Sincere movie king

Chapter 61 Instead of wronging yourself, it’s better to love it

Chapter 61 Instead of wronging yourself, it’s better to love it (please subscribe)
"Today is the last scene for the Yuwang Middle School basketball team to reunite. After this scene is over, Fang Xian, Han Jiabing and other students will officially wrap up."

Before the filming officially started, director Zuo Qian gave everyone some psychological preparation, hoping to create a slightly sad atmosphere, because the plot to be filmed today is about graduation and separation.

The overall tone of this drama is definitely passionate, cheerful, sporty and youthful.

Even when filming a farewell, Zuo Qian didn't want to be too sentimental, but just the right amount of melancholy and reluctance is necessary, which can add human touch to the story.

To this end, he also specially designed a jersey retirement ceremony for a certain team member. The player failed to play in the finals due to a foot injury, leaving behind his youthful regret.

On his graduation day, his teammates held a Yuwang Middle School jersey retirement ceremony for him without telling him.

"When we start filming later, everyone has a rough idea, which is to hide 30% sadness in 70% joy."

This is Zuo Qian's style of telling dramas, which quantifies emotions that cannot be truly quantified to make it easier for actors to understand.

After a while, filming officially started.

The first scene is an indoor basketball court.

Fang Xian pushed the injured classmate in from outside and told him that the basketball team was taking a group photo.

As soon as the two entered, the indoor basketball court was dark with no lights on.

"I'm going to turn on the light."

Fang Xian walked away and pretended to turn on the light.

At this moment, he heard a "dong-dong-dong" sound, and a basketball rolled over and happened to be at his feet.

At the same time, the lights in the basketball room came on.

The injured classmate looked up and saw his jersey hanging in front of him, while his teammates stood in a row and looked at him with smiles on their faces.

The injured classmate laughed, smiled, and shed tears quietly.

Then, everyone held a proper jersey retirement ceremony for him. The captain, male protagonist Qiao Fei and Fang Xian (added later) spoke successively, and finally he himself spoke.

The speech part was mainly funny. For example, when Fang Xian introduced him, he called him "the strongest point guard under the age of 18 in East China."

At the end of the ceremony, everyone agreed to meet on the basketball court in college and hoped to join the national team and become teammates again.

After this period of time, everyone's tacit understanding is getting better and better. In addition, the atmosphere inside and outside the scene coincided with each other today, so the scene was shot in one go, without any NG.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Xian and Han Jiabing's scenes in "Fly, Basketball" were all finished. The crew held a wrapping ceremony for them and cut a big cake.

It was the first time for Fang Xian to stay in the same crew for such a long time and to have such an important role. He also gained unprecedented respect from the crew off-screen.

Therefore, when he finished filming, he felt quite emotional.

Parting, sometimes, is not about a specific person or thing, but the atmosphere of parting itself is sad, and parting means the end of a certain stage of one's life.

Most of the time, what people miss, recall, and are reluctant to part with is actually everything they experienced during a certain period of time.

"Happy to finish."

When Fang Xian said goodbye to everyone one by one, the female lead in the play, Fang Xian's goddess in the play, Ding Xiao, held Fang Xian's hand and looked at Fang Xian with a hook-like smile in his eyes.

Ding Xiao is also from the draft. Although she is not in the C position and her ranking is not high, she has gained a group of male fans who like to learn yoga from her because of her amazing talent and outstanding figure.

"Let's have fun together," Fang Xian said.

"Let's go have a drink together tonight?" Ding Xiao's tone was strange, and it always seemed to have hidden meaning.

"I have something to do tonight. I don't know when it will end. I guess I won't have time." Fang Xian was going to shoot a White Elephant commercial later, which was not a lie.

"Well, I also want to make up for the regrets in the play with you." Ding Xiao joked.

"Haha." Fang Xian took it as a joke.

"Let's make an appointment next time." Ding Xiao opened his arms freely and wanted to give Fang Xian a farewell hug.

In the play, Fang Xian's character may have been looking forward to such a farewell hug in his dreams.

He didn't have anything to be shy about and hugged Ding Xiao openly.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that during the hug, Ding Xiao deliberately squeezed him with her talent.

Although it breaks apart at the first touch, the feeling is significant.

"Keep in touch." Ding Xiaoruo said nonchalantly.

"Keep in touch." Fang Xian waved.

Fang Xian sighed inwardly, as his fame grew, it was time to start being exposed to various temptations in the entertainment industry.

If he wasn't really stupid, how could he not be able to distinguish between Bi Yitong's teasing that day and Ding Xiao's hint today.

In addition, he is still a strong-blooded man in his 20s. He claims that he has no such worldly desires, but when he opens his eyes, how can he be empty?

In the past, I just heard that some young actors who want to make progress in the entertainment industry would get angry, but I will most likely encounter them in the future.

It's just that the education he received since childhood, as well as the life experience and intuition of two souls told him that when encountering this kind of thing, a gentleman should do something or not.

