New York 2006

Chapter 118 The Media Storm

Chapter 118 The Media Storm
"This morning, the bloodiest campus shooting in history occurred in the United States. A gunman broke into Virginia Tech and killed 32 people. Nearly 30 others were injured, making it the largest mass shooting in the United States to date."

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Ji stood in the office of a multicultural new media company, watching with a group of employees the school shooting case that shocked the entire United States today on NBC TV.

"According to a report by Michael Schneider, a female columnist at the Chicago Sun-Times, the murderer is a Chinese, a 24-year-old foreign student who obtained a visa from China's Magic City on August 2006, 8. He took a United Airlines flight into San Francisco and went to the United States to study on a student visa. After causing this incident, the man committed suicide by swallowing a gun."

NBC TV station then showed some live footage. Near the Virginia Tech teaching building, a group of police with live ammunition surrounded the teaching building, but they stood outside and did not dare to enter. This is a normal operation of the American police.

The video of the scene lasted for more than three minutes, with gunshots heard from time to time.The entire news report lasted 8 minutes, taking up a lot of time.

"Let's watch the next news, today..."

After Luo Ji and others finished reading the news report, they all looked at each other for a moment.Most of the employees in multicultural new media companies are from ethnic minorities, but the majority are Chinese.This news report is very unfavorable to Chinese Americans.

The Chinese people know very clearly that no matter how hard they try to change, their bloodline cannot be changed.

Luo Ji knew what he should do now. He clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention: "The suspect's name has not been mentioned in the news media. I want all of you to take action now to find out what exactly happened? What’s the source of the news.”

Everyone in the office immediately took action, making phone calls and checking the news online.Luo Ji thought for a while and called accountant Lin Qingji and Liu Shu from the Multicultural Broadcasting Corporation to ask him to find out what happened through his connections with Chinese people in the United States.

"I found it, come and take a look. This is most likely the source of the news." Within 10 minutes, an employee sitting in front of the computer said immediately.

Luo Ji and others immediately walked over. It turned out that this was a Reddit community post, and the content of Wayne Chiang's blog was posted in the post.

The post stated that Wayne Jiang was the murderer of the Virginia Tech shooting, which matched the characteristics of the gunman described by the police: East Asian, recently broken up in love, and fond of guns.

Jiang Weien's blog posted more than 20 pictures of various guns, many of which showed him playing with guns, shooting, and shots of a group of deer being shot dead and lying on the ground.

Luo Ji said, "The description of this man really sounds like a murderer. Is this the source of the news? But judging from his English name, Wayne Chiang is the Western Pinyin, not the Chinese Pinyin. He should He is someone from outside mainland China. This is inconsistent with the news reports."

"Look here, Jiang Wei'en made a statement on Myspace, saying that he himself is not the shooter. He went to school in another teaching building all day today, and his classmates and roommates can all vouch for him."

"Then who is the source of the Chicago Sun-Times? Could it be that they copied it from the Internet?" Luo Ji said.

Just then an employee came over: "I just called Chicago Sun-Times reporter Michael Schneider. She said that the source of the information is confidential and she has no comment."

Luo Ji always felt that something was wrong.Although her entire report is conclusive, it is also very detailed.But there is no picture, no truth, and no explanation of the source of the news, which is a bit intriguing.

Everyone in the company went to check the source of the news, and Luo Ji continued to collect reactions from other media online.

After some searching, Luo Ji found that not only American media, but also CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, KBS, and WBBM had cited his views.Even some mainstream media in Europe, Japan, and South Korea quoted the Chicago Sun-Times report.

Even some mainstream media in China, Malaysia, Singapore and other Chinese regions have cited this source.Is this report really true?

This seemed to have set off a media storm around the world. Luo Ji even discovered that a small media affiliated with the British BBC had published such a report.

"According to some U.S. insiders, the shooting at Virginia Tech was initially suspected to be a terrorist attack. Now the social relations of the Chinese student have been sent to judicial officials through the U.S. network to search for people in the U.S. Possible terrorism.”

M-Fxxk, isn’t this just plain fake news.Luo Ji simply did not believe that information that had not been dug up by the American media would be exposed by a small British media.

Living in the West, one thing can be clearly felt.The Western world is relatively tolerant of Latinos, blacks, Indians, Middle Easterners, and South Asians in some aspects, but it is wary of or ignores people from several East Asian countries.

A series of media controlled by white Westerners have an internal unspoken rule that they will discredit, report less or ignore the achievements of East Asian people.

This is because the white elites of the West know clearly that the only people on this planet who can threaten them are East Asians.The average IQ of East Asians generally exceeds that of white Westerners.

British anthropologist Richard Lynn's "Racial and National Differences in Intelligence" shows that, regardless of humanistic factors, there is a close correlation between the development of a country and the IQ of a race.


From an evolutionary perspective, East Asia has always been the most densely populated place in the world. People are under extremely high pressure to survive. The worst living environment has created a race of highly intelligent people.It can also be judged from the sexual maturity stages of children of various races. East Asians take the longest time to reach sexual maturity and their brains are also the most fully developed.

