The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 73 The ultimate humiliation of the surgeon 007!

Chapter 73 The ultimate humiliation of the surgeon 007!

"I am born with supernatural powers." Sun Jing joked.

"Teacher Sun, I have watched Zhou Xingchi's Ninth Grade Sesame Officer." Bai Xiaojing rolled her eyes: "Chang Wei has real kung fu!"

"Don't worry about these details." Sun Jing didn't say much.

Whether martial arts exists or not has little impact.

In the love apartment, Hu Yifei's fighting ability is completely inhuman, and everyone is not surprised.

In this kind of comprehensive movie world, even if Sun Jing knows martial arts, there is nothing he can't say.

After everyone was surprised, they just went about their business and didn't take it to heart.

After all, this is daily life in the city. No matter how powerful your martial arts is, it can only manifest itself in the form of faster speed and greater strength, which appear to be more scientific external manifestations.

It's impossible for something so out of place as inner strength or true energy to appear.

Hu Yifei's inner energy feeling was a strong illusion of a special period of time.

"Many injuries in neurosurgery are caused by impacts." Sun Jing reminded: "Now you should seize the opportunity to conduct observation and diagnosis."

The three boys immediately gathered around and observed the second senior brother who was knocked unconscious by Sun Jing's Thunder Fist.

It is inconvenient to send him for brain CT and MRI.

Sun Jing showed them a quick sketch based on the impact of his Ben Lei Quan and the symptoms of the diagnosed symptoms.

Although he had never learned drawing specifically, relying on his super genius brain, he could create the CT image he imagined in his mind just by tapping it with a crayon.

It's nothing more than breaking down the entire picture into countless pixels.

"This is Second Senior Brother's CT scan. You guys can make a diagnosis."

"That's all right..." Sanxiao was amazed.

Although the human brain and the pig brain are different, there are still many similarities. Bai Xiaojing was the first to speak after watching the film carefully.

"It's an acute epidural hemorrhage caused by an impact. Emergency surgery is required to remove the hematoma. General anesthesia requires craniotomy to remove the hematoma and decompressive craniectomy!"

"Liu Zhiguang, do you know how to perform the operation?" Sun Jing nodded to Bai Xiaojing, then looked at Liu Zhiguang.

"I've only read about it in books..." Liu Zhiguang said cowardly.

This is also thanks to my hard work in the past few days to enrich my knowledge of neurosurgery.

"Just watch it." Sun Jing said with a smile: "Liu Zhiguang is the surgeon, Bai Xiaojing is the assistant, and Ye Chunmeng is the nurse. I will anesthetize it and then guide you in the operation."

"Teacher Sun, shall I do the surgery?" Bai Xiaojing was a little unhappy.

She diagnosed it first, so why should Liu Zhiguang be the surgeon?

"This surgery is to train Liu Zhiguang's composure." Sun Jing looked at her.

"After watching the surgery video, you feel that it makes no difference whether you practice or not. You can perform the surgery stably and reproduce it, so don't compete with him as the surgeon."

Then he said to the disappointed Ye Chunmeng: "This kind of scientific research and practice opportunities will be available every week from now on, and you will all have the opportunity to perform surgery."

"Yes, Teacher Sun." Ye Chunmeng quickly put away her disappointment, nodded vigorously, and got ready.

Sun Jing understood what she was thinking.

Doctors and nurses are known as medical workers.

But nurses are mostly looked down upon by doctors.

When I was an intern at the New York Medical Center abroad.

A female intern in the same class was called "nurse" contemptuously by a male intern, and she almost got into a fight with the male intern.

She felt that the other party was humiliating her to the extreme.

But judging from how much she cared about this matter, her disdain for nurses was not much worse than that of male intern doctors.

In China, this deep-rooted chain of contempt may be slightly better.

But it's just a little bit better.

Newcomers like Ye Chunmeng also care about whether others call her doctor or nurse.Even if it's just to play nurse temporarily.

Bai Xiaojing heard what Sun Jing said and remembered that Sun Jing only wanted to accept Liu Zhiguang at first.

Now that I have two more of them, it is normal for them to be somewhat different from each other, so I won’t say anything anymore.

Sun Jing gave the second senior brother general anesthesia, introduced the common sense of anesthesia to the third junior brother who was ready, and then looked at Liu Zhiguang.

"Liu Zhiguang, the first operation you performed was on the second brother. Do you feel okay? You're not so nervous, are you?"

"Fortunately, Teacher Sun." Liu Zhiguang smiled stupidly.

"Let me tell you a true story." Sun Jing said with a smile: "Abroad, there is a tradition in hospital surgery.

That is, at the end of the first round of internship duty, the best-performing interns will be given the qualification to participate in the first operation.

It's an honor.

But it can also be a pressure.

There is an intern who is very similar to you, but he offends the director of cardiothoracic surgery with his lack of words.

On the first day of internship, even though my performance was not good, I was still selected as an outstanding representative of intern doctors.

Performed the first appendicectomy.

This small surgery is not difficult at all.

But he was chosen because he offended the director of cardiothoracic surgery and was chosen to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

How could the director of the cardiothoracic surgery who was doing the surgery deliberately delay the operation when he was interested in him?

The details of the reminder were not mentioned in advance, and he was even disturbed with words.

Then he started bleeding, and the situation suddenly became urgent.

The intern doctor, who had been somewhat proud of his smooth operation before, was immediately confused and had no idea what to do.

Finally, he was scolded out of the operating room by the director of cardiothoracic surgery.

The intern doctors who were watching gave him the nickname 007.

What is 007?

A killer with a legal license to kill!
This is the greatest humiliation for a surgeon.

What did you learn from this story? "

Not only is 007 a legal license to kill, but also because 007 is a notorious troublemaker.

In surgery, new recruits will be punished to do a special anorectal examination (digital anorectal examination) only if they make mistakes.

Therefore, the title of 007 is indeed the greatest humiliation to the surgeon.

"This intern is really awesome. A simple appendectomy should be done even without the surgeon's reminder." Bai Xiaojing said disdainfully.

"Most of them will be admitted to the hospital, and they will be at the bottom. In this aspect, he is really similar to Liu Zhiguang."

"Calling someone 007 is too cruel." Ye Chunmeng said angrily: "And we are all interns.

If it were them, they wouldn't necessarily be able to do better than this person. Why should we call him 007? "

"You're right!" Sun Jing looked at Ye Chunmeng: "After a while, everyone discovered that the intern doctor who mocked the American version of Liu Zhiguang actually did not perform as well as the American version of Liu Zhiguang when something happened."

"Teacher Sun, I think there is something wrong with this director of cardiothoracic surgery." Liu Zhiguang mustered up the courage to say.

"No matter how much he wants to scare the monkeys, he shouldn't play with the patient's life!
Appendectomy is simple, but it also carries the probability of death!
How could he do this? "

"You have found a blind spot!" Sun Jing said with a smile: "The director of cardiothoracic surgery is abroad. If he dared to do this in China, he would have been in big trouble long ago.

I tell you this story to tell you that in China, if you are in a situation like yours, if you don’t practice all aspects of your surgical skills with your second senior brother.

It is impossible for me to give you the opportunity to get started with my patients like this foreign director of cardiothoracic surgery did.

Are you feeling a little stressed now? "

(End of this chapter)

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