New York 2006

Chapter 128 Special Relationship

Chapter 128 Special Relationship
At ten o'clock in the afternoon on July 2007, 7, Luo Ji, Taylor, Fergie, and British singer Lily Allen were sitting in the VIP box of Wembley Stadium in London, enjoying the song "Are You Ready" sung by Elton John on the stage? Are you ready to welcome love?"

Today is a concert to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of Princess Diana. The concert started at [-] pm and has lasted for six hours.

This time is much longer than the two-hour concert of an ordinary singer. Therefore, the tickets for this concert are also quite expensive, with an average cost of 200 meters per person.

Although the price was very expensive, all the tickets were sold. 63000 spectators came and the entire stadium was filled. It was considered a very large concert.

Luo Ji is the most popular new singer this year, and the organizers' attitude towards him is quite good.

Most singers only perform two songs, but Luo Ji was arranged to perform three songs, and the time was also at the prime time of eight o'clock in the evening.The live broadcast during this time period has the highest ratings.

Luo Ji first performed "We don't talk anymore" with Taylor, and then performed "We are young" with Aunt Sha.

Finally, the song "Long Live Life" set off the audience. All 63000 spectators sang with him. The show was very exciting. The audience all shouted for an encore in the audience, hoping that Luo Ji could perform another song.

But Luo Ji didn't dare to make his own decisions in this kind of serious commemorative concert. After the performance, Luo Ji and Taylor went to the box that the organizer had arranged for them and continued to enjoy the concert.There were already two people sitting inside, Lily Allen and Fergie.

Now, the time has reached ten o'clock in the evening. Elton John on the stage finished singing a song, and the audience burst into warm applause. He bowed to the audience and then left the stage. Prince William and his brother Harry followed. The prince walked onto the stage.

Prince William took the speech and said: "Ten years ago, my mother Diana went to a better place. Today we commemorate her life. Although she has passed away, her will still continues. Sing today All proceeds from the association will be used to fulfill her lifetime wish and help homeless people and children with AIDS."

"Today's concert ends here, thank you all, thank you!"

The entire concert was completely over and everyone was leaving one after another.Video images of Princess Diana during her lifetime were played on the big screen in the stadium, as if to remind everyone of the kind and beautiful princess who had passed away.

Everyone in the VIP box also stopped to watch, falling into sentimental nostalgia, but this emotion soon disappeared. The staff opened the door to guide everyone, and everyone returned to reality.

Lily Allen was the liveliest one among the three. She looked familiar and took the initiative to entertain Luo Ji, Taylor and Fergie, three Americans, as if she were the host: "There will be a royal family event later. Party, you three go and have fun together.”

I know this, Luo Ji complained in his mind, the people leading the way are those who work for the royal family.The British royal family pays great attention to etiquette in treating others, and everything is arranged in an orderly manner.

Luo Ji actually wanted to laugh when he saw Lily Allen. He heard the Sun reported that Lily Allen used to be a streetwalker and a member of a London gang. He didn't know if it was true or not.

Fergie turned to Luo Ji and Taylor and warned, "You two are underage and don't drink when you go to a party later. This party is very serious."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Don't worry, there will never be any trouble between the two of us. We are good children."

"Yes." Taylor agreed with a smile.

Fergie complained: "I believe Taylor is a good boy, but as for you, I don't really believe it."

Several people were in a VIP box, and they were almost familiar with each other. It was okay to make some innocuous jokes to each other.

Led by royal staff, several people came to the parking lot and drove to a hotel near the stadium. There was a security check facility at the door, and several royal security teams in suits and ties stood there.

After successfully passing the security check, a few people walked into the hotel. The party was a buffet-style buffet.Luo Ji took a closer look and saw that there were already many people socializing inside.

Lily Allen said excitedly: "Look, it's the queen."

Luo Ji looked over and saw that the Queen of England was chatting with former South African President Nelson Mandela.

Standing around were former U.S. President Mr. Bilk, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair who had just stepped down, and several former politicians from Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

Except for South Africa, these white English-speaking countries, although they are independent on the surface, are inextricably linked to each other.