It should be noted that the word "sex" has a knife on its head!

Of course--

Renzi also has a knife in his heart.

It's just a knife anyway, it depends on your concentration.

Fang Xian said goodbye to the TV series crew and went straight to the next advertising crew.

He had already read the script in the advertisement, and to be honest, it was a bit ordinary.

The content of the script is divided into two parts.

The first segment is for Fang Xian to play the role of a chef, making Baixiang crispy noodles while introducing the history and sales performance of the Baixiang brand, highlighting the brand's heritage and achievements.

Then the next scene asked him to play a white-collar worker. When he was working until the afternoon, his stomach suddenly started to growl.

So I took out a bag of White Elephant Crispy Noodles from the drawer and ate them. They were delicious and crunchy, and I felt energetic immediately after eating them.

This kind of script doesn't mean it's impossible, but it just completes the task step by step, and the other party Xian himself doesn't have much blessing.

Anyone who is too lazy to watch advertisements knows that advertising needs stars, and stars also need advertising.

A good advertisement not only promotes the brand, but also increases the popularity of the celebrity.

In Fang Xian's memory of parallel time and space, he was very successful in using large powers.

At a certain time, he could hear Da Mi Mi shouting in a certain direction almost every day: Five-eight-same city!
She advertised on, and also increased her popularity through high-density advertising.

Moreover, give her money.

After that, she said - "Are you okay, are you okay..."

It's all the same.

For artists, being able to accept such an advertisement that boils the memory of audiences across the country is far more meaningful than earning an endorsement fee. It is a resource that every celebrity team is willing to fight for.

Because, from an advertising point of view, even if you make two cartoon characters, an old man and an old woman, dance there, and then add two rhyming slogans and play them repeatedly, they can brainwash the national audience.

For example, if you ask a Chinese born in the 80s or 90s what the next sentence is for "I will not accept gifts during the holidays this year", [-]% of them will be able to answer.

Since Fang Xian accepted the advertisement, he still hopes to help each other.

The most important thing is that he has many classic advertisements in his memory that he can directly transfer:
Location: supermarket.

Characters: A sunny and handsome cashier played by Fang Xian, and a long-haired beauty customer.

The beautiful customer came in from outside and after buying her own things, she glanced at Baixiang dry noodles and said, "Get another bag of Baixiang dry noodles."

Fang Xian: "This White Elephant Crispy Noodles are delicious and very fragrant." The beauty bought two bags, but only took away one bag.

Fang Xian (stopping the beauty): "Hey, your white elephant."

The beauty looked back and smiled: "Yes, your white elephant."

After the beauty finished speaking, she left gracefully.

The entire plot was completed in a short period of time, and the white elephant was mentioned four times in a row, which not only conforms to the repetition principle of advertising, but also conforms to the 15-second prime time principle of advertising.

Mainly, its success has been proven over time.

This can be regarded as backup plan 2. He also has a more appropriate plan.

Soon, Fang Xian and Cao Lihua arrived at the advertising set. They met with the directing team and brand representatives first, and after greeting each other, the director asked politely: "Teacher Fang, do you have any opinions on this advertising script?"

Fang Xiandao: "Oh, no objection, this script is quite neat.

"It's just that when I received the invitation from Bai Xiang, I remembered an experience I had in college."

"What experience?" the director was curious.

“When I was in college, my roommates and I bought Baixiang instant noodles and ate them. One day we were bored and ate snacks while improvising a play.

"Then I randomly rehearsed a play. It was a costume play. The main idea was that two great swordsmen made an appointment to compete on the top of the Forbidden City on a full moon night.

“The two swordsmen each said a cool line, and when they were about to fight, one roommate suddenly took a bite of crispy noodles, interrupting the competition. Then we temporarily changed the scene and let the two swordsmen compete for the crispy noodles... "

After Fang Xian finished speaking, he laughed and continued: "Later, my roommate joked with me that I could adapt this scene into an advertisement and send it directly to Baixiang's advertising department, haha..."

"This idea... is okay." The director is a professional after all, and he captured the highlights of this advertisement as soon as he heard it.

The representative from Baixiang also expressed interest in this advertising idea and asked with a smile: "Teacher Fang, did you change it later?"

Fang Xian smiled and nodded: "I tried to change it."

"Can you tell me more specifically?"

Fang Xian recounted the advertisement in his memory.

After speaking, the faces of the directing team and brand representatives showed vivid and wonderful expressions.

They all felt that the idea mentioned by Fang Xian was absurd and reasonable, and at the same time full of wild imagination, and the advertising effect was full.

In comparison, the commercial they were originally going to shoot was too average.

"Director Zhou, what do you think?" Representative Bai Xiangfang asked the director.

"I have to say that it's more interesting that Teacher Fang mentioned this." Director Zhou told the truth.

"Okay, everyone, wait a moment, I'll ask the leader for instructions."

