Sincere movie king

Chapter 56 The boiling scene!

Chapter 56 The boiling scene! (Please subscribe!)
The new song brought by Gu Yunnan is called "Boiling Point".

This is a work that combines Chinese and English, leaning towards R&B, and also brings a bit of gospel from black music. According to Gu Yunnan, the full version of this song will also incorporate electronic elements, making the melody of the whole song more free. , young, fashionable, international and pioneering.

After listening to his song and his introduction, all the guests expressed a feeling of shock even though they didn't understand it.

It's hard to comment.

Shen Dawei pondered for a moment and said: "Xiao Gu's song has a smooth flow, an ear-catching melody, and rich rhythm levels. It is a very bold attempt."

"Thank you, Teacher Shen." Gu Yunnan said modestly.

At this moment, I heard Fang Xian suddenly say: "I think his lyrics are also very positive and heart-warming. He encourages everyone to pursue love bravely no matter when they are at the bottom or at the top."

When Gu Yunnan saw Fang Xian speaking, his heart tightened subconsciously, not knowing what weird remarks he was going to make.

The feeling was the same as when the author of The Beginning of Another Time and Space read this chapter. He wanted to read it but was afraid of being criticized.

The on-site director team was overjoyed when they saw Fang Xian commenting on Gu Yunnan, thinking that the show was going to be a hit. However, they didn't expect that Fang Xian just praised Gu Yunnan in a normal way.

Unreasonable, totally unreasonable.

The two of them obviously had a holiday.

"Thank you." Gu Yunnan thanked Fang Xian with a dry tone, but he was secretly relieved.

Today's occasion is different from the "Tucao Conference". His complaints about himself at that time hurt him, but it was determined by the nature of the program. If he had just criticized his own song, it would have been a real criticism.

More importantly, his status in the music industry is now different from that of the "Tucao Conference", and his comments on a song already have a completely different weight.

Hou Yongyi was the last one to appear. The song he brought was "Exit in Black", which was based on his personal experience. It sang about a singer's journey from the peak to the past.

The lyrics are full of self-deprecation.

"My singing voice is still sonorous, but I have to leave the stage in good condition. Lian Po's appetite, the glow of mulberry trees, and the spicy ginger make endless bowls of poisonous chicken soup...

"Those touching old songs, no one sings them anymore..."

In terms of the depth of the songs and singing skills, Hou Yongyi is the best.

When he finished singing the last line, all the guests stood up and applauded.

"it is good!"

"My skill remains the same as before!"

"As expected of Hongyi!"

"The most completed song today." Luo Zonglun said the final word.

These are the comments made by everyone at the scene, followed by personal interviews.

It is a link in almost all variety shows, where a guest is interviewed alone and asked to comment on a certain link or person in the show.

"I personally think Mr. Hou is the best in the game, and I ranked him first."

Fang Xian gave his own evaluation in a personal interview with the program team.

"Where do you rank yourself?" the director team asked provocatively.

"Which is the highest peak in the world?" Fang Xian asked without answering.


"What about second to fifth?"

"..." The director smiled, "Do I understand what you mean?"

The voting ranking of the internal trial demo came out quickly, and Hou Yongyi took the first place as expected.

Numbers two to five are Fang Xian, Bi Yitong, Gu Yunnan and Chen Shengtao respectively.

After all, this is just an internal ranking that determines the order of appearance. It does not affect the official competition, and everyone does not feel so much pressure.

Those who are confident in their songs will secretly think that when it comes to the official competition, I will show off.

After the internal investment is completed, we enter the song production process.

The three producers will discuss with each singer one by one and provide suggestions on arrangement, accompaniment and modifications for their new songs.

This session will definitely not film the entire process of each singer making a new song. Instead, it will select key and typical parts to show the professional, serious and dedicated attitude of the musicians, and show the process of how a song is born. come out.

In this process, many knowledge points in the industry that cannot be found online will be presented to everyone. This is definitely good news for music lovers.

When this session is over, the real highlight - the stage competition - begins.


Fang Xiaobei got a ticket to the venue the day after the official announcement of Gu Yunnan in "The Next Singer-Songwriter", and it was still a public review with voting rights.

In order to convince her parents to let her go to Kunshan, she also got a ticket for her roommate Zhu Wenjing, but hers was a pure audience ticket.

This is not important. What is important is that if her classmates accompany her out, her parents will not object.

There is no way, as a die-hard fan of Gu Yunnan, I must go to the scene to support him at this critical moment.

It's a pity that the program team did not set up a negative vote. Otherwise, I would vote for Fang Xian.

The recording time is at 9 pm on September 2, and we have to queue up at 7 pm because we have to store our mobile phones and sign a confidentiality agreement before entering the venue.

For Fang Xiaobei, who often participates in live events, she is already familiar with these processes.

While waiting in line, she was doing some popular science with Zhu Wenjing:

"According to the inside information I got, this show also has an audience of actors. They are the audiences we see on TV who are very engrossed in listening to the songs and even cry."

Zhu Wenjing smiled and said, "If the program team promises to give me a close-up shot, I can cry too."