Many political figures' personal aides, funders and think tanks in these countries are transnational and cross-regional.There is a lot of capital in these countries, and multinational companies are also among you, and you are among them.The political systems are similar, the laws are all maritime law systems, and many lobbying groups are also transnational.Their intelligence agencies also communicate with each other. Coupled with historical factors, these countries have a special relationship that goes beyond ordinary countries.

Fergie had a smile on her face, and she felt very happy to be able to attend such a top party: "Will there be a photo session later?"

"Yeah." Lily Allen said.

Luo Ji was not interested in paying attention to these big shots at this time. He had something to eat with Taylor at six o'clock in the afternoon. He was already feeling a little hungry: "I'm going to have something to eat. Do you want to join us?"


Luo Ji walked to the food area, picked up a plate and selected from the buffet.Although British food is known as dark cuisine, the quality of the food at such a royal party is naturally not bad.

"Tyler, this is shepherd's pie. Please have more. I've had it before and it tasted good." Luo Ji recommended.

"I'm losing weight and don't want to eat anything too greasy."

"Are you still losing weight? Being too thin is bad for your health." Luo Ji whispered, "You're so thin that you're almost shaking your hands. I like something a little fleshier."

Taylor looked around and found that no one heard him, so he was relieved: "Don't talk nonsense in this situation."

"Okay, then you need to eat more." Luo Ji stared at Taylor closely.


A few people got their food and found an empty seat to sit down.Luo Ji, who had been hungry all night, immediately started eating with gusto.In less than 10 minutes, a large plate of food was delivered to Luo Ji's stomach.

Luo Ji raised his head and saw that the three ladies, who didn't have much food to begin with, were still handling the food slowly and gracefully.I usually don't eat so slowly, Luo Ji said to himself as he looked at Taylor.

After drinking some orange juice, Luo Ji patted his belly with satisfaction, then said with a smile, "Do you usually eat so slowly?"

"Pay attention to the occasion, this is a party for the British royal family." Fergie said seriously.

Luo Ji smiled and pointed to a place in the banquet venue and said, "You are eating so slowly that you almost miss the photo. Look there, everyone has already started shaking hands with the Queen and taking photos."

The three women raised their heads and took a look, immediately started eating the food quickly, and finished the meal after a while.

Singers like them perform for free, and the British royal family doesn't pay them, so they must pay for the group photos.Otherwise, how can these singers brag to their relatives and friends?

There are several photographers who specialize in taking photos with the Queen, all specially sent by the British royal family. Luo Ji relied on his own experience in shooting music videos and found that the shooting techniques of these photographers were very professional.

The shooting speed was very fast. After all, the Queen is already old. She wore white gloves on her hands and used expression management that she had practiced countless times. She greeted a few people very appropriately and shook hands one by one. Several photographers around her clicked. Kaka kept taking photos.

"It's your turn." Taylor reminded him
With what he thought was his best smile, Luo Ji took the group photo in just over a minute.What the Queen said was clichés like hello, your music is great.The photos will be reviewed by the royal family and handed over to them and the media. The purpose of this is to prevent any black photos from leaking out.The British royal family was screwed badly by the media in the last century, and now they are beginning to pay attention to this issue.

"Come on, let's go find other people to socialize with."

Taylor, who had just finished taking a photo with the Queen, was still a little flushed due to excitement.White people in English-speaking countries, no matter how disdainful they are for the royal family, in their hearts they still have great respect for the descendants of the monarchs who once led them to colonize the world.

Luo Ji wasn't that excited, he felt more normal.

"Okay." Taylor held Luo Ji's arm, and the two of them hung out at the party.

The two of them are quite popular. People from the media, business circles and political circles are very interested in them and are willing to chat with them.

Having experienced the experience in Chicago, Luo Ji knew that situations like this usually just seemed familiar and everyone only exchanged pleasantries on the surface.Luo Ji has now adapted to this situation.

"Logic, your album is selling very well in the UK, setting a record for the best album sales by an American singer in the British music market in recent years. Taylor's singles are also doing well." Natasha Kaplinsky smiled He continued: "I wonder if you are willing to be interviewed by the BBC?"

