Sincere movie king

Chapter 53 The unpopular song "Meet"!

Chapter 53 The unpopular song "Meet"!
Tang Pei ended the interview with Fang Xian because he actually wanted to stay in the bar for a while and have some private interactions with Fang Xian.

If you have a pleasant chat, you can go further to his residence or your own residence for deeper and more diversified communication.

In fact, according to her personal aesthetics, she is usually not interested in men of her age. They are too naive and inexperienced and do not know how to take care of other people's feelings.

What's more, when doing very intimate things, they will ask some very inexplicable and embarrassing questions, which very ruins the atmosphere.

In the past, her interviews with such young people were all business-like, ending the interview and waving goodbye immediately.

On the contrary, when meeting mature men between the ages of 35 and 50, they usually express or imply that at the end of the interview they can conduct a further interview that will not be made public but is more candid.

Most of the time, the other person understands.

According to incomplete statistics, the success rate of "extended interviews" is around 92%.

There are directors, entrepreneurs, university professors, well-known hosts, Internet celebrities...

In fact, as long as a woman is not too shockingly good-looking and has some talent and temperament, she can basically achieve her goal with a little effort. If she only wants to have fun for a night, she will naturally be a sure success among ten men.

Therefore, before coming to interview Fang Xian, she was somewhat skeptical.

In order to get to know Fang Xian, she also listened to several songs released by Fang Xian. She had no special feelings about the most popular song "Someone Like Me" and could not understand the emotions in it.

My favorite was originally "Orion", but today I accidentally saw Fang Xian's hot search and heard the live version of "Life is Like a Summer Flower", but I was completely hit.

That kind of literary style that expresses sentimental feelings with passionate brushstrokes and expresses pessimism with optimism is too suitable for her taste.

This made her more curious about Fang Xian. She wanted to know how a young man in his twenties could write those lyrics full of implications and metaphors. How could a young man know what it feels like to be sad?

As a result, after conducting such an interview, her doubts were answered.

Of course, Fang Xian was not born a wise person, but he had a youthful and mature temperament. Coupled with the absence of a complete family when he was young, he formed an extremely sensitive character. He had an almost extreme sobriety towards the outside world's views and understanding of things. .

Other than that, it’s all about personal talent.

And these things were not what impressed her the most. What really prompted her to want to develop a personal relationship with Fang Xian was that she observed an "outsider" aura and a "bystander" mentality from Fang Xian.

For example, when he talked about his personal life experience, his nonchalant attitude was not out of pity, but out of heedless indifference.

In Tang Pei's view, this is a strong emotional energy.

Of course, this may be related to the fact that his grandma gave him enough care.

In short, after she and Fang Xian added each other as WeChat friends, before the hint was spoken, the other party made it clear that that was the end of the night, he still had things to prepare, and would make another appointment later when he had the opportunity.

As a reporter who is well versed in human nature, how could she not know the meaning of "there is a chance to turn around", that is, there is no chance.

Of those who said they would invite you to dinner later, some of them really did, and a few of them, um, answered me, why didn’t you answer me?

After a moment of frustration, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. It goes without saying that a young artist like Fang Xian, who is both internal and external and has gained fame, will be very popular in the entertainment industry. I'm afraid he will never lack all kinds of women by his side. .

He is the remaining 8%, let’s talk about it later.

After returning home, Tang Pei still professionally compiled the preview copy and sent it to the magazine’s official WeChat account:
"What kind of person is Fang Xian, who wrote "People Like Me"? The next issue of "Deng Tuzi" will reveal the answer for you. @方兴"

Fang Xian was not surfing the Internet now. After returning to his residence, he selected songs from the "available group" in the resource library.

"The Next Singer-Songwriter" will be officially recorded on September 9. According to the rules of the program, if a singer wants to rush into the finals and win the championship, he must prepare at least 1 new works that have never been publicly released or sung.

Even if we don’t have to pick out 7 songs at once, at least the first song will be picked out.

Fang Xian screened the songs according to the previous style of the program, and soon found three more suitable songs.

I haven't discovered before that some of the songs in the "available group" of his resource library are actually not suitable for him to sing in public, such as some very old Internet songs.

There is nothing he can do about this. His job in another time and space is as a real estate marketing planner (real estate agency). He is usually very busy with work and does not have time to learn new songs. The songs that he can sing in full are basically those he listened to over and over again when he was a student. Classic old songs sung repeatedly in KTV.