Starting from the real world, as long as it is a region or country where East Asians make up the majority, economic, technological or military development is generally better.Able to reach the first echelon in the world.For example, China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Korea.

Therefore, regarding the biggest possible threat, from the perspective of realist international relations, it is not difficult to understand the attitude of the Western world towards East Asian countries. "Logic, I contacted the Chinese International Students and Scholars Association at Virginia Tech. I have asked them to find out what happened." A Chinese employee said.


The office areas of multicultural new media companies are not very large, and there is no separate office for Luo Ji.He could only wait when he came to the general manager's office.About half an hour later, the general manager came to Luo Ji.

"Through the efforts of Virginia Tech students, many witnesses were found, but there was no definite information at all. Some said it was a Korean, some said it was Japanese, some said it was Chinese. There were different opinions, but the witnesses were all sure. He is an East Asian, and so many media have reported that he is Chinese, so there should be no mistake, otherwise we should just think about how to deal with the aftermath."

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "I still feel something is not right. The news quoted by various media outlets around the world now comes from the right-wing newspaper "Chicago Sun-Times". If that female reporter can easily find the source of the news, I don't believe it." Other media outlets couldn't find it. But the sources in the press now are all one-sided statements from that woman."

Jingle bell, jingle bell.Luo Ji picked up the phone and saw that it was Liu Shu calling.

"Ronald Ronaldinho, I asked someone from the Virginia Chinese Mutual Aid Association and I have determined the gunman's information from within the police station. He is a Korean with permanent residency in the United States. He has lived in the United States since he was a child. His name is Zhao Chengxi."

"Have you found out his information?"

"Of course, we bribed people within the police station to obtain the information. I will fax the information to you now. You will quickly disseminate it through new media channels, and I will also disseminate it through radio channels."


At [-] p.m., with the help of YouTube executive Chen Shijun, the news about the real perpetrator of the Virginia shooting had reached the homepage of YouTube.The people appearing in the video are self-media people from multicultural media.

"After in-depth investigation, I got detailed information from the police station near Virginia Tech. The murderer is Cho Seung-hee, a Korean living in the United States. He himself..."

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang.The employees of Multicultural Media present applauded. Luo Ji watched all this quietly and smiled.

"Boss, the matter was handled very satisfactorily. The Internet media people in our company can be considered a moderate hot spot."

"Yeah." Luo Ji then whispered: "That right-wing female reporter from the Chicago Sun-Times, Michael Schneider, don't let her go, start an Internet media storm for me and make her look bad. By the way. Test the power of new media.”

"OK, I understand."

Five days later, Luo Ji came to South Korea from a concert in Tokyo, Japan, and saw that the front-page headlines of Korean newspapers were still related to the shooting.

"In order to commemorate the 32 students who died in the Virginia shooting, South Korean society should conduct self-reflection and repentance, and create opportunities to reintegrate into mainstream American society. The top leaders of the South Korean government should take turns to go on a hunger strike for 32 days."

"Korean people should feel a deep sense of shame and should deeply reflect on why this happened to Koreans."

"As a Korean, Cho Seung-hee should not have become the perpetrator of the largest school tragedy in American history. This makes me feel deeply ashamed as a Korean."

Luo Ji watched the news speechlessly. Korean society is reflecting on the strangeness, right? Zhao Chengxi has lived in the United States since he was a child, and received an American education. His outburst is also related to long-term racial discrimination and bullying.I don’t know why Koreans react so strongly.

Before Cho Seung-hee committed suicide, he sent 43 photos and 27 audio and video files to NBC.It tells about the bullying and racial discrimination he suffered, but the major media in the United States have no motivation to continue reporting on this aspect.Just a quick mention and that was it.

This matter has become a hot topic in the United States. It seems that only Korean society cares about it.

In 2006, there were 1.4 gun-related murders and 1.6 gun-suicides in the United States.Living in the United States, shooting incidents are so common that everyone has become numb.Everyone is starting to pay attention to the bloody gossip in the entertainment industry again.

But think about it. Since South Korea’s financial crisis at the end of the last century, the country’s proud economy has suffered a huge crisis and had to introduce the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to rescue it. With the help of the IMF, Wall Street capital has invested in many Korean companies. House chaebol, bank.

In this regard, foreign capital accounts for nearly half of the shares of several large chaebols in South Korea.The Korean people have completely become workers.The entire country has also lost its independence and independence, and has completely turned to the United States.

In addition, the United States has troops stationed in South Korea, so we can probably understand the overreaction of the South Korean government and media.

Luo Ji and others rested for a while. In the evening, Luo Ji led the team to the Seoul Olympic Main Arena.He has had several performance experiences overseas, Luo Ji said in Korean.

"Everybody, good evening to my friends in Seoul."

Yeah yeah yeah, ahhhh.In an instant, the entire stadium was filled with cheers from the audience!

(End of this chapter)

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