Natasha Kaplinsky, a well-known presenter in the British television industry, spoke at Princess Diana's concert today. She is considered one of the famous representatives of British television.

"Okay. But the recording needs to be finished before the [-]th, and we have to go back to New York, USA to attend the Live Earth concert."

"No problem. I know this global concert is about environmental issues."

When Luo Ji heard what she said, he suddenly thought that the media people should be better informed, so he said, "This concert was initiated by Al Gore. Do you know him?"

"Yes, former Vice President of the United States."

Natasha Kaplinsky continued: "He will give a speech at the Live Earth concert in London on July 7, calling on everyone to pay attention to environmental protection."

"I know this."

Luo Ji then spoke: "He said that governments around the world don't pay much attention to the issue of climate change and hope to promote the concept of environmental protection to the public through singing. Do you think he is right?"

Natasha Kaplinsky looked at Luo Ji in surprise, not expecting that the 16-year-old singer really cared about this topic.

But as a news media person, she is still professional: "It makes sense. The Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was signed in 1997, making greenhouse gas control or emission reduction a legal obligation for developed countries. But countries have to implement it It was procrastinating and didn’t take action until recently.”

"How do you say that?" Luo Ji asked curiously.

“The UK released a draft climate change bill in March this year, outlining a framework to achieve a mandatory 2050% reduction in carbon emissions by 60. Other European countries have also submitted similar drafts. However, it will take some time to pass. So from There is a certain basis for public opinion to force the government to legislate to promote environmental protection."

Luo Ji asked seriously: "Where can I see these bills?"

“You can find it on the websites of European governments.”

"Okay." Luo Ji stretched out his hand to shake her hand: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Natasha Kaplinsky smiled and continued: "As for the exclusive interview, it should be in these two days. Remember to set aside time."

"Ok." Taylor and Luo Ji said in unison.


"How about we go back to the hotel!"

Luo Ji suggested that Taylor would be a foil when socializing with him.She didn't seem to be used to this kind of situation. She was smiling forcefully. She looked a little tired after a hard day's work.

"I'll just accompany you. It's a good thing for you to expand your network." Taylor said reasonably.

Luo Ji glanced around and saw that all the older people had disappeared. Their energy could not keep up. The only people left in the party were young people in their 30s and [-]s, drinking and chatting.

"Let's go, we can't drink. I'm a little tired too. There's no point in staying here."


Luo Ji and Taylor said hello to Prince William, Lily Allen, and Fergie and left. When they were about to walk around a corner in the hotel corridor, three old white men suddenly appeared in front of them, talking to each other from behind. Luo Ji only recognized one person, former President Bierke, and the other two were unknown to Luo Ji.

They were talking loudly, and Luo Ji vaguely heard Lolita, Little St. James Island and the like.

Luo Ji didn't pay attention to this. He wanted to get acquainted with the former president Mr. Birk, so he shouted: "Mr. Birk!"

Mr. Bilke turned around and said, "It turns out to be Logic. Are you going back to the hotel to rest?"


Mr. Bierke was very approachable and said with a smile: "Thank you for supporting my wife. She told me that you have always supported her."

“I love her politics!”

A few people walked and chatted, out of social etiquette.Mr. Bilke introduced the two old white men next to him to Luo Ji: "Here, let me introduce you. This is Epstein, a famous fund manager on Wall Street. This is Prince Andrew, a member of the royal family."

"Hello!" Luo Ji shook hands with several people.

After chatting for a while, a few people arrived outside the hotel.Mr. Bierke didn't seem to have any intention of having a deep conversation with Luo Ji. He told Luo Ji and Taylor to be careful on the road, and then got into the prepared car.


Luo Ji was a little disappointed. This person had a very important position in the Democratic Party. If he could get in touch with him, he would get a lot of conveniences in the future.

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future." Taylor seemed to sense Luo Ji's disappointment and patted his hand gently to comfort him.

"I am fine."

Luo Ji quickly pulled away from his emotions, took Taylor's hand and said, "Tonight, I want to..."

(End of this chapter)

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