Sincere movie king

Chapter 104 Meet the father-in-law!

Chapter 104 Meet the father-in-law!

"Congratulations to Teacher Fang Xian for wrapping up the film!"

With director Lin Wanyi's announcement, Fang Xian's filming of "Three Generations of Marriage, Twelve Peach Blossoms" has officially been completed.

According to the script plan, Fang Xian's scenes should have been filmed long ago. In fact, the director felt that he had good lines, good crying scenes, and high popularity, so he added a few scenes temporarily without affecting the main plot.

As of today, there is really nothing more to add, and it is impossible to actually give him additional scenes according to the script provided by Gao Ruikai, so he is allowed to finish the film.

Fang Xian took a group photo with everyone while holding the cake before taking off his makeup.

In addition to the leading actors, many supporting actors and staff from the crew came to take photos.

Fang Xian's performance in "The Next Singer-Songwriter" is amazing. Different songs are liked by different people. Although he is not the highest ranked in the crew, his popularity is far beyond what other actors can match.

The key is, no one is jealous yet.

This is the charm of being popular.

Especially in the entertainment industry, everyone likes to establish connections with celebrities who are attracting attention. For example, during the Olympics, netizens will suddenly discover that some artists are so concerned about athletes.

For example, in another time and space in 09, Xiao Shenyang, a duet actor from the Northeast, became famous overnight because of his appearance in the sketch "Not Short of Money". By the time of the Lantern Festival Gala, there were many stars backstage, but no one could overshadow Xiao Shenyang. limelight.

After leaving the crew of "Peach Blossom", Fang Xian's workload has not decreased, including clothing endorsements, car endorsements, Double Eleven party, "The Apprentice" cover, preparations for "The Beginning", etc.

The schedule is catching up with Peng Xiaoshi and will be scheduled for next year.

Of course, his net worth has also risen, almost catching up with Peng Xiaoshi, and he has experienced the feeling of participating in an event, singing a few songs, and taking away two million.

Speaking of this, Cao Lihua recently received calls from nearly thirty performing arts companies, asking Fang Xian if he had any plans to hold concerts in the near future. The "near future" refers to the past two years.

This just reminded Fang Xian that the concert can also be put on the agenda.

He now has about ten songs, which is enough not only for an album, but also for a concert.

"@Fangxian, congratulations on wrapping up!"

Among the group of heroes, Liu Min left a message.

Fang Xian: "Thank you, Sister Min. I'll take two days off and continue working."

Fang Xian and Peng Xiaoshi made an appointment and planned to use this free time to visit their future "father-in-law".

"Does your dad have any special hobbies besides going to work?" Fang Xian came to visit for the first time, so he definitely couldn't go empty-handed.

“My dad doesn’t smoke or drink, and he doesn’t have any special hobbies except scientific research.

"Oh, by the way, he can do Tai Chi, but he does Tai Chi to exercise, and he exercises for scientific research."

Peng Xiaoshi said.

Sometimes children are conflicted. On the one hand, they don’t want their elders to smoke or drink. On the other hand, when they go home to bring gifts, they can’t think of anything particularly suitable besides cigarettes and alcohol.

Finally, Fang Xian bought a few boxes of nutritional supplements and took them over.

Originally, I wasn't going to visit my real father-in-law. I just went there to show my face. The main thing was to express my attitude.

However, what Fang Xian didn't expect was that when he and Peng Xiaoshi walked in, they found that in addition to Peng Xiaoshi's parents, there was also a young guest at home.

That guest is good-looking and talented. On a full scale of 10, he would get a score of 8.8 - only about 0.7 points less than himself.

No need to guess, it should be that classmate Lin Weiyu.

It seems that Professor Peng has prepared a surprise for himself today.

This situation can be said to be a head-on confrontation with a "love rival".

Inexplicably, the desire to win was aroused, and Fang Xian decided to change his established strategy and make a conspicuous package. Peng Xiaoshi obviously didn't expect that her parents would call Lin Weiyu over. After being stunned, she still introduced them:

"This is my father's student Lin Weiyu."

