Sincere movie king

Chapter 16 The sincerity value has gone crazy!

Chapter 16 The sincerity value has gone crazy!

"Although we don't know the full story, just based on this sentence, this male guest is an idiot. Let's not say it anymore. Your money is only for your mother and your wife to see, not for them to spend?"

"I think women only look at men who care about their wallets. Usually they don't have much money in their wallets, they are just lowly, and they lose their face like this."

"Again, men can't do it. A man who bathes frequently, shaves frequently and talks less can defeat 99% of his opponents across the country."

"This is how people should not be judged by their appearance. He has a fresh and handsome face, but he has an oily and self-righteous soul."

"I'm sorry, I don't show or spend my money to men! Because you don't deserve it!"


As the topic became a hot search topic, the blood-smelling traffic attracted sharks to bite. Some marketing accounts and big Vs specializing in a certain field also began to attack Fang Xian and harvest the popularity.

For Fang Xian, who often surfs the Internet, this kind of scene is not unfamiliar. After all, parallel time and space are also similar versions, and many people have already regarded this thing as a business.

As long as you can become an opinion leader in this field, you will not only gain fame and fortune domestically, but you can even obtain international certification.

Different gameplay, different benefits.

For example, he directly personally attacked the stupid male celebrity Fang Xian. He raised his arms and screamed for justice on Weibo. He stewed chicken soup in pots and pots. He taught men how to behave every day. In fact, it was revealed that he had fucked him in private. Fans, cheating, and pedaling are eight boats.

As for the big V who said "men are not good", the top post on Weibo is his own private online store, which sells snacks, fruits, liqueurs, drinks, as well as sanitary napkins, facial masks, eyebrow pencils and condoms...

If the screenshot is his gold powder, you can get a [-]% discount, so hurry up if you want to buy it.

It can be seen that their business ideas are still very clear——

In the Internet world, whoever has the best business will get the most praise, and whoever has difficulty making money will get the most scolding.

Mango TV deliberately edited and released this advertisement based on the same idea and logic.

As for Fang Xian, it just happened to happen.

To be honest, even though he had a soul from parallel time and space, he was still shocked by the overwhelming abuse and online violence.

The difference is that before he was a bystander, now he is the authority.

Those negative energies that wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood seemed to make a terrifying roar around him, rolling up a terrifying whirlpool and engulfing him in it.

Fortunately, with the continuous updates of versions, this topic is no longer one-sided.

Those netizens who shouted for speed to speed up came out to support Fang Xian, and even regarded his words as a wise mantra for the world.

"I think what he said makes sense. Are there many examples of people licking dogs until they have nothing left in the end?"

"This is the truth, friends. If I had heard this sentence earlier, I would have saved 6 in unnecessary money!"

"Seeing that the fairies have broken through their defenses means that this guy is right. It will not be so easy to defraud money in the future!"

"A word that wakes up the dreamer! Think about it, if you have 500 million in savings and you happen to be chasing a girl, you should show her the 500 million first, and then take her shopping every day to buy expensive things for yourself. clothes and sneakers, eat at high-end restaurants, go to concerts, invest in yourself, improve yourself, but don’t spend a dime on her.

"Think about it, will this girl continue to be with you or leave you immediately? Think carefully!"


Amid the conflicting public opinions between the two sides, the firepower Fang Xian encountered decreased slightly.

In fact, this is also the current situation of the Internet. Confrontations are getting more and more serious, and the sense of tearing is getting stronger.

Coupled with the constant disruption, intensification and guidance of certain forces, it has gradually reached the point where water and fire are incompatible.

The "Season of Love" program team has seen the popularity, and has also begun to arrange public relations for trolls to guide and correct public opinion according to the established plan:
"This male guest must have suffered some kind of emotional injury, otherwise why would he say such a thing?"

"We don't know the full story, so we won't comment! Watch the full show then. If he really does this to his mother and girlfriend, come back and scold him to death!"

"There are too many videos taken out of context now, and we cannot rule out the possibility that the program team will edit them maliciously to gain attention."

"I saw that the reaction of other female guests was not that big. I guess there should be context and a complete version of the show."


The melee of public opinion from various parties has pushed Fang Xian to the forefront, and has also made the programs he has participated in and the new dramas he is participating in hot searches.

