Chapter 7 I like to drink milk
When the boy heard the call, he raised his head, revealing a blank face.

His slightly dull eyes quickly moved away from looking at Sun Jing.

Sun Jing knew that this was a common symptom of autism and looked down at the painting.

But I saw that the painting above showed two people sitting opposite each other, with a nine-square grid in the middle.

He couldn't help but smile, picked up the crayon beside the boy, and filled in a few numbers in the Jiugong grid.

The boy's slightly dull eyes immediately stared at these numbers.

Sun Jing put down the crayon, touched the boy's head, and walked towards the few people standing not far away watching their interaction.

"Brother Sun, Xiao Ming is indeed more willing to get close to you." Xin Ling's eyes were full of admiration.

"Xiao Ming and I play very well." Sun Toutou retorted: "He is very smart. Not only can he draw well, he also has a natural intuition for numbers."

"Most people with autism are not geniuses." Sun Jing shook his head.

"But Xiao Ming is indeed a patient with high-functioning autism and Asperger's syndrome. I have encountered many such patients abroad."

He said this, but in his heart he complained that the probability of an autistic person being a genius is only a few percent.

But in the world of film and television dramas, almost all the autistic people we meet are geniuses or even super geniuses.

no way.

No one wants to pay attention to ordinary autistic people, they only like to watch geniuses.

It's best if they are handsome guys and beautiful girls, so that there is a sense of contrast.

"Sun Jing, thanks to your support in the hospital over the years, the children's lives have become better and better.

This time you just returned to China, and Xiao Ming is about to become an adult. "The dean took off his glasses and said hesitantly: "Do you have any ideas? "

"I understand what the director means." Sun Jing glanced at him and said thoughtfully: "Although the orphanage can continue to take care of Xiao Ming, he prefers to be quiet.

It's really not suitable to stay with children who like to make noises, and you also need friends.

In this way, I think we can build a welfare home specifically for autistic children like Xiao Ming and let dedicated people take care of them.

I have to trouble you, dean, in this regard. It is easy to donate money and materials, but it is not easy to find a trustworthy dean.

This new welfare home was built nearby, so the director would have to take more care of it. "

"That's no problem!" The dean said with a smile on his face: "You are all my children, and I have no ability to provide you with better material conditions.

But when it comes to caring for you, I think I have done my best. "

Sun Jing and others naturally echoed and praised in unison.

What the dean said is indeed true.

Although the orphanage belongs to the state, not every manager can devote all his efforts to it like the director.

Everyone is indeed lucky to have such a dean.

It wasn't until nightfall that Sun Jing chose to say goodbye, and Zhang Wei, Xin Ling and Chu Jun followed him out of the orphanage.

"Is it too strenuous?" Zhang Wei looked at Sun Jing worriedly.

He knew Sun Jing was capable.

But he went abroad to study medicine, gave him the down payment to buy a house, and donated money to the hospital regularly every month.

Now we have to donate and build a special welfare home for autistic orphans like Xiao Ming. All of this is money.

No matter how capable Sun Jing is, he will still be under pressure.

Besides, Sun Jing couldn't live in trouble for them.

"It's just a matter of doing a few more surgeries." Sun Jing said with a smile: "I know it well, but you have forgotten that you have to help people within your ability, but I have always told you."

This little money really means nothing to him, otherwise he wouldn't be so happy.

He enjoys life and does not need money most of the time, but money is still an indispensable thing.

With his current level of Western medicine and reputation, just a few surgeries would be enough to maintain the quality of life in the orphanage at a high level.Not even touching those stocks he had held for a long time.

For a time traveler like him, the investment properties of buying a house early are really not very good.

And the residential attribute of buying a house early is completely worthless to him who doesn't want to be squatted and needs to change his place of residence at any time.

The growth rate of his stocks in the next ten years will definitely far exceed the growth of housing prices.

Even if this is a magical city!

Ten years of investment is enough for him to not have to think about money at all in this urban variety movie world where he will stay for at least another 30 years, and he can truly not care about money.

"That's good." Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried that Sun Jing would hold on for the sake of face.

"Brother Jing, have you obtained your domestic medical license?" Chu Jun asked with concern because Sun Jing knew more about medicine.

"And your fame is all abroad, and you are so young. It will be difficult for you to get the treatment you get abroad after returning to China, right?"

Another thing she didn't say was that at the New York Medical Center, with the support of the director of surgery who was her pseudo-father-in-law, Sun Jing could perform difficult and major surgeries as an intern.

But after returning to China, this advantage is gone.

Even if the medical field admires the West, Sun Jing's resume abroad is surprisingly outstanding.

But whether such a young Sun Jing could do this in China, Chu Jun, who had long started to inquire about common sense in the medical field, was not optimistic.

"Already got it." Sun Jing explained: "Originally, I considered registering at a private hospital, which is more convenient and only requires surgery.

But Renhua’s Dean Fu Bowen Fu took the initiative to contact me and repeatedly invited me to Renhua.

Renhua is the best hospital in Shanghai. Compared with private hospitals, it has the largest number and complexity of cases it comes into contact with, as well as the largest patient group it can cover.

Although my main focus will be on studying Chinese medicine in the future, medicine will never end.

Western medicine cannot be left behind, so I have promised Dean Fu to go there. "

The three of them were finally relieved after hearing this.

Sun Jing said, "It's very late, and I will definitely refuse Xin Ling and Chu Jun's suggestion to go to the love apartment to help him clean up the house next time," and asked Zhang Wei to send Xin Ling, the most difficult person, away.

After sending Chu Jun back, he returned to the love apartment.

The door of room 3603.

"Sun Jing, you're back! Are you going to have a drink?" As soon as he came up, he saw the door 3601 opposite opened. When Hu Yifei saw Sun Jing, her eyes lit up and she started to invite.

"Okay." Sun Jing looked at the still youthful and energetic Hu Yifei, thinking about her family's secret skills, and did not refuse.

The two of them went down together. Zeng Xiaoxian was already sitting there. When he saw Sun Jing and Hu Yifei coming down talking and laughing, Zeng Xiaoxian twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Sun Jing, you're back, what do you want to drink? Brother Xian, I'll treat you!"

"Thank you very much, a glass of milk." Sun Jing thanked him.

"Pfft!" Zeng Xiaoxian spit out the wine in his mouth, coughing and laughing at the same time: "Drink, milk~?"

"It's not convenient for me to drink." Sun Jing smiled as usual: "And I like drinking milk very much.

Maybe it's because we are orphans. Our friends in the orphanage all like to drink milk. "

"Are you an orphan?" Hu Yifei suddenly looked at Sun Jing with pity.

"Sorry, this is a bar, I'm afraid there's no milk..." Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head when he saw Hu Yifei looking like she wanted to hold Sun Jing in her arms to comfort her.

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the bunny girl at the bar had brought a glass of milk over: "Handsome man, I'll buy your milk!"

"Is there really milk? Is it free?" Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes widened, and he admitted that he was sour at Sun Jing's treatment.

"We have everything in the bar." Bunny Girl glanced at him: "You new guy may not know."

"Me? New here?" Zeng Xiaoxian pointed to his nose.

He has been here for several years and is also a famous radio host. Not only does the bunny girl waiter not recognize him, but she also says he is new here. How humiliating!
If the bunny girl hadn't just left after saying that, and if there was air pulling him back, he would definitely have been able to help teach her a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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