Nonetheless, even without systematic rewards, it is more than enough to pick a few songs that are suitable for participating in the show.

After all, the two generations born in the 80s and 90s grew up witnessing the grand spectacle of the music world’s gods fighting.

The next day, Fang Xian went to the crew to finish filming, and then went to meet Peng Xiaoshi to discuss the production of "Life is Like a Summer Flower".

By the way, his time on the crew of "Fly, Basketball" has entered the countdown.

In fact, if it weren't for repeated extra scenes, he would have finished it long ago.

"By the way, Fang Xian, before we discuss the song, let me tell you something. Are you considering buying a house recently?"

Arriving at Peng Xiaoshi's music studio, the host suddenly became concerned about Fang Xian's life.

"No, I'm not qualified yet. Of course, I haven't saved enough money yet, haha."

Although Fang Xian has been taking on more and more jobs recently, his wages have not yet been settled. Even if they are all settled, it will be a bit difficult to buy a reliable and satisfactory house in the capital.

"Then do you want to change the house you rent? I heard from Sister Min that you live quite far away." Peng Xiaoshi continued to ask.

"I'm planning to change my rental apartment. I want to change to one with more convenient transportation. I'll ask Sister Hua to help me find it then."

"No need to look for it," Peng Xiaoshi raised her hand and said, "I can rent my last house to you. It's 89 square meters, with two bedrooms and one living room. The transportation is very convenient. It's a 10-minute walk to the subway station and only 20 minutes from the airport. drive.”

Some artists tend to buy houses close to the airport because they have to go out frequently for work.

"That's good. Which neighborhood is it in?"

"Dongxiangyang Community is across the road from the community where I live now. You can search it online."

Fang Xian quickly searched the Internet. As expected, it was a mid-to-high-end community with a unit price of 8 to 10. The rent for an 89-square-meter house was around 8000 to 12000.

There is a more high-end villa community opposite No. 8 Xiaoyun Road. The unit price of the house is 18 per square meter. It should be where Peng Xiaoshi lives now.

Well, Fang Xian finally intuitively felt the true value of the popular little diva.

"Well, it's not impossible." Fang Xian will definitely buy his own house in two years. Now he has an acquaintance's house to live in for the transition, so he doesn't have to look around for it, and he doesn't have to worry about being cheated.

"That's it, here are the keys and access cards. You can just move in yourself when you are free." Peng Xiaoshi said, taking out a small paper bag from her bag and handing it to Fang Xian.

"Ah, don't you sign an agreement or something?" Fang Xian was a little stunned. This was the first time he rented a house like this.

"What kind of contract are you signing?" Peng Xiaoshi asked, and then she realized, "Oh, you mean the rent, right? You can just send it to me on WeChat when the time comes. Send it to me on the 1st of every month, 1500 yuan a month, including water and electricity bills, yes Isn’t it very cheap?”

Fang Xian was dumbfounded. Is this cheap? It’s free. The house I’m renting now costs 3500.

"No, Mr. Shi, isn't this appropriate? It's too cheap?" Fang Xian said.

Peng Xiaoshi said: "Why is it cheap? This is called partner welfare housing.

"Besides, I don't make money by renting a house, and you can't live in this house for too long, at most two years. Are you going to buy your own house?

"So, don't feel embarrassed. If you really feel bad about it, just write me a song in the future.

"Okay, that's a happy decision, let's discuss the business."

Fang Xian thought that this made sense, and since he had already received the keys, it was boring to push them around, so he happily agreed.Next, they began to discuss the adaptation of "Life is Like a Summer Flower".

Peng Xiaoshi specially called her core music team here today, including producers, backup singers, and accompanists.

Because there are complete songs and melodies, it is not difficult for these professional musicians to just rearrange them.

What's more, Fang Xian still vaguely retains the impression of the original version in his memory, so every time he makes a suggestion, he hits the mark and gets approval from Peng Xiaoshi and others.

After about half an hour of discussion, the new version of "Life is Like a Summer Flower" was finalized, and then everyone went to the recording studio to rehearse.

During this process, Fang Xian seemed to hear a melody from another time and space.

All right!

Therefore, after only two rehearsals, the official recording began.

Peng Xiaoshi also participated in the harmony.

Musically, she is indeed passionate, pure, selfless, professional and talented.

After recording the full version of "Life is Like a Summer Flower", and then handing it over to the sound engineer for mixing, it can be officially uploaded and released.

Fang Xian said that tonight was more than just recording a song. For the first time, he witnessed the process of a music team working together to produce a song.