The number of fans on his own Weibo has exceeded 12, and the official Weibo of "Fly, Basketball" has also exceeded 3.

It’s just that the comment sections and private messages on both Weibo have been washed away.

This made Xia Zhongqian extremely happy:

"Haha, Fang Xian is finished! I was still thinking about how to deal with him, but he ended up committing suicide. Let's see how Zuo Qian can protect him this time!"

"It's your own fault. You dare to offend that group. How can this small crew withstand such great pressure? They kill whoever they catch, and their combat effectiveness is the best in the network." His manager was also very happy.

In fact, the director Zuo Qian, the producer, the supervisor, the head of publicity, the head of public relations of the production company, etc. are indeed meeting now.The producer proposed a replacement and immediately cut ties with Fang Xian. He did not want the new drama to fall into that kind of public opinion crisis.

The person in charge of public relations also held the same view, and she was also very unhappy with Fang Xian's words.

The person in charge of publicity said that we can wait and see, at least until the program is broadcast.

The producer proposed not to film Fang Xian's scenes for the time being and wait and see the trend of public opinion before considering what to do next.

Everyone discussed it and finally focused on director Zuo Qian.

The director who had been silent all this time spoke:
"Let me ask you a few questions:

“First, is this trailer the whole show, or is it taken out of context?

"Second, has anyone paid attention to our show before? I remember we weren't even rated B-rated, right?

"Thirdly, are the people who scolded Fang Xian and criticized our official Weibo the audience of our drama? Or let me ask another question, if we don't let Fang Xian act, will they watch our drama and make data for us? ?

"Fourth, did Fang Xian commit any crime? Was he classified as a low-quality artist? Did the official media make a statement?
"Fifth, do those people represent Wang Fa, the approval department, or the capital? They say they can't use whoever they don't use? Why?
"Finally, from a certain level, can't Fang Xian's words be discussed?

"If you can answer all these questions, I will replace you, otherwise, I will continue to work."

Zuo Qian asked everyone a few questions.

At this time, the person in charge of publicity said weakly: "The number of fans on our official WeChat account has exceeded 3."

Originally there were only over 6 fans.

"Our action director Ding Fei is very optimistic about Fang Xian." the producer added.

This is indirect solidarity.

"Okay, we respect Director Zuo's opinion," the person in charge of public relations took a step back, "but we need Fang Xian to come forward and issue a statement."

"This is necessary." The producer agreed.

"Then let him do it." Zuo Qian also gave in.

Therefore, the public relations and public relations department then approached Fang Xian and asked him to write a statement, which they would then review and issue.

Fang Xian originally wanted to let the bullets fly for a while, but now that the crew has come over, he took advantage of the situation and wrote a statement:

After seeing everyone’s heated discussion, let me explain briefly:
1. The preview is only a fragment of the program. It is recommended that everyone watch the full version of the program before discussing;
2. I said that to speak for those who have suffered from love, been fooled by love, and been hurt by love;

3. All personal attacks and unwarranted insults against me will rebound irreversibly in one direction. (Note: Because it is a [one-way irreversible rebound], they cannot rebound!)

Above, thank you all!
When the statement was submitted to Public Relations and Public Relations for review, they were dumbfounded and asked Fang Xian: "Are the remarks in Article 3 serious?"


"Aren't you afraid of making things worse?"

"I take responsibility for this and bear all the consequences."

Just kidding, everyone surfs the Internet, why should I spoil them?

Xuanfa and public relations have nothing to say.

Not long after the statement was issued, some netizens left messages:

"It's so nice to speak up for those who have been hurt. Why do you speak up for them? Who do you think you are? A lover? You act as if you have been deeply hurt."

This comment was quickly liked and reached the top of the list of favorites.

Fang Xian replied:
"Yes, I have been deeply hurt. My ex-girlfriend just cheated on her with a rich second generation.

"My ex-girlfriend, who we were talking about getting married to, wanted to go on a birthday trip alone with her best friend. I broke up with me because I didn't agree, so I know how painful it is.

"Any question?"

Not long after replying, the system in my mind suddenly reacted:

Sincerity value +2, +3, +5, +6, +8...

Fang Xian suddenly cheered up:

Please don't stop!

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(End of this chapter)

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