"This is my boyfriend Fang Xian."

"Are you Lin Weiyu?" Fang Xian looked at the boy opposite with a smile on his face, and there was no politeness in his tone.

"It's me, I recognize you, Fang Xian, the big star." Lin Weiyu also responded politely.

"In my mind, scientists are the real stars." Fang Xian said.

Lin Weiyu originally thought that he would come back with a gun and a stick, but he didn't expect that he suddenly said such a sentence so sincerely, without any sarcasm. He didn't know how to reply, and said: "You're welcome."

This exchange was also heard by Professor Peng and Professor Shao. When Professor Peng heard Fang Xian mentioning that scientists are the big stars, Professor Peng's impression of him improved by one thousandth.

At this moment, I heard Fang Xian say: "I heard from Xiao Shi that her uncle and aunt introduced her to a blind date, and I was quite angry. I thought that if we met later, I would have to beat up the blind date.

"Now that I have met you in person, I can understand their choices. A future scientist with great looks and a bright future, and an artist living in the vanity fair. When Xiaoshi and I have a daughter, I'm afraid we will make the same choice. ."

Lin Weiyu was so praised that he adjusted his glasses and asked, "Will you get married?"

Fang Xian nodded: "Of course, compared to you, my ability to compose poems is a bit high, but there is nothing I can do about it. Fate is a thing, and the order of appearance is very important. I won't give in, and you won't have a chance."

Thank you, parallel time and space did not burn winter!

Lin Weiyu: "..." Is this a showdown? ?

Professor Peng, Professor Shao and Peng Xiaoshi's family were also confused by Fang Xian's actions. They had just met and the food was not even cooked yet, so Fang Xian made it clear?

"Are you so sure?" Lin Weiyu, who has a super high IQ, was caught off guard by several straight shots from Fang Xian.

Knowing that he would face off against Fang Xian today, he still made some preparations, but he didn't expect that the opponent would open up big at the beginning.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure. If we can't discuss this issue thoroughly today, we'll get the marriage certificate after dinner."

Fang Xian's tone was calm, but very credible.

"Maybe my uncle and aunt will object, but we are all adults and can be responsible for our own feelings.

"Classmate Lin, let me ask you a question. If you love a girl deeply and make a lifelong commitment to her, and then your parents and teachers want you to go on a blind date with another girl, will you go against your wishes?"

"Huh?" Lin Weiyu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"Well, neither can we." He said, turning to look at Peng Xiaoshi with sincere eyes, "Really?"

At this time, Peng Xiaoshi was so shocked by Fang Xian's lines that her heart fluttered, she was deeply in love...

Seeing him asking for his opinion, he nodded without thinking, "Yes."

Lin Weiyu: "..." I understand, the teacher asked me to come here today to calculate the loser's MVP.

"You guys, don't stand there chatting. Go sit down first." Although he had learned the truth from his daughter, after hearing what Fang Xian had just said, Professor Shao began to suspect that he had been tricked by his daughter.

Mainly because Fang Xian's tone was too sincere and believable.

Fang Xian, Peng Xiaoshi and Lin Weiyu sat on the sofa and chatted for a while. The atmosphere gradually became harmonious. After all, they are all young people and outstanding talents who have made great achievements in their respective fields. There are always similarities in their youthful spirits. .

Fang Xian truly admires those talents who have learned martial arts abroad and come back to serve the motherland;

Lin Weiyu also felt that Fang Xian was sincere, didn't put on celebrity airs, and didn't have the bad habit of being arrogant about his talents.

After dinner, Professor Peng asked Fang Xian in a demonstrative manner: "Fang Xian, what you just said to Lin Weiyu were also meant for me and Xiaoshi's mother, right?"

"Yes, uncle," Fang Xian said frankly, "I mainly want to tell you."

Sincerity value +5.

Professor Peng: "..." Ha, this kid!

(End of this chapter)

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