The representative of Bai Xiangfang said and walked aside to make a phone call.

About 10 minutes later, the representative came over and said, "The plan has changed. We will shoot Teacher Fang instead."

After saying that, he looked at Fang Xian again: "Teacher Fang, we will sign a supplementary agreement later and add the creative planning fee to the endorsement fee."

"Yeah, no problem." Fang Xian didn't expect them to be so efficient. They would make changes as soon as they were told. He didn't know what they had experienced when discussing plans before.

Fortunately, the rented venue and pre-arranged group performances can still be used, and the scene layout can be changed.

The brand representatives and the director team first arranged for Fang Xian and Cao Lihua to rest, and signed the supplementary agreement at the same time.

In fact, the majority of the cost of this advertisement is Fang Xian's endorsement fee. In comparison, the creative planning fee is not much.

However, the brand needs to obtain authorization from Fang Xian through this agreement.

At about 6 o'clock in the evening, the preparations for the shooting were finally completed, and the crew asked Fang Xian to put on makeup.

When he arrived at the dressing room, Fang Xian saw a strange and outstanding young actress who was also putting on makeup. When he saw him coming in, he stood up and said hello:
"Hello, Mr. Fang, I am Meng Ziyi, a sophomore acting student at Beijing Film Academy. I am very happy to play with you."

Yes, the director changed the male swordsman who confronted Fang Xian into a female swordsman.

He also suddenly understood one of the reasons why they agreed to change the filming of commercials - to arrange for their new actors to play opposite him.

"Hello, Xuemei Meng." Fang Xian responded politely when he saw that the other party behaved politely and politely.

After all, he is an alumnus, so Fang Xian doesn't care about this kind of innocuous and effortless care. It's all good luck.

So, the new advertising plot becomes like this:
In a certain cinema, a dozen viewers were watching a martial arts movie.

On the big screen, the white swordsman played by Fang Xian and the red swordsman played by Meng Ziyi faced off with swords.

The evening wind is bleak, dead leaves are falling, sand and dust are flying, and the atmosphere is solemn.

The two swordsmen seemed to be fighting to the death.

The swordsman in red drew his sword and stabbed the swordsman in white.

Just after running a few steps forward and sitting in the front row of the theater, the audience member, also played by Fang Xian, took a bite of White Elephant Crispy Noodles.

The female swordsman in red fell to the ground with a thump.

"who is it--"

After roaring angrily, he rushed out of the big screen angrily, pointed his sword at the audience Fang Xian, and said in a cold tone: "Please don't eat it in the theater -"

After a pause, he threw himself in front of Fang Xian, his expression and tone changed into a coquettish and coquettish state: "Bai Xiang simply makes noodles."

At the same time, Fang Xian, the swordsman in white on the movie screen, was looking for the swordsman in red everywhere.

At this point, the ad is over.

This advertising idea comes from Fang Xian's childhood memories - "Please don't eat it in the theater, Xiao Xiaosu~~"

Through this advertisement, Fang Xian can imprint his cool and handsome appearance in white costumes in the minds of the audience, and strive to occupy a place in the "Ancient Costume Character Dominion Zone".

The brand got a creative and memorable advertisement.

The director team let the female artist they admired show her face in advance, and they also caught Fang Xian's popularity.

Killing three birds with one stone, everyone has a happy harvest.

The filming part was not complicated, there were only two scenes in total, and it did not require too complicated acting skills. The main thing was the concave shape. Fang Xian played two roles by himself, and he did not encounter too many challenges.
Meng Ziyi had a change of expression, but it was not as difficult as her class assignment.

The shoot went smoothly and was completed within a few hours.

The rest is post-production effects.

Then Fang Xian also needs to take several sets of photos separately to print on the crispy noodle bags and advertising stickers.

On the way back to Dongxiangyang Community, I saw a WeChat message from Tang Pei, a reporter from "Dengtuzi", asking him to forward the official WeChat account of "Dengtuzi" that previewed his interview.

After Fang Xian replied, he clicked on Weibo to forward it and commented casually: "Some poisonous chicken soup, please understand and use it according to your own situation. Sometimes you clearly understand a lot of truth, but you still internally consume yourself."

Not long after forwarding, the comments started to refresh.

Fang Xian habitually browsed the comment area and picked out a few typical replies.

While I was refreshing, I suddenly saw a comment from a netizen with the ID name "Peng Xiaoshi" and a gold V: "So what is your real secret to resisting internal friction?"

Fang Xian specifically clicked on the homepage and took a look, and it turned out to be Peng Xiaoshi.

This guy!
Fang Xian thought for a while and replied:
"Instead of abusing yourself, it's better to love yourself."

Peng Xiaoshi quickly replied: "Okay, I learned it."

Fang Xian smiled and was about to lie down and rest for a while, when a reminder came to his mind:
 4391 words, two in one.

(End of this chapter)

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