The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 80 Huo Simiao: Why am I reciting it like this now!

Chapter 80 Huo Simiao: Why am I reciting it like this now!

Office of the Director.

"Director Wang!" Huang Jingjing ran over directly.

"I want to ask Dr. Sun Jingsun to be my mother's attending doctor!"

"Speak slowly." Director Wang comforted Huang Jingjing and looked at Huo Simiao who was catching up from behind with a dark face: "What's going on?"

"Oops, misunderstanding!" Huo Simiao quickly explained: "Ms. Huang, I meant to let your mother relax.

Stay well and check with peace of mind. Your mother is fine. It's not what you thought! "

"Is everything okay?" Huang Jingjing looked at Huo Simiao with tears in her eyes, as if she didn't believe it.

"It's okay!" Under Director Wang's dagger-like eyes, Huo Simiao quickly smiled.

"I blame me, but I don't care. It makes you feel ambiguous."

"I still want Dr. Sun Jingsun to look at my mother." Huang Jingjing looked at Huo Simiao, who was smiling at her, wiped her tears, and still looked at Director Wang seriously.

"..." Huo Simiao's smile froze on his face.

As for?
Whether it was intentional or accidental, he said such ambiguous words.

Didn't he even take the initiative to give Huang Jingjing his phone number just to make Huang Jingjing more interested in her?

Why can't Huang Jingjing be so amused?

You don’t want him to be the attending doctor, but Sun Jing?
What is this called!
But he forgot that if Sun Jing, a famous neurosurgery doctor recommended immediately by both the dean and the director of neurosurgery, had not said such words that caused misunderstanding and fear among the patients' families, then of course he would have gotten what he wanted.

Because he is the authority among the patient's family members.

She could only talk to him more kindly, consult more, and even beg him to save her mother.

But now that Sun Jing is here, a super-genius doctor who has returned from overseas, the patient's family has already heard the news.

After I learned that my mother might be ill, I had no intention of being polite to you anymore. Of course, I would go directly to the best doctor who can save my life.

Now the 'misunderstanding' seems to have been resolved, but the words have also been spoken.

The previous courtesy and politeness were also torn away. Of course Huang Jingjing wanted to go directly to the best Sun Jing.

Director Wang understood everything after hearing this, glanced at Huo Simiao expressionlessly, and smiled at Huang Jingjing.

"Ms. Huang, don't worry, Dr. Huo also said that if you misunderstood, your mother should be fine.

Dr. Sun is very busy...but I will ask him to take time to come and have a look.

How about you go back first?
Your mother has just been admitted to the hospital, so it would be best for her family to be with her. "

"Thank you very much, Director Wang. I know doctors are very busy, but I will accompany my mother and wait for Dr. Sun."

When Huang Jingjing saw what Director Wang had said, she could only thank her and leave, but she still insisted.

As soon as she left, Director Wang's expression changed and he yelled at Huo Simiao: "What a good thing you did!"

"I'm sorry, director." Huo Simiao said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that she misunderstood and had such a big reaction..."

"Just do it!" Director Wang shook his head and picked up the phone to make a call, but Huo Simiao stepped forward and held him down.

"Director, what are you doing? Do you really want to call Dr. Sun?
no need!I can see this patient!
I'll go over and try to persuade her later, and she will forgive me.

I already said that I would be her mother's attending physician.

If I let Dr. Sun go over now, I would be embarrassed. "

"You still have the nerve to say that?" Director Wang said angrily: "I arranged patients for you so that you could show your face, but you only had to show your butt!
Now my daughter is asking Dr. Sun to see her mother by name. What do you want me to do? "

"Dr. Sun is so busy, so don't bother him with such a small matter, really!" Huo Simiao still smiled with a sly face.

"I can solve this matter! Don't worry! I will never let Huang Jingjing come to you again, okay?"

"Can it really be solved?" Director Wang couldn't help a man with such a rich background and stared at him. "Promise to solve it!" Huo Simiao vowed like a military order: "If we can't solve it, I will accept the punishment!"

"Let go of your hand." Director Wang scolded: "I'll give you an hour. When I leave the hospital, if you haven't solved it yet, see how I deal with you!"

At this moment, the phone rang. After Director Wang answered the call, his face darkened again after listening to a few words on the other end, and he cursed at Huo Simiao, who was quietly trying to leave.

"Huo Simiao, why is your phone turned off?

Your patient has an emergency and you are nowhere to be found!

Dr. Sun is helping you with the rescue now, so get over here quickly! "

"Ah! I'm going right now!"

Huo Simiao was stunned. When Director Wang threw something at him angrily, he shrunk and ran away. As he spoke, he took out his cell phone from his mouth and quickly turned it on.

"Mud can't hold up the wall!" Director Wang cursed bitterly.

Before Sun Jing came over, he thought that although Huo Simiao was not very cool, he had good medical skills and could barely be considered a good doctor.

But after Sun Jing came over, in just ten days, the miraculous skills he showed and the conflict with the style concepts of these old fritters made him understand.

He used to be just the tallest among the dwarves.

Not only was Huo Simiao's medical skills inferior to Sun Jing's by more than one or two grades, but his conduct as a person and work was also completely inferior.

Neurosurgery ward.

When he arrived in a hurry, Sun Jing was already explaining the residents' precautions. He looked at him with a smile and nodded.

"Now that Dr. Huo is here, your patient will be left to you."

"Thank you, thank you so much." Huo Simiao nodded in thanks.

"Teacher Huo, where have you been? Why isn't your phone turned on?
I called the nurse station on the 18th floor, but you couldn't be found. I was so worried! "The young man complained.

He couldn't handle the emergency situation just now, so he could only call the superior doctor.

He knew that Huo Simiao was going to pick up girls.

But he didn't expect that Huo Simiao would dare to violate the regulations and shut down his phone directly.

Even if you call and go directly to the 18th floor, you can't find it.

no way!
He could only find Sun Jing nearby and asked him for help in fear.

During this process, not only did he have to bear the worry of the patient if he died, but he was also afraid that Sun Jing would suddenly go online to criticize him.

In just a short while, he suffered a lot. It was too difficult.

"Stop talking, I'm so unlucky!"

Huo Simiao was extremely upset. After checking his patient, he told the young man to take good care of him, and he hurried to the 18th floor.

"Ms. Huang."

"Dr. Huo, where's Dr. Sun Jingsun?" Huang Jingjing saw him and pointed out the important points as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Ms. Huang, your mother really doesn't have a big problem..." Huo Simiao suppressed his heartache and explained patiently, trying to win Huang Jingjing's trust.

But now that the matter has come to an end, Huang Jingjing insists on seeing Sun Jing and asking Sun Jing to treat her mother.

Huo Simiao, who has always been known for his humor, lots of jokes, and eloquence, talked all the time, but to no avail.

In the end, the beauty tried her best to remain polite and slightly angry, so she had no choice but to give up and went to invite Sun Jing in despair.

"Dr. Sun, there is a patient who needs consultation. Can you go and see him together?"

(End of this chapter)

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