This may also be Peng Xiaoshi's intention.

When I start working on an album in the future, this working mode will become the norm.

At around 7 o'clock, Liu Min asked someone to pick up Fang Xian to have his poppy body and feet measured, and to customize a suit and leather shoes for him.

Poppy is a Chinese luxury brand founded by Yu Dengshan. Currently, the company has nine major craft departments including women's ready-to-wear, men's ready-to-wear, shoes, hats, jewelry, perfume, beauty, ceramics, and furniture.

After ten years of bloody fighting with world-famous luxury brands such as Hermès and LV in the domestic and international markets, it finally occupied a place.

Poppy does not accept private customization from ordinary customers. Only after their brand consumption reaches a fixed amount can they obtain a customized quota.

The reason why Liu Min was able to help Fang Xian get the customized appointment was because Peng Xiaoshi was the spokesperson of Poppy.

In addition, Peng Xiaoshi also made an appointment to be measured tonight, and Poppy will customize a cheongsam for her for the CCTV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

On the way to Poppy, the two chatted casually, and Fang Xian asked her about the time of her follow-up concert.


"Holding a concert is really strenuous work." Fang Xian sighed.

"You will drive it in the future, and you will know when the time comes." Peng Xiaoshi smiled.

"You have to have at least 20 songs to hold a concert, right?"

"For a small to medium-sized concert, one album of songs is enough."

Normally, an album contains 13 songs.


After chatting for a while, Peng Xiaoshi suddenly said: "By the way, I also wrote a new song recently. The song is called "Meet". It's not finished yet. I'll play it for you."

Fang Xian heard this and blurted out: "Meet?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay." Fang Xian smiled, thinking of the masterpiece of an unpopular singer.

Peng Xiaoshi started playing the demo of the new song, playing and singing by herself.

The elegant piano prelude is like the tinkling of spring water flowing through smooth stones.

"The memories frozen in the photos suddenly scattered on the ground, like being attacked by loneliness. I couldn't resist anymore, so I picked up the phone..."

Judging from Fang Xian's current music level, Peng Xiaoshi's song is no worse than the one he is familiar with. It can be said that each has its own merits and is good at winning.

"The most beautiful thing is not the mist and drizzle, but the first meeting with you in the rain~~~"

When Peng Xiaoshi's song finished playing, Fang Xian applauded heartily and praised: "It sounds so good!"

Peng Xiaoshi was also very satisfied with the song and said, "I have changed it many times, and I want to thank you."

"Thank me?"

"Yes, the original version was not like this, but after listening to a few of your new songs, I was stimulated. I thought I must write a song of good quality, so I changed it over and over again."

Fang Xian smiled and said, "Okay, but when I was listening to your song just now, some fragments of other melodies and lyrics suddenly came into my mind."

Peng Xiaoshi:......

"Forget it, it's not as good as your song." Fang Xian said.

Peng Xiaoshi looked at him for a few seconds and said, "Hum it out and listen."

Fang Xian recalled the song "Meet" that he was familiar with. The melody was still familiar, but he really couldn't remember a few lines of the lyrics. What he remembered were just fragments of words, such as "hear winter," "look left, right, forward," etc. What, I only remember two sentences at the climax: "Who do I meet, what kind of dialogue will there be, the person I am waiting for, how far in the future he is", and what "love number plate" is behind it...

It can only be said that it is an unpopular song by an unpopular singer.

He didn't sing the lyrics, so he hummed a few verses from memory, and when it came to the chorus, he sang two lines.

Peng Xiaoshi listened very carefully.

"That's about it, it's a bit messy."

Peng Xiaoshi said nothing. After a while, she turned to Fang Xian and said, "It's not fair!"


"Unfair!" Peng Xiaoshi emphasized again, "How come you can get such a melody and lyrics after listening to a song, but I have to think about it for so long?"

"We seem to have discussed this issue. I stand on the shoulders of giants."

Peng Xiaoshi pretended to be angry for a while, then burst into laughter and said, "Fang Xian, write this song and pay it for rent."

"Haha, yes."

Peng Xiaoshi glanced at Fang Xian with a smile, then turned to look away. The smile on her face did not diminish, and she thought to herself that she had to find a way to sign a lifetime contract with him, so that she would not have to worry about new songs in the future.

The car drove for more than ten minutes, and the poppy arrived.

 4128 words, two in one, I won’t split it.

(End of this chapter)

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