"For close-ups or interactions on stage, there is another price."

Around 6:[-], all the audience entered the venue.

Then the on-site director began to explain the recording order and how to respond in different ways to the on-site director's gestures, such as applauding, cheering, laughing, etc.

At 7 o'clock, the recording of the competition session officially started.

First, the host briefly warms up the show and introduces the rules, and then the first singer takes the stage to perform.

Chen Shengtao from Hong Kong.

As a native of Pengcheng, Fang Xiaobei is very familiar with Cantonese songs, but she has no interest in this song.

Naturally, I didn’t vote either.Chen Shengtao finally received 67 votes.

The next person to appear was Gu Yunnan.

If he hadn't been sitting in the public judging seats, Fang Xiaobei would have cheered along with the rest of the audience.

She subconsciously wanted to take out her phone to take a picture, but found that it was not on her body.

Then Gu Yunnan started to perform his new song.

My heart trembled as soon as I saw him acting up.

He's so handsome that it's beyond description.


The stage charm is really strong!
The songs can also sound very foreign, the melody has a European and American style, and the lyrics also contain large sections of English.

Fang Xiaobei's eyes lit up.

She couldn't understand why there were still people in this world who didn't like Gu Yunnan!
After the performance was over and the voting was entered, Fang Xiaobei wanted to press the voting machine ten thousand times so that he could add ten thousand points to Gu Yunnan.

In the end, Gu Yunnan received 81 votes.

An excellent score.

After Gu Yunnan was Bi Yitong.

As one of the first batch of Bay Island female artists to enter the mainland and participated in the filming of so many film and television dramas, Bi Yitong has always been very popular in the mainland, which can be seen from the cheers after her appearance.

Fang Xiaobei also voted for her.

Bi Yitong's final vote count was 83 votes.

The female singer has an advantage, and her songs are indeed pretty good.

If you are ahead, be ahead.

Next up was Fang Xian.

Fang Xiaobei's nerves became tense again.

This is her Nannan's potential rival.

She paid attention to the scene, and it seemed that the cheers were quite loud. It must be that the audience was cooperating with the director.


There was another fact that she didn't want to admit at all - Fang Xian was taller than Gu Yunnan.

Moreover, he seems to be more refreshing in person than in the video.

"What I'm looking forward to most tonight is Fang Xian."

Fang Xiaobei heard someone whisper from behind.

In fact, she also knew in her heart that in terms of expectations for the new song, except for Gu Yunnan's fans, I am afraid that everyone else would be more inclined to look forward to Fang Xian.

I don't know why, but at this moment, Yu Zecheng's name suddenly flashed in Fang Xiaobei's mind.

If he were here, he would definitely be able to complain about Fang Xian for himself.

The music on the stage has started.

A burst of elastic piano prelude sounded, pure and clear.

"Because I dreamed of you leaving, I woke up crying..."

Fang Xian's slightly magnetic singing voice sounded, and the soothing and natural melody flowed throughout the audience.

"Such superficial lyrics."

Fang Xiaobei looked at the stage expressionlessly, as if he was fighting against the singing.

But she could tell by the expressions on the other judges' faces that they loved the song.

"...As the past slowly drifts away~~How many people once admired your appearance when you were young..."

The moment the chorus sounded, Fang Xiaobei suddenly felt like his heart was being lightly hit.

After all, she is a girl of 100 or [-], the age when girlish feelings are always poetic, and she cannot [-]% resist this kind of lyrics and melody.

More importantly, these lyrics describe her feelings for Gu Yunnan!
From this perspective, he is really good at singing.

After the chorus ended, Fang Xiaobei understood that at this moment, the stage belonged to Fang Xian.

By the time he sang the second round, the atmosphere was completely upbeat.

This song is simple, but the lyrics and melody are so relevant and vivid!
It sings that unswerving emotion that always accompanies it silently and sings it so deeply into people's hearts, like the moonlight shining into the bedside at night and the fragrance of flowers entering the heart.

"When everything seems dull, is there a kind of persistence that still remains in your heart, oh~~oh~~~~"

The rising tone indicates that the song is reaching its climax.

The emotions of the audience were also moved by the music.

Finally, the song comes to an end with the line "You know I will always be by your side if you have me for the rest of my life."

Spontaneous applause and cheers erupted from the audience.

"His song is so strong live."

In the waiting room, Hou Yongyi sighed.

"I feel like I can score 90 points."

In another lounge, Bi Yitong praised.

Soon, the live votes came out.

92 votes!

The place was boiling.

Because of Fang Xian’s song and because of the number of votes.

 I saw some readers pointed out that the title of the book is about movie stars, but the protagonist sings. Is this off-topic? Please explain. First of all, the protagonist is in the starting stage and needs to gain popularity through singing. After all, the book only has 15 words. Secondly, it also refers to some movie stars. For example, Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok, Lai Ming, etc. also acted in TV series in the early days, sang and released albums to gain popularity, and then entered the film and television industry, and finally won the Best Actor.

  I will definitely write a lot about movies and TV series later in this book, thank you for the suggestion!
(End of this chapter)

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