Chapter 77 The murderous fairy sister
After coming out of the medical office, Zou Yu asked Chen Ping's family members to leave first, while he wandered around the hospital until it was time to get off work.

"It's just a scenery here."

Sun Jing had been notified of the news a long time ago, but he still waited until after get off work hours before walking over in the eyes of everyone gossiping.

"Gu Chaohua resigned?" Zou Yu looked at him with his arms folded.

"Yes." Sun Jing nodded: "The hospital paid 50 yuan! The hospital paid 80.00%, Corey paid [-]%, and he paid [-]%.

But he only needs a symbolic contribution of 8000.

However, his medical license was suspended for one year.

The promotion to associate professor is completely out of the question.

In Renhua, he felt that he had no future, so he resigned angrily. "

"I heard that he thought it was the media reporters you and I jointly found to pressure him and the hospital, and you said with certainty that it wasn't me?" Zou Yu said suddenly.

"The information is very good." Sun Jing did not deny it.

"Why are you so sure?" Zou Yu looked at him deeply: "It has been three years, and I am no longer the same person as I used to be."

"I understand. You are now a talented woman who is proficient in all eighteen musical instruments. Of course you are different from the past." Sun Jing teased.

"But the reason why I'm so sure it wasn't you, is mainly because I know you don't bother to do it.

The pride and stubbornness in your bones are no weaker than anyone else.

Back then I just wanted to change my appearance, but you just twisted around and refused to let me go!
In the end, we finally got what we wanted when we broke up the night before I left overseas three years ago~"

"I dare to be Wang Xifeng, but do you really dare to be Jia Lian?" Zou Yu looked at Sun Jing mockingly.

"..." Sun Jing was speechless.


He just remembered that Wang Xifeng liked to dress up like a fairy concubine, but the face in front of him was also a fairy sister.

Moreover, when Zou Yu was innocent and ignorant in the past, he was also very repulsive to Sun Jing's various crooked ways and resolutely refused to do so.

That's why he teased Zou Yu with Wang Xifeng.

But they forgot that if Zou Yu was Wang Xifeng, he would be Jia Lian, and he would be a vegetarian.

Sun Jing really didn't want to compete with him.

"Just in time, everyone is here!"

Just when Zou Yu left Sun Jing speechless again, a laughter suppressing anger came over.

The two of them looked over and saw Gu Chaohua, who had taken off his white coat and put on a suit, walking over holding a special cardboard box for resignations.

"Is this a celebration? Where did you make the appointment?"

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry for your resignation." Zou Yu put away the expression he had when talking to Sun Jing and looked at Gu Chaohua professionally.

“I know that on a technical level, the whole medical process, you’re not wrong.

The only fault lies in your carelessness and the fact that you shouldn't have made such a low-level mistake and raised the expectations of the patient's family too much.

Then it took a nosedive.

If you think about it yourself, you should understand that no one can accept this kind of mutation.

So after knowing that in addition to compensation, you were also suspended from work, I was actually quite sorry.

I also advised my client.

Stop holding you accountable.

It is not easy for a country to train a doctor.

Especially since you are an excellent neurosurgeon.

When there are no technical problems, I shouldn’t be too harsh on you. "

"Don't say all these nice things afterwards." Gu Chaohua's face softened slightly. It was really because Zou Yu who said this had such a face was too convincing.

"I won't accept this!" "I haven't finished speaking yet." Zou Yu frowned: "These are my previous thoughts.

But after knowing that you resigned in anger and blamed it all on the person who reminded you to pay attention to details other than technology.

I now feel that your resignation may be a good thing!
Because you are so angry that you easily abandon the results of your efforts in the past 20 years and the huge resources that the country and society have invested in you over the years.

This shows that you don’t have much ideal ambition to cure diseases and save people, and you don’t have much restraint and perseverance in benevolence and benevolence. From the bottom of your heart, you still feel that you are not wrong at all!
And they are not willing to learn any lessons from experience!
For you like this, even if there is no technical problem this time, what about next time?
Next time something goes wrong on a technical level, will you have the same attitude?

Is there anything wrong with insisting that you are right?

In details other than technology, it is easy for outsiders to see problems and distinguish right from wrong.

But in medical technology, it is often difficult for even you doctors to clearly distinguish who is right and who is wrong.

Outsiders have no way of telling the difference.

In the end, it all depends on whether you choose to believe that the doctor has fulfilled his responsibility.

This time you are unlucky to meet a lawyer's family member, so you become a vulnerable group.

But most of the time, you and the hospital are the stronger ones.

The patient and the patient's family can't understand the situation at all, and it doesn't depend on what you say!
Most people can only choose to accept it.

You and the nurse are so ambiguous. If you collude, confess in advance, and make up stories to the outside world, saying that there is nothing wrong with you, it will be difficult for a third-party investigation to find out that there is something wrong with you.

I'm not saying there's something wrong with you.

I'm just talking about the possibility!
And you, a doctor who clearly knows that you do have a problem, but insists that you are all right and not wrong at all, how can people trust your character and medical ethics?

Do you believe that you are a doctor who says, 'right is right, wrong is wrong, admit mistakes when you know they are wrong, and correct mistakes when you know they are wrong'?

Or do you believe that you are the right doctor because you obviously made a mistake but you can hide it when you can, cover it up when you can, and blame all problems on accidents?

Don't tell me, there is no such doctor?
Or have you experienced this before? "

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Gu Chaohua was asked by Zou Yu in a series of killings. He blushed and cursed angrily.

"I, Gu Chaohua, am worthy of the word doctor! You actually slandered me like this!
What a snake-hearted person!A nest of snakes and rats!You have gone too far! "

After scolding, he pointed at Sun Jing's nose: "Sun Jing, don't be proud! Not only did I resign from Renhua, but I will never do this again in the future!

You talk nonsense and are extremely vicious.

A self-proclaimed person who stands on the moral high ground and criticizes others unscrupulously.

You wait for me!

I'm going to be a lawyer right away!

I am a lawyer only for one thing!

That means I will keep an eye on you from now on!

I want to see if you will never encounter something like me in the future!
Then we can talk about who is right and who is wrong!

Then I want to see if you still look like you do now!

Let's see! "

After saying that, he glared at Sun Jing fiercely and turned to leave.

"Is it so easy to be a lawyer now?" Sun Jing had no feeling at all about Gu Chaohua's resentment against Gu Chaohua, who was murdered by the fairy sister and his defense was broken. He only found it funny.

"You should ask your good brother Zhang Wei about this." Zou Yu said leisurely: "If I remember correctly, he hasn't passed the judicial examination yet, right?"

"Zhang Wei did that to contribute to your improvement in the passing rate of the judicial examination." Sun Jing said with a smile: "After all, after graduation, opportunities came to him like raindrops, and he dodged them one by one.

If he wasn't strong enough and did this intentionally, who could do it?
It's all multiple-choice exams. You can choose whatever you want. If you're not strong enough, why don't you give me a zero score? "

Zou Yu rolled her eyes at him and walked away on high heels, leaving only Sun Jing with an infinitely beautiful back.

Sun Jing felt that this might be the reason why she stayed until now.

(End of this chapter)

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