What bad intentions can a temple blessing have?

Chapter 62: The army surrounds the mountain!

Chapter 62: The army surrounds the mountain!

The underworld is not a good place for most creatures.

This realm can almost be said to be a forbidden land for living beings.

But at the same time, the underworld, as one of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, has a very important mission.

It can even be said that if the heavens and the human world want to function normally, the participation of the underworld is indispensable.

Therefore, heaven's control over the underworld is also very tight.

There is Emperor Fengdu, the incarnation of the crape myrtle emperor, at the top, and at the bottom there is Yama of the Ten Palaces to control the specific affairs, and there is also the imperial ghost king of the ten directions to assist Yama in regulating the wandering souls in the underworld.

It can be said that except for the eighteen levels of hell, all other realms are under the absolute control of heaven.

The reason why we say there are other than the eighteen levels of hell is because there is a great supernatural being under the eighteen levels of hell.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

This great Buddhist Bodhisattva guards under the eighteen levels of hell and makes great aspirations. He vows not to become a Buddha until the hell is empty.

Therefore, in a sense, the person in charge of the eighteen levels of hell is this Bodhisattva.

But these have little to do with Jiang Qi, and he doesn't care about the political struggles in the underworld.

That's something that beings like my great-uncle should consider.

Jiang Qi is now standing in front of the gate of hell.

There were several monsters and monsters standing in front of them.

Well, the literal kind.

Black and white impermanence are juxtaposed with bull heads and horse faces. In front of these four messengers of the underworld are two ghost kings.

Shen Tu Yu Lei controls Taozhi Mountain.

Ranked among the top ten ghost kings.

"I've seen angels before."

Black and white, with an ox's head and a horse's face, and gods like tea and thunder. After seeing Jiang Qi, they all bowed and bowed.

Although he was a little suspicious of Jiang Qi's cultivation, which was only at the peak of human immortality, his attitude became more and more friendly.

Although these three realms are huge, they can be analyzed down to their roots in just four words.


At the age of 15, he was at the peak of human immortality. The name of the god was recorded on the immortal monument. Yang Jian was the only direct descendant and taught the four generations of disciples.

It can even be said that they are members of the heavenly family.

With all these backgrounds and talents, who would really think that the little Taoist priest in red in front of him is a simple peak human being?
As long as this young man doesn't die young, he is destined to be a trendsetter in the future of the Three Realms.

Having said that, even if he dies young, the big guys behind him will always have ways to get him back.

"Thank you everyone."

Jiang Qi nodded with a smile and said: "I am just starting out on the path and everything is not working out. This time I was pushed to the top by my master. I am really scared."

"I also ask for your help. Xiaodao would like to thank you."

When these words were translated into the ears of the ghost kings, messengers of the underworld, they became like this:

My master is watching, if you work well and cooperate with me, the benefits will be great.

But if you get in trouble for me, don't blame me for not being ethical and calling my parents.

After all, I was still a kid who didn’t understand anything.

"Where did the angels come from? The true king has disciples like angels. He is really envious of others."

"Yes, yes, we will definitely work together to prevent the angels from returning in vain."

"Whatever the angels command, we will obey."

Hearing this, Jiang Qi cupped his hands and said, "In this way, Xiaodao will feel at ease."

"May I ask how many men and horses the two ghost kings Shen Tu and Yu Lei can mobilize?"

This question made Shentu Yulei stunned for a moment, and then replied: "There are [-] ghost soldiers in Taozhi Mountain."

Jiang Qi just nodded, looked at the four messengers from the underworld, and asked: "If the four messengers have orders from heaven, how many troops can they mobilize?"

"If there is an order from the Judiciary Hall, approximately [-] ghost soldiers can be mobilized."

Niutou looked stern, and after reporting, he replied: "It's just that we have never received the order to mobilize troops..."

The ghost soldiers of the underworld are different from the private soldiers of the ten ghost kings. If they want to be mobilized on a large scale, they have to be sent to Fengdu.Even if there is an order from the Judiciary Hall, the maximum is [-].

"Then thirty thousand."

Jiang Qi smiled and said: "As for the order, Master will make up for it later."

"If some of you are worried, Xiaodao will turn around and go to heaven in person to find your uncle... The Great Heavenly Lord will report it, and you will not let these envoys take the responsibility."

As soon as these words came out, the black, white and impermanent minotaurs looked at each other and bowed their heads in response.

Can a dignified immortal cultivator know how to talk?

Will not.

This is telling them that the people above me on the trail have reached the sky.

No, it should have reached the sky.

So what else is there to say?

After half an hour.

The [-] ghost soldiers from Taozhi Mountain, plus the [-] ghost soldiers from the underworld, and about [-] soldiers and horses, led by four messengers from the underworld and two ghost kings, marched to the Seven Sins Mountain in a mighty manner.

Along the way, I didn't know how many ghosts and ghosts were disturbed, but no one dared to feel resentful.

Although the underworld is large, it is generally peaceful. If more than three thousand ghost soldiers pass through, it is already a big event.

Not to mention now, there are [-] elites!
What's going on here?

Is Feng going on an expedition?Is this the forward army?
There was an old ghost who watched tremblingly, guessing in his mind the purpose of this army.

The soldiers and horses of the underworld don't need to worry about the baggage, they can march very quickly.

In just a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the Seven Sins Mountain.

"Angel, is this right here?"

Shen Tu was a little confused. Logically speaking, this realm was not far from Taozhi Mountain, so there shouldn't be any existence of big ghosts and devils.

If so, then he, the Ghost King, has neglected his duty.

Could it be that the Hall of Justice got some news that it didn't know about?
"Yes, it is here."

Jiang Qi squinted his eyes and looked over, nodded, and then said: "Please use your strength to surround this mountain and don't let a single monster go."


When the four envoys and the two ghost kings saw how serious Jiang Qi was, they did not dare to neglect him.

Especially Shen Tu Yu Lei.

To be able to go to this young master with such a big fanfare, is there really a demon king hiding in the Seven Sins Mountain?
If this is the case, then the crime of dereliction of duty will be your own!

Thinking of this, Shen Tu Yulei looked awe-inspiring.

It is not too late!
"The ghost soldiers obey orders!"

Shen Tu and Yu Lei each sat astride a white tiger with golden eyes, their evil aura visible to the naked eye.

"Destroy the mountain!"

With a single order, [-] ghost soldiers moved into action, their evil aura shocking the heavens.

Under the control of the two ghost kings, the formation was formed, and the boundless evil energy was overwhelming, condensing into a huge skull head.

This skull is grinning ferociously, and is actually a lot bigger than the Seven Sins Mountain!
"Jie Jie Jie!!"

Accompanied by a tooth-crushing grin, the skull hit the Seven Sins Mountain with a deafening roar!
"All troops charge!"

Shentu Yulei did not dare to neglect. In their opinion, the lack of response from Qisu Mountain was the biggest response!

This means that the evil spirit of the [-] ghost soldiers is insignificant in the eyes of the beings lurking in the Seven Sins Mountain!

This made Shen Tu Yulei secretly frightened.

It also forces them to take the lead!

Fight to the death!Use this to wash away the sin of dereliction of duty!
Shentu Yulei made up his mind and rushed towards the ruined Seven Sins Mountain.

Jiang Qi was a little surprised by his determination.

Have these two taken the gunpowder?So positive

(End of this chapter)

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