope that my students will consider their own career prospects and never have any thoughts of receiving red envelopes.

Even if the operation is successful, after the patient recovers and is discharged from the hospital, the patient and family will only give red envelope benefits.

Don't let them talk too nicely, or hold on to what they say, and don't accept or give face, or make excuses that make you feel uncomfortable or don't accept it.

Just remember that when a doctor accepts a red envelope, he or she is gambling with his or her professional future on the other person's humanity.

Betting on dogs nine times out of ten you will lose.

If you do it too many times, you will definitely lose.

Trust me, no one knows this better than me. "

Last night, when facing Hu Yifei, who wanted to avenge Xin Ling and beat him up, he had just designed a bet.

Hu Yifei is very competitive and naturally has a great gambling spirit.

When she encountered someone like Sun Jing who completely crushed her, she wanted to win again, thinking that as long as she won once, she could win everything she dreamed of.

As long as you don't quit gambling, your life will be over and you will be beaten to death.In the end, he could only watch Sun Jing love studying, and he had nothing to say even if he had other high-quality female study companions. He would only try his best to improve himself in an attempt to win over Sun Jing.

Unless you wake up and stop gambling completely, this cycle of failure, effort, and failure will not be broken.

God knows what kind of Hu Yifei Sun Jing will bring out in the end.

In the original time and space, Hu Yifei, who Zeng Xiaoxian said was admitted to the doctorate, could only be suppressed by the Saints.

But now that the Saints have met the future Hu Yifei, they have to shout: "Ya Zhudie~"

Such Hu Yifei was destined to miss Zeng Xiaoxian from the moment she started fighting with Sun Jingzhen.

"I remember, Teacher Sun!" Liu Zhiguang and Ye Chunmeng agreed in unison.

Sun Jing looked into their eyes and nodded slightly.

Compared to the proud Bai Xiaojing who comes from an extraordinary background and has her own set of rules of conduct, Liu Zhiguang and Ye Chunmeng are easier to accept in this regard.

Ye Chunmeng is also proud at heart, but she experienced what happened on the plane personally, and it touched her soul even more.

Liu Zhiguang was simply obedient. He identified Sun Jing as his teacher and took everything Sun Jing said to heart.

He moved closer to Sun Jing with every move.

Such a character is originally very problematic.

After all, without your own subjective initiative, it is difficult to achieve real achievements.

But when it comes to the relationship between Sun Jing and his current master and apprentice, Liu Zhiguang with such a personality is not only okay, but compared to the proud Bai Xiaojing and Ye Chunmeng, he is extremely talented in this area.

Because Sun Jing is too talented.

Liu Zhiguang only needs to imitate Sun Jing wholeheartedly, there is no upper limit at all.

Sun Jing saw that their expressions were too serious, so he laughed and teased.

"Even if you really want to accept this red envelope, it is very likely that your family will try their best to give it to you and refuse to accept the red envelope.

There isn't even a Mao Zedong card in it, just a 20 card.

or even less.

Is it worth it for this little money? "

"No way?" Bai Xiaojing and the other three were all shocked.

"There is no way, they are very good at it." Sun Jing said with a smile: "You will see it in the future, so even if you have to be forced, you must ask them to come with you as soon as possible.

Until the superior is notified and the red envelope is handed over, it is best to have someone witness the whole process.

Otherwise, even if the medical office returns the red envelope afterwards, there may be a dispute over how much money is in the red envelope.

After all, blackmail is not uncommon. "

"..." Bai Xiaojing, Ye Chunmeng, and Liu Zhiguang were stunned.

I just received a red envelope, and it actually contained a thousand layers of tricks, which made people feel really hard to guard against.

They also had a deeper impression of Sun Jingjiao's first lesson.

This is just an example.

God knows if you don't strictly abide by the rules and regulations, you will encounter something unimaginable that will ruin your outlook on life and end up risking your career.

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

"Dr. Sun, there was a serious car accident, and the emergency department rushed us to the neurosurgery department. Do you think?" Huo Simiao opened the door and poked his head in.

"We'll go right away." Sun Jing nodded.

Sun Jing's pager also rang at this time.

This is issued by the hospital and every doctor has it so that they can be called in time.

"Let's go, the emergency room is here." Sun Jing took a look, picked up the white coat hanging on the hanger, put it on, and headed to the emergency room with his three interns.

(End of this chapter)

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