The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 89 Children in front of the TV must not learn this!

Chapter 89 Children in front of the TV must not imitate this!

"what's the situation?"

Ran Huaizhou also came up to him immediately.

The smell of whether Mei Xiaohu fell from the sky or landed face first was too strong. For him who had been on the front line of the emergency room, it had long been regarded as normal.

After the ambulance staff reported the basic situation, Ran Huaizhou checked and listened to the old man dragging the young handsome boy to complain.

"You are trying to kill someone for money! I won't let you go this time!"

"Uncle, priest, elder, master, you really can't blame me."

The handsome young man was dragged tightly and was in a state of embarrassment. He was called various names by a bunch of people.

“I thought you were constipated, so I kindly recommended it to you.

And it’s still heavily discounted, and the price is almost free.

Who would have thought that you are not constipated but have diarrhea.

It's really not my fault.

I told you at the time that my father had this problem.

It is also said that this is a lack of organic conditioning of the intestines and stomach, leading to digestive disorders.

In addition, the earth's rotation is getting slower and slower, and the gravity is getting smaller and smaller, and you have no objection..."

"What a mess." Ran Huaizhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Glancing over to Sun Jing, I couldn't help but imitate what Sun Jing said just now.

"You just came back from abroad?"

"Yes, yes! How do you know?" The handsome young man's eyes lit up and he immediately answered.

“It was precisely because I had just returned to China that I did bad things with good intentions.

As a result, not only did I suffer a blow from a female devil, but my leg was almost broken with a flying brick.

I met another female devil who held a big hammer in her hand and hit me hard on my chest.

Have you seen Young Bao Qingtian?

Xiao Zhanzhao's brother was beaten to death with a sledgehammer in the chest.

I felt like my legs were going to break and my ribs were all broken.

As a result, this old gentleman still held on to me.

Doctor, help me!
I am so wronged! "

He burst into tears as he spoke, which was a bit grandiose at first.

But then his legs hurt and his chest hurt, and he, who had always been the "Red Rabbit among men, Lu Bu among horses" in the world, encountered such a setback, which made him really sad for his current mess.

"Old sir, let him go. We both need medical treatment. It's inconvenient for you to hold him like this."

Ran Huaizhou made a brief inspection and found that the handsome young man named Lu Ziqiao and nicknamed Lu Xiaobu was really injured, and he quickly advised the old priest.

But the old priest hated Lu Xiaobu who almost killed him, and still held on to Lu Xiaobu.

He was not willing to let go until the police came.

That's right!

He called the police!

Because before meeting Lu Xiaobu, he was almost exhausted.

And Lu Xiaobu sold him 380 pills of some kind of gastrointestinal health medicine, which turned out to be a laxative medicine.

He immediately reacted and went straight to the toilet again, lamenting: "You killed me."

Although he was lamenting and not angry, it was because he was exhausted and couldn't even express his anger.

But that doesn't mean he isn't angry.

In fact, at his age, he didn't need a doctor to remind him that diarrhea like this could really kill someone.

And he really felt like he was going to die.

Not to mention he was put in an ambulance and was incontinent.I didn’t think about the priest’s majesty, and even my basic dignity as a human being was almost lost.

How could he not call the police in this situation?
How could he let Lu Xiaobu, who had caused him to do this, have a chance to escape?
Ran Huaizhou checked until now, and after hearing the outline of what happened, his face became serious.

"Why are you giving people medicine randomly? Where is the medicine? Let me take a look!"

"It's a misunderstanding." Lu Xiaobu quickly explained: "Of course what I brag to the outside world is the crystallization of the latest technology.

It is refined from Australia's finest natural raw materials.

Nanotechnology, high temperature and cold extraction technology, and cloning technology are used.

You can brag about how powerful it is, but it’s actually just vitamin C tablets..."

While talking, he took out the so-called gastrointestinal health medicine, which is also the legendary Qiao's Shengong Pill.

"Then you are not unjust at all!" Ran Huaizhou heard this, took it and took a look, and immediately reminded: "Although vitamin C tablets can improve human immunity and young men and women like to take them to reduce melanin deposition, not everyone can take them. .

The old gentleman had diarrhea to begin with, but you asked him to take vitamin C tablets that may cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, which immediately aggravated his condition. You said you were not unjust. "

As he spoke, he pushed the old priest into the clinic for symptomatic treatment.

This time, he did not continue to persuade the old priest to let go of Lu Xiaobu.

The most important thing is to treat the old priest first.

Only then did Lu Xiaobu understand why the Qiao's Shengong Pills he was just using to deceive others were so effective on the old priest.

He was so anxious that he looked everywhere. He didn't care about the pain in his legs and chest and asked the doctor to treat him. He just wanted to run away as soon as possible.

This is no joke!

Seeing that the old priest's dragging Lu Xiaobu still affected the treatment of both parties, Ran Huaizhou could only persuade him again.

Lu Xiaobu also repeatedly raised his hands and swore that he would never let go. The old priest still held on to him, and when he was making a fuss, he heard someone talking.

"Old sir, don't worry! This time, he can't escape! I know him!
I can tell you his details, his real name is Lu Ziqiao... As long as you know this, he can't run away! "

"Hey! Chen Meijia, you are going too far! The most important thing in walking in the world is loyalty. You are adding insult to injury and have no loyalty!"

Only then did Lu Xiaobu see his ex-girlfriend Chen Meijia walking over, supporting the female devil who was flying bricks against him. When he heard that she had blown out all his information, he immediately became furious.

"I am doing justice and doing justice for heaven!" Chen Meijia looked happily at her ex-boyfriend who was furious.

I asked you to leave me, a beautiful woman, and run away by yourself, leaving me alone at night and walking all day and night before going down the mountain.

I ask you not to call me Chen Yuanyuan, but to call me Chen Bianbian!

Live it!

This time I want to see how you can sneak away after a flat tire?

"This bastard can't run away. Help me find my brother!" Hu Yifei urged: "Zhan Bo? Zhan Bo?!"

"I saw Sun Jing!" Zeng Xiaoxian, who Hu Yifei refused to help, walked aside and entered the hospital, becoming anxious.

His little eyes scanned everywhere, and at first sight he saw Sun Jing suturing Lin Wanyu's wound, and he immediately spoke out to remind him.

"Sun Jing!" Hu Yifei immediately shouted loudly.

This lion's roar was truly earth-shattering and silenced the noisy emergency room.

No wonder Hu Yifei could live on campus, but she chose to move to a love apartment because she was not allowed to speak loudly in the staff dormitory.

"Where is my brother Zhanbo? Is he okay?"

Sun Jing had long noticed the arrival of "Red Rabbit among men, Lu Bu among horses", after all, the smell was too strong.

But he didn't pay much attention to it, he just sewed up Lin Wanyu while listening to what was going on here.

Now when I heard Hu Yifei's lion's roar, when I turned around and looked over, I saw her lamely supporting Chen Meijia, and beside her was Zeng Xiaoxian, who was looking at him eagerly.

Everyone in the iPartment is basically here, but why is this mess unfolding completely differently?

But if you think about it carefully, it weakens their aura of absolute protagonists and looks at the dangerous behaviors and actions they do that children in front of the TV must never learn.

This should be what a love apartment really looks like in reality.

(End of this chapter)

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