The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Can such an exciting chapter title in Chapter 57 be said in public?

Chapter 57: Can such an exciting topic be discussed in public?

Sun Jing could naturally feel Xie Nanxiang's gloomy and ugly gaze.

Although I don't know how Xie Nanxiang felt about "meeting Sun Jingmu for a lifetime" this day and night.

But even if he knew it, Sun Jing would not be surprised or sympathized.

With Xie Nanxiang's style, let alone the cheating Sun Jing, whenever he meets a serious person, he is destined to be unlucky.

It's just that he was considered the protagonist before. With the fate of the protagonist, he could do whatever he wanted without any taboos.

But now this is the world of comprehensive film and television dramas, and his protagonist's luck has been greatly weakened.

When he encountered Sun Jing again, his cheating was more serious. Sun Jing didn't even need to redeem the bad luck card, and he was already in trouble.

In fact, it has been more than three years since Sun Jing traveled through time. Sun Jing has only ever redeemed good luck cards, and there has never been anyone worthy of him redeeming bad luck cards.

Xie Nanxiang is not worthy at all!

The roar of 120 came from outside.

"Dr. Huo, Dr. Gu, if the neurosurgery patient is critical, give priority to Dr. Sun..."

Zhou Ming, as the acting director of the General Surgery Department, began to preside over first aid.

"No problem." Huo Simiao and Gu Chaohua, known as Dr. Gu, looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"Dr. Sun is a master. We have long wanted to learn a few tricks."

Gu Chaohua is not too old, in his 30s. He has a good relationship with Huo Simiao and is considered a solid figure.

When I heard the leaders of the same age say this, I immediately looked at Sun Jing, who was ten years younger than them, with a half-smile.

"Associate Professor Gu is too polite." Sun Jing smiled slightly.

"How did you know?" Gu Chaohua was stunned.

He was about to become an associate professor. He had just told his friends and colleagues in the operating room before rushing to the emergency room.

Although everyone knows that there are no secrets in the hospital.

But this is too fast, right?
The Flash?

"There are no secrets in the hospital." Sun Jing said with a smile.

"Okay, Associate Professor Gu, our Neurosurgery Director Wang is not here. You are the most senior at Corey's site, so you should be responsible for directing us." Huo Simiao joked.

The so-called seniority is the grade plus seniority, which is a very important status indicator in the hospital.

Doctors with the same rank and seniority have command authority in emergencies.

Director and professor, one is a clinical position and the other is a teaching position, they are roughly at the same level.

Associate professor is roughly equivalent to deputy director.

The three of them are now attending doctors. Gu Chaohua is an associate professor and is of course the one with the highest seniority.

"Then I'll really be in charge later?" Gu Chaohua was joking, but he was quite serious and expectant in his heart.

He and Huo Simiao came in at about the same time and have about the same seniority.

But his reputation outside was not as high as Huo Si Miao's.

He didn't think that his ability was inferior to Huo Simiao.

But he clearly realized that he did not have Huo Simiao's identity and background.

Every time an important patient comes, Director Wang of the department will recommend Huo Simiao, saying that he has the best medical skills in neurosurgery.

Over time, Huo Simiao naturally became more famous than him and gained a reputation as a famous doctor.

After Sun Jing arrived, Huo Simiao was also jumping up and down.

Director Wang of the department was also talking to Huo Simiao.

Let Huo Simiao focus on being promoted to deputy director and director as soon as possible and then try his best to take the class of director of neurosurgery.

The resources Huo Simiao possessed made him envious.

But Huo Simiao himself didn't care at all.


Just like people don't cherish the air deliberately, people always don't cherish what they have always had.

This was the reason why he surpassed Huo Simiao and was about to become associate professor and deputy director first.

But even though he was about to take one step ahead of Huo Simiao, he still didn't have much confidence in whether he could be Huo Simiao's leader and command the other party in the future.Have no idea.

Seniority is no match for background!

"We'll fight wherever you, Associate Professor Gu, point you, right, Doctor Sun?" Huo Simiao said in a teasing tone, but he couldn't be serious at all.

Sun Jing smiled and said nothing.

Huo Simiao and Gu Chaohua both didn't like Sun Jing's attitude, but at this moment, patients were being pushed in one after another.

A severe impact like a large car accident can easily injure the head, so their neurosurgery department is very busy.

Sure enough, the heads of those who were pushed in first were bleeding.

Sun Jing immediately took Sanxiao up to check.

"Dr. Sun, this patient is dying. Are you going to take care of it?" Gu Chaohua also took over a patient. After checking it, he immediately greeted Sun Jing.

"Okay." Sun Jing went over to take a look and immediately pushed the hospital bed away. As he walked, he taught the third primary school: "We will do a head scan first, and then send it directly to the operating room."

The three little ones followed.

Bai Xiaojing walked a few steps and suddenly said: "Teacher Sun, this patient's family hasn't signed yet. How about the surgery later?"

"Good question." Sun Jing nodded to Bai Xiaojing: "The current medical environment forces doctors to ask family members to sign before surgery. There is no way around it.

But an emergency like this.

The patient's family members did not come at all and could not be contacted.

Even the patient's family members may not know whether they are alive or dead and cannot sign.

The patient is already in a coma and is about to die, and must undergo surgery immediately.

It is simply impossible to sign first and then perform surgery.

What do you think should be done? "

"You must save people first, right?" Ye Chunmeng couldn't help but said: "In this case, it is in line with what Teacher Sun said about persisting in your original intention and treating illnesses and saving people first when you have no other options, right?"

"Not yet!" Bai Xiaojing smiled contemptuously: "In this case, the rules and regulations are clearly stated.

You can ask your superior supervisor to sign for the surgery first, and then ask the patient's family to re-sign in time when they arrive. "

"That's right." Sun Jing nodded: "You can take the surgery consent form to Director Zhou to sign it later!"

"Okay!" Bai Xiaojing glanced at Ye Chunmeng proudly.

Ye Chunmeng clenched his palms.

As expected, she, the so-called No. 1 academic master, still fell far behind.

These rules and regulations should have been clearly remembered by her, but at the critical moment, why did she forget them again?

Liu Zhiguang had already taken out his notebook and jotted it down quickly.

He doesn't have such a big psychological burden and knows that his foundation is inherently poor.

Now I can neither answer as accurately as Bai Xiaojing, nor even have my own thoughts like Ye Chunmeng.

But as long as he writes down everything Teacher Sun said and strictly follows it when encountering the same situation in the future, there will be no big problems.

"Bai Xiaojing, do you know why you did this?" Sun Jing asked again.

"..." Bai Xiaojing paused for a moment.

Sun Jing did not immediately answer her questions. At this moment, he had already pushed the patient into the scanning room in a hurry. After completing the cranial scan, he immediately pushed the patient to the operating room.

When Bai Xiaojing got back Zhou Ming's signed authorization and confirmed again that the patient's family members had not arrived yet, she took Sanxiao to wash hands and disinfect her hands and enter the operating room.

"You haven't figured it out yet? The rules and regulations are there. Everyone knows what needs to be known, but not everyone can do this.

Because of what?
Don't pay attention to it at first.

Secondly, I felt that it was over once I reported it verbally to the superior supervisor.

But I didn’t realize that verbal permission from the superior supervisor and actually signing the surgery consent form were two completely different concepts.

Or maybe they are aware of it, but they don’t dare to be serious and force the superior supervisor to sign for fear of offending the superior supervisor.

Once something goes wrong, how many superiors do you think are willing to take the blame for you in the face of the troubled family members and the onslaught of public pressure?

Just because he promised you verbally? "

(End of this chapter)

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