The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 59 Sun Jing, you are noble and awesome!

Chapter 59 Sun Jing, you are noble and awesome!
"I heard that the deceased's wife was holding on to Professor Gu's white coat, forcing Professor Gu to almost take off his white coat before she could escape."

"Professor Gu, it wasn't the case before, and it most likely won't be the case in the future."

"I heard that Director Wang of the Neurosurgery Department is talking to him now, and I don't know how he will handle it."

"It's quite troublesome anyway. The deceased's son is a lawyer."

"Well, we medical workers are always afraid of encountering this kind of thing, let alone the family members of lawyers. This time Dr. Gu will have to shed his skin even if he doesn't die."

"Yes, lawyers are professionals in getting into trouble. Otherwise, why would we be called litigators before?"

“In foreign countries, lawyers and doctors are two major middle-class professions.

But although we doctors are always criticized for this and that, at least we are really treating illnesses and saving people.

In the eyes of most people, it still has some status.

But the hellish jokes about lawyers abroad are a big deal.

The most classic one is the New York subway lawyer joke.

It's about a man who entered the subway with a gun and wanted to shoot his enemy.

But I found a lawyer in a suit and tie, although he was a complete stranger.

There was only one bullet in the gun.

But the gunman gave up his enemy and killed the strange lawyer with one shot.

This is not over yet.

He was later asked what he would have done if there were two bullets in the gun.

He said he would give this strange lawyer another shot!
Not only were the others not surprised when they heard it, but they smiled knowingly and believed it. "

"This joke is really hellish and graphic. Lawyers are indeed so hated. It seems like Dr. Gu is really going to be in trouble this time."

"I heard that Dr. Sun came back from New York. I don't know what he thinks about this matter."

"Which thing? The New York subway lawyer's hell joke, or the lawyer's family suing Dr. Gu?"

"I want to know."

"Are you trying to find out Dr. Sun's opinion on these two things? You're just greedy for his body!"

"Aren't you hungry?"


The heat of this matter quickly swept through the entire Renhua Hospital, and everyone was gossiping about it.

Some of them got lost while chatting, and naturally the most primitive elements such as appearance and body were involved.

After all, the inevitable rule of domestic film and television dramas is that everything falls in love.

Sun Jing and the others naturally heard it, and they all looked over at the three little ones, as if asking, "Teacher Sun, what do you think?" ' He looked asking for advice and shook his head.

"Let the bullets fly for a while."

He has long known that this is a comprehensive world of film and television dramas, and many things here are different from the reality of his previous life.

One of them is the duration of medical lawsuits.

In reality, it is often counted in months or even years.

However, in this comprehensive film and television world, this time has been greatly compressed, and is counted in weeks or even days.

(PS: This is specially set up for the continuity of one thing. Otherwise, one thing cannot be written in its entirety. It takes too long to write and forget all about it, and even the whole book cannot be written. It is a medical incident, so there is no need to worry about the difference between setting and reality, and the unreasonableness, just focus on the setting of this book.)
Despite this, Sun Jing does not intend to comment on this until the incident further develops and more comprehensive information is obtained.

After writing the medical records and appointing Bai Xiaojing as the bedside doctor, I received another page and took Liu Zhiguang and Ye Chunmeng to the operating room.

On the road, I met Gu Chaohua, who took off his white coat and carried it in his hand, walking angrily.

"Doctor Gu." Sun Jing greeted him.

"Teacher Gu." Liu Zhiguang and Ye Chunmeng also said hello, but it was Teacher Gu who called out.

This is a tradition in the hospital.

There are positions called positions, such as director, professor, etc.If there is no position, the subordinates call the superiors doctors and teachers.

"I don't dare take it!" Gu Chaohua laughed at himself: "I'm not your teacher!

I don’t deserve to be your teacher either!

What can I teach you?
Do you want to teach you how to take legal action?
Your teacher is Dr. Sun!

How amazing and amazing he is! "

After talking about it, he gave Sun Jing a thumbs up, but his tone and expression were so sinister that he could no longer control it.

This look shocked newcomers Liu Zhiguang and Ye Chunmeng.

They knew that Gu Chaohua was in trouble and was in a bad mood, but they had no idea why he was angry at them.

Especially I can't understand why Teacher Sun is so angry.


They vaguely guessed something.

After all, before this medical dispute occurred, Teacher Sun had just taught them in public how to abide by the rules and regulations correctly.

And Teacher Sun also said that there are as many negative teaching materials as we need...and then this happened.

"Thank you." Sun Jing's smile faded a lot, and he glanced at Gu Chaohua, who was full of hostility and dissatisfaction. He no longer had a high EQ, but became upright and upright with a high IQ.

"Actually, you are being humble. No matter what, if they call you "teacher", you are worthy of it!

Of course it's not a lawsuit.

But avoid lawsuits! "

"You!" Gu Chaohua was so angry.

His mood was really up and down today. First, he got the accurate news that the title of associate professor he had been looking forward to was finally coming. He was very happy.

Then something unexpected like this happened, and I was pestered by my family members like that. I felt a little unlucky and unhappy.

But when he was called to talk by Director Wang of the department, his unhappiness immediately escalated and he started to get angry.

Because even if he told Director Wang, he believed that he had no responsibility and could withstand any subsequent investigation.

But Director Wang still said that he had a fatal injury, that is, he or Zhou Ming was not asked to sign beforehand, and his family members were not asked to sign in time afterwards.

He didn't take it seriously. He felt that the situation was urgent and he had to do it. Didn't Sun Jing and the others perform the operation directly without waiting for his family members to arrive?

However, Director Wang directly used Sun Jing's extremely standard procedures to slap him in the face, as if the lawsuit was bound to fail and he wanted to take the blame.

Even the title of associate professor that he cared about most was clearly on hold.

He couldn't stand this kind of emotional ups and downs. He almost fell out with Director Wang. After slamming the door and leaving Director Wang's office, he saw Sun Jing.

Thinking of what Director Wang said about slapping Sun Jing in the face, he even started to hate Sun Jing.

Obviously everyone is treating illnesses and saving lives, but Sun Jing, who was responsible for it, was about to die after being sent in. As a result, something like this happened to him now.

And because of Sun Jing's comparison, it became even more obvious that there was something wrong with him.

This is what everyone did in the past.

Now that Sun Jing has come, he has directly set a high profile and high standards, which makes him so passive now.

He just vented a few words, but Sun Jing directly blamed him for being a "teacher" who was a negative teaching material. This was simply too much.

"Dr. Gu, I still have something to do. I have to do an operation. Let's talk about it later." Sun Jing gave him a calm look, then asked Ye Chunmeng and Liu Zhiguang to follow him.

Gu Chaohua watched them leave. From a distance, he could hear Sun Jing teaching Ye Chunmeng and Liu Zhiguang as he walked, and his voice was unusually clear.

"Are you impressed now? In an emergency situation where you cannot obtain a family member's signature, remember to ask your superior supervisor to sign first, and then ask the family member to re-sign in a timely manner..."


In the unusually sincere agreement from Ye Chunmeng and Liu Zhiguang, Gu Chaohua slammed the white coat in his hand against the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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