The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 75 Gu Chaohua: Sun Jing, you are going too far!

Chapter 75 Gu Chaohua: Sun Jing, you are going too far!

"The green plum is no match for the sky, Teacher Sun, you summed it up really well." Bai Xiaojing joked.

Sun Jing smiled and did not answer.

This was not something he said casually.

Ran Huaizhou is obsessed with treating illnesses and saving lives, and is determined to build the most complete platinum 10-minute emergency center so that patients with emergencies can survive to the greatest extent possible.

How much can a person like him still care about love and love?
The last person like him was Cheng Zhimei, a senior neurosurgery doctor in Miao Shuren's heart.

The wife just couldn't stand that her husband wanted to be a good and benevolent doctor and paid far more attention to his patients than to her as a wife, and then he cheated on him.

In the end, it even got to the point where my wife imitated Li Qiu Shui in The Legend of Dragon Balls.

He took his lover to their master bedroom and saw her husband Cheng Zhimei coming in, but she didn't care at all.

Ran Huaizhou also has this tendency.

And based on the TV series Sun Jing watched before traveling through time, Infinite Vitality.

Ran Huaizhou, his childhood sweetheart and his fiancée Ai Weiwei, will soon be conquered by a yellow-haired gangster in just 10 minutes of contact.

Although this yellow-haired gangster is a real undercover man.

But Ai Weiwei doesn't know.

So the real man who attracted her so much in her eyes was actually a yellow-haired gangster...

Everyone likes to call scumbag men and scumbag women, but they are also the ones who like scumbag men and scumbag women the most.

If possible, Sun Jing would not want a skilled and benevolent doctor like Ran Huaizhou to encounter such a life change.

Why should a good person have to suffer like this?

It's a pity that Sun Jing can only remind you about this kind of thing, and the follow-up still depends on personal understanding and execution.

After all, it is they who live their lives.

Ran Huaizhou didn't take it personally, and Ai Weiwei didn't change his mentality. If he avoided this yellow-haired gangster, he would encounter the next one.

Busy time always passes the fastest.

The weekend passed in two days in the blink of an eye.

on Monday.

Gu Chaohua ignored the dissuasion of the director of neurosurgery to take a few more days of rest and insisted on going to work normally.

Because he still doesn't feel like he did anything wrong.

Doctors are humans, not gods.

It’s normal to have your own social needs. If you just joke with a colleague, your colleague’s mistakes will be entirely blamed on him?
What Sun Jing said was all about putting the effect on the cause, and using strong words to make sense.


When Gu Chaohua was diagnosing the patient and giving medical instructions, a group of people opened the door and came in, taking pictures of him with cameras and cameras.

A man wearing a baseball cap held a piece of paper and asked him like a reporter: "Hello, are you Mr. Gu Chaohua?"

After Gu Chaohua nodded, he immediately identified himself: "We are reporters from the Express! We received complaints from patients..."

"No, no, no! Just wait!" Gu Chaohua was sure that he was not interviewing him head-on, but someone who was prepared to find trouble, so he immediately interrupted.

"Turn off the machine first and don't take pictures!"

Although the camera was turned off, the photographer who was following him still took the camera to focus on capturing the scene.

The door was already crowded with patients waiting for the outpatient clinic, and reminders such as 'There has been a medical accident' would appear from time to time.

The reporter identified himself again and asked quickly: "Due to your medical negligence, the patient died. What do you think of this matter?"

The camera was raised again.

"Turn off the machine, are you lying to me? The red light is on!"

Gu Chaohua immediately saw the problem with the camera and tried again to get them to turn off the machine, not wanting to be left with the video. "What do I think? What should I think?"

"Don't you have any explanation for causing the patient's death?"

"What explanation should I have?"

"You performed an operation on a patient without the consent of the family. Shouldn't you explain this situation?"

“First of all, you are the news media, I respect you and should cooperate with you.

But the hospital did not notify me. Now if you want me to be interviewed, you can contact the hospital.

If the hospital agrees, I will definitely accept the interview! "

"As a news media, we have the right to know!"

"I didn't say you didn't have the right to know, but I have a patient here, and I was seeing a doctor, and you suddenly barged in... Stop filming, do you understand how to respect me?"

"There are rumors that the reason why this kind of medical accident happened is because you usually fight and have an affair with the female nurse in the hospital. Do you have any explanation for this?"

"Who said that?! Where did you hear that?! Stop filming! I told you to stop filming! Get out! Get out! Xiao Du! Xiao Du!"

Reporters surrounded Gu Chaohua like flies. When someone told Sun Jing's point of view, Gu Chaohua completely broke his guard.

The respect the media had barely maintained completely collapsed, and they angrily called on their disciples to drive everyone out of the clinic.

"I treat patients and save people based on my conscience! Get out!"

Gu Chaohua's last scene in front of the camera was to smash all the medical records in his hand.

It didn't hit the reporters who were forced to take pictures after being pushed out by his apprentice Xiao Du. Instead, all of his gaffes were captured on camera.

The reporters who were kicked out looked happy.

If this shot is released, it will be enough to ignite public opinion.

The bonus is here!
Gu Chaohua was alone in the clinic and became more and more angry.

After confirming that there were no reporters outside, he left the clinic, angrily returned to the neurosurgery department, and approached Sun Jing.

"Sun Jing, you are going too far! What do you mean?
Tell the news to the media?We are all doctors. Is this going too far? ! "

This angry rebuke immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Such a big thing happened in the outpatient clinic, and it was a matter in my department. Naturally, I knew everything I should know and shouldn't know immediately.

Thinking about it from his perspective, everyone felt that Gu Chaohua was too unfair.

Then he had an opinion about Sun Jing.

"Why do you say it was Teacher Sun who leaked the news to the media?" Before Sun Jing could speak, the upright Bai Xiaojing immediately responded.

"Who else if not him?" Gu Chaohua sneered: "His girlfriend is the lawyer of Chen Ping's family.

Now these reporters are here again, claiming that it was my fault and that it was my affair with the nurse in the hospital that led to all this.

Aren't these just the fallacies of Sun Jing? "

As he said this, he turned to Sun Jing and imitated the reporters' tactics when they besieged him just now.

"Sun Jing, do you have any explanation for this? Don't you need to explain it?"

Just now in the clinic, he was besieged by reporters. No matter what he said, the reporters asked him to explain.

The feeling of having a microphone forced into your mouth, blocking your throat, and being asked to explain is really too oppressive and uncomfortable.

And now, in turn, he used this trick on Sun Jing, and he immediately understood the joy of reporters having the right to speak.

"The hospital is negotiating with them, and the hospital also asked us not to give interviews until the matter is resolved. What do you want to do now?
Do you want to use the media to pressure the hospital or blackmail the hospital?

Sun Jing, don’t you have any explanation? "

(End of this chapter)

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